Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 44 Cut off the thread!

What interrupted his cultivation progress was the little master princess who escaped from the rear and narrowly escaped death to this area. She was also the little devil princess in Jia Yan's mouth, the master Sila.

"Jia Yan, you must train a powerful army to... avenge my grandfather... Wuwuwu, my grandfather died miserably, Wuwu."

The little devil came to Jia Yan to cry and complain, but he only said some childish and petty words. A day later, he urgently moved to a further area, most likely to prepare to pass the already very unstable pass. The large area returns to the hinterland of the master's power.

Jia Yan didn't cry because of the appearance of this little guy, nor did he have any big emotional fluctuations. After all, for him, his own cultivation is the first priority, and the little princess is also gone. In other words, in In name, in the entire northern land, it seems that there are no people who can suppress it head-on.

No one among the commanders and district heads of the major districts said they could control Jia Yan. Even if they did, Jia Yan would give up face, but if he didn't give up face, it would be fine, and no one would ask for trouble. .

So Jia Yan was even more straightforward. As soon as the little princess walked away, he announced that he had "enlightenment" and was going to have a small retreat.

"...How dare you go into seclusion, this guy..."

When they heard the news, Pangolin and the other guards couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Fortunately, they don't have to defend Jia Yan so much, because during this period of time, Jia Yan's troops were regarded as not having much effect. Therefore, in the entire northern region, not only our people, but also the enemy seemed They no longer take Jia Yan's troops seriously, let alone the powerful Zishen Domain Lord who comes to assassinate them, and even ordinary assassinations no longer appear.

So they don't need to pay too much attention to Jia Yan. He can retreat if he wants to. They will train Jia Yan's troops themselves.

You know, even if others are no longer optimistic about it, these three domain masters have personally become practitioners of Yin and Yang Dao. After transforming part of their own paths into Yin and Yang Dao, they finally saw the unfathomable depth of Yin and Yang Dao, and became more aware of it. Understand that the Jia Yan troops under their control may burst out with more terrifying combat power, so they are still extremely concerned about it.

Life is starting to become stable, which is also a good thing for Jia Yan. Even if this stability represents a greater crisis, he has no choice.

Boom boom boom——

In the training room he chose, Jia Yan silently looked at the supplies in front of him.

"I don't know how many minerals, energy stones with antimatter properties, and even a few star core fragments given to me by the Territory Lords. In addition, the bodies of the two Territory Lords after their death, as well as a large amount of Territory Lord knowledge that I have recorded, and Including my own understanding of the way of the Territory Lord, these are the capital that I have the courage to retreat now."

Not to mention that Jia Yan has already mastered the path of a Territory Lord, but it is almost the same.

After encountering so many Territory Lords, chatting with so many Territory Lords, and understanding all the messy information from their promotions and insights, it has given him a weird route.

"In this northern giant star, there seems to be a hand... that controls the path of all territorial lords in existence... No, it should be said that it is above the galaxy level. It seems that there is already such a hand. It is not right. It may even be Below the Galaxy level, this hand it a silk thread..."

Jia Yan thought of the so-called silk thread he saw, and also recalled the way he was controlled by the silk thread when he was assisting the promoted old creature in the Peace Star Territory.

He understood yin and yang that the existence that hindered the advancement of the entire galaxy's central star field... was probably an existence that might have reached its limit!

"Galaxy high-level powerhouse?"

Jia Yan was silent for a moment, then shook his head.

The high-level existences of the galaxy, even in the central star field in the center of the galaxy, even among the four giant stars that suppress the entire galaxy, are terrifying existences that are invisible to the dragons. They are like gods. Even if they are close to the domain lord High-level Territory Lords and mid-level peak powerhouses worship them. No one would even think that this kind of existence would really exist. Of course, at least in the North Star, everyone knows that high-level Territory Lords exist, but No one can say for sure how strong they are.

"If such a being wants to do something to hinder the development of the entire galaxy, or even hinder the development of the powerful civilization of the Yin and Yang system, then I have no way to do it, because this is simply not someone I can fight against. But... at least I had the previous method to deal with this kind of existence, and that was to cut off the thread!"

Jia Yan's strength is obvious to all, and it is different from the ordinary cosmic cultivation system. His Yin and Yang Dao is like incompatible energy, entangled with the thread, but distinct.

"I can tear it off, but he seems to just want to get a share of my promotion, and maybe help me a little when I get promoted, so this kind of power seems to complement each other, and other domain lords may also have it. I discovered it, but turned a blind eye, or regarded it as part of my own strength, but I can't. The energy composition between me and his is too different. If I let it outside my body, it will This has hindered my path to becoming a Territory Lord."

Jia Yan made a decision, and the first thing to do was to cut off this thread.


At the beginning of the retreat, he resolutely took action on this thread.

Using the Yin and Yang Dao and his sub-space talent, Jia Yan penetrated his foot into a space that looked like sub-space but not quite like it, and suddenly cut it off with one foot.


There was a soft groan in the space, but the expected breaking sound was not heard.

"Huh? Why didn't it break... It seems to exist at the angle between sub-space and normal space, but it's not actually in this kind of space... Could it be..."

Jia Yan was slightly startled, and then he once again came up with another feeling that he had not experienced for a long time.

That was the feeling when he was in the 'Giant World', realizing the other side of the world. This realization was actually of great help to his Yin and Yang Dao. Because of this realization, he made a great breakthrough, especially in On the Yin-Yang Road, many domain owners asked Jia Yan, have you ever been to another counter-world?

In fact, he has really been there, and his travels to that world will give him many insights and new understandings of Onmyoji from time to time.

At this moment, he used that feeling again. Although it was absolutely impossible for his body to enter that world, if the silk thread was related to 'that world' as he expected, then... …


Very crisp sound.

Jia Yan saw that the silk thread that was as thick as a human finger on earth was suddenly cut off by his own foot.

The whole world shook slightly.

In an extremely distant place, it was impossible to say whether it actually existed or not, a weird creature opened its eyes in an instant.

"This little guy again... interesting."

The creature's indifferent gaze seemed to see Jia Yan, who was living in the northern giant star, through the endless space.

But he had no intention of pursuing it, and silently closed his eyes again.

And around him, it was like being wrapped in lines, endless lines extending from his side to far away, as if connecting countless creatures.

Jia Yan didn't know about this, but he could predict it.

"No one paid attention to me. It was like this last time. It must be the same. There must be many domain owners who can see this kind of thread. Although it is difficult to cut it off, there are various ways to do it. There must be a chance to cut it off. It broke, so more people cut it off, and they must have gotten used to the existence of the thread..."

Jia Yan looked at the distance of the training room calmly, as if he had seen through the endless space and saw something.

But people really saw through it, he was just pretending.

After pretending for a while, he finally realized whether he was any different without the thread.

" doesn't seem to be any different."

After thinking for a while, Jia Yan finally smiled bitterly.

I didn't feel that my body had become as light as a swallow, nor did I feel any explosion of inspiration, nor did I feel that my strength suddenly improved by leaps and bounds.

It seems like that thread doesn't have much impact on me.

"Yes, I have known for a long time that this kind of silk thread can even promote the speed of level understanding of the strong and make faster breakthroughs. It is only after the domain master that there may be a slight restriction. Generally speaking, the impact Not big, even beneficial, symbiotic..."

Jia Yan has no regrets, nor does he have any thoughts of wanting the thread to implicate him again. He just wants to continue practicing well, and he is practicing without being observed by others. Even the observer may not come to observe him. There is such an existence that even a domain lord does not have.

There is nothing else about him except that he cares about his privacy, and he doesn't like any strong creature that much, and he looks at himself with a superior eye unscrupulously.

As an evolved beast, you still need to have this kind of courage and confidence.

"Well, it seems that there is no breakthrough, but my mentality seems to have changed slightly. I don't know if it is the influence of the silk thread. Haha, maybe my own mentality has changed."

Jia Yan smiled slightly, and then he entered the state of cultivation again.

With this practice, the feeling of worrying about being watched disappeared, and he felt like a spring of thoughts. Many things that he had never thought of before, as well as thoughts that he dared not think about, were born.

Of course, this is not really restricted by the thread, but it is just a natural psychological reaction after finally having something that may have been observing me disappear.

In short, this is a good thing. Jia Yan combined many thoughts and insights with his current thoughts, and he actually figured out a lot of things.

"Very good, no matter what, this is a great thing for me..."

He exhaled softly, and then a dizzy feeling spread throughout his body.

"Huh? I was just imagining some things for the Territory Lord, but after thinking through more than 1,300 ideas, I actually feel dizzy? Uh... No, I have thought through more than 1,000 ideas, but it is still too much. , no wonder I feel dizzy, even a strong person at the top of the middle level of the Galaxy would definitely be overwhelmed by thinking about so many things, I am not a thinker."

Jia Yan shook his head and decided to leave the seclusion and walk around.

"Jia Yan, you're finally out. It's been more than a month."

When Jia Yan walked out of his retreat, he was faced with the powerful pangolin domain master who had sensed something.

"More than a month? Have I been in seclusion for so long?" Jia Yan felt that his whole body was not well, and he felt like "a day in the mountains is like a thousand years in the world".

But this is also normal. It is very possible for a strong person to go into seclusion for several years, let alone a month.

After he was stunned, he looked at the pangolin creature next to him. Then he put aside his own physical problems and suddenly noticed that this senior had a lot of differences.

"Senior, your strength..."

"I've regressed, right? Haha, it doesn't matter. I've transferred a lot of my energy to the Yin and Yang Dao. It feels pretty good. Although it's weak, I seem to have grasped a hint of your positive and negative explosive fighting methods...that is, Said, the strength is probably not as weak as you think."


Jia Yan was slightly surprised, but then he understood and smiled awkwardly.

This is so normal. A domain master is still a strong person who has a rough understanding of Jia Yan's theory of Yin and Yang Dao. Their original existence is an existence with high talent and knowledge. After Jia Yan taught them the preliminary knowledge of Yin and Yang Dao, It is very normal for them to discover certain things in the process of self-cultivation. Moreover, the existence of Jia Yan himself has proven some mature Yin and Yang Dao fighting methods. As long as they follow Jia Yan's fighting method, they can understand After some theory, imitate and do it, that is the simplest thing.

For more than a month, I searched for Shuyuan www. It was enough for these three strong men who had already understood a lot of Yin and Yang Dao to make a lot of adjustments and speed up the progress of their cultivation.

However, Jia Yan was a little embarrassed because he didn't give these three the idea of ​​​​a higher Yin and Yang Dao, but they studied it themselves.

If he hadn't interfered, they might have gone astray, because they were not positive and negative constitutions. Of course, there was a certain possibility that they would develop Yin-Yang Dao into other areas of research, and end up with something that was also Yin-Yang Dao, but There may also be new directions for different factions.

However, Jia Yan had no intention of letting the three seniors take risks.

"Now that the three of them have made such progress, I will no longer hide it. When I have the opportunity, I will teach them the correct Onmyodo fighting skills. However, it is best to let the world see these fighting things slowly, because I want to advance to the level of Domain Lord before that."

"Okay. I'm just waiting for your words, haha."

The pangolin creature was slightly amused. He said that the reason why he developed the positive and negative combat moves was actually to put some pressure on Jia Yan.

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