Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 47 The Invincible Fleet is coming!

( ) But these five major countries were almost destroyed in two days by Xinhei Kingdom’s offensive?

You can't run that fast, right? Don't you guys resist?

The whole world is staring at the overlord's fleet heading to this continent.

Let's see now what this fleet does.

It is said that the two major ports in the Western Country are still in their hands. If the overlord country lands at these ports, there is still a chance.

The issue is……

Do they dare?

"Everyone from the Western Kingdom, our army will arrive at noon tomorrow, hold on!"

Unexpectedly, the overlord's military declaration in the afternoon made the whole world excited again.

Countless people and high-level officials in the country felt their blood boiling with excitement. Some people also had strong fear in their hearts. It also aroused many people's fear of past memories.

No matter how powerful the Xinhei Kingdom is now, it is still far less powerful than the overlord country has accumulated over the years.

Now, this hegemonic country that has been dormant for a long time is finally showing its fangs.

The target of showing its fangs is the newly powerful country that has caused an uproar on the entire planet recently - Nobuhei Country.

This Xinhei Country is a country that makes others tremble with fear. In just a few months, it directly annexed the huge land on this continent from a small and unknown country.

If we talk about their combat effectiveness, if many countries were unconvinced at first, then the way they conquered the Seven Kingdoms this time and the combat effectiveness of their troops made countless countries remain silent and unable to even say harsh words.

The war between the Xinhei Country and the Overlord Country was originally completely disproportionate, but after this war, it was considered by many countries to be a good show.

Other countries that had been looking forward to this good show finally witnessed the stage when the show was served, and began to feel ecstatic one by one.

Anyway, when these two countries stage a war, other countries will only be happy, because this is definitely a battle between generals and kings. Even if the black country is bound to lose, it will definitely bring an unprecedented blow to the overlord country's national strength. Maybe in a few years, the hegemonic country will be pulled down by a first-class powerful country and fall from the clouds.

It’s time for the world to change to the most powerful country.

In the afternoon, the overlord's fleet rushed to the Western Sea and finally arrived at the Western Sea port.

And they were extremely depressed to find that at this port, the defeated soldiers of the Western Kingdom who should have been all over the army, waiting for them to join them, had already disappeared.

The entire port was already filled with Xinhei soldiers who were waiting in full formation.

"They are people who believe in the Black Kingdom!"

"Damn it, these losers from the Western Kingdom, can't they even resist for half a day?"

"What now? Are we still logged in?"

"Landing! We are the invincible overlord's army. How can a mere Xinhei army with a partial division compare with us, let alone stop us?"


Even though the soldiers of the Black Country had roughly taken over the port, and even the protective fortifications were almost taken over, the Overlord still did not believe in the evil and rushed towards the port.


When approaching the sea area of ​​about ten kilometers, both sides had already used long-range artillery attacks.

In other words, the two sides could attack each other as early as hundreds of kilometers away from the sea, but at that time, the Shinhei Kingdom did not have the energy to deal with such a distant opponent, while the overlord country did not know what the battle situation was like here and did not dare to bomb friendly forces at will.

Now they are within ten kilometers apart, completely within the range of artillery fire from both sides.

On the one hand, there is the Nobuhei Kingdom's troops that have just occupied the port, and on the other hand, there is the Overlord's Armada, which is already preparing to attack. In the battle ratio between the two sides, the Overlord's side definitely has the advantage.

"The artillery fire of the Xinhei Army has never been too strong, and their weapons and equipment are also very backward, so in a battle at this distance, our fleet will definitely have a great advantage."

As for the overlord's fleet, the other party is quite clear about the strengths and weaknesses of the Xinhei Kingdom's troops.

Their advantage lies in the quality of their weapons and personnel, all of which are in high positions.

Since the Xinhei Kingdom has just occupied the port of the Western Kingdom, it has good defensive fortifications, and most of the defense work must have been destroyed in the previous battle. Under this situation, the Xinhei Kingdom's troops are absolutely at a huge disadvantage.

Of course, if Xinhei Country had only disadvantages, it would have been destroyed by so many countries long ago.

Their advantages are also obvious and simple.

That is, their team fighting capacity is unprecedentedly powerful. According to intelligence, even if the soldiers of the Black Country are just ordinary soldiers, as long as they join forces, they will become top powerhouses. Even the masters are extremely afraid of them.

But the problem is that such a naval battle is probably not a place where troops with outstanding combat effectiveness like Nobuhei Kingdom can show their advantages.

This is also the reason why the hegemonic country dares to go to war.


Along with large areas of gunpowder smoke, the entire port pier was covered with a large number of shell fragments.

The explosion caused the entire earth to tremble with countless pieces of gravel and shells, shooting in all directions.

"Damn it, people from this overlord country really dare to attack us."

"Defense! The team joins forces on the spot, and those with shelters hide behind them."

"Try to ensure that personnel do not suffer serious losses due to this bombing."

The entire Xinhei Army only numbered more than 5,000 people at most. This was the force sent by Jia Yante to attack the port. He had already expected that an extremely tragic battle would occur at this port, so he had already sent people to attack the port. Most of the Western Kingdom warships where they were located were destroyed by a sneak attack.

But he still didn't expect that the overlord had already sent a fleet to parade on the sea. It announced that it would join the war in the morning and came in the afternoon.

As a result, the entire war fell into chaos.

"Marshal Jia Yan, the overlord's fleet launched a bombing on our army at the port of the Western Kingdom. Because we did not have strong long-range means, we were passively beaten."

The secretary rushed to the marshal's office where Jia Yan was located and told Jia Yan the above information anxiously.

"Oh? Are you going to fight without declaring it? There's no need to rush."

In the office, Jia Yan raised his head calmly, and then lowered his head.

It turned out that he was teaching Edisha some cultivation techniques, writing and drawing on paper, and the little guy listened very carefully, and didn't even react to the information the secretary told her.

These two are the most powerful beings in the entire Xinhei Kingdom, but they don't seem to have the slightest interest in the progress of the war?

The secretary's expression turned ugly. If she hadn't remembered that Jia Yan had told her not to interfere in so many military matters, she might have cursed loudly at this moment.

Is this still the Marshal Yan whom the people and soldiers believe?

Do you not care about the lives of the soldiers?

"Okay, just practice like this. It should be the most suitable way for your body."

"Okay, Adisha knows."

Editha shouted with a smile, then stood up and jumped up and down, her body looking much lighter.

The secretary was a little surprised, because she felt that after the little girl stood up, she released some amazing power from her body. Of course, the secretary also had the power of cultivation, so she felt it very clearly at the moment.

But this obvious power was far above hers. This is what shocked the secretary. You know, although little Edisha is smart, she is only a little over five years old at most. How can such a little kid be better than herself?

"Okay Edisha, don't jump. The secretary's information said that the overlord country came to attack our troops. This is something you didn't plan for the 53rd mission. You can clean up the mess yourself now."

"Okay! Small problem."

Adisha jumped up on her little feet, then looked at the secretary, took her hand, and pulled the secretary towards her small desk.

Her personal small desk is a pocket-sized table. The adults standing next to it seem a little funny, as if they are playing house with the children.

After cute Disha ran here, she sat down on the chair and swayed her little feet under the table. Then she took out a pen and paper and started writing and drawing. In less than two minutes, she stuffed the paper into the secretary's desk. in hand.

"Take it and ask the soldiers at the port to fight like this, and you will win."

Adisha's words made the secretary couldn't help but put the thread on the paper in his hand.

The handwriting on the paper clearly looks like a child's graffiti. Many people would not be able to tell what she wrote if they didn't look carefully.

But as the exclusive secretary of these two people, she can still understand them.

After just a few glances and short words, the secretary caught the eye. Then she raised her head, ready to look at the genius chief of staff in admiration, but she saw that she had already opened the drawer. , quietly took out a snack from it and stuffed it into his little mouth.

"Marshal Jia Yan, Lady Adisha is stealing!"

The secretary couldn't help but betray Adisha, whom she had admired so much just now.


"It's not me! I didn't eat! You hurt me! I won't help you anymore!"

Adisha quickly spat out the snacks in her mouth and glared at the secretary, as if the secretary had done something evil.

"Uh... Lady Edisha, Lady Jia Yan, I will be resigning now. The war is urgent."

After getting their understanding, she took the information and left as if she was running away.

Edisha turned back and looked at Jia Yan quietly, squatted on the ground again, picked up the snack she had just spit out, blew the dust on it, stuffed it carefully into her small mouth, and bit it, showing a happy smile.


The battle at the port is still in full swing.

A large number of soldiers did not have normal bunkers and were thus exposed to the threat of enemy artillery fire.

"Have the instructions from above not been issued yet?"

"We can't stand it any longer!"

"Damn it, the bastards of this overlord country actually started a war without declaring it!"

The entire port was covered by artillery fire, and a large number of soldiers could only bear the devastation of shrapnel under the enemy's artillery fire because they did not find a suitable bunker.

Fortunately, the strongest point of the joint strategy is defense.

The most basic principle of Jia Yan's guidance to these recruits was that it was impossible for these recruits to be as good as other countries' elite soldiers in terms of combat experience, so the only way to make them more outstanding was not to use too many The place for experience lies in defense.

He directly taught the soldiers' defense to the highest level.

Especially when they join forces, the defense of these soldiers has reached the highest level on the planet. Together, even a strong man like the Sword Master can't kill a team of them with one blow.

This shows that unless some of the most taboo weapons in this world are used, or they are hit head-on by artillery shells, even a small team will not be able to die under the bombardment of the overlord's fleet. .

This also caused the overlord troops who had been bombing in the distance to feel dumbfounded after the strong men sensed the life energy here.

"Report, this Xinhei Kingdom's troops actually have no casualties!"

"How is it possible? Our saturation attack can't even kill a single Xinhei soldier?"

The commander of the fleet's face immediately darkened.

For the overlord, what they are most proud of, apart from their well-trained military, is that their weapons and artillery are the strongest on the planet.

Now, under a saturation attack, not even a single soldier from the Xinhei Kingdom could be killed. It was simply too embarrassing.

"Go on, I don't believe it anymore. I believe that the soldiers of the Black Country are still invulnerable."

After all, the commander-in-chief of the overlord's fleet was not a fool. After knowing the defensive capabilities of the Shinhei Kingdom's troops, he also measured the terrifying combat effectiveness of the Shinhei Kingdom's troops and did not rashly let his troops come to seize the port directly.

Instead, they continued to shoot from a long distance. Anyway, the artillery fire from the Shinoku troops was like scratching an itch for them.

When it comes to operating weapons, we can see the disadvantage of believing that all the Black Country troops are new recruits. Even though many recruits have been trained, but after actually arriving on the battlefield, they still operate unfamiliar weapons from the Western Country. This directly reduces their operational capabilities by a notch. Let alone hitting a fleet ten kilometers away, even if they hit a ship hundreds of meters away, they will probably be in a hurry and miss it in a long time.

Therefore, it is natural for the overlord country to ignore the long-range counterattack of the black country.

Besides, Nobuhei Country doesn’t have many long-range weapons.

But just when they were complacent, they thought that even if the soldiers of the Black Country were invulnerable, they would definitely be unable to sustain themselves under the saturation attack from their own side, resulting in a large number of casualties, and then they would occupy the port. when……


Puff puff.

I saw countless figures rising into the air on the port that was under attack.


"What's going on? So many strong men?"

"There are not so many strong men! They are the joint forces of Nobuhei Kingdom, and everyone can fly!"

"No, this unit gave up its defense and flew directly towards us!"

"My God, there are so many flying troops, and the defense is amazing...this!"

All the soldiers of the overlord country, as well as the senior officials, saw a large number of soldiers from the Xinhei Kingdom arriving in the sky.

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