Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 3 Believe in the planet of the Black Temple!

Since I want to relieve some pressure for Qing Ling.

Then we need to operate something in a more critical place than the cultivating superstar.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to do anything for Qing Ling.

After Jia Yan finished talking to Qing Ling, he no longer stayed, but when he left, he took away half of the spiritual fruits, spiritual wine, and spiritual tea from Xingchen Sect. Step into the cracks of the underworld.

Jia Yan is still thick-skinned, especially since this is his subordinate and not an outsider, so he can just take it.

Fortunately, when he returns to his residence, he has experienced the addiction of the immortal cultivators, and he may also let some immortal cultivators on the Xin Shen Planet come over to have a taste and shock them.

Of course, we don’t have that time now.

After Jia Yan traveled back to the underworld, he looked at the Hall of Hell and the Temple of Death. Well, he found that the two little brats were not there.

After that, a submissive lieutenant came out and tremblingly told Jia Yan the message the two little guys had left for Jia Yan.

"Running away from home? Are you still playing with this thing?"

Jia Yan was speechless.

But after being speechless, it didn't matter.

There are not many powerful people here in the underworld, and they have been assigned to Edisha and Jia Lin in name. No matter how they run away from home, they always feel like they are in their own back garden. Of course, this back garden is very big. I'm afraid it's as big as hundreds of Earth's surfaces.

Even if it's this big, it doesn't matter. They won't be in danger, so just let them go crazy.

Now that I have something to do, I will go back and deal with the two naughty kids with itchy buttocks.

Jia Yan directly stored the gadgets he brought back in the Palace of Hell, and then looked for a few doors in the world. After thinking about it, he entered through a certain door in the world.

The door of the present world that he entered was also close to the door of the present world of Xiuxian Star. This meant that this door was also on the edge of the area affected by the underworld, almost on the front line.

It's just that the two sides seem to be close to each other, but I'm afraid they won't be anywhere close to the cultivating superstar.

That's right, the area where Jia Yan drilled was thousands of miles away from the cultivating superstar.

One is on the eastern front of the battlefield and the other is on the western front, which are very different.

Here, Jia Yan has already obtained first-hand information, and Edisha seems to be at ease here, establishing a lot of influence here.

Normally speaking, the planet outside this door is on the relatively front line and should be within the scope of influence of the Xinbai Temple. It is not so easy to succeed.

But there is an exception to everything.

What is known now is that in this artificially designed world, about 90%, or even more than 90%, of the power belongs to the White God.

This is why most of the planets in this world are under the sphere of influence of the Xinbai Temple.

But everything is different.

The power of the Black God is only about one-tenth.

This tenth may seem small, but its influence in some areas is still extremely broad. For example, the planet drilled by Jia Yan, as well as several major planets near this planet, all belong to the sphere of influence of the 'Black Temple'!

Yes, it's the Black Temple.

After Jia Yan was born on his home planet, he rarely saw the Black Temple. He thought that the home planet where his body was originally born was because he was going to be born there, and Edisha deliberately placed the Black Temple. The Temple' and 'The Black Country'.

But today, after he got out of the underworld passage, he directly felt the "Black God Faith" that was even stronger than on his home planet.

He was surprised.

For the first time in so long, it was a refreshing feeling to be on a planet dominated by the Xinhei Temple.

Moreover, visible to the naked eye, this planet's technology seems to be more powerful than other planets. Spaceships come and go, and there are rows of high-rise buildings in the city, with the word "advanced" written all over it.

There is not much difference among the people, except that pedestrians on the street prefer to wear black clothes, and practitioners are shrouded in black energy.

Jia Yan held his hands behind his back and flew calmly in the sky. Even if some cities were prohibited from flying, he flew by blatantly.

Because his strength is so terrifying, even if there is a flight ban or something, as long as he doesn't let others see him, no one can see him.

Without even a little bit of mystery and power, how could he be the 'Black God' that everyone on this planet believes in?

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect to see such a planet. I'm a little embarrassed. So many people believe in me, and I don't know how it feels to have white dolphins countless times more than my followers. Will it really hurt me? Have you become a god?"

Jia Yan thought with a sneer, flying over a certain city at random.

It was just a sigh of relief, Jia Yan didn't think about much else.

The system of belief in the Black God on this planet is so advanced that he is not prepared to do anything to destroy it, because there is no benefit.

"But I can't figure it out. Logically speaking, this planet should not be close to the forces of the White God system. Why can it exist? Could it be that there are more black forces in this area?"

Jia Yan couldn't understand. The previous development trajectory of this world was actually quite unnatural. After all, it was calculated by computers.

If it were a world that developed naturally, I am afraid that if there is such a fish that slipped through the net in the most prosperous place away from Xinbai Temple, it would have been attacked by a group of people, turned into ruins, and then the structure of Xinbai God's power would be rebuilt.


Suddenly, Jia Yan saw a hint of different colors in the huge black tide on the planet.


White Temple?

Jia Yan was surprised and confused. Since he believed in his own system, why did the White God Temple get involved?

He temporarily forgot about the idea of ​​causing trouble, and first flew to the White Temple below.

After all, he came here to cause trouble. He thought this place should be his base camp before and didn't need to care about anything. But now that the White Temple exists, he must understand the reason carefully, otherwise he will easily be attacked from both sides.

There is likely to be a magic passage in the White Temple. When the battle breaks out, a guy from the White Temple will magically teleport over and attack you from behind, and you may be injured.

So he won't let this happen.

Today is destined to be a day of surprise for Jia Yan.

Because as soon as he arrived in front of the White Temple building, he discovered a very magical event.

It turned out that the White Temple seemed to be opening its temple, and many media, high-level society, and ordinary people came to watch the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

What made him even more speechless was that among the senior officials who came, there were actually several people wearing black divine robes.

They are people who believe in the Black Temple!

This picture is both a bit inconsistent and a bit hilarious.

Do the Xinbai Temple and Xinhei Temple, who are fighting to the death in the outside world, actually get along harmoniously here?

"Congratulations, from now on, there are comrades who believe in the White God on our planet. Although the main gods we believe in are different, believers in the gods are all the same kind. I hope to get closer to each other in the future."

The old senior official of Xinhei Temple shook hands intimately with the senior official of Xinbai Temple.

"Traitors who believe in the Black Temple, you cannot represent our belief in the Black Temple. They are destined to destroy our planet. Some of you must have betrayed. I will expose your affair and powerful transactions!"

Suddenly, a reporter underneath tore off his clothes, revealing the Xinhei Temple robe underneath, and shouted loudly.

"Take her away for me!"

On the stage, the faces of both parties who were enjoying themselves became gloomy. The senior official of the Xinbai Temple pointed at the reporter. In an instant, several guards from the Xinbai Temple rushed forward and dragged the woman away.

"Everyone, don't worry about the little episode. There should be no battles between religions and beliefs in this world. Human beings and all major intelligent races should live in harmony, no matter what gods they believe in, whether they are white gods or black gods. Regardless of God, we are all a friendly family, and those who want to destroy today's handshake are the destroyers of peace, and they are sinners who can be punished by everyone. I hope you can all understand the good intentions of the Black Temple. .”

The senior officials of Xinbai Temple stepped out and spoke a great truth, which made the celebrities below nod and clap their hands one by one, and the reporter quickly pressed the shutter.

Everyone seemed to agree with what happened at this time.

But Jia Yan, who was high above the group of people and came through the air, was silent.

He felt that there was such harmony at this moment.

The TV station was broadcasting this "historic event". Countless people saw this scene in front of the TV media, but the vast majority of people felt similar to the female reporter, and they all cursed.

"Sure enough, is there such a thing as power-for-money trading, or is this planet also rotten in some places?"

Jia Yan's eyes flickered slightly.

If this is what he thinks, then he doesn't mind using some means to set an example.

Although Jia Yan actually agreed with some of the words said by the two top executives of White Temple and Black Temple.

If the so-called gods do not exist in the world, they said so, it would really be a blessing for the people, because many times, when society has developed to the peak stage of scientific and technological civilization, the existence of nothingness such as gods is an important factor hindering development. Only by breaking down the so-called divisions of faith can the entire civilized race move to a higher level.

But in this world, it's different.

Because here, Jia Yan and White Dolphin are real ‘gods’, and the whole world exists for them.

The two major gods here will naturally have differences and conflicts.

The people from the White Temple came to this planet to develop at this time, and they definitely had bad intentions. Now they believed in each other, and this planet where the people lived and worked in peace and contentment was destined to have a precarious future.

Moreover, now that he is here, from a personal point of view, he will not let such a thing happen.

After all, this place is also one of the planned frontline base camps of the Black God Sect!

"Damn it, those people who believe in the White Temple are simply too abominable. I want to expose them and let people all over the planet know that they did not come with good intentions!"

"The senior officials of the Xinhei Temple are crazy. Thanks to their belief in Lord Black God, they are colluding with the Xinbai Temple! The senior officials of our city and your police department actually agreed to their entry. You are all crazy. You all have the right to Money deal!”

In a speeding car, the female reporter who was handcuffed to death was yelling curses.

The people from the planet police around her remained silent and allowed her to curse without saying anything back.

The spacecraft, which was originally heading towards the police department, gradually and inexplicably deviated from its direction.


The female reporter cursed and looked out the window, finally realizing something was wrong.

"You...where are you taking me? Do you want to kill someone and silence me? Let me tell you, all my itineraries have been recorded. The scene just now was also seen by countless people through live broadcast cameras. Look, there are several cars behind me. The people are chasing after you and spying on you, if you dare to do anything against me, you will be caught tomorrow!"

The female reporter was a little frightened, with cold sweat on her face and a slightly panicked look in her eyes.

"Have you said enough?"

The man from the police department who was in the same car had a calm expression. Seeing that the female reporter was frightened, he couldn't help but smile a little disdainfully.

"Religious disputes are inherently dangerous. That is to say, the people on this planet are used to living ordinary lives, so women like you appear. Before you stood up, did you ever think about it? Your words, How much blood will be brewed, and how much violence will be brewed? You don’t understand, you are not even ready to sacrifice yourself, look for So..."

The policeman who spoke had a slightly ferocious look on his face: "So after a while, you will be the first person to die in this fight. You are very innocent, right? Don't worry, the people will know, but they have no evidence." , including the high-level officials of your planet, will not pursue it. The power of our Xinbai Temple has already penetrated into this area. The high-level officials of your planet are turning a blind eye to us. It is not just a matter of money, you know me. What do you mean?"

The police officer was actually not a police officer. Through his words, the female reporter understood.

This person is actually from Xinbai Temple!

"You... how dare you!! Also, are the high-level people on this planet actually surrenderers? I will expose you! I will definitely expose you!"

The policeman laughed loudly: "You are still so naive when you are about to die. Forget it, I will reward you with a happy death when you get there."

Finally, the vehicle circled around, and the vehicles following it were just civilian cars. They were quickly shaken off, and with various police obstacles and cooperation, there were fewer cars and fewer people watching the police speedster around. .

They came to the wilderness on the outskirts of the country.

"Look, even if you are in the spotlight and we ask you to disappear, you still have to disappear. It is your last journey here. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful. We specially selected the place to die for you. Are you satisfied?"

When they arrived at a place like this, several police officers who got out of the car stopped pretending and looked murderous.

On the contrary, the female reporter who had been scolding her before turned pale and could not utter half of the curse words. She was so frightened that her two parts were trembling.

She was really scared.


The female reporter had a complex expression on her pale face, and her words were somewhat hesitant. She seemed to want to beg for mercy, but she also had a sense of mission and was resisting such words.

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