Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 28 Return to the Peaceful Star Territory

Jia Yan looked at Laita's body with regret, feeling like he still wanted to continue.

"No need, Master Jia Yan. I am quite satisfied with being able to move freely in the seventh dimension in this life. And as my strength improves in the future, I may be able to enter deeper dimensions. Please let me go." , I really don’t want to continue!”

Laita almost cried.

"Well, it just so happens that Edita has almost finished the palace. We will set off right away. I have other places I want to go next. It just so happens that you can enter and exit the subspace. I will teach you some subspace skills. In the future, you can There are more tasks for you to do."

"Okay, sir, I'm willing to do whatever it takes!"

Laita is very good. He understands that what he gets is what he needs to pay. This principle is the same everywhere. It's just that Jia Yan is definitely much better than other strong men, and Laita will not be turned into a slave-like tool.

Both sides understand this.

"Master, all the test machines are working properly. As long as the Edisa star is dragging it in front and you add a little more strength, this big guy will be pushed into ten-dimensional space!"

"Can you promise there won't be any problems?"

"Adisha promises it."

"Okay, let's set off. The so-called mid-level guy who is close to the Domain Lord will probably not be able to cause trouble for the Zerg Queen and the others. It's a good time to set off now."

Jia Yan nodded calmly.

At this time, two days have passed since Laita was prompted by him to have some sub-dimensional abilities. During these two days, Jia Yan did nothing else but urged Edisha back and forth to complete the work quickly.

Fortunately, things were almost done. When Jia Yan was bored and wanted to go out for some air, good news came from Adisha.


Not long after, the Edisha star was in front, and the huge palace was behind. It was pulled by the planet in front and flew deeper into the subspace.

This terrifying kinetic energy even caused some commotion in the outside world, but Jia Yan and the others chose to park in a relatively inaccessible starry sky. Even if there is a slight fluctuation, as long as there is not a powerful person above the star level outside. , no one can discover the cause of this movement.

No one in the outside world knows about the huge palace and planet that he left. Not to mention that no one knows that the sub-space powerhouse who was originally thought to have left a few months ago has just left today.

The ten-dimensional space, because it was so distorted, seemed to have a strange calmness. It felt like it was speeding along the way, as if it was not moving. After all, the surroundings were all dark and too quiet.

Laita flies over the planet Edisha.

He looked at the subspace distortion in the outside world, and then realized the subspace energy inside.

For him, who had just mastered many sub-space skills, this ten-dimensional experience of sub-space was like opening up a new world.

"In such a terrifying ten-dimensional space, is Master Jia Yan actually able to physically travel here? My God, what a terrifying talent this must be..."

Laita was speechless.

The closer you get to Jia Yan, the more you understand his talents and abilities.

He was thinking that other sub-space domain masters would look envious if they knew about Jia Yan's sub-space talent. Because Jia Yan's sub-space talent must be much stronger than the average strong person with the same talent.

As a subspace ability user who had just been forced out by Jia Yan using his unique methods and resources, he was very satisfied to be able to move around the periphery of the seventh subspace.

The seventh degree shows that in the same level of battle, he can enter the sub-space to escape. As long as he quickly enters the seventh level of the sub-space, he can avoid or deflect the enemy's full attack. This is enough to increase his combat effectiveness. Soaring straight up.

And Jia Yan even said that when his combat effectiveness stabilizes, he will teach him the skills of fighting in subspace in the future. This is absolutely great news for Laita.

He was just observing the sub-space of the outside world. Looking back, after following Jia Yan, he had greatly improved both in strength and status. Of course, the more important thing is that he no longer has to do what he did in the Zerg Queen's force. , thinking about when we will have to fight the enemy and risk our lives.

After all, Jia Yan's strength is a senior domain master, much stronger than the Zerg Queen. What's more, his so-called 'power' has no population at all. As long as he and Laita's training resources are guaranteed, it will be enough. He can almost stay aloof from the world... Oh, that's not right. In a short period of time, he witnessed Jia Yan's robbery. Bah, he collected compensation from many domain lord-level forces, but this does not mean that following Jia Yan will require Fighting, because most opponents will stop and be stunned after knowing Jia Yan's strength and talent.

"Following Mr. Jia Yan is probably the best and most correct decision I have made in all these years. I must not lose this opportunity in the future."

Laita thought that he should ensure his position next to Jia Yan. Fortunately, he didn't have to worry so much now, because there was no one around Jia Yan except him.

But soon, Laita discovered that he was wrong.

And it’s so wrong!

Jia Yan has no one available except himself. Instead, he has a large reserve of talents somewhere!

That place was another place that Jia Yan planned to visit after he defeated the Zerg Queen's forces - the Peaceful Star Territory.

The Peaceful Star Territory is still the same. It is quite comfortable everywhere. Countless people live the best life here. They don't have to worry about strong people fighting or that strong people will come when they walk on the road. Grab your stuff.

What is emphasized here is that everyone is equal. Even a Venerable-level being will be severely punished if he commits a crime.

What? You ask about semi-stellar and stellar levels?

Sorry, that has already risen to another level. Generally speaking, the existences of these two levels are high-level people. They will be superiors wherever they go, and they will not commit any crimes. Even if they commit crimes, they will never be too high-level. Severe punishment.

As for the Galaxy class? This is even more embarrassing. They are the makers of the rules. Let alone doing bad things, even changing the laws of this star field is not a big deal.

Domain owner? What's even more embarrassing is that there is no Territory Lord in the Peace Star Territory!

However, that was a thing of the past. In today's Peace Star Territory, there is a Territory Lord that is haunting.

Yes, he is Jia Yan who is returning to his hometown!

Jia Yan is no ordinary Territory Lord, he is a senior Territory Lord.

In fact, because they were traveling from the ten-dimensional space, the Zerg Queen's force originally had to travel for more than a month, but it only took Jia Yan and the others about three or four days to arrive, which was so close.

On the other hand, preparations such as accelerating and braking took about a week, which added up to nearly half a month. Traveling in ten dimensions over a short distance was actually not that convenient.

"I can't go out with you in person this time. After all, if my real body goes out, it will definitely cause an uproar. Although I am not afraid of the existence of the domain lords around me, I don't want to destroy the peace of this star domain. You just Follow my clone."

Jia Yan said this to Laita in the sub-space.

There's nothing Laita can't do.

After a while, Jia Yan's clone, a tortoise-like creature, slowly flew out of the subspace with Laita behind him.

This time Edisha dragged the huge palace and stopped at the sixth dimension. It should have stopped at the fifth dimension so that Laita could reluctantly enter and exit. However, because this time he had obtained the subspace ability, so this time Let’s try stopping at Six Degrees to see if Laita can get in and out.

The results are also gratifying. Although Laita has not been in and out of the subspace much recently, this is the first time he can freely enter and exit the six degrees, and there are not many problems.

"Very good, I will teach you some combat skills and utilization methods in sub-space on the way."

Jia Yan happened to have never communicated with others about things in the sub-space. With Laita, a sub-dimensional subordinate who was completely from his own, he could have a good exchange.

Of course, it was said to be communication, but in fact it was entirely him teaching.

It's just that Laita asked some very basic questions, but it allowed Jia Yan to spread his thinking. Certain questions that he was accustomed to and considered common sense always made Jia Yan think deeply and fall into realization and silence.

Because the brainwave power of the clone is only close to the galaxy level, so this time Jia Yan did not think about going out to fight or anything, although in the Peaceful Star Territory, I am afraid there are not many beings who can defeat his clone. But Jia Yan's return this time was not to fight.

So it was quite slow along the way.

Coming out of the sixth dimension, Jia Yan first took Laita to get familiar with the next dimension, and then walked back and forth.

After Laita was almost familiar with the skills of moving in low-level space, he took Laita out of the subspace again.

All I saw in the outside world was a large amount of peace.

"I didn't expect that there is such a peaceful place in the central star field of the Milky Way."

Laita was surprised.

You know, his general understanding of the central star field of the Milky Way is that it is chaos. Even though there are indeed many strong people here, in fact it is also synonymous with chaos. Even if they live under a certain big force, civilians will generally be affected by it. The oppression of excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes.

But it is different in this peaceful star field. Even if you just feel it for the first time when you arrive here, it is completely different from the tranquility and peace of the outside world. The fire of war cannot burn here at all.

Tourist ships in the starry sky not only carry powerful people with some strength, but even beings with average strength are also riding with the powerful people on board. Even an earth-level being can be with a respected person. The powerful warriors chatted.

Even if the level of strong people still exists, even if the stronger the strong people are, the more privileges they will still have, but what is done here is better than anywhere else. Let's ask Laita's own hometown, and the places under his own jurisdiction, he will definitely not be able to do it. to this extent.

It's like a paradise!

"Actually, there are rules here, and there are also rules and regulations where the strong are rampant. Generally speaking, it is much better than the outside world, so I want you to come and take a look. If we build some places of power ourselves in the future, we can also find Something to learn from.”

Jia Yan spoke frankly, saying the above words to Laita beside him, and directly said that he was planning to create a similar place of power in the future.

When Laita heard these words, his whole mood suddenly brightened.

You know, saying such words shows that Jia Yan has already had the idea of ​​establishing power. More importantly, he is willing to say the above words to Laita, which shows that he values ​​Laita very much and will rely on Laita in the future. Strength building power.

This does not mean treating yourself as an outsider.

Laita was so excited that she wanted to shout.

But he resisted the urge.

He just calmly recorded the scenery that Jia Yan saw along the way, as well as the better advantages. If there is any need in the future, he can directly refer to it.

Jia Yan originally planned to let Laita take note of it and become his right-hand man in the future. After all, a helper who is a beginner in the galaxy and has sub-dimensional abilities is considered qualified, and maybe Laita will help him in the future. Will he be successfully promoted to the middle level of Galaxy? That would be quite appropriate. It would not be shameful for a senior Territory Lord to have an Intermediate Galaxy subordinate.

"Okay, what I want to show you is not just these things. You know, when I was outside the power of the Zerg Queen, I stayed here for a while, but you may not know that I used to be in this area. A force has been established in the Peace Star Territory, and its name is the Yin Yang Sect. I really wanted this sect to develop well at the beginning, but I don’t know what’s going on now, let’s go and take a look.”

Jia Yan led Laita to fly forward.

The creatures along the way were fine when they saw Jia Yan's clone, but after seeing Laita's body, their expressions changed drastically.

You must know that in this peaceful starry sky, let alone the domain lord. Even the Galaxy level is rare.

But Laita's obvious physique of a galaxy-level creature makes him stand out from the crowd.

The more important point is that if Laita is a familiar Galaxy-class existence, then that's it, but his appearance is completely different from the Galaxy-class existence that everyone is familiar with in this starry sky.

This directly made countless ordinary people feel scared.

Although this is a peaceful star field, the creatures here can still receive the meaning of being strong and the chaotic information from the outside world. It would be okay if other Galaxy-class people from far away places in the Peace Star Territory came, but if the bad Galaxy-class people from the outside world came and were murderous, the problem would be too big.

"Huh? There is a report coming, saying that a very strange Territory Lord has come to our starry sky, and after comparing the entire database, he is not registered? In other words, he is probably a person from the outside world. A galaxy level from the outside world?!"

"Be careful. The combat capabilities of the Galaxy-levels from the outside are extremely terrifying. Let's go over to the five Galaxy-levels and take a look. But it's too difficult to gather five Galaxy-levels at once. It takes time. Alas, there is peace in our star field. It’s a good thing, but none of them have the same fighting ability.”

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