Jia Yan calmed down and opened his eyes, only to see the stunningly beautiful black-robed woman coming to him, her eyes almost blinding him.

"No need, this person seems to be a good eloquent, but in fact he is just a strong person but a weak person. Defeating him does not deserve credit."

Jia Yan is like a top master with unique skills, in his prime.

"It's awesome. If I were to argue with that person, I'd be defeated soon. You men are really awesome with your mouth."

Jia Yan frowned, looked back at the woman, and said unhappily: "Don't drive."

"Driving?" The woman was startled, then blushed on her face: "You... you are just thinking wrongly, I have never thought about this."

"Really, it's fine that you haven't thought about it. This person is just a sideshow. I'm going back to work."

Jia Yan stood up from the rock wall and walked towards the green water beach.

It's so exciting to show off and run away.

The second day.

Jia Yan continued to let the Green Water Beach forces begin to export their combat power and values.

After he spared no effort to promote it, the fact that "Taiguo's martial arts community must have a martial arts leader" began to spread rapidly in all directions.

The matter is not whether it makes sense, but who supports this statement.

It was the man in black robe who defeated the Three Heroes!

This sentence is enough.

On this day, Jia Yan not only allowed the Lushuitan forces to expand outward to a wider area, but also, under the wash of various public opinions, he transformed from the "foreign invader" that was unfamiliar to people at first, to "helping Taiguo protect the white robe forces" Invaders'.

To put it bluntly, he was strong enough. The man in white robe could only defeat one of the Three Heroes, but he defeated three of them in one go, without blushing or out of breath.

Martial arts people advocate the value of force and worship the strong. This man in black robe is strong enough, so what if they believe in him?

The distance that expanded on the second day is exaggerated to say that it spread throughout the entire county in an instant and even spread to several major surrounding counties.

However, upon closer inspection, it can be found that this spread is not as direct as it was on the first day. It is not that Lvshuitan directly sends people to rule these forces, but that most of these forces just bow down and submit their votes. Expressing their sincerity, some even didn't even have the people from Lushuitan come to their door. Instead, they came to surrender on their own.

Therefore, this spread is rather a nominal spread. There are fewer people fighting and killing, and more people come to identify with Green Water Beach.

Jia Yan also wanted this effect. If he really wanted to fight out Lushuitan, even with a strong man like himself sitting in charge, but with the interference of the White God forces, it would be difficult for him to take such a far-reaching step.

Fortunately, the white-robed envoys were waiting in the dark, ready to help the forces attacked by Green Water Beach. However, they were left alone and looked away in despair.

Jia Yan was not idle that day either. He began to receive messages from the 'envoys and guests' who came one after another after they returned to their sect.

Most of these envoys belong to gangster forces similar to Green Water Beach, and of course some are gray area forces that live in the middle of black and white.

They were already extremely wary of the black-robed man because Jia Yan had taken advantage of the envoys and guests, but they were far from willing to surrender voluntarily.

But Jia Yan personally came to the door the next day and defeated the three heroes one by one, all these forces were shocked.

Their integrity also disappeared directly.

Since the black-robed envoy needs their allegiance and is not trying to kill them, why not just be smart and come a day early to give Jia Yan face.

"You made the right choice. Come and arrange for these envoys to go down and rest."

Most of the envoys who came this time were people who had taken Jia Yan's "potion" and were familiar with the situation. After Jia Yan heard their words of allegiance, he ordered them to go down. They didn't say anything more and just laughed. Then retreat.

This time the attitude was much more respectful than last time.

You, the black-robed messenger, are really bad. You can even defeat the Three Heroes. If you had told me earlier, if we had told you earlier, why would we still be struggling? That day would have directly represented our power and surrendered to you.

The black-robed forces were originally unfamiliar to the Taiguo martial arts world and the entire martial arts world, and they didn't know the depth of it.

After all, the white-robed messenger proved himself by defeating one of the three heroes when he came to the martial arts star.

The black-robed envoy forces didn't say anything. They wanted to carve up the Tai Kingdom with the white-robed forces when they came. That would be too fanciful.

But things are different today.

Compared with those gentle 'black-robed messengers', Jia Yan is more radical, and his radicalness is accompanied by some kind of wonderful stability. After doing so much, not only did he not cause a counterattack from the White Gods, but he also instantly replaced the Black Gods. The pantheon has gained great initiative.

At least after defeating the three heroes in such a wave, the huge reputation gained by the white-robed messengers of the entire martial arts star seemed to be directly used as a wedding dress for the black-robed messengers. Countless people thought in their hearts: the black-robed messengers should be better than the white-robed messengers. They are more powerful.

As a result, not only the black-robed forces in Taiguo, but also the black-robed forces in other countries have received joint benefits. Countless people defected to the country, which made the black-robed envoys inexplicably overjoyed.

A large number of snowflake-like congratulations and words of commendation were transmitted from the black-robed envoys of other countries to the Tai Kingdom, making the black-robed envoys across the Tai Kingdom all proud and beaming with joy.

For Jia Yan's behavior, they were still a little reproachful, but suddenly they could no longer think of any punishment. They only thought that although this excessive colleague was a bit excessive, he had done a good deed in a hurry, so it was not too bad.

"Go back and confirm with the captain and the others that there are any changes in the White God Department today. If there is any situation, please report to me directly."

Jia Yan seemed to be giving orders to his subordinates, giving orders to the woman in black robe who came to the office.

"Yes...no, why are you giving me orders? Why should I listen to you?"

The charming woman nodded subconsciously, but quickly reacted, with black lines showing on her face.

"I'm more capable than you. That's why you have to listen to me. You should also know the war information above the stars. Maybe you think this place won't be affected in a short time, but I want to tell you, this place is not as bad as you imagine." It’s so safe, so we need to race against time. If you are interested in arguing with me, why don’t you hurry up and obey my orders, do you understand what I mean?”

Jia Yan spoke sternly, making the charming woman stunned for a moment.

She wanted to refute, but she didn't know how to refute, and Jia Yan's righteous vocabulary conveyed it, and she could hear a certain sense of familiarity from her boss about her orders.

Obviously this strong man is not of a higher class than me, so why does it feel natural to be ordered by him?

The woman stared deeply at Jia Yan for a moment, and finally lost her battle in the face of each other. She nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do it right now. I hope your judgment is correct. Otherwise, being so radical will trigger a rebound in the White God system, leading to serious consequences." As a result, I will also be implicated by you..."

"Don't worry, I won't harm you."

Jia Yan rarely made a promise.

The woman left the money and left.

Jia Yan sighed.

He doesn't want to either.

There aren't that many radical ones in this group of clones, otherwise he wouldn't be able to use up all his energy if they were all radical.

The vast majority of people are more like bystanders, watching various events unfold from a distance. They will never take action without affecting the overall situation.

But this time is different. This time the martial arts star exists in the no-no zone, and will soon become the center of the confrontation between the two sides. If this place is not defended, it will directly lead to the instability of the entire front.

So he took action.

Be radical if you want to be radical. Even if someone recognizes his identity, it doesn't matter to him.

"Well... I believe that when the deadline comes tomorrow, the forces behind these envoys and guests will come to agree with the setting of the Wulin Alliance. The dream of that young boatman has come true."

After Jia Yan thought about it for a while, he thought that there shouldn't be much problem tomorrow.

After the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance falls in Lushuitan, the entire Taiguo martial arts world will have a huge power of public opinion tilted towards Lushuitan. When he issues orders in the name of the leader of the martial arts alliance, it will be equivalent to an extra buffer.

Yes, the name of the leader of the martial arts alliance was a 'buffer' he deliberately set up before the 'black-robed messenger'.

Everything is given in the name of the black-robed messenger. For people on the indigenous planet, they feel like they are enslaved by outsiders.

Although suppression with force can also achieve prohibition, the effect will definitely be much worse.

Then it would be much smoother to create a local martial arts alliance and issue orders to the outside world in the name of the alliance leader. Outsiders would know in their hearts that he was the one behind it, but they would also be able to accept more psychologically.

Thinking of this, Jia Yan ordered someone to call the young boatman who had been silent.

"How is it? Have you memorized the books and materials I asked you to read in the past two days?"

"I... the villain... have memorized part of it. Sir, please forgive me. There is too much information, and the villain is stupid..."

The young boatman almost cried and knelt down fearfully.

He really wanted to cry.

With this young man's intelligence, he never expected that the young man in black robe that he met on the road would almost unify the entire martial arts world of Tai Kingdom in a few days. And the day before yesterday, he was appointed as the leader of the martial arts alliance. He might be able to take the position tomorrow. This speed is too fast. Come on.

The speed of light won’t be as efficient, right?

What made the young man even more horrified was that the black-robed messenger in front of him had defeated the three supreme beings of martial arts stars - the Three Heroes - in an extremely exaggerated manner yesterday.

The three heroes have almost the same semi-godlike belief in every martial arts star. However, this powerful messenger defeated the three heroes one by one in less than half a day. This terrifying fighting power also made him stronger. The reason why Han was so frightened in front of him.

"It doesn't matter, it's okay if you can remember part of it. When you go back today, you can study at night for me and memorize all the information I have prepared for you. Don't forget, what I like about you is your intelligence. If you are here If you can't do it well, then you will lose your role, and the basic relationship between us will be out of balance, do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood! The villain understands, and the villain will definitely try his best."

The young man was furious and nodded in response.

He never dreamed that Jia Yan had just promised that he could give him the highest status in the martial arts world, and he had done it in a few days. Although he would be restricted by the black robes from now on, for a little person like him, this was nothing. , it’s better than struggling to survive on the green water beach.

"Okay, you go down, a friend is here."

Jia Yan waved his hand and asked the young man to get down, and looked at the sky outside the window with some surprise.


The future leader of the Taiguo martial arts alliance bowed respectfully and left.

With a sudden sound, the woman in black robe who had left came back quietly and flickered. After looking at each other, she said nothing and both of them looked out the window at the same time.

"Friend, since you are here, please show up and talk about it."

There were ripples in the air outside the window, and among them there were figures flying quickly, entering the window eaves like lightning.

When the visitor entered the room, the window behind him was sealed shut. It could be seen that he either had an ulterior motive or did not dare to show his true face in front of others.

Of course it could be both.

After all the faces of the visitor appeared in front of their faces, Jia Yan and the woman in black robe saw his true identity clearly.

Neither of them was surprised at all, but if there were ordinary mortals or martial arts people here, they would definitely be horrified.

Because this visitor is suave and elegant, he looks like a fairy. Although he has the appearance of a middle-aged man, he can't hide his airy and otherworldly temperament.

It is Xiao Xia, one of the three heroes respected by everyone in the martial arts world.

A white jade long Xiao, indescribably charming and suave, has dominated the world for more than two hundred years. Except for the other two heroes, he can be said to be invincible in the world.

It is hard for anyone to imagine that such a person would stoop to come to a remote place.

But for Jia Yan and the woman in black robes, they were not surprised at all, nor were they affected by his identity. After all, the world they saw was broader, not limited to the height of this small planet.

Jia Yan even defeated this person personally, so naturally he wouldn't have even a trace of fear when looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com.

"Your Excellency Xiao Xia, one day is like three autumns apart. I didn't expect that Your Excellency Xiao Xia would take the initiative to come to me. Do you want to raise an army to punish me?"

Jia Yan was a little surprised that this person dared to come in front of him. In the outside world, any enemy that he defeated but did not kill would be like a mouse to a cat when they see him, with their tails between their legs.

He dared to look for himself, which was quite audacious.

Xiao Xia, who looked like a middle-aged man, glanced at Jia Yan, no longer so free and easy, and solemnly saluted with his fists clasped.

The battle the day before yesterday made him deeply aware of how strong this strong man was.

As for the charming woman next to him, he didn't even look at her. Although the black-robed woman was not bad at all, in his eyes, she could see through her at a glance and was nothing special.

The woman's eyes were dim, flashing with a little displeasure, and she was even eager to try. Although she also knew that there was a gap between her and the three heroes in terms of energy level, as a master of the Black God system, she had learned how to release the Black God's power. This explosive power can be used Well, it’s not a big problem if you’re lucky enough to kill an enemy at a higher level.

Ignoring the woman's hostility, Xiao Xia took a deep breath and spoke loudly and forcefully.

"Your Excellency, we have been defeated at your hands, and we are convinced. However, what do you want to do on this planet, and how serious is the problem between you and the white-robed forces? We want to know more clearly, otherwise even if Even if we risk the lives of the three of us, we will definitely not throw the lives of hundreds of millions of people on the entire home planet into your hands. Can you please clarify this?"

He spoke resolutely, his eyes were firm, and he looked directly at Jia Yan.

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