Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 39 I took the system back.

But Qingling and Heihu, fighting and fighting, have circled the entire Cultivation Superstar, and now they have returned to the area where the sun has just risen.

Big win!

The sky was brightening, and with only two top gods from the black god system, they overpowered eight god-level masters from the white god system!

It can be said that a miracle has been created, no big or small.

"Haha, it's so refreshing. I've never felt so comfortable since I came to this world."

The black tiger pretends to be a young man again, roaring boldly.

"This battle is not the result of the two of us. The first contribution is Master Jia Yan. He spent a total of seventeen clones."

Qingling was not so happy.

"Well, in short, I am the one who deserves the most credit, right? No matter how strong your clone is, it is impossible to deal with so many god-level ones."

Jia Yan's previous clones were able to exchange one for one, but that was because the strength of gods generally had not improved yet.

Moreover, there is a huge difference in strength between gods who are prepared and gods who are not prepared.

So it is true that even if Jia Yan lets a hundred clones come, he may not be able to deal with eight white god-level masters.

Because masters don't measure things like this, even if they can deal with it, they may have to pay the price of hundreds of clones, which will cause his Black God's real body to fall into a state of eternal destruction.

"There is no need to ask for credit. Your Excellency will also remember my contribution. However, this is not the time to reward based on merit. If the superstar of cultivating immortals suddenly undergoes such a change, the White God System will not be willing to fail. You and I must prepare defense matters quickly to prevent The white gods are making a comeback, and the battle between black and white under the earth should also set a tone."


Black Tiger nodded in agreement with Qing Ling's decision.

He is not a really passionate young man, and he will not play tit-for-tat games with Qing Ling so easily.

The two parties focused on how to assign the defense of the Immortal Superstar, and then flew away in two directions.

Below the earth, the entire celestial phenomenon lasted for half an hour.

Countless people are like frightened birds.

However, what made them even more horrified was that there were gods in the sky and figures wearing black and white clothes on the ground, fighting like crazy.

Although the strength of this group of people is not as powerful as the gods in the sky who frequently cause heaven and earth to collapse, they have definitely reached the top level of cultivating immortals.

As the people in black and white clothes started to fight, more people were implicated, such as the power experts who stood on both sides of the black and white, those who could not deal with both sides, and those power experts who were inexplicably involved in the battle.

In short, all kinds of incidents broke out, and the earth was in chaos.

After the unbelievable battle in the sky between superpowers, the ground was like a pot of porridge.

Among them are the young people who were helped by Jia Yan using the "system".

At this moment, he had already surrendered to the forces of the Black Gods.



This young man had a confrontation with a venerable and powerful man. His strength had grown by leaps and bounds in recent years, and he was still at the top of the starry sky. He just relied on a few black god magic weapons rewarded by the 'system' and tried his best to survive.

"Don't worry, I will be able to kill you myself."

The young master was a little anxious when he saw that his usually invincible weapon could not advance even an inch under the opponent's technique.

"I don't know how high the sky is!"

The opponent was practicing martial arts all over the body, and was struck on the body from time to time by the young master's weapon, but he remained unmoved.

This person is as motionless as a mountain, with a calm expression.

He stretched out his hand, grasped the weapon in the young master's hand, and crushed it directly.

The gap in strength between the two sides is too great.


The young master spewed blood from his mouth, and his whole body was visibly weakened.

"grown ups!"

A dead soldier desperately came forward to rescue him, but was easily killed by his opponent with a palm of his hand.

"I heard that you have signs of being a son of this star plane. What I saw today is that I am very disappointed. However, if you have a powerful person in your body, you dare to claim to be a genius..."

The man walked up to the young man with his head held high, and saw a white light emanating from his eyes. He was actually a master from the White God Department.

He smiled disdainfully, then clenched his fist ferociously and smashed it.

"Follow your ridiculous idea and die."

The war has been going on till now, and the people of the Baishen system know very well that they, the powerful people on the Cultivation Superstar, are all in danger.

No matter how strong they are, they can't be stronger than the god-level masters, and the group of god-level ones they have on this planet have been wiped out by the black gods. When the god-level ones are free, it will be their turn.

Therefore, this master of the White God system, who is above the Venerable level and even has a high level of Venerable, wants to kill more people of the Black God system or those who work for the Black God system before he dies.


And when the master was about to launch his attack, black energy spurted out from behind him, and he was struck down with a sword.


Witnessing with his own eyes that a powerful enemy that he could not defeat was killed by someone else with a single sword strike, and that he could not even utter a harsh word, the young 'Son of the Plane' felt unbelievable.

Looking at it again, the person who took action was holding a long sword and had the appearance of a Taoist.

It is Jia Yan’s ‘Taoist’ clone.

"Thank you, Taoist Priest!"

The young man was uneasy, struggled to get up from the ground, and thanked the Taoist.

In the past two days, he had really seen how high and thick the sky was.

Unexpectedly, there are not only giant evil masters in the world, but also these masters that he doesn't know. They seem to be more powerful than those giant evil masters who have been famous for a long time.

There are mountain high mountain.

"It's interesting. I never thought that you could really get to this point. However, this treasure can no longer support your growth. So I took it away. What happens in the future depends on you."

The Taoist didn't respond to the young man's thanks. He looked at the young man's head with interest and extended his hand in vain.

The young man felt that some powerful object tied to him was being ripped away from his body.

He was shocked.

Before he could shout anything, the stripped black energy body attached to the Taoist like ordinary power, and nothing happened.

However, the young man's heart is in turmoil.

Because no matter how much he shouted to the 'system' in his heart, this system had no response.

"Former...former...senior! What am I??"

"Oh? A system? Sorry, this thing was just created by an experienced person. Now it is no longer helpful to you, so I took back this system."


The young man felt as if he had been struck by thunder, and his whole body was spinning.

Damn it.

What the hell.

Is this system actually created by the old Taoist in front of me?

And isn't the system bragging to me, saying it is the most powerful work of a powerful being in the world? The old Taoist in front of me doesn't seem to be that strong.

Didn't you say that you were going to help me change my destiny and grow into 'Long Aotian'? Why is it useless now and was taken back by others...

Didn't even say goodbye...

The young man just felt lost.

The most important thing is that he has become accustomed to the existence of the 'system', and even more accustomed to the feeling that the system helps him cheat. Although the system did not help him in the battle just now, he would rather believe that the system was only temporarily down.

However, the appearance of the old Taoist shattered his hopes into pieces.

"Young man, when you first created this thing, it was just an idea from an old Taoist. Now that you have come to this point, you can be regarded as relying on this thing. The merits and demerits of the old Taoist are equal to each other. Let's say goodbye and see you again if we are destined."

The old Taoist didn't want to waste any time talking to the young man, so he directly broke through the black space and ran into it without leaving any trace.

The young man lost all faith in his heart.

"Uuuu... Senior, senior, since you want to take it back, you shouldn't have given it to me in the first place."

"Isn't this a lie? What should I do next?"

The young man felt that he was suffering from the "sequelae of system loss". Without the convenience of the system to carry out "combat alert", "hazard analysis", "system task supervision and strengthening" and other conveniences for him, he did not know what to do.

Some things really have to be lost before you know how to cherish them.

In black space.

"Tsk, tsk, what a sin. I don't know if this young man will be in trouble. It's not my fault. If he is in trouble, it's also his own bad character. After so many hardships, he hasn't been able to become a great person. This shows that this You have to do less after the lifting, because it won’t help anyone at all.”

Taoist Jia Yan didn't mention it at all. Throwing it into the system was just an experiment, or just a joke.

"I hope he can get back on his feet without the system. I will read the memory of this so-called system and the power contained in it, and devour this power. I am among the clones, and I am afraid that my overall strength can be ranked among the top three. Bar."

Jia Yan shook his head, swallowing the memory and energy inside the so-called 'system'.

He would not admit that he came here just for the energy.

Otherwise, just like the dozens of clones killed by Bai Shen, he would still be a little unwilling to be killed like a pawn in the next battle.

Because he has an apprentice.

It doesn't matter if you don't read it.

Upon reading it, the Taoists felt a little unhappy.

"Wow, this young man actually used the system we gave him to create so many romances? Oh my god! Princess, daughter of a powerful man, heirloom... This is so cool!"

Taoist Jia Yan was in bad condition.

He thought about whether he should go back and make a clone, send it to a planet that has not been affected by the war, seal the memory, and experience the refreshing life of a 'system plug-in'...

"Forget it, forget it, the boss is already a big man, and he still envies what a child can do, haha, I definitely won't do it, but it is necessary to send this memory back. As for the information, will the Black God clone do it? Don’t do anything to me anymore, it’s not me, I won’t do it, and I won’t despise anyone who does it…”

The Taoist finished reading the memory of the three hundred taels of silver here, and then entered the periphery of the planet.

In an instant, he arrived in front of Qing Ling and Hei Hu, standing shoulder to shoulder with them.

"Oh? Sir, do you still have a clone left? Please command us to fight."

When Black Tiger saw Jia Yan approaching, he almost attacked, but when he sensed the strength, he immediately understood that this was another clone of Jia Yan, and he quickly showed respect and obeyed his orders.

"No need, I'm not a clone of the Black God, I'm just a pawn. You can make arrangements later. If a god comes to attack later and makes ugly remarks in front of you, I will retreat."

? !

Black Tiger and Qing Ling were both stunned and looked at Jia Yan's Taoist clone.

Fairy-minded, but different from the previous clones who worked hard without caring about their own lives, does he still know how to cherish his life?

"Don't look at it, you two. This clone of mine has a reason for existence. You can help me as much as possible after waiting."

"OK, got it."

The two of them were embarrassed and didn't dare to ask any more questions, so they just nodded.

Although it is a clone, it is actually the same as the real body, and they do not dare to show any disrespect.

At this moment, not only in the Cultivation Superstar, but also in several battlefields, there are fake wars breaking out, but some of them are false and real, some are initiated by the Black Gods, and some are caused by the White Gods.

In the end, it was the Black Gods who led today's chaotic battle in order to cover up the transformation of the cultivating superstar.

However, paper cannot contain fire.

When the extremely large-scale war above the Immortal Superstar spread to other areas, the entire White God System was shocked.

"There are eight great gods on the Immortal Cultivation Star. There are bright and dark ones. Are they all blamed by the Black Gods?"

"How did they do it? This is the level of eight gods. Unless the black gods come out in full force, how can they do this?"

"What? Is it...that Jia Yan's clone that plays the role of Dingding again?"

"Damn it, I just said it, at least one star class should be arranged there, but Lord White Dolphin just said that the Black God System only knows that the White God System only has one star class, so we can't be so hasty. Now there is a star cultivating star. If we lose an important strategic point, what will we do next?"

All the god-level masters who are the pillars of the Baishen system, come to Shuyuan www.zhhuyuan. com was furious.

Not only was he angry at the Black Gods who made a surprise attack, but he also complained that his leader failed to arrange the fighting force well.

In fact, the leader of the White God Clan, the White God White Dolphin, is indeed in a state of distress at this time.

He faced several remaining figures in the White God system.

The old man is almost gone, Jia Yan and the others have killed them all out of this world.

"Guys, please retreat. It's impossible for me to send a star-level expert over again."

"Young Master, if we don't go, our combat strength and military morale will be severely affected this time. I'm afraid people will be panicked in the future, and this battle is in danger."

"If you don't want to send me to wait there, send a star-level person. They must be willing to die for you."

The people below were all talking.

Even though the old men in charge left the scene, some of the remaining young men and women took the initiative to fill the roles of those old men and spoke disrespectfully.

Because people in this force only know this way of communication, especially to the young master White Dolphin, everyone is so used to it, they can't do without the old guys, so they should be respectful.

Impossible, everyone has gotten used to the way he spoke in a weird and sarcastic way before.

It is nonsense to expect that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is straight.

White Dolphin rubbed his headache-stricken forehead.

"Although the Cultivation Superstar is an important fortress planet, but if you look closely, it is just like that. Now the Black God System must have set up an effective defense there. If ordinary gods are sent there, there will only be more bloodshed and sacrifices, and maybe more than a dozen people will be killed. People may not be able to take it down, so I won’t let you go.”

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