Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 41 It’s not that easy to deal with!

( ) More than a thousand recruits, as well as Jia Lin, were stunned after hearing this.

Even the young people serving as protectors beside Jia Lin frowned.

"What's going on? Has no one told the higher-ups of this border force that Her Highness Lin is here? She actually came down with such a mission."

"No one really said that Her Highness Lin wanted to live a more realistic life as a recruit, so the higher-ups formulated such a secret mission. Even the top commander of the border force didn't know that Her Highness Lin was here. What should I do? Don’t you want us to reveal our identity now and protect Her Highness Lin from being transferred?”

These young people don't care about their own death at all, because after joining the army, they are extremely outstanding and have long been struggling to grow into stronger super special forces. On this road, they have struggled too much, and it is precisely because Outstanding and not afraid of death, he was assigned to participate in this mission of protecting Jia Lin.

But they were afraid that Jia Lin would have an accident.

Jia Lin's identity is really important. Marshal Jia Yan's only sister, and Marshal Yan himself, is the country's only support at the moment. Not only is she powerful, but she also holds the real power of the entire country, and her tactical and tactical abilities are also as shocking as ghosts and gods.

And if such a mainstay of the country becomes angry because his sister joins the army and has an accident, then I don’t know what the result will be. It may have a huge impact on the entire Xinhei Kingdom.

However, precisely because of their protection of Jia Lin, their connection with the middle level of the army was broken. The middle level had no idea that there was such a high-status person in this army.

"Damn it, if their last air strike led to the worst result, it would have caused us to go to the Western War Zone instead of to the Tieben Country War Zone. Otherwise, the Western War Zone would have been contacted long ago. After all, Her Highness Lin will go to a fortress that looks dangerous but is actually safe. There is no way it will be her turn to take on this mission."

"We can't worry about so much now. Let's report it to the superiors. As long as the information is given out, there will definitely be strong people coming to help. Although our strength is not bad, we cannot shoulder the safety of Her Highness Lin."

"Yes, let's report it, but the signal interference in this war zone is serious. The whole process may take several hours. The procedures are too cumbersome. Maybe when the time is up, we will all set off and no decision has been made yet."

"If it doesn't work, let's try our best to take care of Her Highness Lin."

Several young soldiers made the final decision.

They have the biggest secret, that is, they are one of the first groups of people to be trained by Jia Yan to formulate a "joint warfare plan". Not long after Jia Yan became the marshal, he asked his subordinates to select a group of people with potential and perseverance. Young people came to teach the joint tactics. In other words, they practiced the joint tactics one or two months earlier than all the joint tactics soldiers today, and they were lucky enough to see Jia Yan from a distance. , and also got a few tricks pointed out by Jia Yan. These few tricks were also the key factor that made them surpass other people who joined forces to fight.

Therefore, although they do not have strong confidence in protecting His Highness Lin, they are absolutely determined to protect her to the death.

On the second day, just as they expected, the information that they and others transmitted to the outside world through ordinary signals was suppressed to a relatively late intelligence letter, and failed to receive effective attention. So at this time, they set off. It's time.

Jia Lin was in the crowd. She was only thirteen years old, and she was half a head shorter than the boys and girls around her who started at fifteen. Her petite appearance made people want to pinch their cheeks.


"I'll be fine, my talent is great."

Jia Lin was helped by Jia Yan to improve her talents and abilities. She didn't know how her talents suddenly improved, but for her, she probably inherited it from her brother, and compared to her brother, she was still worse. It's far away, so I'm not proud of anything.

She thought this was her first time on a frontal battlefield, and she was extremely nervous.

Soon after, the company commander came to them and gave the order to set off.

"What's going on with these people? Is it necessary to stick to them so tightly?"

During the march, Jia Lin found that there were several big brothers and sisters clinging to her, making her almost unable to see the road ahead.

But she looked around and didn't dare to speak anymore. She was young and afraid of trouble. Anyway, she could walk, so she didn't care so much.

When she arrived at the airport, a magic airship for combat was already waiting. Jia Lin got on the airship, and then found that the big brothers and sisters were squeezed in beside her despite being arranged to sit in other places.

What's going on with them? They are such domineering people.

Jia Lin was in a bad mood, but she still sat down obediently and waited for the mission to begin.

Not long after, the airship got up, and Jia Lin's mood shifted away from the people around her and focused on this mission. She felt that she was getting more and more nervous.

"Little sister, are you nervous? Do you want me to tell the company commander and the others that you should get off the boat first, and you can escape this mission?"

An older girl who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old said in Jia Lin's ear.

"I don't want it, I want to make contributions." Jia Lin rolled her eyes and said angrily.

She knew that others thought she was short and wanted to take care of herself, but she didn't think so. She believed that she was really strong and could become a female general who was not weak in the future.

"You are so ideal. Well, sister, I won't say more." The girl smiled and stopped talking.

In fact, after receiving Jia Lin's response, several people around him looked at each other helplessly and stopped trying to persuade her.

Jia Lin's wish was to go to the battlefield, and there was nothing they could do to stop her.

What's even worse is that they didn't even explain it to the company commander and squad leader. If they did, they might get some preferential treatment on the battlefield, and the possibility of avoiding the death of Her Royal Highness Lin would be much greater.

But unfortunately, they don't trust the commanders at the grassroots level because there is the possibility of the enemy being undercover.

So it would be better not to tell anyone, and wait until the higher-ups know the identity of Her Highness Lin, and then provide trustworthy support.

"We're almost there. You all should be prepared. Our airships and fighter planes took off ten minutes ago. At this time, they must have launched an air strike on the enemy's home base. Next, it's time for us to take advantage of the chaos to launch a decisive frontal attack on them. I hope you forget that you are recruits, and the enemy will not show mercy just because you are recruits. Please protect your own lives below, and may the Black God bless you."

"Black God bless you!"

The Black God originally believed in the god of the Black God, and after Jia Yan appeared in the Black God, not only did he not reject the Black God's belief, but on the contrary, he also condoned the development of the Black God Church, so now even soldiers are going to war. I used to say "Black God bless me" before.

Jia Lin said this casually, and found that many people around her were also careless, with fear of war on their faces.

After all, they are all children, so how can they not be afraid of war?

But the children's unique fighting spirit urges them to move forward and make achievements right before their eyes.

The same complex emotions as Jia Lin.

It's just that she had just entered the battlefield and was already standing at the head of many of her peers. If she hadn't appeared unexpectedly, she would never have been at the forefront of the current battlefield.

"Put your gear on and get ready to skydive!"


Bear bear——

The wind is fierce.

Because they were all children with various cultivation abilities, even those who had not undergone paratrooper training, they boldly jumped down at this time. The young people who were magicians and cultivators could even fine-tune their directions in the air. and falling speed. Soldiers practicing in other aspects can also do this to a certain extent. Even Jia Lin can do it, and if she is willing, she can make herself fly in the air.

This is all the result of Jia Yan's secret help several times.

There were a large number of anti-air weapons below, and they started shooting into the sky.

"Be prepared for pre-war training, join forces in defensive skills, start preparations nearby, and don't fall behind."

The shouts of the high-ranking commander made Jia Lin regain her sense of duty. She quickly controlled her parachute to approach the young soldiers around her, and then discovered that these young soldiers were her. The people you meet while lining up.

"Join forces."

Among the several teenagers, one was obviously the commander of everyone. Everyone released their energy, and then suddenly, a protective shield appeared in mid-air.

Puff puff.


Bullets and anti-air magic shot at their protective shields, but they could only produce a slight sway.


Jia Lin was shocked.

Looking around, although the effect of other people's squads is good, it is far from as strong as their defense.

I am afraid that the young soldiers, brothers and sisters around me are also hiding their strength like myself.

Jia Lin knew that there were also capable young people in this group, so she smiled happily.

Although she also wants to go to the front line and make contributions, she also knows that it is impossible to do such a thing with her own passion. It is also a good thing for her to have reliable teammates by her side.

Bullets were fired in the air, and magic exploded next to the defensive shield, but it didn't cause any damage.

In the entire fallen paratrooper phalanx, there was no figure of any paratroopers who had joined forces and were shot down. Moreover, the anti-aircraft weapons coming from the underground attack were also quite scarce. Presumably, the air attack just now caused a lot of damage to them. Judging from the underground This is evident from the dazzling array of potholes.

Therefore, this earth-shattering crackling defensive artillery fire was like a welcome salute to their group of young people, which felt quite weak and powerless.

However, the weakness of anti-aircraft weapons does not mean that the enemy forces below are also weak.

I saw that below the ground, enemy troops that far exceeded those of the paratroopers coming from above had been gathered, and there were already many enemy magicians and cultivators flying upwards.

"You are so brave to believe in the Black Country troops. You are simply too arrogant. Our army did not take the initiative to attack you and others, but you actually sent so many new soldiers to sneak attack on my base camp. Are you looking for death?"

A magician who definitely belonged to the upper echelon came directly towards the joint energy shield where Jia Lin and the others were. He gathered a huge fireball in his hand. The fireball swelled when it saw the wind, and quickly turned into half a person. The extremely high temperature fireball then flickered and was released towards Jia Lin and the others.

"All-out defense!"

Several people's faces turned pale, and they quickly spread out the energy around themselves and others, vowing to defend against this energy.

Soon, the fireball directly collided with the defensive shield where Jia Lin and the others were.

There was a loud noise like the earth was shattering, causing several battlefields in the surrounding areas that were also experiencing fighting to turn their heads slightly and look around.

We believe that the first batch of casualties will appear on our side, and we don’t know which team is so unlucky to be spotted by the enemy’s high-level magician in mid-air. Maybe this will start the drama of casualties.

The enemy was extremely determined. You must know that the magician who faced that small team was definitely a high-level person in their base. He was the second-in-command of the magic force. He was no less powerful than the first-in-command. , placed on an ordinary battlefield, it is a top-notch combat power that one person can defeat thousands of people.

And for such a being, who personally dealt with a team of Nobuhei Kingdom who had joined forces, and he was still a new recruit, with faces that looked like those of children, how could he not be able to kill them instantly.

But a scene that shocked both his own people and his enemies appeared.

After the Master Magician personally took action, he found it extremely difficult to accept that after the fireball magic, the figure of the defensive shield was looming. Several boys and girls behind the defensive shield were still looking at him with solemn expressions. Not even the slightest sign of injury.

"How is it possible... to take advantage of me again?"

The magician looked ugly and continued to create bigger fireballs.

"The joint tactics taught by Marshal Yan himself, please find Shuyuan It is indeed well-deserved. Normally when we encounter such a strong man, we will definitely be dead. Unexpectedly, with our joint efforts today, even he can't stand up to us." , we will not let him attack, fight back!"

In the team of young people here, there is one person who serves as the main energy operator. He is the strongest young man among them. Except for Jia Lin, who works well with him, the others are in the same team every day. The same geniuses are used together, and after the combination of several of them, the combat effectiveness rises sharply.


A piece of black energy is released here. This is pure 'black magic', and it is also one of the pure energies created by using the unique energy release method of black god believers in this world.

The two sides collided again, only to be annihilated again.

At this time, both the opponent, the magician himself, and the enemy's top brass watching the battle, as well as a large number of ordinary soldiers, all looked ugly.

It seems that this is back. Although he is a young soldier, it seems...

It’s not that easy to deal with either!

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