"Sir, our members of Jia Yan's army have defeated a total of about 7,000 enemy troops, but we are too tired."

"Well, let the troops retreat and find a free place to rest."


Even while resting in the tank, Jia Yan did not forget that he was the commander of Jia Yan's troops.

Even though Jia Yan's troops did not have his personal guidance, they still achieved results that would shock others.

After the first battle, Jia Yan's troops fought continuously and defeated several waves of enemy troops.

Especially after Jia Yan and the others returned to the chariot, there was a main enemy force of about 8,000 people, followed by ten Galaxy-level warriors, all coming towards Jia Yan's troops.

At that time, everyone in Jia Yan's army was nervous, thinking that this was a fierce battle, and maybe Jia Yan's army would cease to exist.

After all, there are many enemies and their strength is still strong. After successive battles, Jia Yan's troops have become exhausted and their combat effectiveness has declined to a certain extent.

But what he never expected was that Jia Yan knew the situation at that time, picked up the communicator, personally pointed out a few positions and encouraged the soldiers in the battle. Then the whole army was like a chicken blood, and the combat effectiveness changed. Very unprecedented.

I don't know whether it was Jia Yan's positioning instructions that had an effect, or whether it was his words of encouragement that made the whole army more motivated to fight.

In short, after that battle, several strong men of the first level of the Galaxy joined forces to form two joint forces. The ordinary enemy Galaxy level, even those at the top of the middle level of the Galaxy, were actually no match for them. .

The weaker enemies at the elementary level of the Galaxy are even worse. Those at the top of the middle level of the Galaxy are at least strong men of the same level as Jia Yan's troops. Even if they join forces with the elementary level of the Galaxy, they are still at the same level. But they, those at the elementary level of the Galaxy, It was only Jia Yan's stellar team that could resist.

Needless to say, they, who were at the beginning of the galaxy, joined forces with three star-level teams to fight, and they fought vigorously.

After that, the entire battlefield where the two sides fought was shocked.

Jia Yan's troops really managed to defeat the main enemy force of eight thousand with their own strength.

You know, after their successive battles, their number was only over 1,800, but these more than 1,800 actually faced off against 8,000 enemy troops. In terms of numbers, the number of strong men, the entire army Even though they are all weaker than the enemy, they can still fight vigorously. When the members of Jia Yan's team are at their most fierce, they can kill ten enemies of the same level in a row, and then they will fall into exhaustion under certain circumstances. situation. But in this case, other teams from one's own team would often approach them smoothly, take their place, rest, and then fight again.

This is the classic style of play of Jia Yan's troops, which even turned several enemy troops into scurrying rats.

It is not that the enemy has thought about surrounding Jia Yan's troops or intercepting their offensive, from the side or some other tactical plan, causing Jia Yan's troops' "spearhead" style of play to become a misfire.

But Jia Yan came up with this kind of strategy and has already endured a lot of actual combat on battlefields in various places. How could he not think of such a problem?

He adopted an extremely flexible battle plan, that is, members of Jia Yan's troops in each direction may transform into 'spearheads' at any time and at any time. This allows the entire army to adopt very flexible tactics. Maybe you While fighting, I thought I was going to defeat Jia Yan's troops, but what I didn't expect was that when I detoured to the side of Jia Yan's troops, I suddenly discovered that Jia Yan's troops had become their 'spearhead' here. As a result, when a large number of troops tried to launch a flanking sneak attack with Jia Yan's troops, they ended up being counterattacked by Jia Yan's troops head-on.

This kind of battle plan has never been heard of by people in Beiyuxing, but people in Jia Yan's army seem to have heard Jia Yan himself say that the change in this battle is a 'soldier formation', which is from Jia Yan's hometown. An ancient battle plan.

They didn't know that when Jia Yan first created the joint tactics and wanted to expand this tactics to the "joint forces" of the entire army, he made reference to a large number of ancient military formations and military books of the Chinese Kingdom, and made it very effective. Ancient charm.

"Lord Jia Yan, we have begun to retreat, and there are no troops coming to intercept."

"Okay, step aside and let everyone return to the military vehicle to recuperate. We will join the battle later."


In the chariot, Jia Yan ordered Jia Yan's troops who had evacuated to the periphery of the battlefield. The whole army began to rest, and then they were ready to report to their superiors and explain how their troops would adjust their formations. And the time of re-entering the battlefield, etc.

But before Jia Yan could say this, he could only hear waves of exclamation and horror coming from the entire battlefield.

"What's wrong?"

"Sir, what a happy event! Your Excellency Jushu over there took advantage of the fact that the enemy was tired from fighting, and suddenly exchanged battle targets with our army's Pangolin. Your Excellency Pangolin used his attack power to kill a strong enemy Domain Lord. Or, kill the enemy with one strike!"


As soon as Jia Yan heard the deputy's report, he was suddenly surprised and got out of the tank.

Looking from a distance, I saw that in another battlefield ten kilometers away, the entire battlefield was roaring with mountains and tsunamis. Whether it was the joyful shouts of our troops or the frightened roars of the enemy troops, there was a feeling that a storm was coming. a feeling of.

"Haha, very good. I'm afraid this war will be over soon. Send an order to the entire army. Everyone should rest for a while and return to the battlefield immediately to gain certain military exploits."


The deputy was also standing in the sky. After hearing Jia Yan's words, he smiled slightly and went down to deliver the order.

Jia Yan, on the other hand, was looking at the battlefield ten kilometers away. To him, such a small distance seemed to be right in front of him.

At this moment, the pangolin creature, together with the giant tree creature, was besieging another domain lord.

Judging from their fighting moves, they might want to keep another Territory Lord here.

The joining of Jia Yan's troops at this moment may make a difference.

There was a bright color in Jia Yan's eyes.

He wants to go to the high-end battlefield to cause trouble again.

But after thinking about it, he still shook his head.

"Forget it, I feel that all the domain lords present are staring at me. It's not that they didn't want to attack our Jia Yan army just now, but they simply can't do it. If I send it to them, I'm afraid... They can’t help but be happy, and I won’t do this feeling of having it delivered to their door.”

Jia Yan shook his head and rejected his idea.

Afterwards, under Jia Yan's order, Jia Yan's troops entered the battlefield together with all the combat soldiers of Jia Yan's troops who had taken a rest.

You know, even if Jia Yan's troops retreated just now, because of the previous efforts of Jia Yan's troops and the balance of the top combat power of both sides, the entire grassland army has a slight balance with the enemy's main force, that is, evenly matched. .

When Jia Yan's troops finished their rest and entered the battlefield again, it was like injecting powerful new water into the battlefield.

After all, they had just repelled a main enemy force of 8,000 people.

As for the main force of 8,000 people, after a direct fight with Jia Yan's troops, there were only about 5,000 troops left. The defeated soldiers went to another battlefield to fight, but due to the loss of high-end combat effectiveness and morale It became outdated, and the entire army was unable to recover.

This also shows that the strength of Jia Yan's troops is really terrifying. Now they have returned to the battlefield after resting. Although the number of people has only reduced to about 1,500, after several fierce battles, the strength of the entire army has increased. Their morale and combat experience have become unprecedentedly strong. As a result, the enemy troops on the entire battlefield are like seeing the young daughter-in-law of a strong man. They are all frightened, fearing that Jia Yan's troops will find them.

However, even if they are frightened, Jia Yan's troops will still find their opponents to fight.

And the first enemy to find a point was a force that had been wandering on the edge of the battlefield.

The strength of this unit is probably only a second-rate unit, and their commander is considered smart, so he has never invested thousands of his men in the main battlefield to die, but only fights against the autumn wind outside. But in this case Next, they never expected that they would attract the attention of Jia Yan's troops who had just rejoined the battlefield.

At this time, the enemy troops had been greatly shaken by the death of the domain lord. It happened that Jia Yan's troops attacked. This troop of several thousand people was like a relative who had died. It became a collapse.

"What? Is this the end?"

"Oh my God, aren't there more than 3,000 troops? More than twice as many as our Jia Yan troops, and they just ran away like this?"

"I've already taken off my pants, why do you do this to me?"

The soldiers in Jia Yan's army were already like gangsters, each one wanting to drag an enemy into a fight.

But the enemy character who was the first to return to the battlefield was a bit vulnerable, so they wanted to find an enemy for a good fight. As a result, the enemy troops fled the battlefield as soon as they came, leaving them Countless soldiers from Jia Yan's army were halfway through the charge, and they could only obey the orders of their superiors, return to the army, and wait for the next target to appear.

"Jia Yan's troops are afraid of this!"

The commander of the three thousand troops who escaped was also sweating profusely at this moment.

He is a strong man at the top of the middle level of the Galaxy. He has seen the terror of Jia Yan's troops before, so when he knew that it was Jia Yan's troops who entered the battlefield, he immediately did not have the slightest confidence to fight with them. He made a decision in an instant made the decision to flee the battlefield.

As a result, the entire army fled, but when he turned around to count the number of people, in just a moment of contact, his 3,000-man army was reduced by five to six hundred people in the moment he escaped.

This caused this strong man at the top of the middle level of the galaxy to have a deep feeling for the strength of Jia Yan's troops. At the same time, he also strengthened his belief that if he encounters soldiers from Jia Yan's troops again on the battlefield, even if it is just Even a small group of troops will not fight against them again.

This army is too evil and cannot be defeated at all.

"Jia Yan's troops are back on the battlefield!"

"Well done, friends from Jia Yan's unit, come over and help. The enemies here are too difficult to deal with."

"Hahaha, friends from Jia Yan's army, you are really good."

"Wow, this army ran away when they saw you? It was clear that they were extremely ferocious when they fought us just now, okay?"

"Nonsense, can we compare with Jia Yan's army? Jia Yan's army has the ability to fight against a domain lord. A third-rate army like us is not worthy of carrying shoes for Jia Yan's army."

One after another, military comrades also reacted greatly after seeing the intrusion of Jia Yan's troops.

But they reacted happily.

Especially those troops who received help from Jia Yan's troops, every one of them just wanted to call Jia Yan personally to say thank you.

Unfortunately, when someone called them, they received a response saying that Jia Yan had to command the troops at the moment and would not return the call in person to thank him.

These were all answered by the adjutant.

In fact, Jia Yan doesn't have that much time to argue with the commanders of these small units. He has already confirmed that he will definitely leave the grassland army next, and there may not be any more in the future. There is no need for him to establish a good relationship with the commander who meets him by chance.

As for the command, he didn't lie, he was really commanding Jia Yan's troops.

After all, Jia Yan's troops are his current face. If he can command them well, the military exploits of Jia Yan's troops in the future will also enhance his status even more.

Ever since, under such circumstances, Jia Yan personally directed the actions of Jia Yan's troops, causing Jia Yan's troops to appear everywhere on the battlefield, in areas where there were no domain lords.

Moreover, Jia Yan's troops are very cunning, and they may not necessarily stay in the same place for long.

This was to prevent any territory lord from coming forward in person to cause trouble for Jia Yan's troops, because Jia Yan knew that he was definitely on those territory lords' kill lists.

It is a pity that the main force of the enemy's Territory Lord, under the delay of our Territory Lord, has no time to fight back to kill Jia Yan.


When there was a crisp sound of a knife slashing, Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com appeared on the battlefield.


That big insect-like Domain Master creature was also the Domain Master who had previously chased Jia Yan and the others. Although it was extremely powerful, with the cooperation of the octopus creature and the giant tree creature that came quietly from behind, after one blow, The octopus creature found an opportunity and killed him on the spot with its tentacles in an instant.

When the body fell to the ground, the entire battlefield fell into silence.

"Dead...Another territory lord of our army has died."

"No, we can't fight anymore. If one more person dies, we will lose two Territory Lords. If we continue the fight, I'm afraid the whole army will be annihilated."

"Run away."

When the Territory Lord died again, the enemy army, which was already somewhat unstable in military morale, became almost insane, and everyone suffered a psychological collapse.

"Let's go! Our forces will remember this war."

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