Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 50: Kill the brave! 【End of this volume】

( ) There was a somewhat helpless tone coming from the other end of the communicator.

And if others heard this voice, they would definitely be extremely shocked.

Because before Jia Yan, he was one of the most respected military leaders in the Black Kingdom.


And if anyone else listened to this communication, they would probably have an extremely shocking understanding of the family background of this secretary who seemed to have no background.

She is actually the grand marshal's biological daughter.

No one knows this. Her performance in the military is definitely based on her own efforts, climbing up bit by bit without leaving even a trace behind.

It's just that she defeated countless competitors and appeared in Jia Yan's office. I'm afraid it wasn't as simple as just relying on herself.

It turned out that the Generalissimo played a role behind this.

But now, the daughter of the generalissimo is still dismissed by Jia Yan.

"Adisha is back! Adisha has already talked to her sister. She knows she was wrong! Is Adisha powerful?"

" are awesome."

Looking at the little figure flying into the window from the window, Jia Yan was helpless.

This little guy, since she was able to fly freely, has changed from her previous love of jumping to now her love of flying around in the sky and performing her own original 'Edisha Dance'.

Everything seems to be back to the time when Edisha was a mosquito of light and shadow, and now Edisha is a living being on her own, doing whatever she wants, and some things even Jia Yan didn't expect.


"This daughter of the generalissimo is actually just like her father, she still cares about the country and the people. Forget it, after the Qing Dynasty, let's give her a real job and let her go on the battlefield. Maybe she will also be a female general in the future. .”

Jia Yan smiled.

It is not too difficult for a being like him to know that this secretary who seems to be 'chosen' by himself actually has a background identity, and is even the daughter of the 'general marshal' who has been kind to him. thing.

Not to mention that he has his own intelligence department, nor that his body can easily hear everything on the entire planet, but that Jia Yan has the ability to feel emotions, and he can sense what's going on under his secretary's seemingly calm face every time. , with countless thoughts, he will guess that his identity is extraordinary.

"Master, according to Edisa, this war is almost over. It won't last long. If Project 53 succeeds, this planet will fall directly into our hands."

"You're right, it's almost over. We can also speed up the process of devouring energy and searching for other accomplices in aliens."

"Yes, Adisha can't wait."

"To enter the starry sky, you need better flying equipment. Can you still remember how to make simple flying tools? If you remember, you can start making them."

"Remember Adisha, Adisha is the smartest."

Editha jumped up and down, running to tinker with the drawings of flying tools she remembered.

Jia Yan and her can now fly into the starry sky of this world with their bodies, but no matter how close the planets in this starry sky are, flying in the boundless starry sky with their bodies is still the behavior of fools. Without the flying tools, it is like nothing. Feet, it can't last.

Fortunately, Edisha is assisting Jia Yan, otherwise Jia Yan would have to rely on snatching the flying tools of those 'alien' to go to the stars.

Yes, there are ‘aliens’ on this seemingly peaceful planet.

These so-called aliens are observing the planet here and conducting resource transactions with certain countries or specific businessmen.

They are like powerful men who are superior to others. Their level of strength is one level higher than that of the powerful men on this planet, making them look at the indigenous life forms on this planet as if they were fools in backward areas.

"It is said that even the 'braves' on this planet were created by them. I wonder if they will take action against me again this time since I have made such a big noise on the planet?"

What Jia Yan said was like a prophecy.

Because the next day, there was big news in the world. It was said that the "Xinhei Kingdom" caused great chaos in the world, and the great priest of the "Xinbaishen Cult" summoned a "Xinheiguo" from another world. Brave man'.

The purpose of the hero's appearance is naturally to deal with Xinhei Kingdom.

This incident caused a huge sensation.

But unlike another brave man who appeared a hundred years ago to prevent a world war, this time the brave man showed up and received mixed reviews.

After the last brave group showed up, their role was greatly reduced.

Because modern warfare has become quite formalized, and weapons have become more advanced, simple strong men are no longer enough to play a sufficient role, at least that was the case last time.

And this time, the world has moved forward to an era a hundred years later. No one knows whether the brave men can still have a considerable effect this time.

This incident is exactly what some so-called "aliens" did on the planet.

They are also the masterminds behind the control of the largest religious force on the planet, the Xinbaishen Sect.

The purpose of creating a 'brave' this time is definitely not the idea hundreds of years ago that summoning a brave man would have the effect of fixing the cauldron.

But to create momentum for the entire planet.

Even within the Shinhei Kingdom, there are still a large number of people who still believe in and worship the brave man, because this is the brave man who has been guarding this planet since the age of mythology and defeated demons many times.

The hearts of people in Nobuguro's country, which is regarded as evil by the hero, are destined to fluctuate, and other countries will become enthusiastic because of this.

In this way, even if the Xinhei Kingdom will not be destroyed, its vitality will definitely be severely damaged, making it impossible for him to bring a devastating blow to the overlord's national power.

As for whether the Xinhei Kingdom will be destroyed, the aliens don't care. What they want is that the planet cannot be unified. It is best that the Xinhei Kingdom continues to make this planet unstable, and their interests here will not be There are damages and even benefits.

"I'm a hero? Hahaha, I actually went to another world and became a hero!"

A young man was rolling around on the bed, extremely excited.

Next to this young man, there are the holy sword that he obtained earlier and the brave armor that he received from the president of the superpower. Each of them is a fine product on this planet.

"Tomorrow the princess will personally team up with you. She is a magician, and her magical power will not disappoint you, brave man."

"Princess? Is she the super beauty I saw at the banquet? That's great... Well, no, it's great that a magician with such strength is accompanying me. I will send the so-called Shinhei Kingdom directly Buried in history."

The next day, the young man reviewed the troops seriously, and then met with several experts who might be traveling with him.

It's just that what makes him a little weird is.

If there are brave men in this world, then according to the descriptions he saw in the previous world, it should be an extremely backward world. But now it seems that this world is not as backward as imagined. With big cities and advanced weapons, All available.


The brave man used his holy sword, and this sword gave him great courage, because when he swung the sword out, the sky was eclipsed, and a mountaintop was split in half by his sword.

"This is the power of a brave man!"

"I'm afraid the brave man has directly become the strongest person in the world."

"I don't know whether he is the strongest or not, but at least he is the top one. Now we have a chance."

The soldiers of the entire overlord country felt great strength at the appearance of the brave man.

Brave people are synonymous with "justice" in this world, and every time a brave man is born, he will leave this world without any nostalgia after leaving various famous achievements. It is for this reason that brave men will be promoted. Become a representative of good quality.

Except that the brave men in every class seemed to be a little greedy for women, there weren't any big problems.

Such brave men are also one of the motivations for soldiers to join the army, and their integrity is what everyone wants to learn.

It's just that the soldiers don't know that the brave man who disappeared after completing the mission of killing evil was actually directly wiped out by the aliens on this planet.

Who would spend a lot of energy to send a useless chess piece back to its original planet?

Yes, these aliens brought so-called 'braves' to this planet. In fact, they just caught ordinary people from some nearby planets and threw them away after they were used.

After receiving the information that he would meet the extremely beautiful 'princess' tomorrow and join his team, the hero carried the holy sword on his back alone and walked on the street, enjoying the treatment that everyone envied and even treating him to food from time to time. .

But when he walked into a small alley, he found a young man with black eyes and black hair in the alley, leaning against the wall and looking at him calmly.

"Hello, Your Highness the Brave One."

A slight smile bloomed on the young man's seemingly plain face.

"Hello young man, may the White God bless you."

The brave young man smiled. In order to leave a good impression on the people of this world, he tried his best to keep smiling.

"A White God? Brave, there is a White God on your planet, right?" The young man also smiled, but his smile was deeper than that of the Brave, and had more inexplicable meaning in it.

"Planet? Are you talking about my original world? Yes, there is a White God in my world. Isn't that weird? The White God is our creator god."

The brave man said in shock.

It seems that Bai Shen is the creator god and should not be questioned.

The young man nodded, and then said: "You should be from a planet five hundred billion kilometers away, right? It is normal that there is a legend of a white god there. I wonder if there is a legend of a black god?"

"Five hundred billion kilometers? I don't understand what you mean. But the Black God? Are you talking about the legend of the God of Destruction? Yes, but people there don't believe in the Black God at all. Unlike you, there is actually one The country blatantly believes in the God of Destruction. This is a heinous crime for us, so I want to promote the glory of the White God here and try my best to make those countries correct themselves. For example, the name of the country I want to deal with this time is the Shinoku Country. Naming a slogan after belief in the Black God is too much."

When the young man mentioned Xinhei Country, he gritted his teeth, as if this country was so evil.

The purpose of being 'summoned' here was originally to deal with the Xinhei Kingdom. The two sides were naturally hostile. What's more, this young man obviously came from the planet that believed in the White God, so he was quite hostile to the Black God, that is, Jia Yan. Hatred, this happened to coincide with his idea of ​​dealing with Xinheiguo.

In other words, the aliens had this in mind before allowing him to be summoned.

"Haha, do you know who I am?"

There was still no wave in the young man's eyes, he just said with a faint smile.

"You are... who are you?!"

Suddenly, the young man's face became wary.

Although these were ordinary people who met by chance in the alley, the young man's overall temperament, demeanor, and the feeling he gave him gradually showed that they were very different from ordinary people.

So he became nervous.


The young man shook his head, then gradually readjusted himself from the wall-leaning position and stood up straight.

He looked at this young man, the so-called brave man, and then said the following words in words that the young man could not understand.

"I also wanted to see what the so-called brave men who often appear in cartoons, movies, and TV series look like. I didn't expect that this is it?"

"You...what do you mean? Are you someone who believes in the Black Country?!"

The young man's face became increasingly ugly. Although he couldn't understand what the young man in front of him meant, it was not difficult to tell that there was something weird about this young man.

"That's all. Although you won't play any role in the war, it will still slow down my progress on this planet. This is an unexpected variable, so... you must eliminate it."

The boy took a step closer to the young man and stretched out his seemingly powerless palm.

"Are you asking me who I am? Then I'll tell you..."

"My name is..."

"Jia Yan."

Jia Yan! ?

Isn't he the so-called biggest demon leader of the Xinhei Kingdom and the young marshal of the entire Xinhei Kingdom?


This young man's scalp was numb, and he looked for Shuyuan as if he was panicking to death.

Who would have known that he, who was just about to start his legendary life as a brave man, had not yet enjoyed the rights of a brave man in this world, nor had he lived a good life with princesses and other beauties, but he actually directly met the last great devil?

And this big devil didn't even give him a chance.

Jia Yan's outstretched palm released a burst of energy in an understatement.

Then the hero's half-drawn holy sword froze, and his forward attack steps completely stopped in the middle.


As the wind and sand blew, the hero's body turned into pieces of dust, blown into the most basic particle state in the world, including his gorgeous equipment and the so-called 'indestructible' holy sword, which together became the most basic particles. Fine matter disappears between heaven and earth.

[This volume is finished, the next volume will speed up the progress of this world]

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