Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 36 The red light shows its power again!

(I sincerely seek a genuine subscription!! The subscription has dropped, and Bu Yue has less motivation to update! The editor doesn’t love this book, do you think everyone should also make Bu Yue feel disappointed? 5555...)

During this period, there were one or two things that contained substances that were so powerful that he felt that he could not even enjoy this mutation. Maybe they could support his next mutation!

Therefore, Big Mosquito was determined. He had no doubt that his path forward might be able to continue!

And the possibility of moving on is because of this disaster!

After all, he has lost all possibility of progress on earth. If Daphne had not taken him to the universe, it would not be impossible for the big mosquito to die of old age on earth!

During the mutation process, the big mosquito has a feeling...

This powerful process seems to be linked to my next path.

In the past, he was just an existence living on the surface of the planet, and he had already reached the pinnacle that the earth could reach!

But after this mutation, maybe...

will change!

Maybe it will lead to the next stage!

What it will look like can only be known after the mutation is completed!

Therefore, it is said that good fortune and misfortune depend on each other.

The big mosquito is still changing, and perhaps no one except himself expects what he will look like after he changes.

Of course, this does not include certain humans on Earth!

For example, the Jia family!

Another example is the two killers.

There are also those who believe that the giant mosquito family will protect humans.

On Earth, the war has reached an extremely violent level!

Perhaps before this, humans had never thought that they could be so tenacious in fighting!

In the face of the survival of the race, human beings can always burst out with unbelievable energy. This energy cannot be achieved by one or two people, or one or two countries. But an entire race. Only when all of humanity explodes with all its secrets, and billions of people explode with power, can we reach unbelievable levels!

Just after Huaxia announced for the first time that the battle of Shanghai Stock Exchange was won. Other countries, such as the Star-Spangled Banner State, lost their capital and governing power. There are also the Curry Rice Country, which has made great progress in recent years, and the Japanese Country, which suffered huge losses in the war. These countries jointly issued a declaration of war on defeating the metal monster!

After several months of compensation. Many countries have developed powerful weapons to deal with metal monsters. If faced with a human army, these weapons might be ineffective or even funny, but they are used against metal monsters. But all of them are magic weapons.

The Stars and Stripes used the latest infrasonic weapons developed in their army, paired with night combat equipment developed with top technology. After a desperate counterattack, they won a victory in the defense battle in New York, and they handed over the answer to the paper. In one battle, more than 17,000 metal monsters were destroyed!

The Curry Rice Country is perhaps the most surprising country to declare victory. They accidentally used an 'acrobatic motorcycle group' the day before. During an encounter in the wild, each of them used extremely powerful personal acrobatics. Miraculously, more than 300 metal monsters were eliminated, and the world was shocked by the announcement that 5,000 metal monsters had been eliminated! The name "Cheating Asan" is widely spread around the world.

The bloodiest thing was Japan. In order to win a victory, Japan's few remaining Self-Defense Forces launched a "kamikaze attack." Each officer and soldier of the Self-Defense Forces used Japan's light nuclear bomb equipment, armored vehicles and aircraft. The suicide bomb attack method, after destroying more than 300 armored vehicles of various types, finally eliminated a wave of more than 2,000 metal monsters that attacked the ancient Japanese capital of Kyoto outside the city!

However, the Japanese country is still the country with the most severe situation in the world. There are no less than 200,000 metal monsters raging in their island country. Even if they win a battle of annihilation, they still cannot hide their weakness despite victory!

throughout the world. In the case of this war, the most eye-catching one is China. As the only officially established country that has eliminated more than 20,000 metal monsters, China's combat effectiveness has been praised by all countries in the world, and it has eliminated two metal monsters in one go. Thousands of metal monsters reduced the number of metal monsters in the entire country to no more than 150,000 in an instant. The refugees who were fleeing everywhere could finally breathe a sigh of relief!

Finally, some countries have realized that after the Star-Spangled Banner lost the center of national politics and governance, that is, Washington, the only country on earth that can be called a superpower may already be China!

It's just that in China's external claims, it still does not place itself in the position of a superpower. Instead, it releases its own weapons that are effective for surprise attacks. It is said that at this time when the survival of all mankind is at stake, all mankind should not care about the differences between countries. Instead of focusing on gains and losses, we should focus on the real war that is about to begin. China believes that humans are a strong race and will definitely be able to defeat the metal monster, the biggest threat in human history!

Huaxia reiterated that the country upholds China's spirit of moderation since ancient times and will not strive for hegemony or bullying. This is the policy that Huaxia has always implemented. Please do not misunderstand it.

In addition, China proposes to urgently form an "anti-metal monster alliance" for all mankind. The capital of this alliance, Huaxia's opinion, is to be established in Shanghai, because this is the safest city in the world, and it is best for each country to organize some top scientists and scholars to come here. They may be able to help China. China has solved some key problems of new weapons.

"Return date?! Didn't you see that the world is now at risk of life and death! Why are you still talking about these trivial matters now? In order to speed up the research progress, it is best to share your country's research results. Of course, this is not coercion, but our country’s top priority is to protect those countries that have provided technology and talents. Now we have to provide some of the latest weapons against metal monsters to those countries that are willing to provide technology and talents... In your country..."

These are the exact words of Chinese diplomats when facing certain countries. After hearing these words, it is said that the ambassadors of several countries to China were so angry that they slammed their own doors after returning home...

The world is still continuing to transform towards a war.

Perhaps thanks to the great victory of the Huaxia Kingdom, the metal monsters in the Huaxia Kingdom suddenly became less active. After all, their number was still too small, and they also suffered some losses in the attack on the city.

During the war, I don’t know how many sad and tearful stories happened. Some are sung, and some are unknown. The main theme of war is always like this. There will always be situations where family members are lost and tragic stories occur.

And even in this situation, there are some powerful people who are like thunder!

For example, there is a local rumor about a powerful figure known as the "Northeast Wild Tiger". He and his companions walk in the darkness. It is said that he can open mountains and rivers with his power, and he can fight monsters bravely! In just a few months, I found Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua. com left a series of legends in various places. Some rumors said that this person had defeated metal monsters single-handedly. Some rumors said that he was sinister and killed many humans in battles.

Among these folk rumors, there are also many things that are not believed by others, that is, some people have said that some humans accidentally entered the underground world by chance, where there is a sea of ​​metal monsters...

Of course, there are many things like urban legends, but none of these things can stop the pace of war. Humanity is slowly being attacked by metal monsters. After standing firm, what awaits them may be a crazy counterattack!

But at this time, some people may have forgotten, or selectively forgotten, that the metal monster once destroyed Washington, the capital of the Star-Spangled Banner, and the ultimate weapon that blocked countless nuclear weapons-the huge red light!

At this moment when the humans on earth are gradually showing their war background!

Boop! ! ! ——

Rays of red light, like the death-inducing light of death, are shooting towards various countries on the earth! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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