Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 31 The Bragging Monkey Territory Lord

"What? You were actually assassinated by an unknown enemy in our region?"

"This is not okay. Our dignified Wucai District actually allows guests to be attacked in our own district. It's so goddamn abominable. I want to investigate and get to the bottom of it!"

When Jia Yan and several domain masters arrived at the fourth region, the commander-in-chief of the region was furious.

As we know from previous intelligence, this is a relatively warm and hospitable region, and the entire folk custom is very open-minded and open-minded. For them, it was like a slap in the face when the guests they invited were attacked and assassinated. Therefore, the commander-in-chief of this region was actually plotted against Jia Yan, an instructor who came to their region to teach. To intercept and kill him would be absolutely infuriating.

But there's only so much they can do. For a domain lord who assassinates others, let alone them, even if the master family personally takes action, it is not that easy to catch.

So the matter gradually came to an end.

In this area, Jia Yanke still had things to do. Even if he was assassinated and attacked by the enemy, it could not stop the unfolding of this matter.

That is why Jia Yan needs to train a Jia Yan army, because this is the reason why he has a very high status in the land of the master's influence. If he stops training just because he was attacked by a sneak attack, then there is no need for him Maintain such a high status.

Jia Yan knew this very well, so when the commander asked Jia Yan for training, he did not refuse at all, but quickly organized himself and went to the troops in this area.

Before long, everything seemed to be back to how it was before.

A very enthusiastic soldier from Jia Yan's army was taught by Jia Yan.

But what is different from the past is that even though the soldiers have become more enthusiastic and studious, Jia Yan has changed.

His teaching became very preoccupied.

It's impossible not to be worried. After all, he was attacked by someone unexpectedly, and his injuries are still on his body, so he won't be able to recover quickly. Who else can concentrate on teaching others under such circumstances?

Fortunately, the soldiers had already watched videos of Jia Yan's teachings in several previous areas through the Internet. They all knew what Jia Yan would say. All they wanted was Jia Yan's training in accordance with their aptitude. It's just a technique, so the progress is still not slow.

"Three seniors, what's the response from this area?"

After the third day of training, Jia Yan returned to his office. While waiting for the domain masters in the area to come to have a 'class' with Jia Yan, Jia Yan asked the three people who were protecting him. Senior Domain Lord.

Creatures such as pangolins have been quite nervous in the past few days, and they are holding their breath. Especially before this, although some domain owners in this area were enthusiastic, some of them were vaguely sarcastic towards them, saying that they were protecting a galaxy-level city. Being unable to protect them makes them uncomfortable.

Therefore, the three of them have not participated much in the teaching and discussion with Jia Yan in the past three days. Instead, they have been guarding Jia Yan, as if to prevent the possible sneak attack from coming again.

"They promised us that they will keep the itinerary of our unit strictly confidential, and I also got a reply from them. In the future, people in our group will remain anonymous, instead of making a big fanfare along the way like now. Yes, because there has been the first attack case, and it is a domain lord-level strongman, so your security measures will surely be improved to several levels in the future."

The pangolin creature replied silently.

But Jia Yan was not happy at all because of his words.

Because these words seem to have improved the security level, but in fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is no essential change at all.

Of course, it is also a good thing for Jia Yan that the higher-ups are willing to improve Jia Yan's security level, but in the end the fundamental problem has not been solved.

That is the existence of the Territory Lord who seems to have some hidden characteristics, and there are no clues. You must know that such a Territory Lord, even the three senior Territory Lords can hide their attacks by Jia Yan's side, which is a great deal to Jia Yan. a threat.

So Jia Yan knew that there was still a possibility of being plotted against him in the future, and it was extremely high.

This is like a sword hanging above his head that threatens his life, which makes Jia Yan reflect on whether his recent behavior has gone too far.

"No, I have come to this step not because I have gone too far, but because of my needs, I have to visit a large number of domain owners, and I need a lot of ores or special products. If I follow the unknown progress in the past, it will be extremely difficult. Slow, and not much safer than now.”

Jia Yan said goodbye to several senior Territory Lords and went to the large office where he talked with the local Territory Lords. At the same time, he also explained his behavior in his heart.

He knew that he was not the kind of person who denied the past. If he had to deny himself as a person or a strong person, then life would be so sad. Even if Jia Yan was like this, he would not be able to achieve his current level of strength.

A strong person cannot deny himself too much, as that would make it impossible to grow.

"Hahaha, Jia Yan, are you here? Look, I have prepared special wine for you in our region. It is very good. Even domain lords like us may get drunk after drinking it."

"You're such a drunken turtle, you're even willing to take out your most precious treasures. I don't have such good things. Look, I have a piece of fruit here. This fruit is an extremely good tribute fruit from my hometown. Hahaha, People from the Master family come to my house every year to ask for it."

"You two are so generous, I'm just a little behind. Look, Jia Yan, you want ore, right? I've got some of the best minerals from my territory. I don't know if you need it. ?”

When Jia Yan arrived at another large office, he felt that his mind was in chaos for a while.

All the creatures in this area are quite enthusiastic, even the domain owners who are currently farming are no exception.

Therefore, Jia Yan's experience in the past few days can really be described as miserable. Although the previous area was relatively cold and uncomfortable, such an overly enthusiastic area was another extreme, which made Jia Yan even more miserable. If you don’t expect them to be too enthusiastic, wouldn’t you just treat yourself calmly?

Of course, the Territory Lord is still the Territory Lord, and they will not be nice to an outsider for no reason. This must be because Jia Yan is worthy of their treatment, and it also gives Jia Yan enough face, so it is impossible for Jia Yan not to accept this love.

"Well, this wine tastes really good, and the fruit is pretty good too. I don't think I've ever tasted such delicious fruit before. Senior here, does your mineral actually contain a sense of space in it? Good stuff, I really need to look into it, thanks.”

Jia Yan thanked the domain lords present one by one and saw their gifts. Of course, in the process, he had to share these things. In other words, now it was like a banquet. lively scene.

After drinking for three rounds and having almost eaten, an hour had passed before Jia Yan got down to business in a hurry.

That's when he started talking to the domain masters about cultivation issues and his experience in commanding the soldiers of Jia Yan's troops.

Although he will be a little regretful tomorrow, he will have to spend an hour greeting and eating and drinking when meeting the domain lords, but the people are so enthusiastic. It is also a novel experience for Jia Yan, especially because people treat him Jia Yan It's a relatively friendly proof, so he won't stop it.

Moreover, the domain owners in this area seem to be wasting their time, but their enthusiastic personalities will also show up in communication. There are certain issues that domain owners in other areas will never talk about, but chatting with them While chatting, these domain masters would speak out if they let something slip, which can be considered a relatively unique gain.

"Jia Yan, although you didn't say it, we all saw it. You are worried about that sneak attacker, right?"

"Well, you seniors are very discerning. I am indeed a little scared. After all, the enemy is a Territory Lord, and he is also a Territory Lord who specializes in sneak attacks. I am afraid that is right."

While Jia Yan was communicating, he heard a Territory Lord speak frankly about the issues he was worried about.

The domain master was a monkey-like creature. He raised his finger, smiled at Jia Yan, and said mysteriously: "Let's do this. If you teach me a deeper command method, I will teach you a way to deal with that enemy domain. The Lord's way, I have heard about your previous dangers, and I think I have a way."


Jia Yan was suddenly shocked and couldn't help but look at this monkey-like Domain Lord creature again.

Then, he lost a little sense of hope.

Because he has become familiar with this Territory Lord in just three or four days.

That is, if there is any bragging ranking among the domain lords in this enthusiastic area, Jia Yan will definitely vote him as the bragging king. In just a few days, he has listened to him bragging so much that he can't even be ranked. The domain lords around him couldn't take it lightly, and they always revealed his old background.

Of course, as Jia Yan has understood in the past, every Territory Lord existence, or existence with a relatively long lifespan, will have a recurring character. For example, this monkey Territory Lord, Jia Yan can also imagine that maybe It is possible that he was not such a braggart at other times in his life.

But at least now, he is such a creature. He brags too much and Jia Yan doesn't really believe what he says.

"Haha, senior, if you can help me, of course I will do my best to help you answer the questions about commanding Jia Yan's troops. I just want something more profound, which is almost impossible. The command model I teach everyone is what I am now I have the most profound knowledge.”

Jia Yan laughed. If another Territory Lord spoke like this, he might really be willing to share his more profound theory of Yin and Yang Dao with the other party, but he would not believe this boastful King Territory Lord.

"Oh, Jia Yan, it seems that you don't believe what I said, haha. But I want to tell you, I didn't lie to you this time. If you don't believe it, you may have missed an opportunity to escape. Best chance.”

When the Monkey Territory Master saw Jia Yan's attitude, he realized that Jia Yan definitely didn't want to believe him, and there was a hint of embarrassment and anger on his expression.

Everyone happened to be drinking, and the other Territory Lords had a good relationship with the monkey Territory Lord, so they started joking with him.

"Hahaha, monkey, monkey, you said you started bragging after drinking all day long. Not to mention that Jia Yan doesn't want to believe you in matters of life and death. Even we won't believe you."

The commanding creature in this area burst into laughter.

His smile was actually to resolve the embarrassment between the two parties. After all, he was a commander-in-chief. Underneath his seemingly careless and hospitable appearance, he must have a scheming mind, otherwise he would not be able to control such a large area.

"Damn, you all don't believe me. I am an old monkey. Although I am bragging, how can I brag about this kind of thing? Jia Yan, don't you just have to deal with an assassin-type domain lord who can mess up space talents? I Let me tell you, in the early years before I joined the Master Force, I dealt with such a Territory Lord. Although I cannot tell what force they belong to, I do have ways to deal with them."

The monkey domain master was unwilling to believe in the creatures around him, even a junior like Jia Yan. He felt very hurt, so he suddenly revealed his reliance on him.

"Huh? Senior, have you actually fought against similar Domain Lord creatures?"

Jia Yan was startled.

The other group of Territory Lords were also slightly startled at this time. You must know that when they first heard that the one who dealt with Jia Yan was actually so weird, he came and went without a trace. When the Territory Lord looked for Shuyuan I also felt a headache. I didn't expect that one of my colleagues in the area had dealt with someone similar to the Territory Lord.

For a moment, everyone's interest was aroused by the words of the monkey domain master.

"Hahaha, how's it going? You all believe me now, Jia Yan, bring me some wine. I don't want any special advice from you. After listening to it, you think I'm right. Just apologize to me, so I don't have to worry about it. One or two of you think that I am bragging all day long. Let me tell you, most of my bragging... bah, most of what I say is the truth."

The monkey domain master seemed to be a little drunk, and his words were garbled.

Jia Yan, however, remained calm and took the wine barrel from the feet of the Territory Lord who had contributed the wine. He stepped forward and filled the wine for the monkey Territory Lord. Then he looked at this Monkey Territory Lord expectantly and wanted to Listen to the plan from his mouth to deal with that kind of sneak attack on the domain lord.

"Hahaha, that's right. Look, Jia Yan has such a good attitude. Look at you, two of you. You always say that I'm bragging. Huh, I'm a domain lord. Why am I bragging? It's just bragging. It’s not that exaggerated, bah, I’m not bragging.”

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