"Sir, I don't think we can do this. We have gone into some misunderstandings."

Just as Jia Yan and Laita continued their research, after experiencing what seemed like several near-successes and finally failing, Laita began to comfort them cautiously.

"There is only a model like me, and the number of people is too small. My personal physical condition, my current strength, and my unique personal cultivation habits all have a great impact on the results. So, Sir, I wonder if you still have a professor Others are Yin and Yang? Why not let them join in, maybe there will be more gains."

Hearing this, Jia Yan pondered.

Laita's suggestion is correct.

Any research, multiple groups of controls, even 'double-blind trials', 'controlled trials', etc., are extremely necessary.

The Yin-Yang Dao combined with the Formation Dao cultivation technique developed by Laita alone does indeed seem a bit too weak.

"More practice templates..."

Jia Yan gently shook the mosquito's head.

After so many days, even he was immersed in research, which consumed a lot of mental energy and made him feel dizzy.

"Actually, we don't need more templates for long-term research now. We just need to take the first step and cast a wide net to catch more fish..."

Jia Yan thought for a while and finally nodded.

"That's it, let's take a detour and go to the 'Yin Yang Sect' I founded. The number of disciples there, as well as the ordinary experts who practice Yin Yang Dao, should be quite a lot now. Anyway, it's just the beginning, so it should be wasted We don’t have much time.”

Laita knew that Jia Yan once left a Taoist tradition in the central star field of the Milky Way.

"Okay, sir, seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. I have long heard Edisha mention the Yin Yang Sect founded by your Lord. This is the time to see how powerful it is in the past."

"Farewell, that is just a small force. It is unknown whether it still exists today."

Jia Yan smiled.

Of course, the Yin Yang Sect was also a force that he spent a lot of effort to create. Although the original intention was just to collect resources to help him cultivate, it actually had some inheritance meaning later on.

If the crow's mouth turns out to be a prophecy, he will let the forces that destroyed the Yin Yang Sect see the wrath of his current 'territorial master's back rank' strength...

In the entire galaxy, the late-stage powers of the galaxy are almost invisible, and the peak of the galaxy is more like a legend.

Therefore, no matter where he goes, he has the power of a late-level Domain Lord to run rampant.

"Yin Yang Sect..."

Jia Yan thought about it and felt a little emotional.

It had been a long time since he had thought about the sect he had founded so vigorously.

At the beginning, it was not without imagination that with this sect, it would develop into a super-large force in the central star region of the Milky Way.

But in the end, he chose the old path.

Continue to travel alone to the end of the world and become stronger.

After sighing, Jia Yan looked at the distant starry sky outside the subspace.

Now, even if he is in the tenth dimension, the scenery of the outer starry sky is like looking across the sea. Although it is blurry, he can see it almost.

Yin Yang Sect.

A force that has taken root in the central star field of the Milky Way.

When we started as a small 'Farmer Starry Sky', the starting point was too low, and we couldn't develop rapidly even though we recruited many talented people.

However, the Yin Yang Sect has an extremely unique advantage.

Or rather, there are two.

One of them is naturally the leader of the Yin Yang Sect. The suspected ‘territory master’ named ‘Yin Yang’ is at least the first-level peak existence of a star. With the strength of this person, it is destined that the Yin Yang Sect will not be destroyed at all in this backward area.

Secondly, it is about the current strength of Yin Yang Sect.

The development time of Yin Yang Sect is too short, and the strength of the disciples in the sect is naturally not strong enough. However, they have the Yin Yang Dao inherited from "Yin Yang". This Yin Yang Dao not only has extremely exaggerated individual combat strength, but also has joint fighting methods.

As long as they join hands, it is no problem for ordinary disciples to leap one level to kill the enemy.

As a result, after Yin Yang disappeared, the Yin Yang Sect survived several attacks and managed to survive.

"Aopin, last time you went out, did you find out about Master?"

"No... Alas, senior brother, you don't have to worry. Master is not in the central star field of the Milky Way. With his strength, there is no danger anywhere he goes."

"Yes, I was just wondering whether he is satisfied or dissatisfied with the development of our Yin Yang Sect."

Under a clear sky, on a planet, two powerful creatures were sitting silently on the ground.

One of these two great creatures has already reached star level strength.

The other one is at the Venerable level, but judging from the title, the one at the Astral level actually calls the Venerable-level being ‘Senior Brother’.

The star-level creature shook its head silently and looked at the sky.

Back then, when he was the leader of a small force, he never thought that one day he would become a disciple of a force and walk on the right path in this force.

Over the years, his reputation has completely turned around. From a gangster-like leader of a small force, he has become a righteous disciple praised by everyone.

The reputation of the Yin Yang Sect in the neighborhood is so good that even Ao Pin, a person who often goes out and is sought after by others, feels a lot of pressure.

Recently, the Yin Yang Sect has not only made gains in war, but also gained a lot of popular support.

After all, this is a backward starry sky.

Although the Yin Yang Sect does not have any strong people above the star level, and it does not even have a single Galaxy Elementary Level existence, most of the Galaxy Elementary Orders that developed in the backward star field are just the weakest and weakest Galaxy Elementary Orders. , and their master 'Yin Yang', after leaving seclusion, killed a large number of Galaxy juniors from various sects. This made it difficult for the surrounding forces to directly destroy the Yin Yang Sect after decades.

It's just that after Yin Yang, the leader of the Yin Yang Sect, left, he was unable to develop any more territory in the outside world.

Holding on to one corner is already extraordinary.

"In a few days, it is said that a junior domain lord will arrive behind Taizong and ask us to come over to see him. I don't know if it will be the Hongmen Banquet."

"Whether it's the Hongmen Banquet or not, we can't resist the Territory Lord level. I'll go there then."

Aopin thought for a while and directly took on the task again.

In fact, the Yin Yang Sect has collected many stars of similar levels to him, and some are even stronger than him. However, decades have passed, and when Yin Yang has not appeared, those stars have long been popular. float.

People with various ideas, mixed with half-truths and half-false loyalties, are given many tasks, and they will always have a lot of excuses to shirk or refuse.

Today, only one of the fifth disciples of Yin and Yang, Aubian, can handle this kind of mission, and he is required to go there personally.

The other disciples are either too young or too weak. Aopin seems to be only the fifth disciple, but he has the strongest mid-level star strength among the disciples, so he can show it without being embarrassed.

However, Aopin's personal safety has become extremely unsafe under such circumstances.

The problem with Hongmen Banquet happened last time. Fortunately, Aopin escaped from death by relying on his shrewdness. After that, the Yin Yang Sect mobilized up and down and almost destroyed the power of Hongmen Banquet.

Today, another force invites the Yin Yang Sect to worship.

And what came was a Territory Lord level. This kind of existence, even with the power of the Yin Yang Sect, it was impossible to fight against it.

They had no choice but to send Aobin out again and gave him some life-saving means.

"You can take away two of the magical weapons that Master gave me before. Even if Master's magical weapons may not be able to deal with the Territory Lord level, it should still be possible to delay the Territory Lord level."

"OK, all right."

Aopin wanted to say that he had used a lot of magic weapons over the years, so he should not waste them this time.

But when the words came to his lips, he endured them.

He is also afraid of danger, and besides, he represents the face of the Yin-Yang Sect. If he meets with that domain lord, the other party really has ulterior motives. He, the most powerful disciple of the Yin-Yang Sect, cannot even let the other party take advantage of it. Unfortunately, he didn't let the other party see the Yin Yang Sect's background. Maybe the next step would really be a disaster.

"Okay, in that case, I'll set off first, so as not to be late and the other party will find a reason to take action."

After chatting with the former, Aopin stood up straight away.

"Junior brother, take care."

Aopin smiled and hugged his fists, "To each other."

"If I can't come back, take care of my heirs for me, and also say sorry to Master."


After saying that, Aopin's huge star-level body flew straight into the sky and flew away.

"Astral level. If I had my junior brother's stellar level strength, I would never be so powerless."

The latter's face looked ugly for a long time, and finally his ugly face turned into a long sigh.

What can we do if we have stellar strength?

The one who came was a Domain Lord.

Previously, in this backward starry sky, not to mention the star level and the elementary level of the galaxy, they were able to suppress the four wildernesses and were invincible.

If a Territory Lord level comes, it will be like a cannon hitting a mosquito. God knows where the other party is looking at the backward star field with poor resources.

"If the master is here... No, it doesn't matter if the master is not here. If the master is here, he may not be able to deal with a domain lord level. After all, it is a domain lord level..."

This disciple let out a long sigh.

He is actually disciple Ryan.

Similarly, the master who was once a gangster was later "recruited" by Jia Yan and generously accepted him as his disciple.

Unfortunately, today's Ryan's ambition and ambition have increased, but his strength has hardly increased much.

Not to mention staying still, there hasn't been much improvement.

Only after modifying the Yin Yang Dao, his methods and ability to fight enemies across levels became much more powerful.

"Master, Master, do you really no longer want our Yin Yang Sect?"

A few days later.

A huge shadow of lightning and flint shrouded the depths of the subspace and came suddenly.

"This backward starry sky is still the same as before."

Jia Yan felt the scenery of the outside world in the ten-dimensional space. For a moment, he felt like he had returned to the past, feeling a little sighing.

You must know that after Jia Yan lost the battle with Black Sheep in the backward star field, he fled here in a state of embarrassment, which allowed him to survive the recovery period.

There is a unique commemorative significance for Jia Yan.

"This area seems to be quite poor in resources and energy..."

Beside Jia Yan, Laita looked at the outside values ​​through the machines in the palace in a weird way.

It turns out that this is one of the places where Jia Yan started his business.

However, such a barren land is naturally better than a place like the Orion Arm, but in the central star field of the Milky Way, it is nothing at all, and is even quite barren and backward.

"Because of its barrenness, this place is famous for its technology and safety."

"The technology is pretty good, but is it safe..."

Laita nodded, and then felt the values ​​​​from the outside world, which were a little weird.

Jia Yan also discovered this.

They didn't see any bloody war.

But in areas where battles have been fought, there will be a lot of energy disorder.

At this time, many areas that I felt were extremely chaotic in energy.

"Could it be that after I left, a war broke out in this backward land?"

His heart tightened a little.

Back then, he stayed here for a long time and had some disciples, especially the few he recruited later. Although their talents were not comparable to Xiao Yu'er's, they were definitely good.

Even though the talents of the previous ones may not be that good, they are diligent and respectful to him. As a master and a disciple, he doesn't really want to know what will happen to these disciples.

"Then, as I said before, you and my clone will appear together. You'd better reduce your strength."


Laita has reached the middle level of the galaxy. With his size there, he is twenty or thirty kilometers away, and his strength is difficult to suppress.

However, Jia Yan's real appearance will cause panic.

In this backward place, let alone the Territory Lord Back Stage, it doesn’t matter how many Territory Lords have been there. The Territory Lord Back Stage may not have had such a path since its birth.

If Jia Yan wants to go out, he has to scare a bunch of people to death.

But he had no intention of going out in person.

In fact, he was using a clone.

And it is a clone similar to the original 'Yin Yang'.

In other words, it’s a replica. Search for books www.zhaoshuyuan.com

After all, the previous 'yin and yang' had already been consumed by Jia Yan through many times of practice. Even if it was not consumed, Jia Yan still remembered not to let his body become what he had become.

In short, if you want to restore your original yin and yang body, you have to use the borrowed clone.

This time he didn't let the clone's strength suppress him too hard.

It used to be a star-level or galaxy-level strength.

Now there is a clone who is at the first level of Galaxy, and among all his clones, his strength is probably close to the top level.

Of course, what appears to be the primary level of Galaxy is actually about to burst out in combat effectiveness, especially if Jia Yan's positive and negative explosives are used, the combat effectiveness of this clone will be incomparable even against the real primary domain lord. Cowardly.

Laita is also relieved. .

Jia Yan's clone transformed into an old man and sat on Laita's body.

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