Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 13 It’s actually Neptune? !

Her figure is also fully reflected when this armor-like equipment appears. That perfect feeling is almost impossible for women on earth to have.

But Jia Yan is not interested in seeing that much. After all, he is an alien who has lived for who knows how many years.

At this time, a voice came from Daphne's mask.

"Mr. Giant Mosquito, follow my footsteps later. I will operate the aircraft to carry out sabotage attacks on their base, and then we will attack together and enter their interior!"

"Just...can't you just use an aircraft to destroy their base?"

Jia Yan's voice raised questions at this time.

"No, this base is also something left by the Osto people. My aircraft may have the power to protect itself in front of them, but it does not have the power to completely destroy it. You can see it later. understandable."

Daphne's voice came out slowly.

Jia Yan nodded slightly.

They were standing in this larger space. Daphne seemed to have the ability to operate the aircraft at this time, so the two of them stood in this space, waiting for their approach.

Jia Yan felt a little unreal at this time. Although a month had passed in the aircraft, he still did not have the realistic feeling that he was about to enter a space battle. After all, for a creature living on the planet, It's impossible to get used to something like this suddenly!

Moreover, he had experienced, seen, and imagined a universe so close to him when he was on Earth before. But at that time, Jia Yan could not have imagined that he would actually enter the universe so quickly, and also change his mind. Such an event needs to evolve into a space war!

Weird, absurd, several emotions spread in Jia Yan's heart!

Even this sense of unreality almost diluted Jia Yan's sense of life and death crisis.

At this moment, the aircraft seemed to have turned around amid countless meteorite fragments...

A huge bright white light!

Appeared in Jia Yan’s shining compound eyes!

Giant Mosquito was really shocked now!

Things before your eyes. It may have been the target of the aircraft before. And the video picture he had been seeing was looking at the scenery behind him. So Jia Yan didn't know that the aircraft was approaching such a huge star!

huge! In the entire sight. They are all the shadow of this huge star!

He is so huge that he takes up almost the entire sight. All occupied.

Compared to the earth, his body can be said to be unimaginably huge!

Moreover, its entire appearance is in a slightly blue state, almost occupying the entire field of view. This huge appearance can easily remind people of its true identity!

That is - a gas planet!

They are the so-called Jupiter-like planets!

He has a light blue color. This blue has levels. Some places are darker and some are lighter. And there are some white clouds floating on it, which is extremely dazzling and confusing!

Relative to biological knowledge. Jia Yan's knowledge of astronomy was relatively weak, so he seemed a little confused about this huge planet that suddenly appeared in front of him. I don’t know which planet it is!

This must be one of the planets he knows. After all, even if he has no common sense, he still knows that at the speed this aircraft has shown before, it is impossible to reach another star system within a month!

He even doubted whether it was possible to fly faster than the speed of light! After all, although Jia Yan doesn't know anything about astronomy, he still knows some basic things. For example, if an object can really accelerate to the speed of light, then its weight can be almost infinite! As for the driving force that propels this infinite weight forward, it is impossible for him to exist in his imagination!

However, nothing is absolute. When Jia Yan learned about the existence of those mysterious "alien civilizations", he had already faintly let go of his insistence that "life cannot carry out space navigation". After all, they all appeared in front of him. Facts speak louder than words!

After thinking a lot, Jia Yan once again set his sights on the huge star in front of him!

So, this planet. Which one of the gas planets is it? ?

"This is the body your Earth calls Neptune."

Jia Yan's entanglement didn't last long. Daifuni who was beside him explained this to him.

It turns out to be Neptune...

Jia Yan looked at the planet and was about to record this scene in his mind in shock. After all, not everyone can see Neptune.

But the next moment, his expression changed slightly!


That is to say, they flew from the earth to the farthest planet in the solar system in one month! ?

The distance between Neptune and the sun seems to be extremely far, right? Jia Yan doesn't know the specific value, but it seems to be dozens of times higher than the distance between the earth and the sun!

The distance between the earth and the sun is exaggerated enough, but is this planet still several dozen times farther away from the sun than the earth? ! Does this mean that this aircraft, which does not look so inconspicuous, and even seems a bit rustic to Jia Yan, actually flew to such a distant place in just thirty days? !

Jia Yan was almost stunned. He was in the aircraft. Although there was a video to watch, he had no way of knowing how fast he was going in a vacuum. The surrounding scenery had not changed. He thought that even if the aircraft was indeed It’s fast, but it can’t be that much faster than a spacecraft launched by humans!

But the facts gave him a loud slap!

They sailed almost as fast as one Earth to the sun in one day, traveling through the vast starry sky, and in just thirty days, they reached the planet at the edge of the solar system!


This is no longer a speed that can be described as fast!

On the earth, Jia Yan was able to reach several times the speed of sound by flapping his wings. He was still complacent. However, faced with this desperate speed, and in the vacuum of the universe where it was impossible for him to fly, he What else is there to say…

I can only accept defeat!

"Okay, Mr. Giant Mosquito, have you seen the planetary ring over there? In that planetary ring, there is our target." Daphne ignored Jia Yan's shock. In fact, she didn't even know about Giant Mosquito. Does she have any concept of the universe? After all, she has always regarded Jia Yan as the kind of indigenous evolutionary beast that was born only a few months ago. She can understand language and even read text. She is already very surprised. She wants this giant mosquito monster. It’s probably impossible to understand things so well and know anything about celestial bodies!

But she didn't know that this giant mosquito monster had some astronomical knowledge. Even if it was not very complete, it could not be regarded as a state of knowing nothing.

"We...what should we do next?"

Jia Yan looked at the front of the video and saw something that looked like a dim band of light. These things must be the so-called planetary rings!

However, this planetary ring is not as beautiful as Jia Yan imagined, but rather dim. As the distance gets closer and closer, their color slowly disappears, turning into small rocks and ice slag-like things.

This is the ring of Neptune. For this planet, it only has five rings, and these five rings are relatively small, not as grand as Saturn and Jupiter. Find Shuyuan and they contain Star matter is not that huge.

But at this time, Jia Yan saw a relatively huge object floating around the planet in the star ring, accompanied by the star matter.

This object has a huge body of more than two hundred meters, and it looks outstanding among the surrounding star-shaped materials that are no more than a few tens of meters in diameter.

"Neptune has an extremely strong thermal material reaction. According to the temperature they got from the sun, it was impossible for them to have such a high temperature. So the original Osto people suspected that this planet had another kind of material that they urgently needed. substances, and established a basic collection base here, but their ideas have not been verified. The temperature of Neptune was indeed born due to some special methods! But it did not help them. So those Osto people, just put this The basic base is abandoned. It serves as a signal base, which is what you see in front of you!" Daifuni explained.

(I’m sorry, Bu Yue’s astronomy knowledge is not very good, so at this time, I can only pick out some things I know and talk about them. It’s about as reasonable as I can write. Don’t mind me!! About the introduction of Neptune, you guys You can see more online. After all, some things written in chapters are just verbiage, so Bu Yue didn’t write it so clearly.) (To be continued.) Activate a new website

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