Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 50 Jia Yan is here...

Any living thing needs a strong blood flow center. Even for alien creatures, they will definitely have a similar system, because this is something that living animals must need, otherwise it cannot be explained.

Jia Yan is building the most powerful engine out of what his body needs most - his heart. This engine will be what he needs at the Domain Lord level in the future, and can even directly determine whether his promotion is successful.

It involves strength, defense, explosion, reaction, etc. Even after reaching the universe, the strong people no longer have so many restrictions on the physical body, but Jia Yan will never miss this point.

Brainwave power is the second power system, but the key to the body's power system is the heart. How could he miss it? That is similar to giving up a watermelon to pick up sesame seeds, except that the power of brain waves cannot be described with sesame seeds, it is about two watermelons, so it is equally important.

Poof, poof, poof.

"It went well, but it really hurts."

Jia Yan almost fell into a trance, but at this moment, he remembered that some domain master had told him similar things.

"When I was promoted, I was in a daze. Others seemed to be able to pass out when they were promoted, but I always felt that if I passed out, I would die, so I used a certain method, which was to stimulate my brainstem. However, this kind of stimulation is very unstable. My final stimulation plan is to use brain wave power three times a second, maintain it for five seconds, then have an interval of two seconds, and then three times a second, without holding it for five seconds, and so on."

Jia Yan remembered the experience of this domain lord, and his brain wave power exploded.

His mutated body will actually maintain the brain stem for a long time, otherwise Jia Yan would have lost his mind long ago.




Three stimulations per second made his whole body tremble, and he felt that the trance disappeared instantly.

it works!

Just do it! Sure enough, it is much easier to do things because of previous experience.

Jia Yan was so lucky. He was lucky that he had asked so many Territory Lords. Among so many Territory Lords, there would always be one or two that fit his situation, so he learned from the experience.

Although no domain lord is an evolved beast, each of them will have their own unique physique. If you ask too many questions and the amount of data is huge, the situation will easily appear like what others have encountered, and the possibility of learning from it will also arise. .

Even though Jia Yan is an Evolved Beast and is pursuing the unique promotion path of Evolved Beasts, in fact, during this promotion, he can still get a lot of information and what he wants from the experience and teachings of other Domain Lords.

As for the erudite knowledge he has learned, it is actually of great help. For example, while he is converting energy, he can even secretly use unique mathematical formulas to calculate how much energy he has consumed and then converted. How much energy, and then judge the energy conversion efficiency of an evolving beast, and then you will immediately understand the approximate number of your future domain master's strength.

This is the effect of being knowledgeable and talented. Many things become clear in the chest and extremely calm.

"Effective. All the things I have learned are effective. Haha, no wonder. In the past, there was a famous saying on earth - knowledge determines destiny. In the past, I relied on a body with no knowledge reserve, and I still cultivated to the peak of the middle level of the galaxy. , how lucky I am, I am sure that if I had not supplemented a large amount of knowledge reserves at the peak stage of the Intermediate Galaxy, my promotion this time would definitely have failed, even if I already had the title of Territory Lord, it would be useless."

Jia Yan silently felt a lot of changes in his body, and at the same time, a lot of knowledge, insights, and mathematical data were flowing in his heart.

This made him feel a little pain and a little dazed, but he still did not turn the mutation process into disorder, let alone the sense of resignation that he had in the past when he was promoted, all the passion, impulsiveness, and incomparable self-confidence were all thrown away. To go after.

Armed with knowledge and the experience of various Territory Lords, he became methodical and completely abandoned the possibility of luck. In other words, the path of Territory Lords seemed to be paved.

"Huh? The energy is rioting, but it doesn't matter. I calculated this five thousand seconds ago. The rioting energy this time is due to the accumulation of positive and negative forces. It has reached a certain critical line. I can't panic. , use this power to flush away the body fluid on the other side..."


There was a loud noise, and half of the cocoon body was solidified, and half of it was blown apart by the force of the explosion.

In the past, this would have been a failure, but Jia Yan was able to take care of himself without any pain or surprise.

Because he had known about the surge of positive and negative forces for a long time. By observing the changes in the body, using mathematical formulas, and the experience of previous people, he knew this deeply hidden event in advance.

Jia Yan spent five thousand seconds to extradite it to the current part of his body. In fact, he himself guided the explosion of that half of the body, because the condensate in that part was absorbing a large amount of ore that buffered the power. , and it's all useless condensation. It will explode if it explodes. He just needs to fill up this body part before the life force drains away.

The biggest crisis this time consumed Jia Yan more time. He spent half a month repairing and improving the integration of this half of his body with the other half, which involved a lot of calculations and mathematical formulas. Plus a lot of previous experience and so on.

A blessing in disguise, Jia Yan took advantage of the exploding body parts to not recombine, and directly used some good ideas that he had thought of when condensing the body that he could not change before. In this way, this half of the body became It is more advanced and harmonious than the other half, and through the continuous changes of the body, the benefits of this half will become distributed throughout the body through the flow of molecules, which is equivalent to the improvement of the entire body.

He even forgot that he was promoted to the domain lord level. After Qian Qian got on the right track, it became a certain formula. He even had something to do every moment. He was too busy to think about it and forgot about it. Knowing that he was being promoted to Territory Lord, he was just making constant calculations, and then he was busy making up for certain defects in his body.

Such a dizzying process day and night, followed by formulaic mechanical operations in the later stage, until Jia Yan came over in a trance, he found that he had once again completely entered the 'cocoon' state.

"Hahaha, I have finally reached this step. I have completed the evolutionary chrysalis structure like a silkworm cocoon. In the future, I only need to be promoted inside this silkworm chrysalis, which is extremely safe and full of condensate power. This is like entering Now that I have a home court where I can do whatever I want, the risk of promotion has become much lower. At this point, I can almost declare my victory!"

Jia Yan is not too careless. Although the work inside the silkworm chrysalis is no longer so dangerous, this is the time to fine-tune the details of his body. It may even be a key point that determines the strength of his future domain master stage, so he will not Relax your vigilance, in short, it is another detailed operation.

He has forgotten how long he has been in this safe training place, and he has also forgotten that the outside world is in the midst of a war. The only thing he remembers is that he must be promoted to a Territory Lord!

But just as Jia Yan thought, he was in seclusion here, and the external situation would not slow down and wait for Jia Yan's gradual promotion.

In fact, by the time he completely sealed himself inside the cocoon, more than two years had passed.

In the past two years, no one knows where the so-called 'Founder of Jia Yan's Army' has gone. Many people are even spreading rumors that Jia Yan himself must have been assassinated by the enemy long ago, or that the assassination was successful. Either Jia Yan was seriously injured, otherwise how could he not be seen for so long.

But many people are saying that Jia Yan should have entered the seclusion stage after learning that he had the status of a Territory Lord, hoping to be quickly promoted to Territory Lord within a few years.

But among the private gossip, some people said that Jia Yan was secretly taken to the heart of the master's power. It was because he was afraid that Jia Yan's troops in the northern theater would lose their fighting spirit that they did not tell this news.

In short, there is a lot of buzz about Jia Yan, and there are many versions of gossip. Some exaggerations even say that Jia Yan has become the son-in-law of the master of power and will soar into the sky in the future.

Of course, the big guys are just spreading rumors like this. After all, as Jia Yan's appearance becomes longer and longer, his affairs become less and less noticed.

Everyone's attention is focused on the war.

In the past two years, Jia Yan's troops have almost skyrocketed, becoming the most important key combat capability in the entire northern theater. This is why the masters have continuously issued rewards and improvements in the past two years. The reasons for the status and fame of several key commanders of Jia Yan's army.

Although the war is still losing ground and retreating steadily, at least in this northern war zone, due to the protection of Jia Yan's troops, the retreat is very slow. Sometimes, the enemy even sacrifices for a small city. At a cost of hundreds of thousands of people, most of the casualties in the entire northern region were lost in this large area.

However, the war still started to be a bit pessimistic. The total number of Jia Yan's troops was finally fixed at 80,000. As a result, after the enemy forces in this area were fully expanded to more than 1.5 million, Jia Yan's troops combined with various The ordinary troops of varying quality that the region had barely assembled could not make much of a splash, and began to turn into a complete defensive posture.

"Alas, I finally discovered that our Yin and Yang Dao will be difficult to make progress at this point."

"That's right, the previous time, we were able to run to Jia Yan's retreat, and then reluctantly move up a little higher. During this period, Jia Yan no longer radiated energy for some unknown reason. What we can learn from is There wasn’t much left, so progress stopped. I didn’t expect that Yin and Yang Dao still has such restrictions?”

"No, Jia Yan probably didn't teach us the real Yin and Yang Tao. I want to scold this brat, but he is in seclusion now..."

The three guarding domain masters, namely the pangolin creatures and others, are now aura-enhanced, and their uniforms look like they can't hide their fatigue.

Because the enemy has advanced to the area where they train their troops.

Jia Yan's army of 80,000 people has been maintaining it with great difficulty. Although the survival rate of this unit is astonishingly high, after fighting for so many years, the soldiers in the entire army have almost changed. Except for some veterans, no matter what level they are, they have developed some kind of self-protection ability. This kind of thing is a treasure. Even those at the heaven level can get the attention of the three major command domain masters.

But the decline in quality is a decline, and Jia Yan's troops began to become less magical.

"There are dense enemy troops right in front of us. We may not be able to hold on."

"You have to defend it even if you can't, okay? Jia Yan is right here..." The pangolin looked somewhere behind him.

The three major domain lords led 80,000 Jia Yan troops together, and then looked at the layers of enemy troops in front of them, surrounding the entire capital city of the region.

This enemy army numbered half a million, and the Jia Yan troops in the regional capital, apart from the 80,000 Jia Yan troops, were only 100,000 low-quality miscellaneous troops from the region.

This is a very disadvantageous comparison between the two sides.

But they couldn't leave, because the three major domain lords were different from others. They knew very clearly that Jia Yan was not assassinated, nor did he go to the hinterland of the master's influence. Instead, he was within this region, but hidden deep underground.

If this place is lost, who loses information, or if the enemy checks the brain in the regional city, then they will know the exact location of Jia Yan, and they will surely be happy to take this master's power to the northern theater. The alien visitors who caused such a mess were captured and killed.

So they can't retreat or escape.

"In this war, we are likely to have big problems. Of course, death is unlikely. Find Shuyuan Hehe... We have not stood still in the past two years, Jia Yan The joint tactics taught to us have become more and more proficient. Even if the army dies, we can join forces to burst out a combat power that is almost that of a senior domain lord. In this case, even if three or four senior domain lords come to chase us. Even if you kill, it will be difficult to kill us.”

The three major bodyguards are no longer the kind of little transparent domain lords who are willing to take on the task of protecting the middle-level peak of the galaxy. They are now senior members of the party, and they are almost bosses who can decide the direction of the entire northern war zone. level person.

Even the combat power has become very impressive due to the perfection of Jia Yan's Yin and Yang Dao joint tactics. At least in the case of joint efforts, it is enough to rival the senior domain lord.

There had been a battle before. Two senior domain lords suddenly appeared in the enemy's army. They wanted to get rid of the leaders of the three domain lords of Jia Yan's army once and for all. In this way, Jia Yan's army would not attack. Self-destructive.

But what people never expected was that these three guys from Jia Yan's army actually had the ability to join forces. When the three of them joined forces, they unleashed the strength of a senior domain lord.

[Uh... I haven’t figured out the chapter yet. There is still one chapter left before the Domain Lord]

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