"Then what identity will the attacker have? When will he attack?"

In the ordinary-looking bus, Jia Yan, under disguise, silently looked out the window at the blue sky and white clouds.

They had been on their journey for a little while, and there was no longer a scene of the warm regional capital outside the window. It was completely green water and green mountains, very beautiful.

"I seem to have missed some key issues. The existence of the sneak attack only appeared once, but it troubled my thinking again and again, and made me quickly leave the capital of the region... I wonder if leaving anonymously this time will cause trouble."

Jia Yan was in his room, silently looking at the outside world, and then fell into cultivation again.

Yes, he actually understood from the beginning that no matter how the external situation develops, no matter how serious the situation becomes, or even whether there is anyone around him to protect him, in fact, his original intention and what he wants to do have always been It hasn't changed.

That is becoming stronger!

If he is strong enough, then the current crisis will be nothing.

"That's right, as long as I am a Territory Lord and another Territory Lord comes to chase me, who else should I be afraid of besides the existence of an Intermediate Territory Lord or even a stronger one? And the average Intermediate Territory Lord is every big The leaders of the forces are unlikely to be interested in me, so if I reach the domain lord level, I will definitely be much safer than now."

Jia Yan straightened out his train of thought, or in other words, he had always understood this train of thought.

Just because he was training troops and communicating with a group of domain lords, his own thoughts became covered with dust.

But now, the road is straightened out again.

If it is strong enough, is the current problem a problem again?

Not at all.

"It seems that recently I have been training troops and communicating with groups of Territory Lords, which has affected my own thinking. It seems to be superficial. In this way, I need to carefully integrate my thoughts. To put it into perspective, don’t think so much about the scenery. You may not know how many people exist. It is because such foreign objects that look like scenery affect their mentality that they are unable to be promoted to the Territory Lord. And they are unable to be promoted to the Territory Lord. No matter how prosperous you are, it is only temporary, and even after your advantages no longer exist, you will be eliminated."

Jia Yan thought about all this, and then silently calmed down his impatience, and began to internally think about the several major areas before and after, as well as the grassland battlefield, plus so many experiences on the road in the ice and snow area, as well as the earnest teachings of the domain masters. , all running through my mind.

The memory of galaxy-level creatures is very terrifying.

Not long ago, Jia Yan could clearly recall even the expressions, demeanor, and some small movements of so many domain masters at that time.

He was summarizing what so many domain owners said to him, and then began to summarize the truth of what they said, the mentality of each person when they spoke, and what they wanted to express to Jia Yan.

The path of the strong cannot be imitated. Even when communicating with each other, there are actually many times when domain masters are unable to reveal their insights and ideas during cultivation to others. This is just like among human beings. Although everyone knows what it feels like to "raise a hand," can you explain how to raise your hand by describing it in words? How does the brain give instructions to the hands, and what does it feel like?

This is why the concept of the strong is sometimes difficult to teach to others. Everyone can only teach it as much as possible, but whether they can understand it can only depend on the other person's individual understanding and diligence.

And this is also the reason why Jia Yan wants to consult so many domain owners.

He is not the kind of person who can understand other people's thoughts, nor can he easily understand what the Domain Lords mean by their expressions. However, he can use big data and consult a large number of Domain Lords to enhance his understanding of knowledge. possibility.

Of course, only God knows whether what was comprehended in that way was what the Territory Lord wanted to express at that time.

The process of trial and error is also an extremely long process. And all of this requires Jia Yan to use time and judgment to make a decision, and then he can take the next difficult step on the road to becoming a Territory Lord.

This is the difficulty of the road to become a domain master, and the time for promotion is sometimes the most important and luckiest step to take risks amidst countless trials and errors. This is why, what Jia Yan heard Almost none of those Territory Lords succeeded in promotion because they deliberately tried to be promoted, because each of them may have tried countless times, but the result was often that they became in line with the requirements for promotion in some inexplicable way. conditions, it becomes a successful promotion.

"I have roughly summarized the ideas of so many domain masters. It seems that my chances are relatively good, but in fact it is still a mess. If nothing unexpected happens, more samples and more time will be needed..."

Jia Yan thought about it for a long time. Although he could not say that he had gained nothing, he felt even more confused about the path to promotion.

Having seen a lot of Territory Lords, I thought that Territory Lords were very simple, but when I actually thought about promotion, I realized that it was not that simple at all.

If you recall carefully, you will know that in each large area that passes through, there seem to be many territory lords, but there are only a dozen or twenty, and even if there are private ones, there may not be many. But what about the Galaxy-level ones, or even the ones stuck at the peak of Inter-Galaxy level? Jia Yan thought about it, he didn't know how many he saw in the regional government and in the army alone. In other words, compared to the Territory Lord, the beings stuck at the Galaxy level were There are too many, so many people cannot be promoted successfully, which is enough to express how difficult it is to be promoted successfully to the level of Domain Lord.

"Alas, there is still a long way to go."

When Jia Yan was inside the chariot that protected his appearance, he was comprehending his promotion and making some adjustments to his recent cultivation...

Inside that enthusiastic area.

"Huh? I didn't ask that guy to take care of Jia Yan before he left. I had other things to do. Did he really say that he was going to take care of Jia Yan before he left? That's not good..."

The commander-in-chief of the Enthusiastic Region received the message from his subordinates and learned that his capable subordinate, who had always been very cold-looking, actually said that he was going to 'send off' Jia Yan. He was slightly startled at first, and then his expression changed. Great changes.

Because he didn't give the order, but this guy went to escort Jia Yan without permission, which meant that there must be a ghost. At this moment, why did he have a ghost? There is only one reason to explain...

"Damn it, hurry up and send a message to Jia Yan. Besides, I'll rush there myself, but I don't know if I can make it in time."

The leader of the region, the Territory Lord, was extremely anxious at this time. He quickly put down a lot of work and flew away towards the direction where Jia Yan and the others left, using all his strength.

When the Domain Lord discovered that something was wrong...

On Jia Yan's side, inside the large cover-like chariot he was riding in, a twisted figure slowly appeared in the aisle of the bus.

His figure was vague, wandering like a ghost step by step in the passage of the car body, as if he was cruising.

But when he came to a certain place, he seemed to have detected the target person. Suddenly, under the distorted and blurry figure, a humanized smiling face appeared, and it was still twisted and very scary.

Then, he aimed at the door of a room in the passage he walked to, and a foot-like structure was raised.



With a loud bang, the door was suddenly destroyed from the outside. A large number of debris flew into the room. With the destruction of the door, the figure also rushed into the room like flying.

"Ha ha."

The blurry figure raised its feet and suddenly hit everything in the room with force, seeming to be excited about the success of its mission.

But soon, he stopped.

Because under his foot attack, there was no giant mosquito as expected...


At this moment, there was a slight movement in the entire bus.

Under the horror of this vague creature, the bus suddenly erupted with an earth-shattering explosion.


Inside the bus, it was as if a large amount of explosive material had been planted in advance, and it was detonated at this time, causing an earth-shaking explosion.

The bus soon turned into a ball of fire, flying into a large number of debris.

Outside this bus, several figures quickly flew out from other buses at the rear, silently looking at the bus that turned into a sea of ​​flames.

"Your Excellency, we all know that such a small explosion is impossible to withstand you. Come out."

The pangolin creature is in the center of these figures. As the strongest domain master, he does his duty. When facing such a powerful enemy, he will definitely not let others be in front.

Among all the figures, there was Jia Yan's figure, but he was silent. At the back of the crowd, even during the car battle, there were several other Galaxy-class members of Jia Yan's team rushing to Jia Yan's side. , preparing to form a Jia Yan team with him to deal with the enemy in front of him.


Among the fragments of the bus and chariot that exploded into a ball of flames, there was a vague shadow that quickly flew out of the flames. Then, the figure condensed into a vague monster figure.

It was the guy who attacked Jia Yan that day.

The entire scene was suddenly filled with an atmosphere of solemnity and danger.

"Sure enough, it didn't hurt him at all... Such an explosion would make the average domain lord feel disgraced, but he didn't even get hurt at all. It's very troublesome."

The three domain lords who were defending Jia Yan all had sinister expressions on their faces at this moment.

"You are very good, you actually know it's me..."

The twisted figure gradually transformed into a figure, and everyone saw its true face clearly. It was the cold-faced Territory Lord creature who was first said to be ordered by the Commander Territory Lord to escort Jia Yan out of this area. .

"It's not that we know you, but we are very cautious. When we went out, we specifically asked another territory lord if he had assigned you the task of protecting us. Although he also said he didn't know, we just asked you With a sense of vigilance, if you don't have second thoughts anyway, we won't lose anything, it's just some explosives..."

That's right, the explosives hidden in the bus were Jia Yan's Yin-Yang Dao explosives, and they were abundant. The only pity was that they didn't cause much damage to this guy.

"Jia Yan, I also know that this strategy was taught to you by the monkey creature, haha. I was originally ordered to get rid of him. It's a pity that over the years, I didn't find an opportunity, but was told to get rid of him. It seems that in the end, your mission was ruined by that guy."

This domain master creature has re-entered a vague state. This is probably his original appearance. As for the state when he appears, it is probably just his temporary appearance.

"Senior Monkey did give me a lot of inspiration, but more importantly, he taught me to investigate you. You are the strongest killer organization among the major forces nearby. After I read your information, I can say that it is scary. A jump."

Jia Yan looked at the twisted figure silently and told the other party's information.

Yes, he had actually known for a long time which organization the creature that attacked him would be. He heard what the monkey creature said to him back then, and more importantly, when no one else While present, the Monkey Territory Master had a conversation with Jia Yan, especially giving Jia Yan an 'underground website' address. Then, Jia Yan saw more information about the kind of thing in front of him from that address. Information and data on biological organizations.

You won’t know it until you see it, but you will be shocked when you see it.

Only then did he realize that this organization is the most powerful among the many forces nearby, and the most powerful killer organization that causes headaches to all forces. The cases they have committed can be said to cause every force nearby to suffer. They all suffered from severe headaches, and some even succeeded in assassinating the leaders of the forces.

The most sensational case was that hundreds of years ago, they were tasked by a wealthy man to assassinate the owner of the force next door. He was also a peak junior domain lord and was about to reach the intermediate level of domain lord. And that time the attack was successful, look for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com made this force famous, and all the force leaders felt that they were a threat.

All forces worked together and after a major overhaul, this force became more hidden. However, I did not expect that after such a long time, they were still active, and they also took over the task of assassinating Jia Yan.

"What about the monkey... Haha, it's a pity that I couldn't kill him, but do you think that after forcing me out, I won't be able to do anything to you?"

The creature in the mist suddenly blurred in silence, and then there was a breath, like lightning, suddenly moving towards Jia Yan, who was under heavy protection.



Among all the beings present, the pangolin creature may be the strongest among the friendly forces. His reaction was not unpleasant. He immediately threw out his tail and the hard tail shell hit an invisible force. The object was actually stiff and collided with the enemy's incoming attack.


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