Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 26 The entire planet has rebelled?

( ) “Let’s die.”

Before he finished speaking, an earth-shattering slap shock wave was thrown downwards.

"Ah? Sir, spare my life!"

"Sir, our hearts can be seen in the sun and the moon!"

"Why is this? Please speak for us."

The group of non-commissioned officers present heard the strong men scream one by one, and then turned into powder under the wind of the palm.

Even a few senior executives who didn't say anything or jumped out became fans.

They suddenly fell silent.

The screams and roars just now were soon as if they had never happened, and the whole scene was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

"Hmph, you think I am killing innocent people indiscriminately, right?"

"Don't dare. Since Mr. Jia takes action, there must be a damn reason for them."

"These people dare to contradict the Lord. They are destined to be treasonous."

The higher-ups below quickly lowered their heads and said with sweat on their foreheads.

But everyone knows that Jia Yan's rash move this time left them disappointed.

"Forget it, you are bound to have doubts about taking action like this. Let me let you see clearly who these people are."

Jia Yan sneered and waved his hand.

Where all the dead people were just now, the fans gathered again, and everyone's shadow appeared, and then a little white color was revealed in the black god's power on them.

"Is this...the power of the White God?"

"And it's not just the ordinary White God's power. Many of us also have the skills to practice the White God's power. The level of power they have... is no small matter."

"So...are these people from the White Temple? No wonder Master Jia took action against them."

Everyone below immediately reacted one by one, and had a clear understanding of why Jia Yan took action.

Jia Yan continued to sit on a high position with his golden sword and broad horse.

Regardless of whether this group of people believed what he said, it would not have any impact on him. Even if they were resentful, they would probably be exposed in the future and they would not pose much of a threat to his army.

Everything is in his own hands and is quite stable.

"Okay, let's continue our meeting now."

Jia Yan started this meeting, and the content was very simple.

That is to integrate the current forces and let the subordinate generals know that they are destined to develop into deep space in the future.

And it won't be too slow.

There are several tasks he first asked these generals to perform.

One is to appease the soldiers and select the undercovers among them.

The second is to speed up and cultivate the soldiers' joint fighting skills. Jia Yan does not want them to join forces to deal with the White Dolphins in the future, but only wants them to deal with the troops under the White Dolphins.

Third, continue to retain a large number of vacant positions, and each army has the attributes of being able to replace generals at any time, as well as being able to accept a large number of foreign troops. The reason is very simple, that is, Jia Yan's future subordinate troops cannot only be this small.

Every important point was written down in notebooks by the generals attending the meeting.

In addition, Jia Yan also informed the entire army's top brass of their names and future placements, etc. At this time, he also let them know about the existence of Edisha and Jia Lin.

More detailed rules followed, which turned into a very cumbersome negotiation process. As long as the above three items were not violated, these generals were also granted the right to speak. Jia Yan was not a loner who could not listen to other people's opinions. If what they say is good, Jia Yan can accept it.

This meeting was the first formal meeting held by Jia Yan on this planet.

For the next two days, he accompanied this group of generals in meetings.

When the time came, the generals finally began to take their leave.

Jia Yan actually arranged a large number of speed cars for them to send them away.

This flying car is also a black technology provided by Edisa.

Jia Yan is not the kind of person who would not let Edisha take out outside technology in order to protect the technology of this world.

Generally speaking, some of the physical laws of this world are different from those of the outside world, and it will take a lot of time for Edisha to test whether certain technologies can be used in this world.

But we have still done a lot, improving efficiency in every aspect of the world.

In a short period of time, the entire planet has taken a step forward due to the emergence of the Black God Army.

Another half month.

The first batch of ‘Black God Army’ rose towards the sky.

Originally, there were many interstellar ports on the Xin Shen Planet. Edisha took advantage of these ports and transformed the warships and ordinary merchant ships in the ports into armed merchant ships that were more suitable for combat.

Therefore, in the entire Xin Shen Planet, such a huge fleet was formed in a short period of time, and with its technological capabilities and combat effectiveness, it would not be a problem to sweep around.

But things progressed faster than expected.

Twenty battleships moved at top speed.

"Ahead is the planet next door as explained in the mission. We have also had contact with this planet. It is a planet that is even more unfriendly to the powerful black gods. This time I am afraid it will be another bloody battle."

"But Jia Da... no, since the Lord God has issued the oracle, we must fulfill it. Do you understand the order? I don't want to see anyone dare to turn around and run away!"


The petty officers in these twenty battleships all looked forward to death.

They were the first troops assigned to go out to fight.

The twenty battleships of the Star Force are not small, but the total number of troops on the battleships is about 50,000, and each battleship has a lot of troops stationed.

There are about a dozen similar small fleets, and they have been sent to many planets in the surrounding areas.

This time it was their fleet's turn to enter the attack range of the enemy star.

"There are battleships!"

"Get ready quickly."

"Huh? Something's wrong. What's going on with this enemy warship? It's flying a white flag?"

The fleet attacking this star was ready for battle, but found that the signals sent by the dozens of oncoming warships from this star conveyed the intention of surrender.

They suddenly felt like the flames of war were extinguished by the flood, and they were confused and didn't know what happened.

"Are they the subordinates of the Black God? Hello, we are a planet that has changed its beliefs. Please accept our surrender. There are still some remnants of the White God on this planet. Please let us deal with the remnants of these White Gods."

"My lords, you can come with us to watch, and you can come and guide us in our battle."

Such a warm invitation was sent out from the oncoming fleet.

Suddenly, the scene that had been extremely passionate just now turned into extremely silent.

Everyone in the battleship under Jia Yan's men couldn't believe it and didn't know what was going on.

It wasn't until a long time later that they heard what happened on this planet that they suddenly realized it.

It turns out that on this planet, as early as a few months ago, there were so-called "visitors from the underworld". A large number of souls came to visit their relatives and personally told them that there was a black god, and that the gods Yama and Death under the black god were in charge of the underworld. , they are working hard to create an underworld where everyone will go after death. As long as they perform well, these dead people may be reincarnated into the present world through the underworld.

At this time, the planet that originally believed in the White God was a place where the faith was relatively firm, but because of the appearance of the underworld and the souls meeting their relatives in person, their faith was instantly shaken.

Later, among the visitors from the underworld, some souls told them the conditions for changing their faith, which was to give this star to Lord Black God, who had revived and was expanding his territory, so that Black God would accept their faith.

Is this okay?

Belief is something that sounds firm, but sometimes it is fragile.

Things like the appearance of gods are something that can only be met but not sought. What's more, even if the spirit of Bai God appears and asks them to believe in Bai God again, is there an underworld on the side of Bai God?

The underworld can arrange a person's reincarnation in the next life, can you, Bai Shen, do that?


Therefore, it only took an instant for them to convert to the Black God.

What's even more exaggerated is that just because they want to compete for the chance of reincarnation after death, these guys bite back the White God's forces, which is even more exaggerated.

A large number of rebels captured the temples of Xinbai Temple.

This was much faster than a spark, and a fire started immediately, almost like an explosion.

Within half a month, the planet seemed to have changed hands directly. Even some of the temple masters of the Xinbai Temple had changed their beliefs, turning the entire planet that firmly believed in the White God into a paradise that believed in the Black God.

After hearing this.



In the twenty fleets sent by Xin Shen Star, all the soldiers and generals were speechless for a long time.

Dare they believe that the changes in the God Star are already slow?

Look, this so-called belief in the White God is more determined than the belief in the God. Also, because of the competition for who believes in the White God more, the planet that has not yet started an interstellar war actually did not need Mr. Jia to come in person in a short period of time. It was so easy to change his faith...

The human heart is too fragile.

Quite ugly too.

"Very...very good, gentlemen of this star, we will follow your wishes and send a few senior officials to watch the battle. Of course, our main fleet will supervise in the starry sky. If anything happens to the generals we send, You know what we mean..."

"Of course I understand. Please follow us down. We will never do anything disadvantageous to you adults."

The clueless Xinshen Planet generals and senior officials sent a few people who were not afraid of death to follow the planet's fleet senior officials and descend to the ground.

Unexpectedly, they were actually hunting down the remnants of Xinbai Temple.

The entire planet was already in raging war. Countless people even organized themselves and beat the people of Xinbai Temple into street rats.


The high-level officials of Xin Shen Star who had just arrived felt goosebumps stand up on their skin.

When they were on the Xin Shen Planet, they didn't change their beliefs so easily. This planet was better, and they just looked at some so-called souls from the underworld, and they immediately became like this.

It can be seen that they used to compete with Xin Shen Xing to see who had more faith in Bai Shen.

Now they seemed to hate those who believed in Bai Shen to the core of their bones.

All the non-commissioned officers who came believed it.

If it's for acting, it's too exaggerated. The whole planet has trained these guys to be incapable of acting.

"We believe it. In a moment, we will have the fleet come down and cooperate with you in the attack. Certain strong fortresses and our advanced battleship cannons are the most effective."

"Now that we are in the arms of the Black God, we are brothers who treat each other equally. We will not let those brothers on the front line waste their lives. It's just a volley of artillery fire, it's nothing."

The coming generals of the Believing Star accepted the converts around them and were willing to let the warships go down to low altitudes to take risks.

Besides, with the planet now in such a state, there may not even be much anti-aircraft fire left. Even if there is, it may not be lethal to the powerful warships modified through Editha's guidance.

So they were willing to believe these converts for once.


[It’s just a few hundred words away, you can see it after an hour’s refresh of the official version of Qidian.] “Very… very good, your Excellencies, we will follow your wishes and send a few senior officials to watch the battle. Of course we will The main fleet will be supervising in the starry sky. If anything happens to the generals we send, you will understand what we mean..."

"Of course I understand. Please follow us down. We will never do anything disadvantageous to you adults."

The clueless Xinshen Planet generals and senior officials sent a few people who were not afraid of death to follow the planet's fleet senior officials and descend to the ground.

Unexpectedly, they were actually hunting down the remnants of Xinbai Temple.

The entire planet was already in raging war. Countless people even organized themselves and beat the people of Xinbai Temple into street rats.


The high-level officials of Xin Shen Star who had just arrived felt goosebumps stand up on their skin.

When they were on the Xin Shen Planet, they didn't change their beliefs so easily. This planet was better, and they just looked at some so-called souls from the underworld, and they immediately became like this.

It can be seen that they used to compete with Xin Shen Xing to see who had more faith in Bai Shen.

Now they seemed to hate those who believed in Bai Shen to the core of their bones.

All the non-commissioned officers who came believed it.

If it's for acting, it's too exaggerated. The whole planet has trained these guys to be incapable of acting.

"We believe it. In a moment, we will send the fleet down and ask Shuyuan to cooperate with you in the attack. Our advanced battleship cannons are most effective in certain solid fortresses."

"Since we have embraced the Black God, we are brothers who treat each other equally. We will not let those brothers on the front line waste their lives. It's just a volley of artillery fire. It's nothing."

The coming generals of the Believing Star accepted the converts around them and were willing to let the warships go down to low altitudes to take risks.

Besides, with the planet now in such a state, there may not even be much anti-aircraft fire left. Even if there is, it may not be lethal to the powerful warships modified through Editha's guidance.

So they were willing to believe these converts for once.


[It’s just a few hundred words away, you can see it after an hour’s refresh of the original version from Qidian.] After being beaten like this, there won’t even be much anti-aircraft fire left.

[Several hundred words are missing, you can see it by refreshing the original version in an hour]

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