Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 10 Let you be the leader of the martial arts alliance!


"This envoy is doing things and has no intention of taking back his life. Now, will you choose to eat my blade or give me half a stick of incense to do a good deed?"

"I...I'll do it, I'll do it! Sir, can't I do it? We have something to talk about. It's really not good to fight and kill. Can you take your knife back? I'm afraid..."


All problems with the knife have been solved, no complaints at all.

I said so much before, so high-sounding, but I just didn’t hurt you.

"As a demonstration of my role as a pioneer, please allow me, the master of the beach, to take charge of the affairs in person. Lord Black Robe, I promise to do everything you tell me well!"

The owner of Green Water Beach was upright and bowed with his hands in front of him, looking very loyal.

"You don't want to take the opportunity to run away."

Of course not. Your Majesty's sword energy is so powerful, I will not run away at the risk of being chased to death. "

Okay, this is also a wonderful person.

Jia Yan believes that the lower the power, the easier it is to produce the best, such as the young boatman just now, and this beach owner.

"Go." He waved the beach owner away without comment.

The owner of Green Water Beach hesitated again and again, nodded, and left with heavy feet. Before leaving, Ruoyouruowu looked at the bustling guests who had been enjoying themselves for a long time.

"Sir Envoy, these are the leaders of the great forces of our country. If you have any needs, you can order them to do it."

The melon-eating crowd suddenly became furious.

Well, you treacherous and heartless person, we are just here to watch the fun and eat, and it doesn't bother your eyes. I've had a lot of fun discussing the alliance these two days. In the blink of an eye, I forgot about this feeling of blood being thicker than water. ?

Jia Yan was also a little angry. He gave the beach owner a look and he understood and walked away.

When the figure disappeared, the group of guests were still grinning, as if if Jia Yan was not there, they would dare to rush forward and have a just showdown with the owner of Green Water Beach.

"Well, everyone, since the beach master has given this envoy his opinion, it would be too disrespectful not to adopt his opinion. Why don't you introduce yourself first?"

Jia Yan lazily walked to the chair and sat down, but he didn't take the main seat because he had already split it, and he didn't want to sit down if someone else had already sat on it.

"This... black-robed envoy, we are just here to be guests at Green Water Beach. Please don't involve us, envoy."

"Yes, Sir Envoy is naturally invincible. However, among us, there are people who are close friends with the Three Heroes. Sir Envoy does not look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face. Please let us go."

Several envoys did not dare to say hateful words.

That sword blow just now was really a mountain-breaking blow. Not only did they think they couldn't fight it, but even the top masters of the forces behind them would be killed by that sword blow.

So someone brought out the "Three Heroes" to talk about things.

Just thinking that there was already a so-called messenger on the side of the 'white robe force', who defeated one of the three heroes in a few moves, they did not dare to tell the truth.

For the black-robed forces to be able to fight against the white-robed forces, there must be masters of the same level.

"Is there any one of you who is powerful enough to be friends with the Three Heroes?" Jia Yan looked a little frightened.

Several guests thought they had hit on the worries of the black-robed envoy, and they suddenly felt confident. One of them stepped out from the crowd and said calmly: "Yes, it's just me who has an old force with the three heroes." The Heavenly Sword Sect where we are located had a fateful relationship with Senior Swordsman among the Three Heroes. If our sect is in trouble, Senior Swordsman will definitely not sit idly by."

After saying this, several other people were on pins and needles, unable to sit still, and they all said: "We also have old ties with the Three Heroes and others. Although our sect only has a trade relationship with the Three Heroes, the Three Heroes will never sit back and watch our sect. An accident occurred.”

"The same is true for my gang. The gang leader was lucky enough to have a drink with the old man among the Three Heroes before, and we both became brothers..."

Under the strong pressure of Jia Yan, the black-robed messenger, all the guests worked together and revealed their old past with the three heroes.

You said something to me, and after chattering, everyone looked at each other, and then forcibly turned their eyes away, without revealing the exaggeration of others.

No matter how tit-for-tat they are in normal times, now they are like grasshoppers on the same rope, so they won’t undermine each other.


Jia Yan, a strong man, suddenly slapped his thigh, and the sound frightened everyone present.

He looked very happy: "You are all so friendly with the Three Heroes. This envoy is worried about not being able to conquer the famous Three Heroes. How about this? You stay here and write a letter to the Three Heroes. No, send him directly. It would be best if you invite the Three Heroes to come. This is a good thing. After inviting the Three Heroes, they become the people that this envoy can conquer. This envoy has made great contributions, which is good!"


A group of anxious people, directly like Muggles.

I bet you are interested in the Three Heroes, not because you have any scruples about the Three Heroes, but because you want to accept them all?

Damn it, why have we just shot ourselves in the foot after spitting for a long time?

"You are very good, very good. Come on, the attendant of Lushuitan will come up and take these distinguished guests to the upper room to rest. In addition, prepare pen and ink for them one by one. Whoever writes the letter first will be rewarded heavily by this envoy. You are welcome. Yes, just wait."

Jia Yan looked very happy. He called the waiter from Green Water Beach outside and led the group of tearful guests to retreat.

When the building was empty and there was silence in the hall, Jia Yan regained his joyful expression, took a piece of fruit from the plate with an expressionless face, put it in his mouth, took a bite, and muttered: "A bunch of idiots..."

Fighting with him, Jia Yan, isn't asking for abuse.

He has traveled in so many places in the galaxy, and although he claims to have no brains, he has experienced too many storms, and he can't even deal with these guys in the small world. He is too weak-minded.

On this day, Nuoda Green Beach changed overnight.

It was not that the owner of Lushuitan had united with many forces, but that all of them, including Lushuitan, were killed by a single-handed ‘black-robed messenger’.

This person came to Lushuitan alone, and with one person's power, he stirred up the entire power of Lushuitan.

The master of Green Water Beach, who was rumored to be mysterious and unpredictable, did not dare to confront him even with half a move. He surrendered directly and surrendered. Envoys from outside forces came, and no one started a bloody battle with the black-robed envoy. He was placed under house arrest in Green Water Beach by the black-robed envoy. Inside the water beach room.

It didn't take long for the incident to spread directly throughout Lushuitan, and people were instantly panicked.

"That man in black robe really did it..."

On the outskirts of the central town of Lushuitan, there is a small dilapidated house. Inside the house, which has been in disrepair for a long time, a young man is tidying up his belongings. There are two little girls around ten years old helping him.

"Brother, what do you mean by black robe?" one of the little girls asked.

"Nothing, have you packed your things? No matter whether there are changes or not, my three brothers and sisters must leave Green Water Beach as soon as possible. This place is destined to change soon, and it is not a place to stay for a long time."


"No why, huh?"

The young man was just about to put Xinruan into the package when his ears suddenly twitched and his face turned ugly.

With a rush of footsteps from far to near, the door was suddenly pushed open.

"Are you the chicken thief boatman that Lord Black Robe said? Hmm... You must be the thieves and thieves. Come with me. Lord Black Robe wants to see you. Don't be ignorant."

No. 7 or 8 people filed in. The two little girls were so frightened that they burst into tears and their faces turned red.

"I...I just let you go, don't scare my sisters."

The young man sighed, not worried about anything, and walked to the visitor with the courage to die generously.

"Wait, let me get something."

The young man lowered his body, picked up something on the ground, and took the opportunity to whisper to the older girl.

"Sister, you wait at home for half a day for your brother. If he doesn't return within half a day, you will take your valuables and leave Green Water Beach. Do you understand?"

As he spoke, the young man's eyes turned red, and the little girl burst into tears and nodded desperately.

"Let's go."

The young man followed the crowd away, his eyes lingering deeply on the dilapidated house where he had lived for many years. The focus was even more on the two adopted sisters who he had rescued home with his own hands. Then he lowered his head and followed the crowd away without any resistance. .

"Sister, let's go save my brother. Oh...I...we will die together with my brother!"

The younger girl was very loyal, and her tears were like broken pearls, gurgling down her face.

"You're stupid. It's just for our own good that my brother didn't resist. If we go too, won't our good intentions go to waste? Wait here. I just told me that if you wait for him for half a day, if he doesn't show up after half a day, Come back...we...we...let's go outside and learn our skills, and when we're done, we'll come back and turn this green water beach into a river of blood!"

"Yeah! Kill them all to avenge my brother! Wuwu..."

The two young girls hugged each other and burst into tears as they spoke. Unbeknownst to them, they thought their brother had died.

At this end, the young man followed the team that captured him and saw clearly that among the team that captured him, there was actually a heaven-level expert from Green Water Beach. He immediately curled his lips.

He is a bastard who is not even above the local level, but he doesn't care about anyone in Green Water Beach.

No matter what his virtue or ability, that big man in black robe actually still cares about me.

Accompanied by everyone, we entered the Green Water Beach headquarters.

"You came."

The stout man sitting on the high chair looks like Schwarzenegger, and his tall figure gives people a sense of oppression.

Of course, this sense of oppression may also come from the terrifying experience of a strong man actually taking possession of Green Water Beach in just half an hour.

Anyway, when the young man saw this familiar face again, his whole body was involuntarily swaying and trembling.

"I have met the adults, but I wonder why the adults invited the villain here? Don't forget, the villain has fulfilled his promise and led the adults to the Green Water Beach headquarters."

The young man sighed, as if he wished he had not brought Jia Yan to Green Water Beach in the first place.

This is called occupying the right to speak.

"Oh, so this envoy can't find this place? Do you think I'm blind?"

Jia Yan seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"I don't dare, but sir, the villain has hard work even if he doesn't have any merit. Why are you going back on your word and letting someone bring the villain here?"

The young man clasped his fists and spoke frankly.

Judging from Jia Yan's previous actions and speech, he could see that Jia Yan was the kind of person who didn't like to beat around the bush. If he talked too much or had some small thoughts, he might die without knowing how.

Might as well speak up.

"I didn't say I was going to harm you. I called you to come, which is a great thing."

Jia Yan was calm and composed. In the face of unwarranted accusations, he was the prime minister and showed no sadness or joy at all.

"What a great thing? Sir, if I say no, I just want to live a peaceful life with my two adopted sisters, will you accept it?"

The young man didn't believe this at all. People living in Green Water Beach could not be fooled by sweet words.

But he didn't consider whether a person like Jia Yan would deliberately lie to him?

No good.

"Sister-in-law, if you want to refuse the life of glory and wealth, I can do whatever you want."

Prosperity and wealth?

The young man was stunned for a moment, recalling how he had raised his two younger sisters all by himself over the years. They had neither enough food nor clothing to keep them warm, nor could they go to school. If things continued like this, they would at best be beautiful girls among water bandits, and they might be killed one day. The officers and soldiers beheaded him.

If they were prosperous and wealthy, wouldn't the sisters be able to live like ladies? They are only ten years old now. It is not too late to receive an education and it is not too late to practice martial arts.

If there was prosperity and wealth, the lives of my sisters would be different.

"Sir, are you serious about this? I wonder what glory and wealth you are talking about?"

Jia Yan picked up the most expensive tea presented by the waiters and said mysteriously: "It is impossible for you to be the emperor. Our Black Temple does not want to cause too much turmoil, but I think that with your intelligence and wisdom, you will be able to become a prince." Being the leader of the National Martial Arts Alliance is not a difficult task, are you willing?"

Martial arts leader? !

The young boatman's eyes widened in disbelief at first, and then he smiled bitterly: "Sir, you are just kidding. This kid is just an ordinary little gangster. He has no power to tie a chicken. At most, he is a little clever, but this little cleverness is green. It’s not like there is no one in Shuitan who is better than me. I am self-aware. I don’t ask you, sir, whether you can make me the leader of the martial arts alliance. Even if you can do it, why choose me? How can I be virtuous enough to convince everyone..."

This kid's mind works very quickly.

Jia Yan couldn't help but praise this person secretly.

It's not as bad as he claims to be. Looking for Shuyuan At least in this green water beach, there are only a few people as smart as him... there are probably only a few dozen people, not many.

The key is that he must be smart and young, and he must be caring and able to adopt a little girl. Taken together, these conditions are very few.

Of course, the most important reason is...

"How can you be so virtuous? Young man, you don't have to be virtuous or capable. The biggest reason why you can be the leader of the martial arts alliance is because you met this envoy and you are in line with my appetite. Are you satisfied with this reason?"

Damn it.

The young man had all the answers in his mind. No matter what Jia Yan said, he would refute it and then leave.

However, the strong man in black robe in front of him said a reason that he could not have expected. This reason made him unable to refute.

Is it because I met a strong man and it suits him?

What a domineering and unparalleled statement.

In this life, do I really hope that one day I can be so domineering and the leader of the martial arts alliance...

The young man finally stopped talking.

In fact, Jia Yan only had a temporary idea. He needed a chess piece and a puppet, and the young man just barely met the needs. But in the final analysis, this was just a temporary idea of ​​Jia Yan.

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