
A group of creatures, especially those who had not yet had time to put down their supplies, felt strange for a while.

No, you already have 80% of the materials to attract forces, so you still care about a little more, and you still claim that you have credibility? You want to eat shit.

Yes, no matter what it thinks, if you want to wait for someone to take it back, then take it back.

A group of ordinary creatures, one or two, carried the supplies and flew up. Edisha made a gap in the Edisha star to let them leave.

"Master, we've given you all the things. Do we want to leave? This seduction force is useless."

After watching the creatures transporting supplies leave, Edisha turned on her brain communication function and spoke to Jia Yan from the outside world.

It actually knows that even if it doesn't use any communication, Jia Yan is actually watching everything in the Edisha star all the time. After all, the current Edisha star is in the subspace on the first level, outside the subspace. It is the home planet of the attraction force where Jia Yan is located.

However, communication is a ritual, and it will not fail to do it.

"Are you already 80% rich? Check to see if there is any fraud. If not, let's set off."

Jia Yan pondered for a while, then nodded.

At this moment, standing under Jia Yan, the leader of the Yin Territory, who was restless, was also carefully observing Jia Yan's actions.

He knew the information earlier than Jia Yan, and understood that today would be the day when supplies would be sufficient.

And the 'Jia Yan' in front of him has to decide whether he will break his promise and get fat, or whether he will really let them go.

There was a hint of treacherous look in the eyes of the leader.

In fact, he was not unprepared. If Jia Yan wanted to break his promise and get rich, he had a back-up plan, and the back-up visitor had actually arrived in the starry sky.

If he really wants to take action, then with his gravitational wave talent for attracting the Territory Lord, plus his terrifying combat power, there is a high possibility that the 'Jia Yan Territory Lord' in front of him will be left behind.

It's just that Jia Yan is a very talented person in space. He also understands that if he is accidentally allowed to escape, the future attracting forces, plus that force, will be trapped in endless harassment, so he does not dare to take the initiative.

Everything depends on how Jia Yan is a person and whether he pays attention to credibility.

"Very good, Your Excellency, Yin Territory Lord, you Yin Force did not commit fraud. I am very satisfied."

Suddenly, Jia Yan said this to the Yin Territory Lord calmly.

The Territory Lord, who was already being extremely careful, suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Lord Jia Yan for the compliment. Since we said we will give you 80% of your wealth, we will not make any small moves. So Lord Jia Yan... you are satisfied, do you want to leave now?"

The leader of the leading domain asked tentatively.

Strong people are so outspoken. After all, they are used to being direct and infighting. In fact, it is not that popular in the starry sky.

Jia Yan looked at a certain starry sky area with a hint of meaning, and then nodded.

"Well, I will leave. You and your friend behind you don't have to worry about me forcing you to stay here. But... Yin Domain Master, I'm a little disappointed that you did such a thing. Of course, you didn't do anything, so I also I won’t hold you accountable, but in the future, you won’t be able to gain my friendship, understand what I mean…”



The domain master's eyes widened, and he was shocked. At the same time, deep in the starry sky, there was also a huge creature, which suddenly made a meal!

His expression was extremely solemn, and his entire abyss-like aura dived into a deeper place in the starry sky, becoming looming.

"Your Excellency Jia Yan, what do you mean by taking action? I don't understand, haha."

After the Territory Lord's expression changed slightly, he calmly pretended to be indifferent, as if Jia Yan had wronged him, and started to act stupid.

Jia Yan didn't say anything to him, just looked at him with a meaningful look in his eyes, but no longer struggled with this.


In the following time, until Jia Yan calmly stood up, entered the sub-space, and flew into the Edisha planet, he did not say a single word whether he was attracting the domain master or existing in the dark sky among the stars. He didn't make any attack move.

After a while, the thousand-kilometer planet that had been parked in the subspace for a while swayed in a circle and flew slowly towards the interior of the subspace.

There was no fear at all, as if he didn't know that in the depths of the space, there was a being with a terrifying aura, looking at him.

Seeing this scene, the Yin Territory Lord hesitated for a moment, but didn't say anything.

It wasn't until the huge star disappeared into the seventh, eighth, and ninth degrees, and no longer had any breath at all, that the leader here looked at the uninhabited starry sky that Jia Yan had seen before. land.

"Master, he has left."


When the leader of the leading domain said these words, in that starry sky, there was a creature that did not exist in the normal starry sky, nor in the sub-space, nor in the gravitational wave system. Indifferently, one step from weird Stepping out of the space.

This is a weird space that feels like an ordinary space, but an ordinary space cannot see everything in this space, and even the breath can be well hidden.

In fact, there are various spaces in the universe. The most obvious and most advanced ones are subspace and gravitational wave space. These are also the most stable and effective spaces.

But other space systems also exist, but they are not so stable, and the effects of entering them are also diverse. Some space talents exist. After entering certain spaces, the effects are not that good, and some are excellent. This depends on the person. It varies.

This creature that stepped out of the strange space was an existence that could hide its traces to the greatest extent possible in that unknown space.

What's even more frightening is that the strength of this being has almost reached a level that would make a domain lord extremely dignified.

When he stood in front of the Yinyu Lord, he was even bigger than the Yinyu Lord. With a body of seventy kilometers, even if Jia Yan were here, he would still be smaller than the opponent.

Of course, the most surprising thing to others is that the title the Territory Lord calls him is actually ‘Master’.

You must know that the strength of domain masters has reached almost the ceiling in the entire galaxy. Such a existence, even if it has subordinates, cannot have any master. To become a domain master, it is absolutely necessary. In order to achieve secular strength, one must even have a high status, otherwise there is no virtue or capability.

At this time, this alien space creature, who was called the 'Master', looked at the direction in the subspace where the Edisha star had just left with a gloomy expression.

Then, he finally let out a long sigh.

"Oh, I'm old. I was fooled by this so-called Jia Yan and didn't dare to take action."

"No, master, you are not old yet. There is a senior domain lord, and his lifespan is much longer than mine. Of course, it is a pity to attract the wealth of the power, but for the master, it should not be the same. No matter what, we should let Jia Yan live."

The flattering words introduced by the Territory Lord made the 'senior' Territory Lord chuckle.

"Okay, Yin, you have done well over the years. Without revealing my backer, you managed to build Yin's forces and gave me a lot of support. Although you fell short in the end, it also proved your ability. In the future Do it well, and if you encounter something like this again, I will definitely support you."

"Thank you, Master. It's just that Jia Yan...has shown the ability just now, isn't it..."

The master of the Yin domain was surprised and thanked him respectfully. After all, the master did not blame him for ruining a force, but also praised him. This is a good thing.

But he thought of Jia Yan and asked involuntarily.

The creature called 'Master' looked calmly into the depths of the subspace, and then nodded.

"Yes, this strong man, in my opinion, should have reached a senior level, otherwise ordinary strong people, even those who are not senior, would not be able to see where I am. This is why, I didn't do it before The reason for taking action is that it is not cost-effective to start a war with a senior person for only 80% of the wealth of a mere leader. Moreover, I must have deliberately looked at me a few times to avoid starting a war with me..."

! !

The Yin Territory Lord got the answer, even though he had already guessed it before, it was also extremely shocking.

You must know that he deliberately kept making excuses with Jia Yan just to invite his 'master' to come. At the same time, he hid countless resentments, all of which he wanted to vent just now.

But what he didn't expect was that Jia Yan's words and actions just now made him and the patron behind him hesitant, and finally gave up.

The answer given by the master at this time shocked him extremely, because he did not expect that he would be accompanied by a senior level for so long.

But he couldn't guarantee whether he was senior or not. After all, the 'master' beside him might be making excuses for his own cowardice.

In short, Jia Yan was very strong and terrifying. He couldn't help but feel a little relieved that he hadn't offended Jia Yan in these days.

"Wow, Master, did you say that there was a very powerful Territory Lord by your side just now? Adisha didn't even know about it."

Far away in the ten-dimensional space, the Edisha star has been propelled by Jia Yan, and it has become faster than before, flying away into the distance.

Adisha kept flying around Jia Yan, with a look of surprise on her face.

Only then did it learn from Jia Yan's mouth that there had been an existence no less powerful than Jia Yan himself, watching him from one side.

Editha didn't know anything about this, so she couldn't help being extremely surprised.

"That's right, the one just now, I think, is the legendary powerful alien space talent who is rarer than the sub-space and gravitational wave space talents. Haha, I didn't expect that there is such a person behind the leader of the domain. I am backed by a strange person, but I underestimated the power in the black hole area."

Jia Yan nodded lightly.

It is said that he underestimated the power in the black hole area. In fact, this is not surprising at all. Jia Yan had already expected such a possibility from the beginning.

I just didn't expect that a strong person with the talent of different dimensions would come. Compared with his sub-space talent and gravitational wave talent, there are far fewer such strong people. Jia Yan even felt that it was really hard to fight. Get up, maybe the result is unpredictable, after all, he doesn't understand other people's talents.

It's impossible to just lose. At most, it will turn the power upside down and then let it go.

Maybe the other party also gave up after thinking of this.

"If we want to investigate, a senior domain lord with such a talent for alien space will probably find out his true identity casually, but there is no need. I got something today and the previous grudges have been wiped out. Unless this leads the domain lord to want to trouble me again. , otherwise I won’t deliberately bother him in the future.”

Jia Yan said calmly.

He wanted so much wealth from the influence, but he kept his word.

He said he would settle grudges, then he would settle grudges. He was not the kind of person who would get fat by breaking his promise.

Editha made a fuss for a while, as if she was tired of flying, and stopped flying around. Then she stopped on Jia Yan's shoulder, with a pair of compound eyes of light and shadow, shining brightly.

"Master, where should we go next? There are so many adventurous places in this black hole area. It's easy for Edisha to get out of the outside world. So many people looked down on the master in the past. If we can go out now and show them the master's current strength. , it will definitely make their eyes pop out.”

Unexpectedly, this little guy is quite face-conscious. I really don’t know who to imitate.

Jia Yan stared at the little light and shadow brain and shook his head.

"My strength has indeed made great progress compared to before, but in the eyes of ordinary domain masters, this strength is great, but in the eyes of real strong men, it is still far away. Is there anything in the black hole area? If there are few things worthy of my improvement, I can find them at Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. There are even many things worthy of my study. I am still planning to stay here for a while. When I reach a certain level of cultivation, I will enter the four superstars again. One, looking for a way to continue to become stronger, this goal is probably still North Superstar, after all... I have some things that I haven't dealt with well in North Superstar... haha."

After listening to Jia Yan's words, Adisha seemed to feel a little disappointed.

"Oh, we are still here. Edita misses her master's former friends. Master, your apprentice and the Zerg Queen all came to the central star field of the Milky Way together. I don't know how they are doing now. That’s it.”

What Edisha said also made Jia Yan fascinated.

Yes, for Jia Yan, he still cares a lot about the friends who came to the Galaxy Central Star Territory. In addition, he also collected a lot of things in the Galaxy Central Star Territory and those places he stayed further away. As a disciple, he made many friends, and Jia Yan would think of their faces from time to time.

This kind of thing is difficult to let go of, because a living body, no matter whether you are a strong person or not, if you can't even cut off your own memory, it is not a living body.

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