Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 8 Finally learned to speak!

These two mushroom clouds are different from the mushroom clouds caused by other nuclear weapons in that they place a glimmer of hope on the part of the military and mankind as a whole, hoping that they can use the ultimate Jedi weapon in their hands to achieve a great feat of annihilating metal monsters on a large scale. The determination of all humans to fight against metal monsters has become even higher!


The smoke cleared.

The clouds were blown away by the huge force.

On the ground, the countless metal monster armies were knocked away one by one by the huge nuclear power, and fell like dumplings in the air.

However, except for those rare parts at the center of the explosion energy.

The metal monsters that were knocked away rolled one by one and got up from the ground...

It was as if the power of explosions and nuclear radiation had no effect on them!

The combined bombardment damage of the two nuclear warheads only resulted in the deaths and injuries of less than a thousand metal monsters!

Moreover, this is a situation where metal monsters gather in extreme numbers...

The Earth’s army was even more shocked!

Maybe they don't know that these metal monsters are just mining robots left by some alien civilizations on the earth. If they knew, they would probably be more surprised!

But enough surprises for now!

Even large-scale nuclear weapons attacks, these metal monsters can easily withstand!

What should people on earth do now? !

There is no way!

There is really no other way to face the attack of metal monsters!

The metal monsters didn't seem to be moved by the attacks from the Earthlings. The large forces they had assembled were still heading towards various cities quickly!

The attack is about to begin!

After this attack, it will be decided whether human beings on the earth will change from the original master to the edge, or whether they will still occupy the position of master!

It’s true that metal monsters are extremely strong. But they have disadvantages. Or it's because the number is too small. There are only more than a million metal monsters in total, which is a huge contrast to the six billion humans. And if all humans rise up in resistance, the outcome of this war will be. Maybe it will also have an intriguing ending!

After all, Earthlings are not fools, on the contrary. The fact that humans have been able to dominate the entire planet for so long just proves that humans are extremely powerful!

Their ability to learn in war. Extremely fast!

Although the metal monsters have the advantage, and maybe they will have the advantage in the future, but in the face of the huge number of humans. Their victory may not be that simple!

Earth humans. This huge and extremely intelligent race is about to explode with its extremely powerful heritage!

And the indomitable and unyielding racial power!

Great war. Expand!

What happens on the earth seems to be extremely distant to the giant mosquitoes in the universe.

In fact, it is also extremely remote!

Jia Yan, who occasionally looked up to watch the video screen, could no longer see the scenery of the earth. It seemed that the surroundings were always so dark. Even the speed of the flying stick aircraft was so fast that Jia Yan was stunned. But at this time, it seemed that He also didn't move, as if the surrounding scenery had stopped.

Jia Yan didn't know where Daifuni wanted to take him, but it looked like the so-called signal relay base.

Before, he thought that no matter how far away the so-called signal relay base was, it couldn't be too far from the earth, but now he realized that his idea was completely wrong!

Two days have passed, and the distant voyage seems to be continuing for a while.

Jia Yan looked at the scenery in the video and missed his family for a while, then he continued to focus on the paper in front of him.

But at the next moment, Jia Yan suddenly felt an inexplicable power in his mind, and he quietly reacted!


A strange voice suddenly appeared in this dim environment!

This voice sounded like a male voice, and the voice was rich and majestic!

Jia Yan seemed to be frightened. He looked around in surprise.

After he found nothing strange, he withdrew his gaze in confusion. He touched his head curiously with one of his slender front legs, as if wondering whether the sound was really coming from him. of? !

Just now, after two days of training, Jia Yan has initially figured out what the so-called power of brain waves is.

This power seems to be something that strives to materialize the thoughts in his mind. If this is any different from the superpower he imagined, it is that this power is really difficult to control, so for Jia Yan Although the mystery of this power has been reduced a lot, it is not that easy to use it!

Just before, he worked hard to release the power of brain waves according to the description in the book!

What he is doing is to use the power of his brain to interfere with the surrounding air according to the method recorded in the book, causing the air to vibrate, and finally producing sound!

This is the simplest way to use the power of brain waves. Air is the most common carrier, and the force required to interfere with them does not require much power.

But even with such a simple method of using brainwave power, Jia Yan has tried it no less than a hundred times before, but never succeeded!

But Jia Yan thinks that’s normal! After all, he has just come into contact with this so-called brain wave skill. If it can be successful so easily, would it be strange?

This thing is like physical exercise. Without a period of familiarity, how can it be successful? Jia Yan has made plans to train for a long time.

But just as he continued to train himself, a strange feeling came to his mind, and then he heard a faint sound in the air according to the power of his intervention!


This is the sound Jia Yan made for the first time!

Jia Yan's compound eyes seemed frozen.

He looked at the air around him. At this time, he had an unreal feeling. It's funny to say that, seeing so many weird things, even entering this aircraft and people entering the universe, he didn't feel too unreal. But now that he heard himself making a little 'sound' again, he felt unreal!

After all, a big mosquito who has been accustomed to not being able to deal with others, unable to communicate, and always seems to be living alone even in the wide world, now actually hears the voice of his own words again, even if the voice of the words has no real meaning. The words above are still fundamentally different, but they are still a way of speaking after all!

So Jia Yan had that incredible sense of unreality at this time!

Not long after, he quickly put aside other thoughts and remembered the feeling of the sound just now!

"I...I...yes...yes...yes yes yes..."

Jia Yan found that he had indeed made a sound. The previous method was not wrong. Under the intervention of his brain, the air made a vibrating sound. In fact, it had already vibrated before. It was just that when he trained before, those methods were different. If you make a mistake, even if you shake the air, you can still make a sound. It can only cause a certain amount of air flow, just like a breeze blowing. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com The big mosquito focused entirely on studying, so he didn’t notice the slightest change in the air!

But now he just followed his wishes and made a difficult sound like a baby learning to speak.

Really learned it!

I can really talk!

Jia Yan felt indescribable joy in his heart. Talking is an extremely common thing for ordinary people, but in the eyes of the current Big Mosquito, it is a huge surprise, so the Big Mosquito's joy at this time is beyond words!

He started training continuously!

"I am...I...I am suitable...I hold...I by one..."

It was easy to learn, but once he really got started, Jia Yan found that it was extremely difficult. He tried several times before he could barely speak a few words.

Moreover, the use of these words seemed to consume a lot of energy on his part. It didn't take long for Jia Yan to feel a little pain in his head, and he seemed to be unable to concentrate. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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