In addition, Jia Yan was boasting a lot before taking action. If he helped rashly, he might make Jia Yan unhappy.

No matter how hard they fight, they don't worry. In addition to Jia Yan's super strength, he is also a sub-space gifted creature. He is the kind of existence that is difficult to die. If the elephant-trunk creature wants to kill Jia Yan, Jia Yan will definitely use his subspace talent, so there is nothing to worry about.

Boom boom boom——

Oddly enough, Jia Yan's fighting style was different from what the three powerful Northern Chenyu forces had imagined. He didn't actually enter the sub-space, nor did he use the unique defensive skills that Jia Yan used when he fought against them last time. Head-on, a battle started with the elephant-trunk creature.

Stab on the foot, open the elephant's trunk, and then use the other foot to swing it over like a whip.

You know, Jia Yan's feet are not short, each one is more than twice the length of his body.

The trunk of the elephant-trunk creature seems to be very long, about this length. Moreover, Jia Yan has more than one leg. In this way, the advantage that the elephant-trunk creature seems to have has actually turned into a disadvantage. The most advantageous areas were all suppressed by Jia Yan.



The elephant's trunk seemed to be in danger. It was whipped wildly by three or four feet, making the elephant-trunk creature seem to be greatly suppressed.

Although this is only a superficial phenomenon, it is not much different.

"Damn it, this insect creature is so suppressing the elephant trunk, why don't we go over and help?"

"Hmph, it seems that this guy's fighting power is all about his feet. If he didn't have so many long and fast feet, his fighting power wouldn't be that strong!"


In this battle between forces, there is no one-on-one battle. After all, everyone is fighting for interests, and it is not a battle between strong men, so there is no reason why they cannot join forces.

The other two powerful enemies suddenly rushed into the battle group.

This made the three Territory Lords in Bei Chenyu's forces eager to join the battle group.

Although they also understand that Jia Yan and them can only be regarded as preliminary cooperation at the moment and cannot be said to be a very good life-long friendship, at least Jia Yan is helping them fight, and they also understand that Jia Yan has not yet used I'm trying my best, so why can't I help sell a favor?

"Your Excellencies, there is no need to join the battle. I will handle it myself."

Suddenly, they heard Jia Yan's calm words.

It can be seen that Jia Yan has no intention of taking action from these three domain masters, because Jia Yan originally believed that his fighting power was sufficient.

He didn't even use his full strength when fighting the three major domain lords of the Northern Chenyu forces, so how could these strong men see that Jia Yan's true combat power had reached the level of a senior domain lord?

Of course, he was not prepared to use all his strength to deal with the three major domain lords at the moment.

Preparing to do it alone, it's not that Jia Yan is very good to Bei Chenyu's forces, it's just that he has just completed the digestion of all his Territory Lord energy. At this moment, he can be regarded as a strong Territory Lord, and he is stable. He wanted to try out the type of energy he could control to what extent he could control it.

It is said that the strength just after promotion will have a period of violent energy. On the surface, the combat power looks good, but it is some kind of 'violence'. On the surface, it may be more powerful than he is now.

But violence doesn't mean you can fight.

After he has stabilized his strength, an ordinary blow may not be as effective as his own fighting power during the violent period. But the problem is that violence does not mean that you can hit people, nor does it mean that your moves can exert all your power to the limit.

Otherwise, it would be fine if everyone went out to show off their power after being promoted. Why would most of the powerful people have to hide after being promoted?

That's right, in fact, most of the powerful people who have just been promoted don't feel that they are strong in the violent period at all. That is Jia Yan, who still uses the combat power of the violent period to fight with others.

But now, he has been promoted, his realm has stabilized, and his combat power seems to be not as strong as in the violent period, but in fact, he has a more refined and thorough understanding of himself, and he has become more familiar with the precise operations that he was not able to use in the past, so Ever since, even if the fighting power was calm, it was still a little stronger than it was then.

Of course, it can't be compared to the previous battles in the promotion stage. When you need to face a lot of enemies, the violence stage is more useful, because it can be solved with violence alone.

In short, when dealing with the three major domain lords at the moment, Jia Yan doesn't even use all his strength. He just uses it to understand his own moves and understanding of his body. It's better to be more delicate. Otherwise, in the violent stage, the enemy will be killed in just a few moves. Can't feel anything.


The first enemy came to Jia Yan's side. He and the colorful butterfly domain lord that Jia Yan had fought before seemed to be creatures of the same race. When his wings flapped, the whole world was filled with colorful illusions, which was so beautiful.

Jia Yan was almost stunned, his whole mood suddenly moved, as if his mind was affected by this power.

"Take advantage of the opportunity to take action!"

The colorful butterfly creature shouted with joy.

"Got the order!"

On the other side, there is a creature with a single horn, which looks like an ancient dinosaur on earth. It stabs at it with a horn, like thousands of horses galloping, and it is extremely majestic.

If he was stabbed by the horn of this giant thing, even a Territory Lord would definitely not be able to sustain it. It is possible for the body to be pierced by it.

If it's pierced, it means death.

Although the cooperation between the three of them is not at the level of Bei Chenyu's three Territory Lords, because their attributes complement each other, they are extremely compatible. They can work together to defeat ordinary Territory Lords. As long as they are not too strong, they will usually join forces like this. Once the fight breaks out, no domain lord can withstand it.


Jia Yan struck with his foot and knocked the horned dragon-shaped creature away a little distance. However, this slap also made his foot feel a huge shock force, which made Jia Yan slightly shaken. Shocked, what a powerful dragon horn.

"Watch the fight!"

On the other end, when Jia Yan was entangled with these two creatures, the elephant-trunk creature suddenly swung its trunk and whipped it towards Jia Yan's body.

This is another tacit understanding between their three major creatures to fight together. Generally speaking, after the three moves are combined, many domain lords can no longer resist it. They completely become passive and take beatings, and they will inevitably become... A losing situation.

Unfortunately, what they were dealing with this time was Jia Yan, and it was a multi-legged creature. Each of its legs had amazing combat effectiveness.



In space, each of those legs with a length of hundreds of kilometers was like overwhelming mountains and seas. Compared with the elephant-trunk creatures, it used a more terrifying attack range and breadth, as well as similar agility. Suddenly, Confronted all three major domain lords.

Even though the attack of the elephant-trunk creature came from behind, because he swung the trunk really fast, he was the first one to arrive. Jia Yan had already used his right front foot and was directly facing the elephant-trunk creature. Fight together.

As expected, he had just been promoted, and his speed was a bit faster than the other two colleagues. Unfortunately, Jia Yan's speed was not slow either, and his feet became entangled with the elephant's trunk.

On the other side, Jia Yan saw the reality of the colorful butterflies. He didn't even look at the countless 'female mosquitoes' flying around him.

What the hell, this butterfly creature looks much worse than the last time I encountered it, okay? Seeing that I am a male mosquito, why are there a bunch of female mosquitoes? How about some female humans? Does the female mosquito feel better at all?

Jia Yan was speechless about this colorful butterfly creature, but what he didn't know was that others were also surprised.

Because as a hallucination creature, he himself cannot actually see what the enemy is caused by his hallucinations. Otherwise, every time he confronts the enemy, he can see clearly into the enemy's psychology. Wouldn't he be invincible?

He just used his illusion and psychological guidance ability to make the enemy appear in the deepest part of the opponent's heart, which is most likely the softest place and the easiest place to be attacked. Every strong person, even a strong Domain Lord, will have the weakest shortcomings. This is a problem of human nature, and it is impossible for any strong person to avoid it.

Unfortunately, he immediately felt that he had not used his power well. Otherwise, why would the insect-like creature in front of him not be affected at all?

Because Jia Yan's feet were not affected by the hallucination at all and stabbed him hard. He had to use his butterfly wings to suddenly block the attack in front of him, and was stabbed hard. Fortunately, the surface of the wings had his brainwave power to defend him, so he was not directly stabbed. Became a beautiful butterfly with injured wings.

After that, there was the horned dinosaur-like creature that was deflected to a certain angle by him.

When he arrived, he was accompanied by an endless sense of power, as if thousands of horses were galloping. However, Jia Yan's slender feet, which seemed to be much weaker than theirs, blocked them and moved to the side.

Fortunately, this kind of collision attribute creature often faced such a situation, so he quickly turned his head, causing him to change his direction in an instant, towards Jia Yan's direction, just a little slower. , aimed at his chest, and hit him again.

This kind of creature that only knows how to hit has grown to the level of a domain lord. To be honest, it is extremely pure. Under certain circumstances, it is the most troublesome among the three domain lords.

Because everyone is a Territory Lord, even if there is a senior Territory Lord, as long as he is not focused on defense, he will not ignore the attacks of the Territory Lord and only know how to attack the Territory Lord. If you practice your attack power for a lifetime and treat it as if it is ignored, then you are asking for death.

Anyway, Jia Yan didn't ignore them, and he didn't want to activate the power of a senior-level combat-type domain lord.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to see fighting types in the outside world. Because of the external environment, it is difficult to cultivate fighting types. Even if a creature with a certain talent is fighting type at certain levels, it will fight immediately at the next level. Return to the original shape, because the outside world does not have that environment.

Therefore, Jia Yan, a fighting type Territory Lord, can be said to be extremely rare in the outside world, because the existence of the fighting type means that he must maintain the fighting type at every level in the past, otherwise it will be impossible to maintain the Territory Lord level. .

So if he goes out now and says that he is a senior domain lord, people will believe him, and maybe they will be surprised that a new senior domain lord with a new face has appeared inexplicably somewhere.


This time, Jia Yan lightly touched his hind foot without any of the domain lords present noticing.

Then, the hind foot after the collision only exerted a slight positive and negative force. The dinosaur-like unicorn dragon creature collided with the oncoming collision.


This time, as if it was hard for others to accept, it was the opponent's unicorn dragon creature that howled miserably.

Originally, I thought that Jia Yan's thin horns would be hit by the opponent. Even if they didn't break, they would cause extremely serious injuries to Jia Yan. But what shocked others was that it was the thin feet that won. .

The one-horned dragon was suddenly thrown aside by the force of the collision between the two sides. He, who thought he was born with divine power, was completely confused. He looked at his horn and saw a scratch on his foot. It feels like life has been wasted.

How could it be possible? He hadn't trained to the extreme. Even if the average strong person was stronger than him, he wouldn't dare to collide with his long horns.

However, Jia Yan did not completely win. He only used his hind feet, and he only quietly used a little positive and negative force. So after this blow, he also felt that his hind feet were very powerful. Aching, his entire huge body fell back fifty or sixty kilometers.

The two domain masters behind him seized the opportunity.

It's not like they didn't calculate that Jia Yan would not be injured by this impact. But I didn't expect Jia Yan to be so calm, and also bring their unicorn dragon creature, which is famous for its brute strength, to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com uses a hind foot that should not be used much in normal times, giving him no advantage in counterattack.

Of course, they would be satisfied as long as Jia Yan was knocked into their encirclement by this unicorn dragon creature.


A sharp sense of attack suddenly appeared from behind, and Jia Yan's heart froze.

A Territory Lord is a Territory Lord. Even if he has killed so many Territory Lords before, it will be difficult for him to win in one fell swoop if he only has a few remaining hands and meets several Territory Lords who cooperate well.


That's it. He feels that as long as he slowly feels the speed of Domain Lord level battle and the reaction level to be achieved, he will slowly take the initiative in this battle. After all, he has that ability in the first place. At this level, even if he kept his hands, as long as he kept calm and became familiar with the fighting style and level, he could gradually understand the level of Domain Lord level fighting. That is to say, he will become stronger and stronger in this battle. Even if he retains his skills, he will definitely be able to easily solve the battle. Of course, he is still a little short of that.

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