Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 11 2 Little Guardians

[Rebirth of the Starry Sky Giant Mosquito] []

The enthusiasm of the two little kids was mobilized by Jia Yan. They grinned fiercely, like a cute dragon roaring. One flew above the tree crown, and the other took out the magic weapon given by Jia Yan. , flying around in the sky, seemingly on patrol.

Jia Yan smiled and fell into seclusion inside the cave of the giant tree, leaving a trace of his mind to observe the outside world.

Of course, he would not really leave his safety to two brats to take care of him. In fact, he is the one who pays most attention to the outside world. It doesn't matter if the guys below the stellar level let the other party attack them. Stellar Being above the level, he has used brain wave power to monitor.

Presumably it is impossible for that kind of existence to come close for the time being.


First, he took out cloud-shaped water from the sky from inside the sub-space. After analyzing it, Jia Yan discovered a lot of mysteries.

"The water of the sky, said to be water, is actually water molecules that exist in various substances. For example, the water of the sky in the clouds exists in the clouds, and due to the relationship of gravity, it gathers under a certain weight. below, falling toward the ground, forming a unique rain curtain of water from the sky..."

Jia Yan analyzed the composition of the clouds and looked at the roots of the trees.

The tree roots are extremely full of water and look quite delicious, and they are really big. Compared to Jia Yan’s current five-meter body, these roots are dozens of meters long and almost even fit into the tree hole. No less.

The sky water inside is definitely more amazing than that in the clouds. The density is more than ten times that of the clouds, and the power contained is several times greater. It can be seen that the giant tree is definitely bleeding profusely.

Jia Yan wisely used the sky water in the clouds first.

The method of using this water in the sky is also very simple. It uses the power of brain waves to force the water molecules out of the clouds. Then the clouds seem to have lost some important components and dissipate directly into the sky.

Didi didi.

The sky water overflowing from the clouds gathered in the air and fell drop by drop. Before it fell to the ground, Jia Yan used the power of his brain waves to collect them all, and finally gathered a star of about ten in mid-air. Meter diameter transparent water balloon.

It seems huge, but for Jia Yan's actual fifty-kilometer-long body, it is like a drop in the bucket and extremely inconspicuous. He doesn't even have much expectations for improvement, but is thinking about converting this ten-meter-long body. The transparent Sky Water Ball was used as a test subject, but in the end, what really wanted to benefit was the added version of Sky Water in the tree roots.

"What the giant tree told me was to pour the water from the sky on several key points. The efficiency of absorption will be greatly improved. But..."

"But I vaguely feel that it shouldn't be like that. After all, I am an evolved beast. Instead of using my orifices to devour it, I might as well just use my mouthparts to devour it. Maybe there will be a miraculous effect. Of course, it is very useful to try some parts separately. necessary……"

Jia Yan first put two drops on the joints of his feet. Suddenly he felt the endless pores on his feet opening, and a refreshing feeling poured into the joints of his feet, making his joints feel extremely tense. Unprecedented improvement.

Then without any hesitation, he used his mouthpart to penetrate into the water ball and took a deep breath.

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[Rebirth of the Starry Sky Giant Mosquito] []



In an instant.

Jia Yan felt something magnificent explode in his mouth and all the way to the digestive organs in his abdomen.

"Trap? No, maybe the way I used it was wrong, and it actually caused such a terrifying and horrific explosion. If I hadn't been a lower-ranking Territory Lord, my stomach would have exploded."

Jia Yan was in shock, but when he carefully looked at his injuries, he became even more surprised.

It turned out that the energy of the explosion did not cause him any injuries in the first place, but later turned into the energy of the water in the sky and began to nourish his internal organs...

"So it turns out, this is not a failure, but because my evolved beast swallowing method is so efficient that I mistakenly thought it was an explosion just for a moment... No, if my strength is not at the lower level of the Domain Lord, or I can change it to another A creature came here, I'm afraid it was really destroyed, it can only be said to be a coincidence."

Jia Yan figured out how to use Sky Water.

Unexpectedly, he used the most basic skills of swallowing to turn the water from the sky to his own benefit extremely efficiently.

At this point, Jia Yan believed that even the giant tree might not be able to compare with him.

In particular, the other party has been devouring the water from the sky for who knows how many years. If he devours it now, how can the effect be as good as when he first comes into contact with the water from the sky?

Gurgling gurgling...

After finding the authentic method of use, Jia Yan no longer considered anything else and just started drinking and eating.

His body instantly entered a very deep state of cultivation in this area.

Although he came here specifically for his family and friends, it did not prevent him from finding opportunities to improve himself.

"This water from the sky seems to be of great benefit to the body, but after eating too much, I realize that it is actually something that can enhance the spirit..."

No wonder, it can even help solve the mental problems of giant trees. It is strange to say that it has no mental assistance effect.

But what even Jia Yan didn't expect was that the treasure accompanied by the giant tree would be more suitable for him. If he told about it, the giant tree would probably burst into tears.

"It just so happens that my current weakness is due to my lack of mental strength. There are still a lot of physical enhancement substances left. If I can make great progress mentally, it will be a matter of course for my strength to be further improved..."

Jia Yan was elated for a moment.

He has seen many strong winds and waves, but now, I am afraid that only important things such as improving his strength will make his mood fluctuate greatly.

The strength that was previously considered difficult to improve in a short period of time can be improved here by chance. This kind of unexpected joy naturally belongs to the category that makes Jia Yan feel good.

"Are there bad guys over there?"

The next day, Edisha, who was holding on to the ground, discovered a strong man approaching this area, and her expression immediately became solemn.

Don't think that she can't play to her strengths at Southern Superstar.

A capable being will have a place to shine wherever he goes.

After using her unique computing power, Edisha assisted her power and created several good traps.

On the ground, a figure came in panic.

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[Rebirth of the Starry Sky Giant Mosquito] []

"The pursuers behind them shouldn't be chasing them anymore. Damn it, I didn't really want to harm them. I just accidentally attracted a group of monsters. Their great elder failed to break through and relied on me? It's simply unreasonable. .”

This is a strong creature, but his eyes are wandering, and he doesn't look as big and honest as he looks.

"Hey! Who are you?"

A sharp, childish cry made this stellar powerhouse suddenly shrink his head.

It wasn't until he looked for the voice that he realized that the owner of the voice was just a young kid, probably in his teens or 20s.

"You little brat is looking for death, are you scaring adults?"

"You are the little devil, and Edisha is an adult!" Edisha smiled and retorted to the creature.

Edisha thought for a while before blurting out: "Are you a furbolg? You seem to be as big as a bear."

"Who is Big Bear? I am the famous powerful bear in the nearby forest. If you don't want to be slapped by me, don't bother me."

The black giant bear continued to move forward, and the little kid behind him, who was about half a star level, followed closely, as if there was no fear at all.


The giant bear creature's expression fell and it walked in another direction.

Not surprisingly, Adisha followed closely behind.

The giant bear wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say it. He just changed direction again in another direction, but Edisha behind him followed him again. This was repeated several times, and Edisha never tired of it.

The other party finally looked a little ugly.

Gu Lao: "Here, what are you doing?"

"I want to protect the law for my master. When will you leave here?"

"Are you protecting your master?"

The other party's expression changed, and even a hint of greed emerged. However, after shaking his head, the greed disappeared into the depths of his eyes.

"What is your master's strength?"

"I won't tell you, but he is much, much better than you anyway."

"Hehe, I believe what others say, but I don't believe a hair of what you little brat says."

"Adisha has no hair, you are the one who has hair."

"Of course, everyone has fur on their body, and you must have fur on your body, but you are too small to see..."

"Wow, wow... You are a very bad person. You must want to torture teenagers! How bad!"

"I didn't say anything bad. What's wrong?"

"Yes, you drive!"

"Okay, I have it. Anyway, we'll never see you again, so I'm leaving."

This bear-like creature stood up directly, trying to get around this little kid who seemed to have some mental problems.

"You can't leave, or I will activate the trap."

"Is there a trap here?"

The other party was obviously stunned for a moment.

"Yeah, it's a trap made by Editha herself."

"Oh, you did it."

Big Bear smiled calmly.

If the trap was made by its so-called 'master', it might make him have some scruples, but if Edisha said that she made it herself, then it would be classified as a kid playing games. Play house stuff.

"Hmph, I knew you would be like this, Xiao Yu'er, you see clearly, Editha's secret secret trap, activate it!"

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[Rebirth of the Starry Sky Giant Mosquito] []

Editha looked at the leaving figure and started yelling.

The delicate little fish above, with its pink fins fluttering, looked curiously at what was going on under the canopy.

Sister Editha got into a fight with someone...

An inexplicable tremor surged deep in Xiao Yu'er's heart.

This is probably the passion that only belongs to geniuses and battle addicts. Xiao Yu'er is still young, but she still has a little desire to fight. However, in the past, she was not strong enough to participate in Jia Yan's battles.

"Come on little fish!"

Little fish fell from the sky.

At this moment, there was a large ripple under the earth.

"Oh? It's worthy of praise that a young half-star can actually create such a trap, but..."

The strong man's face changed suddenly, but he didn't show the slightest surprise, he just became a little more solemn.

In the Southern Star, those who have some strength will have considerable combat experience, and such a small movement will not scare them.

The giant bear clapped his hands and saw a large amount of soil lifted up from the ground, which was slapped away by the opponent.

And he collapsed in one step and rushed straight towards Edisa, as if he was ready to teach this ignorant yellow-haired girl a lesson.

"Hey, if you want to get close to Edisha, let's see what the moves are!"

Editha pointed to the sky and the earth again, and a shadow flew from the tree branches. The big bear didn't even look at it, and just slapped his bear paws as usual, trying to smash the flying object to pieces.

However, when he saw little Edisha smiling excitedly, he felt frightened for a moment.

"What's this?"


The flying power came with positive and negative effects, and at the same time as the bear's claws came into contact, it burst out with a loud sound like thunder and thunder.

This giant bear actually felt an irresistible force and was lifted up by the force.

Bear's paw also suffered some minor injuries. Although it was not to the extent of making him disabled, it definitely caused a significant pain.

"You... roar!"

This time the big bear was angry. In addition to being surprised, he was also angry. After all, anyone who was attacked and injured by such a little brat would feel ashamed.

The same was true for the giant bear. He only admitted that he was careless. If he was prepared, Editha's moves would not be able to attack him.

It turns out that this little kid’s trap is really quite good.

"Haha, I screamed, but... do you think the great goddess of wisdom, Edisha, can only use this trick to find Shuyuan"

Editha giggled and raised her short chubby fingers again.

The giant bear was already instinctively in awe of Edisha's fingers directing the trap. When Edisha made another weird move, he suddenly became silent and all the pores on his body stood up.


Between heaven and earth, a large amount of soil was stirred up again.

"Hahaha, I was slapped away by you just now. If you have the ability, try again this time."

The giant bear originally wanted to follow the example last time, but after hearing Edisha's words, he immediately hesitated. He thought that this time, there might be a trap waiting for him to attack in the soil.

Immediately, the force of the slap started to retreat. The giant bear did not make direct contact, but retreated violently away from the area where the soil was flying.

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[Rebirth of the Starry Sky Giant Mosquito] []

"Haha, I knew you had to avoid it. Look behind you."

Edisha's words frightened the other party. She subconsciously looked back, and suddenly there was a flash of light in her eyes.

"Edisha's positive and negative explosives are not as good as Master's brother's, but Edisha's Yin and Yang skills are pretty good, and the explosion is quite powerful."

Before Edisha finished speaking, the giant bear discovered that the flash of light turned into explosive power, and suddenly, the earth and the mountains and forests were blown to sway.

He himself flew out, knocking down trees one after another, and blood spurted out from his mouth.

When the big bear raised his head again and looked at Edisha, his eyes were no longer contemptuous, but filled with stormy waves.

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