Jia Yan didn't have any pretentious or unruly attitude. It was as if the top warrior who had killed so many enemies had simply done something effortless.

"The other enemy troops down there... forget it, I don't have any confidence in them either. Let others come and get some military merit."

Jia Yan sensed the enemy army below that was beginning to collapse, shook his head, and flew back to the rear of the battle line.

It was just like what he said just now, it was time to call it a day.

"Hey, it's easy to clock in and clock out at work. I want to take over this planet within a year. Isn't it a bit unkind to evade my responsibilities like this?"

"Whatever, in this world, I can play however I want, hum!"

Jia Yan showed his prowess on the battlefield, but then he seemed to be bored, allowing the battle below to continue as usual, and hid back in the rear.

Regarding this incident, some people said that after his great power, his strength was also affected and he had to rest.

Some people saw the essence of the matter, that is, they felt that this young master was lazy and did not want to waste so much energy.

Others are more vicious, saying that Jia Yan should be a great master from some other country, disguised as a young man, and his deception can only last so long. When the time is up, just like Cinderella's magic, he must return to the bunker. , otherwise the secret will be exposed.

They said theirs, Jia Yan didn't care so much.

Is it necessary to listen to what the weak say and make yourself feel uncomfortable?

He just needs to follow his own pace and move forward step by step.

"Yes, Senior Marshal, I have achieved the first victory in this war zone. By the way, I am going to continue the attack tomorrow. I want you to continue to support me with troops and penetrate this front within three days. You won't refuse, right? ?”

"What? I'm going to issue a military order? I'm going to do it immediately. Is it possible for an individual to create something like a military order?"

Jia Yan calmly communicated with the frontline and rear areas over the phone, and quite surprisingly, he did not even go to the rear areas in person to 'request'. The old man, the Generalissimo, actually agreed to his request and was willing to provide military support. , allowing him to quickly settle this front that has been at odds for hundreds of years.

And Jia Yan, who had the command arrow, did not use chicken feathers as the command arrow, but directly issued the transfer appointment as if he had a real imperial edict.

This appointment and planning directly took into account the entire surrounding front, and even the legion where the Grand Marshal himself was included was included in his calculations.

Fighting on a mere front line is naturally not what Jia Yan wants. The purpose of his calculations and transfers this time is to prepare for the next war. Anyone who is careful about all the arrangements can see that he is vaguely aiming at it. The whole territory of Xinbai Kingdom.

If possible, he was not going to ask for additional troops from the so-called Shinkuro Kingdom, but would only use the partial division troops that the generalissimo could dispatch.

Otherwise, once the matter involves other troops in Xinhei Kingdom, he will have to fight, which will be quite detrimental to his progress. Instead of doing this, it is better to use troops that can be easily dispatched to do the first eye-catching thing. , it will be much more convenient if we want to mobilize the whole country in the future.

The next day, the so-called 'deputy marshal' of the Shinhei Kingdom, who many people thought was too exhausted and had to disappear, actually appeared on the battlefield again, and he appeared on the battlefield without any loss at all. Continue to exert his light and heat.

The troops in the entire rear area also rushed to support some of them using quite technological transfer methods. Especially certain light cavalry units, such as the 'Paladin' troops riding tall horses, the 'Cultivation' troops who were the first to arrive with flying swords, and the wind magician troops. It's quite fast. Although the number is small, all of them are elite.

Jia Yan did not let them rest too much, and directly ordered the strong men to turn into spearhead troops and quickly attack the enemy's camp. But he used a little more strength to kill again the ones who had already been killed by him. Kill all the powerful enemy frontline officials.

If this war is a replica of yesterday, it would be a bit too praising the other party.

You must know that although the war fought yesterday was not at the level where both sides received reinforcements today, the problem is that today's battle was not as intense as yesterday. It can be said that the troops of Xinbai Kingdom collapsed at the first touch, but at least they held on better than yesterday. Small moments make all the difference.

The key point is not that Jia Yan has slightly increased the intensity of his actions today, but that the trust in him from the entire Central Front Army is no longer a thing of the past, but has become completely unconditional trust.

Some bosses only need one battle to establish their status, and Jia Yan obviously falls into this category.

Because no matter in terms of his own strength, his grasp of the overall situation on the entire battlefield, or his guidance and command of key units, Jia Yan has revealed that he is far beyond the level of a commander on this planet, especially for some advanced ones. The concept can be understood with just a few clicks, making the non-commissioned officers on the battlefield say they are experts.

Who wouldn't trust such a powerful commander?

So today everyone is united, and when the war starts, it will be completely different from yesterday, and it will have overwhelming momentum.

And no matter how well Jia Yan commanded, it was not surprising that the enemy showed signs of being one-sided.

On this day, the second day after Jia Yan arrived at the frontline troops, under his legendary command method, the border troops of the Xinbai Kingdom, which were still impregnable and had no problem confronting the Xinhei Kingdom for hundreds of years, were immediately collapsed!

The main force of 100,000 people on the central front turned into a small deserting front line that collapsed in two days, fighting on their own. As expected, it only took a short period of pursuit to defeat them. The troops were wiped out.

As soon as this battle broke out, the whole country was shocked!

Everything goes too fast!

The major TV stations in the Xinhei Kingdom, which had not paid much attention to the border battle here, suddenly received news of the victory here today, and it was a great victory that had not been seen in a century. Everyone, including reporters and anchors, were all buzzing. of.

After all, this border with the Xinbai Kingdom has been fought for hundreds of years, and the fighting has been so incessant that reporters no longer bother to report on the fighting here.

Although they had already received intelligence that this war might be different from the past, upon closer inspection, they found that in this war, a young man from their side had joined the battle, and the organization of the entire army, as well as the personnel There are almost no major changes in the schedule. In other words, if there is any abnormality, it is just because of the appearance of this young man.

For the big guys, this is simply impossible.

In a life-and-death battle field that has lasted for hundreds of years, there are dozens of millions of soldiers on the battlefield. If a huge change occurs because of one person, is it still called a war?

So they didn't care at all. There were even few media reports on yesterday's small victory.

But today, there was an incredible latest development.

That is, with yesterday's victory, today's 'Deputy Marshal' boy suddenly transformed the battlefield into a comprehensive victory!

The troops on the central front defeated the enemy's strongest force of more than 100,000 men in just half a day, which directly established the entire victory of this front. If they were lucky, they might even defeat the central army. The troops on the front line advanced a few kilometers further into the hinterland of the enemy's border!

This is a shocking victory!

The entire country's media seemed to have taken some kind of medicine and went completely crazy.

Regarding the so-called 'Young Deputy Marshal', as well as the deputy marshal's life experience, plus his abilities, and his past, everything was going crazy and was pulled out by reporters.

Jia Yan, fifteen years old, was a recent graduate of a junior high school. His performance had been mediocre before, neither lagging behind nor outstanding. But during the graduation exam, he showed amazing abilities, and then became like a legend himself. , it only took a few days to transform into the deputy marshal of Xinhei Kingdom, and in a short period of time, he achieved such unparalleled achievements!

After investigating the information, not to mention the audience, even the reporter himself was stunned, as if he was stunned by Jia Yan's ordinary life experience.

They also want to find out that Jia Yan may be a member of a hidden family, or think that Jia Yan has a sect behind him, or that he has obtained some kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure, and then the whole person seems to have changed. , but after the investigation, to the great disappointment of all reporters and media, every doubt was not verified!

A hidden family?

When the interviewers found Jia Yan's family and interviewed Jia Sheng at his workplace, the middle-aged man was even more stunned than they were, as if he just knew that the son who left two days ago was actually the real one. He became a soldier, and as soon as he became a soldier, he became the so-called deputy marshal of the army.

In addition, Jia Yan's mother and his sister behaved similarly when they received Jia Yan's shocking news. They were as dumbfounded as if they had eaten Xiang.

How could this kind of family be a so-called hidden family? They are all ordinary people.

There is no definite answer to whether Jia Yan is a disciple of a certain master, but he must not be, at least there is no evidence in the obtained information.

Later, after many reporters, and even interested units and forces investigated whether Jia Yan became so powerful because of some secret treasure, the conclusions reached baffled them. Because Jia Yan has never revealed any information about his unique secret treasure.

It's not this, it's not that. Could it be that Jia Yan still cultivated himself to be so strong?

Even if he really cultivated himself to be so strong, what about his war command ability? What about the ability to control the troops? Many things here cannot be explained by just practicing.

The mystery and magic of this young man soon gave all the media a news gimmick, quickly portraying Jia Yan as the 'latest patron saint' of Xinhei Kingdom.

The Jia family was confused about this, especially Jia Yan's sister Jia Lin. She was quickly regarded as a public figure in school, and people even pointed at her when she walked on the road.

Jia Yan became famous, and so did his family.

That's not all. He is famous in school, friends, etc., and the popularity about him instantly became the highest in the entire country.

But it seems that Jia Yan doesn't want the people to stop.

On the third day after he arrived at the front line of the Central Army, most of the entire border troops, which Jia Yan had asked for action on the first day, were finally assembled. This time the troops were allocated into three front armies. Moreover, Jia Yan deliberately set up fuses in these three fronts, so that he could conveniently teleport back and forth in three directions.

So, in the early morning of the third day, Jia Yan, who thought time was running out, gave an order and the final decisive battle on the entire all-out front began.

The people had not yet digested the news of yesterday's great victory. As a result, the media immediately released urgent news, saying that the frontline troops once again launched an offensive across the entire border of the Xinbai Kingdom with the power of a great victory!

At this time, the people who were already shocked by the frontline war were even more attracted to it. Citizens across the entire network were driven directly into madness because of this border battle. Find the bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.com

No one is in class at school, and no one is working on the street. A large number of people are not eating well and sleeping well, and they are just waiting in front of the TV and mobile phones, waiting for the final outcome of this war.

You know, this time Jia Yan waved his hand, and the size of the troops mobilized reached 250,000, and the entire border force was only 300,000. Except for the necessary key point defenders, it can be said that this time he was With one move, the whole body was moved, and the entire border troops of Xinhei Kingdom were mobilized.

If they win, the entire border affairs will become smooth from now on, and the Xinbai Kingdom will never be able to raise its head in front of the Xinhei Kingdom again.

And lost? Sorry, Xinbai Kingdom will probably not give up this opportunity. They will definitely defeat Xinhei Kingdom in one breath. If possible, they will even form an alliance with other surrounding countries to take advantage of Xinhei Kingdom's weakness. , the Black Country may be removed from this planet from then on.

Therefore, it is natural that the entire country is so concerned about this battle.

In just two or three days, Jia Yan became a well-known star faster than all the stars and groups in this country.

Of course, he is not a star, but the country's latest officially appointed 'deputy marshal'. His status is only below that of the 'general marshal' and several veteran generals. Even the above figures cannot directly command him. After all, I learned from the Generalissimo that this young man's temper would not allow him to accept orders from others.

If the battle guards in the first two days were like improving their understanding of Jia Yan's combat command ability bit by bit, then the war on the third day directly improved everyone's understanding of Jia Yan. The shock to him was pushed to the highest peak!

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