Yin Yang stepped out of the sub-space with an indifferent step, and his body slowly shrank from a size of ten kilometers to a tiny size.

He looked at the two invading enemies with a sneer.

"What it is, you two can imagine for yourself, but I can tell you here, this time I just don't want to hurt people's lives. If there is another time, no matter it is you or other domain lords around, I will no longer Please be merciful, I hope you two will convey this to your friends nearby, do you understand?"

"I...we understand."

If before, the two domain lords stopped attacking and were still a little unwilling in their hearts, then now, they are completely frightened and have no intention of fighting at all.

Under the pressure of such a terrifying force, let alone their fighting spirit, they still had some sense of generosity by running away without making a fuss.

At the same time, they also vaguely discovered that the energy of this huge pressure seemed to be exactly the same as yin and yang, and seemed to have the same origin!

This answer only took less than a second. The two domain masters, who could also use clones, immediately figured out what kind of existence Yin Yang was, and who this huge energy existence was...

"This...the Yin and Yang in front of us that can fight against the Domain Lord is just...just a clone of this huge energy existence?!"

"What kind of strength does this Excellency have?!"

The expressions of the two Territory Lords changed wildly, and the old Territory Lord's expression changed even more, and he looked at Laita in front of them suspiciously.

Laita shook his head and smiled bitterly. He was not a clone.

Of course, he would not say such words at this moment, because it was not that time at all. The old domain master must have seen that he was an independent creature by looking at him twice.

In short, the two domain masters were shocked.

If the yin and yang that can directly fight with them are the clones of a strong man, then it will be easy for this strong man to kill them.

The terrifying pressure just released also proved this.

"This... Sir, can we leave now? We have agreed to all your requests."

"Just wait and leave. You will know how you will treat the Yin Yang Sect in the future."

"We understand! Thank you, sir!"

The two domain masters were relieved and quickly rushed towards the starry sky outside.

They are extremely fast. It can be said that they have fully displayed the fastest speed that they have not shown in the previous battle. I am afraid that they will use up all their energy to feed.

"Huh? Ran away?"

Everyone in the Yin Yang Sect was slightly surprised.

The two Territory Lords said they were blocked, but they didn't feel like they were at a disadvantage. Why did they suddenly seem to be running away?

Could it be that the pause just now and some exchange between the two parties led to the departure of the two domain lords?

I really can’t understand what’s going on between strong men!

What this group of creatures didn't know was that the departure of the two domain lords was not at all due to any communication they imagined, but because Jia Yan used his true body's energy to make the other party escape in embarrassment.

"Master Jia Yan, can you let them go?"

Laita asked hesitantly as he looked at the two creatures quickly leaving in the depths of the starry sky.

In the sub-space, Yin Yang, Jia Yan's clone, who had just walked out, said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, these two guys are nothing to be afraid of, and I just released my power to scare them. As long as they are smart enough, It will be impossible to attack our Yin-Yang Sect in the future. Instead, we will vigorously promote our Yin-Yang Sect and ensure the future safety of our Yin-Yang Sect."

"That's true. Their lives are at your fingertips, and they will probably not dare to be disobedient to your sect in the future."

Laita smiled and nodded.

To be honest, Laita's self-confidence is at its highest now. He has just fought head-on with a Territory Lord and achieved a draw. This is a big surprise for him, a strong man who used to regard Territory Lord as a god. That said, it was an absolute boost in self-confidence.

Of course, self-confidence is self-confidence, Laita is not so inflated that he is arrogant.

He knows very well that at least 80% of his current combat power comes from Jia Yan's gifts, such as the so-called 'Iron Hammer Artifact' and his sub-space ability. Without these two abilities, he is afraid that he will not even be able to compete with the Elder Domain. Not even a single blow from the Lord can be received.

Not to mention, after following Jia Yan, Jia Yan has been solving training problems for him, and his energy has been consumed a lot by Laita.

So Laita understands very well that what he is today is all due to Jia Yan's help, so no matter how arrogant he is, he cannot have the slightest intention to fight against Jia Yan. On the contrary, the more benefits he gets from Jia Yan's help, the more he will respect and identify with Jia Yan. This is his character. Otherwise, when the Zerg Queen's power was in danger, he would not stay to fight against the enemy until the situation calmed down. When you feel better, go out and look for solutions to your problems.

If Laita was not a loving and righteous being, Jia Yan might not be able to accept him as his only subordinate.


Yin Yang and Laita quickly flew into the Yin Yang Sect, and a crowd of Yin Yang Sect members, including Jia Yan's disciples, all gathered around them.

Everyone looked at the Yin Yang clone and Laita with extremely respectful eyes.

You know, these two beings who seemed to have done trivial things actually defeated a creature that was probably a domain lord in front of them just now!

You know, the existence of the Territory Lord is like a god to the lives in the Peace Star Territory. Now that the gods appear, they are repulsed by their master and master's friends. How can they not respect their master?

"Haha, maybe you were frightened just now? There's no need to be frightened, it's just a little thief."

Yin Yang comforted several disciples with a smile. After all, he showed great strength in front of them, and the level of that battle was too much beyond their strength. It might frighten the hearts of several disciples, and they would not be able to improve their strength in the future. , the problem is huge.

"Spirit thief? Uh...Master, what are the strengths of those two scorpion...guests just now? Why do we feel that they are much stronger than the average Galaxy level."

Ryan was a little surprised.

The weaker disciples probably felt the same when looking at the Galaxy level and the Territory Lord, so they just felt that the more mammoth battle just now was more thrilling, and they didn't seem to be able to see any more differences.

Jia Yan was speechless for a while, then shook his head.

"You guys, if you encounter beings who give you this feeling in the future, run away as far as you can, because they are the Domain Lord level beings you suspect."

! ?

If they were just suspicious before, now that Jia Yan said it himself, everyone was stunned again.

There is still a difference between speculation and reality. The previous speculation was just a fantasy. If it becomes a reality, I am afraid it will still shock everyone.

"Master, if they are Territory Lords, are you also a Territory Lord? And...and Senior Laita, are you also a Territory Lord? That's amazing, Master, you are all Territory Lords."

After hearing so much, Billie was the first to start flattering in a strange way.

"No, you and I, Senior Laita, are not Territory Lords. As for what it is, you can guess by yourself, hahaha."

Jia Yan smiled noncommittally.

Today's Shan Sheng's expression was not only seen by people in the Yin Yang Sect.

You know, the arrival of the two Territory Lords was broadcast live to many forces in the Peace Star Territory through technological equipment!



At this moment, in front of the live broadcast screens of many channels, a large number of galaxy-level powerhouses from various forces, as well as administrative personnel, were all silent.

I couldn't speak to myself for a long time.

"Who can tell me... is the scene just now real? The Yin Yang Sect can actually... be able to deal with the two domain lords? And repel them!?"

"If there is nothing wrong with my eyes, the scene you see may be real. This Yin Yang Sect..."


All the high-ranking officials who saw this scene felt extremely bitter.

This Yin Yang Sect is pretending to be too good. It seemed high-profile before and had conflicts with many forces. However, considering the fact that they actually have the background to deal with the two major domain lords, it cannot be called high-profile. .

Rather, we should say why are they so low-key? !

So low-key that even so many ordinary galaxy-level forces around them dare to take their chances? !

You have domain lord-level combat effectiveness. Can you bring it out as soon as possible? It's not kind of you to make everyone almost come to your door to seek death... isn't that kind?

"Not only can we afford to offend the Yin Yang Sect, but also the many domain lord-level forces behind us. Forget it, if this force wants to develop in our Peaceful Star Territory, then Let them develop, even if they want to teach some Yin and Yang Tao, it is up to them."

"Yes, since they are teaching the way of cultivation, and this way of cultivation comes from the hands of the powerful domain lord, why should we stop it? If the Yin and Yang Sect can prove that they are even in our Peaceful Star Territory with such poor resources. If every land can develop well, doesn’t it mean that their path is suitable for us? Not only is this not a bad thing, it’s even a good thing!”

"That's right, we need to change our thinking. The appearance of the Yin Yang Sect may not be harmful to us, it may even be beneficial!"

All the power lords, after knowing that it was impossible to fight against the Yin Yang Sect, instantly thought of other good directions, and soon their worries turned into surprises, and even ecstasy!

Because if the leader of the Yin Yang Sect is actually a Territory Lord, then why should they stop him?

There is no Territory Lord to control the Peace Star Territory because it is too poor. The Territory Lord would rather control the development of forces in the Peace Star Territory from outside rather than move the base camp here personally. It is also because there is no strong person in the Peace Star Territory. future.

But now there is a domain lord-level force willing to come here to develop, which shows that this domain lord-level force has the technology and ability to develop in the barren land!

In other words, not only can they not be unhappy, but they must also vigorously support Yin Yang Dao. Maybe one day, they will be able to learn the essence of Yin Yang Sect from Yin Yang Sect, and then benefit all those in power?


It seems, it seems, maybe, it might be a road worth revamping!

Jia Yan lies deep in subspace.

He has never thought about the reactions of so many other forces in the Peace Star Territory, because to him, this place is just a hastily established force. It will probably take a long time to develop in the future. It is still in a state of watering down. The stage of raising.

Therefore, in the current Yin Yang Sect, it is okay to say that Jia Yan pays attention, but to say how much he attaches importance to it is an exaggeration. After all, Jia Yan is no longer the newcomer who would get excited when he casually established a force in the starry sky.

"This Yin Yang Sect, after my early start, I am afraid it will be able to last longer. Even if I leave, at least within a hundred years, no force will dare to attack. As for a hundred years later... I Do you really want to leave it alone? It’s impossible, but I really want my Yin and Yang Dao to flourish..."

Jia Yan smiled.

The Yin Yang Sect has solved many problems once and for all.

He would also like to thank the two Territory Lords for causing trouble, otherwise even if he wanted to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys, there would be no one nearby for him to do it. Choosing an ordinary force would only provoke stronger Territory Lords, and he would go outside the Peace Star Territory to find them. The Territory Lord's troubles are both troublesome and difficult to achieve.

So Jia Yan is quite grateful to these two guys.

"Okay, the matter with the Yin Yang Sect has been settled, so... my return journey is nearing the end. As for the area where I fought against the Zerg Queen..."

Jia Yan thought back to the place where he left the Peace Star Territory and followed the Zerg Queen's forces to fight against the major domain lord forces.

Then he shook his head.

"Although I'm stronger, I still have to talk about right and wrong. Those major domain lord-level forces were attacked by the Zerg Queen's forces and had to fight back. Although I was also chased by one of the domain lords at that time. After killing them, I went to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com, but my hatred for them is not strong. Now that I am not on my way, there is no need to go there and make trouble, otherwise it would be like a villain who has succeeded..."

Jia Yan thought about the above reasoning, then smiled slightly, feeling that he was more open-minded.

Of course, this is just his temporary thought. If he knows in the future that those forces are still working tirelessly to cause trouble for the Zerg Queen, or are searching for Jia Yan's whereabouts for revenge, then I'm sorry, but his counterattack will not be a simple punishment. It will end the matter immediately, but will directly destroy these major forces once and for all, because that is the simplest and crudest plan for senior domain owners to act!

At the edge of the central star field of the Milky Way, several major domain lords felt a chill inexplicably.

For the strong, many inexplicable feelings may be signs, so they quickly issued orders for their subordinates to stay down and wait for the situation to pass.

Little did they know that their unintentional behavior actually allowed them to redeem themselves.

Of course, this is something for later, and it would be useless to say more now.

"Okay, I'm going to set off again in two days. It just so happens that I'm a lot more proficient in operating this palace, so that when I return to Earth, I can show off in front of my family and everyone on earth... Bah, it's not about showing off, it's Revealing miracles, haha.”


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