Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 45: The view from an altitude of 10,000 meters!

The huge giant mosquito monster has an unprecedented six-meter-long body. It stands on six long legs and does not need to be deliberately raised. The height of this huge body is also higher than the tallest animal on the earth. elephant!

And if he were calculated based on his body length, today's giant mosquitoes, even those giraffes, would rarely have a body as long as his!

This mosquito is definitely an unprecedented super giant mosquito on this earth. Even among all animals, it is already an incredible behemoth!

Super giant mosquito!


As for combat strength?

Of all the animals on earth, even if you count the previous dinosaurs, none of them are as powerful as the giant mosquito!

Unprecedented, the earth world deserves to be the most powerful beast ever seen before!

Blah blah blah!

The body of the giant mosquito moves,

The blue-gray fragments on the ground were constantly being kicked aside as he moved, and smoke and dust billowed up. With the movement of the giant mosquito, the ground seemed to be shaking. A slowly moving giant object caused no trace of these vibrations. Not an exaggeration!

The huge monster has a pair of compound eyes, which are as huge as the windows of a human high-rise building. The transparent compound eyes make his gaze look strange and bright.

He has a pair of wings that look like they can fly extremely fast. The only thing he worries about is such a huge creature, and his weight seems to be quite heavy. Whether it can fly well is unknown!

But even then, the appearance of this monster insect is extremely lethal!

"Ah... this is the feeling of oxygen. This time of mutation, it seems that my body has acquired a special structure of that metal material. The body can not only absorb the oxygen from the outside as body oxygen, but also have a The possibility is actually the possibility of being able to hold one's breath for a short period of time. The possibility of producing oxygen!"

"This way I can go to places with harsh environments. Then I don't need to worry too much about oxygen!"

The big mosquito's compound eyes are shining!

His wings spread slightly!

In this world, no one has seen a monster that reaches six meters tall and actually wants to try to fly!

This is incredible!

You have seen a creature bigger than an elephant. Can it fly?

You have seen those huge things that stretch out and have an area of ​​up to twenty meters. Can it fly?

Unless it is an airplane, from a biological point of view, such a huge creature. How can it possibly fly!

But there is a huge monster here. Trying to violate human biological laws!

He wants to fly!

And it’s not just about flying!

This monster regards the sky as its own forbidden zone!

He is a flying creature that dominates the sky. Even in such a huge situation, this giant mosquito. Still won't let his home court change anything!

Just flying, that's just the basics!

Snap, snap, snap, snap!

Super giant mosquito. The huge pair of wings flapped slightly!

Snap, snap, snap, snap! ! ! !

The sound was huge, like a giant blower making noise!

Not long after, his figure gradually floated up from the ground!

Such a huge monster can actually fly!

And getting up seems to be extremely easy.

The giant mosquito's compound eyes were faintly shiny and flickering.

He knew that his flying ability had not declined at all!

What maintains his ability to fly is the most powerful and durable organ in his body - the two groups of flight muscles on his ventral side!

Now, after mutation, they are as if made of steel. When needed, they can transfer huge power that exceeds the driving force into Jia Yan's wings, allowing him to fly higher and farther!

"Yes, now I still haven't lost the advantage of flexibility and speed! In other words... the advantage is even greater!"

Jia Yan's compound eyes flashed brighter.

He looked at the ground below.

Then, a pair of wings on the giant mosquito's ventral side began to flap wildly!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! ! ! ! ! ——

A deafening roar resounded powerfully in this world!

Boom boom boom! ! !

Jia Yan only felt that he was on a roller coaster!

The speed at which he was increasing his speed was so fast that even his own thoughts could hardly adapt to it. With a loud crash, his body was already flying upwards with his head raised, flying upwards at extremely fast speeds!

The air around him was like a knife, scraping hard against his body!

Boom boom boom! !

Amidst the huge sound, it took almost less than a second for the giant mosquito to break through the speed of sound!

Keep flying! !


Jia Yan felt that his strength had not yet been fully exerted, and his body had already reached the height of more than 2,000 meters, his previous height limit!

In the past, he could go to any high place, but that was only something he could try occasionally. If he continued to fly high, he would be forced down by the low temperature and hypoxic environment at high altitude!

But it’s different now!

There was almost no hesitation! The giant mosquito's even bigger body looked at the white clouds above its head rising into the sky!

Boom boom boom boom! ! ! !

It was like the explosion of a jet flying through the clouds, reflected in the giant mosquito's body.

He couldn't even tell how fast his body was. Anyway, it just felt like those flying fighter jets didn't seem to be as fast as him!

Moreover, this world seemed to be without any obstacles before his eyes. It seemed that he could come and go freely in the world!


This is flight, this is true freedom!


After being reborn for so long, this may be the first time that Jia Yan has laughed so happily in his heart!

The long-term pressure of survival seemed to have disappeared, and he felt happy and joyful!

The giant mosquito vaguely knew that he had reached an extreme level of strength now. No matter how strong he was, it would not be something within the scope of this earth!

Unless there is something better, something that does not belong to this earth, it is possible for him to continue to become stronger!

Five thousand meters!

Six thousand meters!

The temperature is extremely low!

It didn’t matter at the time!

Seven thousand meters!

Still no problem!

At this time, there are already arcs on the ground. It is like an arc is about to appear on the entire earth's surface. This shows that the earth is round!

The big mosquito looked at this scenery obsessively!

He continues to rise!

Boom boom boom boom! ! ! !

There seemed to be tiny ice crystals appearing near the wings of the giant mosquito.

The coldness in the sky gradually began to invade, at least 30 degrees below zero!

But the big mosquito is like a giant dragon swimming in the sky, not affected by temperature at all!

"Hahaha!!" Jia Yan was still smiling in his heart. The scenery of the earth was already like things that had shrunk several times. When he looked at the mountains and rivers below, they all looked like they were shrunk!

He was so happy!

The world is so big!

But, it’s also so small!

The fun of flying is endless!


Keep flying upward!

Jia Yan felt that this was not his limit!

Eight thousand meters!

Nine thousand meters!

Ten thousand, meters!

It was estimated that he had reached a height that could only be reached by ordinary human aircraft. The figure of the big mosquito stopped steadily at this place!

The big mosquito is watching, a view I have never seen before!

He had never even flown on an airplane before, so it was indeed the first time for him to see the high-altitude scenery.

A thousand-mile glance is an exaggeration, but a big mosquito would like to use this description!


It is very beautiful.

The scenery on the ground, mountains, rivers, houses, and cities.

It's like a beautiful picture.

The low temperature around me has reached an exaggerated level of about forty degrees below zero, but at this time, the effect of the mysterious metallic substance in the body of the big mosquito finally manifested itself!

They were originally used as the shells of mysterious flying objects, but now they play a similar role in Jia Yan's body!

At this time, the clot in the mosquito's body seemed to have created an isolated empty layer between the body and the clot defense. After this empty layer appeared, a thin metal substance appeared inside, but it was just a little bit. The metal material not only isolates the low temperature from the outside world, but also releases its own heat in the inward layer!

It’s simply a super hot and cold switch! This also shows how wonderful the structural material of the flying saucer is!

So now the big mosquitoes no longer feel any cold after the initial coldness has passed!

At this place of 10,000 meters, after stopping for a moment, Jia Yan looked at the sky.

That higher blue land!

Going up further, it’s the stratosphere…

No matter how high the scenery is, can you imagine it? …(To be continued.) Activate new URL

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