Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 5 The path of the starry sky beast! !

But at this time, Jia Yan was in the opponent's aircraft. What would happen if he didn't agree? The other party threw him outside and he died.

After thinking about it, Jia Yan felt that he should not think so much first. He had gradually understood the things on the earth, but at this time, he knew that these were useless and would not change the situation in any way. And if what this Daphne said is right, in addition to the threat of metal monsters, there are also things about those three civilizations!

Although she only wanted her so-called 'detection ship' to come back, judging from the other party's tone, this detection ship is definitely not as simple as a detection ship!

Perhaps combat power can play a decisive factor on this earth!

"Why are you thinking so much? Now I have no room for backhandedness in front of her! Let's see what this so-called evolutionary beast is first!" Jia Yan's compound eyes relaxed slightly. For him during this period, It's not that easy. After all, this is the first time Jia Yan has been in such a helpless situation since his rebirth!

Although that Daphne seemed to be friendly, he didn't dare to completely believe it.

Jia Yan stretched out one of his front legs and picked up the book in front of him.

The book is obviously a current one, with some text written in Chinese. But there is no cover, just introduction and explanation.

"'Evolved Beast', the thirty-eighth imperial creature sequence, the ninety-seventh threat sequence!"

In the first line, Jia Yan saw this line of font.

This information was obviously translated by Daifuni according to the text of a certain information and then handed over to Jia Yan.

What is an empire? What is a biological sequence? What is the danger sequence?

Jia Yan read it carefully and slowly!

In this illusory and dim space, the light seems to be unnecessary. When Jia Yan reads the words, it seems that the words are not affected by the dim light, which is very magical.

He continued reading.

And this magical flying object was flying slowly in the deep and mysterious space.

He said it was slow, but in fact, his speed was gradually increasing!

faster and faster.

Just when Jia Yan was reading those materials!

He raised his head slightly. But next. His compound eyes were just astonishing!

Then the big mosquito's previously calm compound eyes showed a look of shock!

He saw on the video of the metal wall of the aircraft that the earth was gradually receding. It turned into a round thing the size of an orange. Near the aircraft, there is a huge celestial body. It appears near the video screen!

It has huge craters, large and small, one after another, and the bright rays of the distant sun shine down. The crater is illuminated brightly!

This is……

Jia Yan's heart was trembling slightly.

This is the moon!

How fast this aircraft must be! ? For a while, he didn't even feel much acceleration. Already reached the moon? !

This is the moon that humans can see every night and look up at!

Jia Yan felt what he was going through. It was simply too much science fiction, and it was a bit hard for him to wrap his head around!

Before, it just became like this step by step. There is no real feeling at all.

But now when I look up, I see the moon that I never thought I could see so close! Then it dawned on me. What he is experiencing now may be something he can recall as a legendary event in the future!

But after Jia Yan looked at the moon that was receding at a fast speed next to him, he turned his attention to the book in front of him!

He had also thought about where this aircraft was going, but at this time, he did not have the ability to ask, nor did he have the ability to disobey the other party.

Presumably this aircraft is going to the so-called signal relay base.

Anyway, when you get to the place, the other party will call you.

Jia Yan didn't think too much and just continued reading.

At this time, almost all of his body and mind were attracted by the depiction of the so-called 'evolved beast'!

He didn't know where this information came from, but the evolved beast depicted on it was very similar to some of his characteristics!

This kind of evolved beast is a kind of life that can appear on every planet with life in the universe.

Jia Yan first wanted to laugh at the "various planets with life" mentioned in the book. People on earth have been looking for alien life for so many years, but they still have no clues. This article actually says "various planets with life". It makes it seem like There are many planets with life!

But he suddenly realized that this information was given to him by Daifuni!

The other party's background is a civilization with strong technological capabilities. If this civilization has many life planets in the universe, it must be close to the same. If we can't find any extraterrestrial life on Earth, it's just because our methods aren't strong enough...

So Jia Yan takes this description of the many life planets in the starry sky as correct.

Then there is the depiction of the so-called ‘evolved beasts’.

These evolved beasts appear randomly on various planets, and there are many possibilities for creating them. However, among those possibilities, the only indispensable point is that those evolved beasts have powerful devouring abilities!

Some of them use the most basic oral swallowing method, some use certain unique organs of the body to swallow, and some even use fusion methods!

The evolution process of these evolved beasts is very fast. Some of them devour excellent things in the initial stage, and then their power will develop by leaps and bounds! The most representative of these is the evolved beast that devours the ‘star condensate’ in the planet!

If an evolved beast has just become an evolved beast, it will take a long time to develop a certain combat effectiveness. However, during this period, if the evolved beast is given star condensate by chance or artificially, then as long as he can survive that The star's powerful energy agitation has about a one-tenth chance of surviving, and its combat effectiveness will jump directly. If it is properly trained | taught and learns some of the abilities of the evolved beast, its combat effectiveness will be on the table!

At that time, these evolved beasts will be qualified and powerful evolved beasts. After some training or a long period of evolution, these evolved beasts will become the ultimate appearance of the evolved beasts and transform into another state of life!

That is - the starry sky beast!

This article does not describe much about the starry sky beasts. It only said that even the weakest starry sky beasts are a great threat to this so-called 'empire'. If they are not resisted with all their strength, they may be possible. It destroyed several administrative stars and paid a huge price to eliminate it!

In fact, among these so-called starry sky beasts, there are extremely powerful ones. The empire has not seen many, but other civilizations have recorded that some powerful civilizations, even more powerful than this empire, are all in the starry sky. Destroyed by the blows of giant beasts!

Therefore, for the combat power of the starry sky beast, please find Shuyuan www. is so powerful that it ranks third in the empire's dangerous order, only behind the empire's two rival cosmic civilization races!

Although the evolved beasts are not very powerful and the danger level is not very high, they may evolve into real starry sky beasts in the future. Although the chance is as slim as finding a needle in a haystack, as long as there is this possibility, the research on evolved beasts will be It has always been listed as an important matter by the empire!

Not only do they want to study the secret of the power of the starry sky beast, but what they want to do more is to control this power in their own hands. Even if they cannot turn the civilized races in the empire into possessing the power of a starry sky beast, they must at least be able to control a powerful starry sky beast in their hands. When the time comes, they will have more power when facing the two hostile rival empires. Great confidence!

"This evolved beast is awesome! But what's even more powerful is the giant starry sky beast! And no matter how you look at it, I seem to have entered the path of the so-called 'evolved beast'! Could it be possible that I can become that incomparably powerful beast that even appears on paper?" A life that the 'Empire' fears?!"

Jia Yan read all the documents word for word without stopping, and then he let out a long breath...

The light in his compound eyes was as bright as ever! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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