Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 40 You are probably not a real venerable person, right?

Suddenly, a star mid-level exhaled deeply, and the other five star mid-levels behind him also changed their expressions solemnly.

The Black God clone looked indifferent: "I think that's it for the Intermediate Stars. If you have any other means, feel free to use them."

"The reason why our demon sect is called a demon sect is precisely because we master combat skills that ordinary power sects cannot master."

"Today, I will let you show me the combat skills of my magic sect."

The entire expressions of the six middle-level stars of the Demon Sect have changed, and the explosive power of their bodies has also slightly changed. ? !

Jia Yan looked a little uneasy.

This is a self-reaction to a slight sense of crisis.

"Demon gate."

It has been a while since he came to this Jianghu Star Territory, so he cannot say that he has no information about the Demon Sect at all.

The reason why the Demon Sect was excluded from the orthodoxy by the entire Jianghu sect is because they have mastered certain combat skills that are completely different from ordinary people. They have higher ability values ​​than ordinary strong men, but their training requirements are also high, and the combat skills they have learned through training are also high. His abilities were very different from ordinary combat abilities. Over time, he was gradually excluded from the righteous sect, and even because of his strength, he was established as a villain, that is, a demonic sect.

Are you about to see the power of the devil now that others cannot tolerate?

Jia Yan was quite happy.

It can open your eyes, maybe it will be a new reference idea.

The six powerful men quickly joined forces and exuded terrifying energy that put people to shame.

Jia Yan's expression also became serious, and his figure was looming.

I'm afraid the people in the demonic sect in front of him won't know that he is not ready to give up his true body, nor does he think that just one true body can withstand the moves jointly performed by the six powerful men.

He prepares to enter subspace.

Anyway, until now, no one knew that his clone had sub-dimensional abilities.

The energy is aggressive, roaring in the starry sky.

"Is this power somewhat similar to the power of the Black God that I have?"

The Black God clones were startled.

It turns out that the joint power exerted by the other party seems to be very dark, and a strong negative emotion is vented from the joint place. At first glance, it looks somewhat similar to the power of the Black God he has mastered.

"But mine is just black, without any emotion. The negative emotions in their energy are too serious. I don't need to learn from them. I just learn from them. It's still okay."

The black god Jia Yan remained unmoved.

The middle-level powerhouse of the six stars slapped him, and there was a faint giant energy palm in the sky aimed at him and slapped him down, and the speed was as fast as lightning.

"See how unscrupulous you are!"

Those mid-level stars are now using real fire. Seeing that Jia Yan is not dodging or avoiding, there is anger in his eyes, and he has not restrained the murderous intention in his moves.

But what surprised them was that until the attack landed on the body of Black God Jia Yan, Jia Yan was still there with the old god and looked confident.


The palm fell, but there was no feeling that the attack hit a real object.


This blow consumed a lot of everyone's physical energy.

What's even more exaggerated is that such a huge amount of physical energy was wasted. You can clearly see that you hit the opponent, but why don't you feel that you hit anything?

They have already preconceived the idea that Black God Jia Yan has not shown any other talents until now, which means that he should have no backup plan.

After all, how can the Venerable level still have a chance to defeat the mid-level strong men from the stars? They really couldn't believe it.

However, the truth is often so magical.

The Black God clone still has the sub-dimensional ability as a back-up!


"He is actually a sub-space talent?"

"Quickly separate your forces and force him out of the sub-space!"

Because the Black God clone itself does not have real sub-space talent, the sub-space level it can enter is not too deep, but it seems to be three or four levels.

In this level of subspace, there are still many ways for the Intermediate Star to force him out.

However, the Black God clone cannot compare with the real body at the sub-space level, but it does not mean that there is also a gap in his sub-space combat skills.

In essence, the Black God's clone is also Jia Yan, and the combat skills and levels he masters are the same as those of his real body.

In sub-space, the situation is different.

All the stars present felt extremely dizzy.

As the best escape and assassination talents on par with those with gravitational wave talents, subspace is almost equal to trouble and difficulty in killing in today's galaxy.

Geniuses who can kill enemies beyond levels are rare, but escaping through levels is something that almost every person with a sub-space talent can do.

When you are at the earth level, you can escape the pursuit of the heaven level, when you are at the heaven level you can escape the pursuit of the starry sky level, and when you are at the starry sky level you can escape the pursuit of the venerable level...

By analogy, any normal strong person will have a huge headache when seeing a strong person with sub-space talent.


Fortunately, there were six strong men present, and there was always someone who was good at trapping the enemy.

A strong man tried his best to exert his energy, and it turned out to be a stable brainwave power that sealed a large area of ​​​​starry sky, making it difficult to escape from the subspace.

"Well done, you caught him in a trap."

The morale of some strong people was high, and immediately someone tried to break into the subspace with their brain wave power.

As mentioned before, the talent of subspace is a headache for everyone, but this also shows that as long as a strong person with some vision will take the time to investigate and try the subspace, even if it is difficult to move in the subspace, but The stellar level can penetrate the brain wave power into subspace, and everyone can do it.

As for the depths of the subspace on the third and fourth floors, it is still easy for them to put their attack power into it.

In an instant, everyone was full of energy, released their power into the sub-space, and cooperated seamlessly to suppress the black god's clone wandering inside.

"Oh? It's quite a trick."

The Black God clone's eyes were filled with surprise.

This group of strong men in the Northern Territory is different from the outside world. For those around the Orion Arm, even if someone knows the sub-space talent, it is difficult to think of countermeasures, but it is different here. They can react immediately and quickly. The best countermeasures indicate that one has either fought against someone with strong sub-space talent, or has studied related countermeasures.

"But if you want me to surrender, that's still a long way to go."

Jia Yan's face showed an intriguing look, and then he moved around in the sub-space, like a slippery loach.

"You're too skilled in space talent this time, aren't you?"

"No, I can't catch it. Why can he move so smoothly in the fourth level of space?"

"No wonder, no wonder, no wonder this person dares to challenge the stellar powerhouses of our magic sect. Even our middle-class stars cannot defeat him. It turns out that his greatest reliance is his sub-space talent!"

"Don't worry, even though I can't catch him, he doesn't have any means to wait for me!"

These middle-class stars from the outside world may have some misunderstanding about the existence of sub-space talents, and they are all filled with emotions.

I hate my parents for not injecting my talent into the sub-dimensional world. This is so outrageous.

In this situation, the best situation is to maintain an unwinnable and undefeated situation.

At least after they saw Jia Yan wandering in the sub-space, they gave up the idea of ​​dealing with him.

How to catch such a sub-space talented character?

If you can, arrest me?

"What can't I do to them?"

When Jia Yan heard this, he smiled directly.

Probably after testing the strength of this Black God clone and having first-hand information about fighting against mid-level stellar powerhouses, he was able to fight wholeheartedly.

"Let me give you a try. The combat experience of a senior domain lord is terrifying."

Jia Yan suddenly moved.

It seemed that six brain wave powers were lying in front of him, blocking the entire shallow layer of the subspace. But in his eyes, this blockade was like a hole full of holes, and he could break out in an instant.

In fact, it was just like that. He walked directly through the brainwave power blockade of the two middle-level powerhouses of the two stars as if he was strolling in a leisurely manner.

"Your magic skills are probably based on some kind of dark matter training method. Power is powerful, but this kind of power must be hit hard."

Jia Yan smiled jokingly and advanced, wiping out several captured brain waves and bombarding them with power, and reached the first level of the sub-space.

This place is only a thin layer of space membrane away from the normal starry sky outside.

"Look at him, don't let him sneak up on you!"

"How is it possible? In front of six pairs of eyes like ours, he can do a sneak attack!"

The middle-level eyes of the six stars were about to burst, and they felt a little frightened. However, among their rational thoughts, there was also the thought that Jia Yan would not have the courage to leave the sub-space.

After all, they have been alert to the sub-space, and they can clearly see Jia Yan's movement in the sub-space. Under such circumstances, it is almost like a myth that he can successfully attack in a majestic manner.


As a senior domain master, how could Jia Yan disappoint them?

Just when six pairs of eyes were locked on the tiny young man's figure on the first level of the sub-space.

This figure seemed to dissipate with the wind, and in an instant, it disappeared without a trace.

Only a faint afterimage was left, blooming in front of the six powerful men, and then gradually disappeared into nothingness.




The frightened strong men were suddenly surprised when they discovered that they had lost the form of the Black God Jia Yan.

And when several people reminded him, the subspace behind the illusion-creating expert quietly opened up.

Although the hallucination talent seems to have little impact on Jia Yan.

But Jia Yan himself knew that even if he was suddenly hallucinated by this strong man in the electric and flint battle, he might be temporarily sluggish.

Maybe this kind of impact is not that big in the eyes of ordinary star-level people, but for Jia Yan, it is an extremely serious impact. Surrounded by many star-level mid-level stars, this little time can definitely affect The balance of victory and defeat.

So his first target was this stellar mid-level player.

"Sorry, man, let's get some sleep."

Jia Yan whispered in this guy's ear.


The strong man's demeanor changed drastically, and he was about to raise some strength to resist or counterattack, but before that, Jia Yan's forward and reverse attack force directly used Jia Yan's palm to hit the middle-level strong man in the star. Above the head.

For any strong man, his head is a critical point.

Moreover, Jia Yan's positive and negative power has a terrible shock force. The continuous positive and negative force is like the sound of bells and drums, which has been vibrating deep in the head of this strong man. This caused him to be confused for a long time. Can't take it easy.

From the external appearance, it looks like he has fainted.

"Quick support!"

"Look how he's doing!"

The other five powerful men had just arrived to support them at this moment.

But Jia Yan smiled evilly at them, stepped back, and entered the sub-space before the leader's attack arrived, allowing his attack to fall into the empty space.

"He has a very weird power. Although he is not injured, he will remain in this state for a long time!"

"This...isn't hurt?"

"Is this guy still showing mercy?"

When they heard that someone was checking the condition of the injured, everyone felt incredulous.

The Venerable level is fighting against mid-level stars, or against so many mid-level stars. It sounds quite magical to others.

But if you add to this, this Venerable-level being actually maintained a friendly and merciless attitude while fighting against the mid-level strong men of the stars.

This is a bit unreasonable.

It’s not an exaggeration to kill someone and kill someone’s heart!

For a moment, they just felt that the level of the two sides should be reversed. They and others were at the Venerable level, while the other party was at the Intermediate level of the Star. Otherwise, how can we explain it?

"Everyone, look for Shuyuan It is not good to be distracted during war."

Just when they felt a little strange, a faint figure appeared behind the powerful physical man.

The stars who had already been frightened by the news were like a kitten whose tail had been stepped on, and this person reacted instinctively in an instant.

Not to attack or fight back, but to choose...


"Oh? It was a wise choice, but it was still wrong."

Black God Jia Yan, who had just revealed half of his face, had an evil smile on his lips.

This half of his face seemed to be drifting in the starry sky with the wind. It was so inexplicable that it suddenly flashed forward several kilometers and caught up with the mid-level star powerhouse who was panicking.

The slap was on the back of the man's head.

Spit it out vigorously.

The forces of positive and negative are unleashed!


The stellar mid-level powerhouse couldn't even utter a single sentence. He rolled his eyes and followed the previous stellar mid-level powerhouse into a coma.


For a moment, the entire starry sky became desolate.

The remaining four mid-level stars are no longer a fear.

But his soul was shattered.

What happened just now?


Can sub-space talents still be used like this?

A stellar mid-level powerhouse with some discernment looked at him strangely for a moment, then thought of something, opened his mouth, and couldn't help but say...

"This, this are probably not a true venerable..."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone's eyes flicked towards this stellar mid-level powerhouse.

Including Jia Yan, who had just re-entered the sub-space and was preparing to face another round of siege by many mid-level stars, there were also some surprises.

What's wrong, are you just yelling at yourself?

In addition, let’s not talk about class, civilize you and me!

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