Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 13 A long chat with the Queen!

It just so happened that the supplies on Edisha were all used up to buy healing resources for the Zerg Queen. It was also a good thing to have external supplies to replenish them.

What? Is this robbery? Isn't that right? I am a powerful person with a senior Domain Lord level. I have been psychologically injured. Isn't it normal for them to make some small compensation? Otherwise, it would be very embarrassing for a senior domain owner who dared not fight back after being deceived, so spending a small amount of money to eliminate the disaster would already make him pregnant!

Jia Yan makes a lot of sense.

Of course, the one most affected by this matter was the dolphin creature. For this leader who almost caused the disintegration of the Zerg Queen's power, Jia Yan was also bewitched by the black sheep, and it did not have much real impact. In addition, after all, he was still He gave Gaia face and chose not to kill him.

However, the penalty of death cannot be avoided. Jia Yan asked him to compensate the Queen of Zerg for "mental damages", which was not only the largest amount, but also the most horrific exploitation of her power in the future. It can be said that as long as he paid Compensation, if this force wants to raise dolphin creatures, other subordinates will be very embarrassed in the future. Of course, if they completely exploit their subordinates, it will be impossible for this force to win over people's hearts. As for the dolphins themselves, they will give up later. It depends on him whether he chooses to dismiss most of his subordinates or find other ways to make money if he has a large amount of training materials for himself.

Anyway, the power of the Zerg Queen, plus Jia Yan himself, have made a profit this time.

"Actually, I don't really want these harvests. If the Zerg Queen and others want it, I can accept nothing, but after thinking about it, they are not willing to let me receive nothing."

Jia Yan's words were somewhat sincere.

It's too easy for him to make money. Didn't you see that after leaving the North Star, his Adisha star gradually couldn't let go of his belongings? For a senior domain owner, wealth is sometimes just a number.

But if he doesn't want it, the people in the Zerg Queen's force may think that after Jia Yan helps them this time, he will draw a clear line with the Zerg Queen's force, which will cause panic.

"Sometimes it's not easy to be a strong person, haha."

Jia Yan swore that he really didn't want any wealth, um... just a little bit?


Jia Yan just stayed here to rest and recuperate with the people from the Zerg Queen's force in this newly born chaotic galaxy.

Compared with the fearful lurking of the Zerg Queen's forces before, they don't have to worry so much this time. Everyone is making full adjustments, including the seriously injured Jia Yan, who is mobilizing supplies for them to try their best to recover.

Therefore, everyone's repair speed is still very fast.

However, they are relatively calm here, and the rumors about this place from the outside world have become more and more intense.

Jia Yan, the mysterious strong man who originally 'asked about the Zerg Queen's power' among outside forces, actually reappeared in the nascent galaxy where the Zerg Queen's power was hidden. Moreover, he was also a member of the original Zerg Queen's power. In the past few years, an existence named 'Jia Yan' has been promoted to the level of senior domain lord. After these words were heard by many forces, one or two of those forces fell silent.

Don't talk about anything else, it's just that Dolphins spread that Lord Gaia showed up in that battle, but in the end he had to betray Jia Yan. All the powerful people and high-ranking officials who heard about this were completely shocked. Shocking.

Because they can not understand how strong Jia Yan is, or they can doubt what the dolphin creature said, but if the matter involves 'Gaia', it will be different. After all, ordinary people would not dare to steal Gaia's name. If they did, Gaia and the forces affiliated with him would come looking for him, and it might be a disaster.

And now that Gaia has come forward, this matter is absolutely true. Even Lord Gaia dare not touch the strong man, which is enough to prove his true strength!

For a time, the forces in all directions shook up and down. The forces that were already in awe of the mysterious and powerful man in space suddenly became even more afraid of Jia Yan. Also, the remnants of the Zerg Queen's forces, which they had previously regarded as their favorites, have also become incompetent. Forget about the existence of an abacus.

"Oh? Is the Queen of Zerg ready to come out and meet me? Okay, I haven't seen her for a few days, so it's time to have a good chat."

On this day, Jia Yan received a message from a powerful healer who flew out of the Edisha star, saying that the Queen of the Zerg was preparing to meet him.

At this time, he was helping to plan how the Zerg Queen's forces would use the strange-shaped planet that the Zerg Queen had reluctantly used her great ability to gather together the surrounding fragments of interstellar matter to create the new core of the Zerg Queen's force. Energy circle.

I happened to have no clue, because Jia Yan was a novice with little experience in this area, so I happened to meet the Zerg Queen, and maybe she would have some constructive insights.

Not long after, the female creature that was promised slowly flew out of the sub-space step by step with the same graceful steps as always.

The existence of the Territory Lord can originally move in the sub-space, but it cannot move quickly and deep into the depths. Therefore, the Zerg Queen can fly out of the sub-space by herself without Jia Yan's help.

Jia Yan has been waiting for a semi-permanent sub-space rift that was torn open by Jia Yan for a long time.

"Hello, Queen of the Zerg, it seems that your recovery is going well, so I feel relieved."

After only a few days of recovery, the Zerg Queen had already repaired a large number of damaged injuries. Even though her brain wave power was still in disarray, at least from the outside, her injuries seemed as if they did not exist and she had recovered. The same demeanor as before.

A smile appeared on her face, which resembled that of a peerless woman on Earth: "Speaking of which, I have to thank Mr. Jia Yan for giving me the healing materials. I didn't expect that Mr. Jia Yan could actually get what I had always dreamed of. Those materials, I’m afraid any one of them is worth a lot of money.”

Jia Yan shook his head: "Actually, to me, these things are not worth much money, let alone if they can help you, the Queen, what does this little thing mean?"

The Zerg Queen seemed a little unaccustomed to the current relationship between the two parties. After thinking about it, she flew into the depths of the universe with Jia Yan, avoiding the surrounding subordinates who seemed not to want to eavesdrop, but kept their ears pricked up.

"You should call me Your Lady Queen, Lord Jia Yan. With your current strength, you can just call me by my name."

"No, the Queen of the Zerg is the Queen of the Zerg. This will never change, whether it was before, now, or in the future. You have been a blessing to me, Jia Yan, and you have also helped a lot, so it should be Respectfully, I will not give up. This is a matter of principle for me as a person. Please don’t continue to force me, Your Majesty the Queen.”

Jia Yan didn't dare to say: Everyone calls you the Queen of the Zerg, even the enemies call you the Queen of the Zerg, so I seem to have forgotten your real name.

Even if the Queen of the Zerg didn't have a womanly temper, she would have punched her own chest with her little fists...

So Jia Yan opened her mouth and blocked her mouth with questions about human principles.

The Zerg Queen took a deep look at Jia Yan, and then looked away inadvertently.

"Yeah, it's a matter of principle as a human being... well, since you want to call me that, then fine, but I won't call you Jia Yan anymore, but I will call you Jia Yan, because after all, you He is a much more powerful Territory Lord than me, and I will show the respect I deserve. This is a matter of principle for me, Master Jia Yan, won’t you refuse?”

"Of course I won't refuse this."

The Zerg Queen calls herself Lord Jia Yan, and Jia Yan doesn’t resist at all, because everyone else calls her that way. If the Zerg Queen doesn’t call her, maybe other people in the Zerg Queen’s influence think there is a special relationship between the two of them. !

I, Jia Yan, have a wife and children. If such rumors spread, I will lose face!

It's just that Jia Yan didn't notice that after the relationship between the two parties was established and they were both called 'adults' and seemed less cordial, the Zerg Queen's meaningful feeling towards him quickly disappeared. This feeling It was even so subtle that Jia Yan didn't notice it.

The straight man Jia Yan didn't understand the charm at all. He and the Zerg Queen were flying in the deep place of the universe while chatting about something casually. Both of them were strong men at the domain lord level. They could fly millions of kilometers just by flying. Going out, and the strength is quite similar, Jia Yandu occasionally regrets that if his wife Satsuma Temple has the Domain Lord level, the couple can travel together in the sea of ​​​​stars like this, what a happy scene it would be...

It's a pity that my wife's strength is much weaker than I thought. Even if Jia Yan doesn't intervene, maybe she will die in less than a thousand years in the future...

Jia Yan's lifespan is very long. If he did not die naturally, his senior domain master strength would be enough to support his strength to reach more than 10,000 years before he died, and this does not include his repeated evolutionary mutations. , making the genes more and more perfect, the lifespan may be much longer than those of the same level.

Jia Yan's thoughts drifted to the sky.

"Lord Jia Yan, although I can't talk about repaying you, you also know that the reason why the Dolphin guy and the Black Sheep are targeting our power is that in addition to annexing our strong men, there is another very important thing. Yes, that is because we want certain materials from our power. These materials are only effective for senior domain and mid-level domain masters. For other powerful people, they are poison. I don’t know if you can use them. Why don’t I just leave this supply to you.”

The Queen of the Zerg suddenly mentioned this matter when Jia Yan was wandering in the world.

"Oh? The so-called high-end materials? No, Dolphin said, these materials may be extremely valuable, and they may not be usable if they are given to me. It is better to leave them to you."

Jia Yan waved his hand quickly, otherwise if he accepted such valuable things after helping others, others might suspect his motives.

"Master Jia Yan, if this kind of material is left in our hands, it will definitely not be easy to sell. On the contrary, it may bring disaster to our lives. Take it. You have given our power a helping hand, which is almost equivalent to saving us." Once, a life-saving grace, these materials are not qualified to repay, but we don’t have more.”

"This... well, leave it to me. I will return more supplies to you in the future."

Jia Yan sighed helplessly and nodded.

Speaking of which, Jia Yan still doesn't know what those supplies are, but since it's such an important thing, it's hard to sell it. It's probably that outsiders know they have it and have come knocking on their door a long time ago, so they might as well get it themselves. I am a senior sub-space talented domain master. Although I have never encountered the existence of an intermediate domain master, others say that it is difficult for an intermediate domain master to catch me, so it is most appropriate for me to keep such things.

"Okay, I will have people transport the supplies to your Edisha planet later. By the way, Mr. Jia Yan, in recent days, we have restored a lot of vitality on your Edisha planet. So this time I am going to withdraw all the personnel and restore the tranquility of Edisha Star to you. Of course, you don’t have to worry about the healing environment. I will build the energy circle immediately, but I hope you can help me, so it will be faster. a little."

"Oh, do you want to come out? That's fine. The Edisha star is filled with my system energy and the sub-space environment is not the best healing condition for you. If the Queen has the ability to create another Come from the energy circle, that’s the best.”

Jia Yan nodded in understanding.

And when it comes to energy circles, he is still very interested.

The energy circle of the Zerg Queen is quite strange even in the central star field of the Milky Way. At least for so long, he has not seen another strong person who can do something similar.

Moreover, his sub-space talent is very strong, but each talent has its own powerful method. At least the Zerg Queen's life talent, in a certain level, is not inferior to the sub-space talent at all. Of course, she is stronger in another area. level.

In terms of vitality and resilience, look for Shuyuan The life talent can be said to be one of the best. The Queen of the Zerg is just not strong enough. If she were strong enough, her vitality would be so tenacious that even beings a small level above her would not be able to kill her. she. This is also the reason why the Zerg Queen was nearly invincible in her hometown.

Because Xiaoqiang can’t be beaten to death!

Jia Yan even thought that the reason why the Zerg Queen could recover so quickly this time was because of the high-level resources she provided. The other thing was that she had super strong recovery ability. In addition, he remembered that the Zerg Queen was watching. After Jia Yan collects the highest-grade healing medicine, telling her these things can even help her go one step further. I'm afraid this is true.

Therefore, the improvement in strength of the Zerg Queen in the future is worth looking forward to...

Jia Yan has long said that he understands the talent of the Zerg Queen, and he even hopes that in the future, there will be someone who can grow up with him on the road to becoming a strong person, and in the end, he can often chat and talk freely during his almost infinite life span. The presence.

Looking at his friends, they are either lacking in strength, have a bad relationship, or their talents are not up to standard, so after a final look at them, this close friend must be the Queen!

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