Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 42 The earth is in chaos!

Jia Yan was not aware of the metal monster's movements at all.

In this human world, what he cares about most right now is his family. If there are others, then those two killers can be included!

These two people have been helping his family, and in fact, they have also helped Jia Yan himself more than once. Since he has felt the other party's kindness in each incident, he naturally has a slight affection for them now.

Apart from these people, Jia Yan doesn't care about the others. After all, there are not many relatives of the Jia family in this world. If we really want to count, it is the aunt's house on the mother's side, which is also the only one that Jia's father and others wanted to go to before. relatives' homes.

But their home is too far away and there is no other way. If you have to choose between family members, family members are naturally more important.

So Jia Yan is working hard, and with a direction for his efforts, his motivation to move forward is naturally great!

Things in the earth world have moved in a direction that humans could not predict before, step by step towards a path that they are unfamiliar with!

Washington was bombed!

That red light is many times more powerful than an ordinary nuclear bomb!

At this time, not only was the world shaken because this city, the center of technological, political, and military power, was wiped out, but more importantly, mankind suddenly felt a huge sense of uneasiness about its own life and death!

The heads and leaders of some powerful countries are hiding in hidden places. The first one is the Star-Spangled Banner Country, and the second one is God knows which country. The attacks of the metal monsters have been brought to all countries in the world. A hint of shadow, now that their weapons strength has reached this level, there are too many countries they can bomb!

The capital of China declared a state of emergency, and countless people began to evacuate. In the capitals of other countries, many senior officials and people also began emergency evacuation.

All at once, national capitals all over the world. Except for those countries that consider themselves to have little influence, they have all made major moves to evacuate.

However, people began to speculate again, that is, is the metal monster targeting the nation's capital? If their strike range is increased to all large cities. There are too many cities that need to be evacuated, and that is unrealistic!

Just at this time.

Those metal monsters seemed to just show their attack power to humans, and then they stopped emitting red light. Even the army of metal monsters disappeared and stopped attacking humans one by one, as if there was a temporary truce. a feeling of!

"The metal monster can only make one such attack?"

"Their huge red light requires a huge amount of energy?"

"The metal monster's attack can only be launched once in a short period of time. This attack cannot be sustained!"

In the human world, one piece of news appears on the front page of various media.

Some people cheered for joy, and some people were confused. Some people refuse to believe it!

There are too many people in this world who lost everything because of this incident. Some people's families were in that destroyed city, and some people lost everything because of that red light explosion!

Stock prices, oil prices, and food prices. They all started growing like crazy!

The whole world is also crazy like these crazy and chaotic financial systems!

Murder has become such a common occurrence that a dead person is often lying on the street. This dead person is not only dead. Everything on him was taken away, even the clothes he was wrapped in were gone.

And this miserable situation is not getting better, but getting worse. The inaction of the metal monsters has had an impact on the human world on earth. It's not a good thing, but the opposite. As a result, mankind has fallen into even more chaos!

Some countries that have experienced war quickly implemented high-pressure control methods, but those organizations and figures who are not involved in the ordinary world still have countless private actions going on!

Countries that have little experience, or are led by their citizens, will directly fall into greater war!

Less than three days later, Red Light attacked the capital of the Star-Spangled Banner Nation.

In the Star-Spangled Banner Country, several territories simultaneously declared independence and formed the Star-Spangled Banner Country!

Their slogan is dialogue, survival and equal development!

This is an organization that previously believed in metal monsters. Taking advantage of the destruction of the capital of the Star-Spangled Banner, the entire country was in a state of power and command vacuum, so it carried out a series of armed activities to remove the command and military forces in those areas. Seize all the rights, and then announce the slogan!

They believe that metal monsters can communicate, and as long as they are sincere, humans can develop and progress with them.

In response to the actions of this organization, there are countless similar organizations and figures, large and small, all over the world!

Crazy, the world is in chaos!

For a time, mankind itself fell into painful throes and riots!

And just ten days after the metal monster red light attacked the capital of the Star-Spangled Banner!


Countless countries have entered a state of war!

Various organizations, under various banners, began to fight against either the government army or the army of other organizations, and began the process of war!

Of course, most parts of the world are still under the control of various governments, but they are unable to control the organizations in their respective regions. One group is destroyed and another appears. It seems that they can never kill all the people in these organizations. !

And there are too many!

They snatch everything, resources, weapons. Even the population!

These organizations have stood up on their own one by one. In their interactions with government troops and various forces, their combat effectiveness and political power have greatly improved, so much so that sometimes when government troops strangled them, they would be stopped!

When the world is in chaos, there are always more demons!

Countless people have become victims of various forces and wars.

All of this, the big mosquito, which was in the process of slow mutation, was not aware of it at all. Perhaps in his opinion, this kind of thing was too fast. The process seemed to have been arranged by someone a long time ago, guiding humans so quickly. Just go on the road of self-destruction!

However, these are really not arranged by anyone. It’s just that after such a long war, human beings have been under too much pressure. All the pressure has exploded when the most powerful country in the world almost fell apart when the Star-Spangled Banner Nation!

They don't dare to trouble the metal monster. That will only disrupt the current government and the current rules of the world!

As a result, in ten days, the entire time has undergone such a big change. Of course, among them, there are naturally some forces that have been preparing for a long time, and of course there are also many organizations that were formed by accident.

In short, this is how chaos suddenly formed!

The big mosquito is still sleeping.

That's right! His mutation process has lasted for ten days, but there is still no sign of ending!

As for the Shanghai Stock Exchange, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. It seems that com has an excellent reputation for safety in the neighborhood because of Jia Yan's protection. So much so that during this special period, not only a group of leaders who abandoned the capital came over, but also many political figures from various countries came to this place!

Although I don’t know why that big mosquito protects this international metropolis, his combat effectiveness is obvious to all, and according to nearby statistics, he has eliminated more than one army of metal monsters!

The metal monster he destroyed happened to be in a position that surrounded the entire Shanghai City. This kind of thing was unlikely to be an accident. Therefore, humans boldly speculate that this giant mosquito monster is really protecting this metropolis!

It would be great if it was the protection of the entire giant mosquito race!

Thinking that this situation is not impossible, many people with good thinking skills gave up their hometowns and migrated to Shanghai!

It is for this reason that the outer areas outside Shanghai City are actually overcrowded!

The most objective reflection of the population at this time is that the consumption of food has become extremely rapid in recent times!

The war with the metal monster has only been a short month, and now there is a food shortage!

Some families had the foresight to prepare enough food. However, there are more people who were completely unprepared for this crisis and fled their cities with their families!

There were countless casualties along the way! (To be continued.)

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