It's just that the adjutant felt that with the current combat capabilities of Jia Yan's army, it was not impossible to eat up the two thousand troops behind them. However, Jia Yan refused to eat and was unwilling to take risks, so there was nothing he could do.

Both reasons are justified, so Jia Yanjun is unwilling to move for the time being, so there is nothing he can do. No one can do anything against him.

It's reasonable, what can be done?

When Jia Yan's reply came back to the base camp from his deputy communications soldier, among the enemy troops that were following Jia Yan and their troops along the way, that one was ordered to replace his domain lord in danger. The deputy who was uttering evil words looked extremely ugly at this time.

As a think tank, he actually failed several times during this mission and turned the Najayan troops he was chasing into a powerful force that was famous far and wide.

You know, in this rumor, their troops have become supporting roles, but funny supporting roles. In battle after battle, their troops are losing troops. Jia Yan's troops have lost very few men and horses, and they have been surrounded several times. They were all escaped by Jia Yanjun.

As a general think tank, this deputy felt extremely uncomfortable.

In fact, other soldiers and officers in this unit knew that this deputy officer had done a good job. Every time he surrounded and strangled Jia Yan's troops, every aspect was taken into consideration. Even Jia Yan's combat effectiveness was considered to the extreme. .

But the problem is, Jia Yan has a new back-up plan every time, which catches this unit completely off guard.

Until the last time, they set up an ambush in one breath and successfully attracted Jia Yan's troops to the bait. Unexpectedly, Jia Yan's army broke out into a joint strategy, and with the help of more ice and snow explosive stones created by Jia Yan, here The five hundred forwards in the ambush circle were all wiped out. In this way, no matter how well their unit had done in the past, it was useless.

Judging from the results, this deputy failed.

"Judging from Jia Yan's previous fighting energy, even if they turned back and fought us to the death, they would have a chance to win, but they didn't do anything and even kept running away. In fact, they were using us as a shield to prevent them from going to the front line. …”

"Okay, you don't want to fight, don't you? It does give us more time for research and preparation! If there is a chance, we will strike with thunder and wash away the humiliation of the past."

Among the enemy's troops, there is no longer any reluctance to fight.

Their entire sub-main force chasing Jia Yan was toyed with by Jia Yan's team of several hundred people all the way around. This made Jia Yan's army famous and at the same time turned them into roadside stinkers. Shit, the coalition forces of the two major forces on their side, and the soldiers of all other armies are laughing at them.

So everyone in this unit is working hard and preparing to give Jia Yan's unit a hard blow.

Moreover, if Jia Yan's army can be eliminated, the great reputation he has created in the past and his fighting methods that make everyone look up to him will be transferred to this enemy army that has destroyed Jia Yan's army, and their reputation will be achieved.

After all, although Jia Yan has been fighting them, his own weird fighting patterns are approved by everyone and are being studied by countless people. Maybe such fighting skills will be a kind of future war. Maybe a new model.

So if this force that is chasing Jia Yan can kill Jia Yan's force once and for all in one battle, then they will really become famous.

It also washed away the previous shame.

Of course, so far, I have only thought about these things. Even if this adjutant exists, he is a relatively resourceful person, but it is very difficult to think of a way to deal with Jia Yan's combat skills.

As I have said a long time ago, strength is the real strength. As long as you have strength, it will not change because of a small change.

Jia Yan's small force has turned into a more troublesome force due to his several methods. So they have the strength. It is almost impossible to defeat them easily without unique methods.

So the chasing troops were also thinking about techniques to crack Jia Yan's several tactics.

The whole process was peaceful for both parties.

As for Jia Yan, after rejecting several missions, one day, an order came down that they could not refuse at all.

This was already half a month after receiving the newly recruited soldiers. Considering the speed at which Jia Yan trained the soldiers, a relatively demanding mission came from above.

This mission is said to be a death order, but of course it is not so absolute. But if Jia Yan and the others do not accept it, then not only will they be suspected of being greedy for life and afraid of death, but the impact of this battle will be on the entire Battle of the grassland.

That was a baggage team transporting large quantities of combat weapons. On the way to deliver the weapons, they were surrounded by an enemy force.

Now the battle has been going on for more than an hour, and what a coincidence, it is not far from Jia Yan's army.

"This batch of weapons is indispensable defensive equipment for our main force on the grassland. If it is gone, there may be huge loopholes on the main battlefield, and then be broken through by the enemy, so this order is to die. The order, if you can complete it, then from now on, the reputation of your Jia Yan unit will be truly opened up, and all the soldiers who know your Jia Yan unit on the entire battlefield will tremble because of this unit."

"And if you refuse, or the mission is not completed, then the Battle of the Grassland will probably fail. This batch of weapons is extremely critical, and its value is secondary. The main reason is that it is too needed, so Jia Yan, do you want to accept it? A one-time mission?”

This mission notification actually used super encryption technology, and the domain master creature of the giant tree personally issued it to Jia Yan.

On the screen, Jia Yan looked at the giant tree creature. It seemed that this guy had probably gone through several battles. There were many defects in the branches of the giant tree, which could cause injuries to a Territory Lord. , that is only possible for domain master creatures.

Jia Yan thought for a while.

In fact, he was really unwilling to take on such a dangerous task.

Let's not talk about whether this mission is difficult to complete. It is worth pondering that this besieged unit is right next to his Jia Yan unit. It looked like it was attracting Jia Yan's troops to die.

But after thinking for a long time, Jia Yan finally nodded.

Because there is no room for failure in this mission, if it fails, the main force will collapse. Next, he will lead his troops and start escaping into the hinterland, and the main force will be held back by a few people. It is hard to say whether the enemy of the Territory Lord will come to hunt down Jia Yan's troops in person. After all, his army is too famous, and the defeat of the main barracks also shows that the two Territory Lords of his own may Either dead or seriously injured, the enemy's next target for the Territory Lord will definitely be a more powerful mid-level peak fighting existence of the galaxy. At that time, Jia Yan will be as conspicuous as a large light bulb.

There is no way, who could have become such a famous existence just by having fun.

After Jia Yan thought for a while, he finally nodded solemnly.

"Your Excellency, I will go, but you also know what is going on with our army. Although there may be some progress due to my guidance, there are hundreds of people, but it is absolutely impossible to confront the enemy's army head-on. As for the state and form of the encirclement there, you can definitely tell if there is a ghost, so can you send some reinforcements?"

The request Jia Yan said was reasonable and reasonable.

Because anyone with a discerning eye can understand that this time the enemy ambushed the baggage troops, sooner or later, not far from the marching route of Jia Yan and his troops, so everyone would immediately think that this should be a conspiracy. .

If Jia Yan goes to rescue him, then a conspiracy will be launched to swallow up his troops, which have a great impact on the enemy's morale. If he doesn't save him, then he can naturally deal with the baggage troops, which is also a powerful way to turn the grassland war completely towards the enemy. Therefore, no matter how he does it, this is a battle arrangement that kills two birds with one stone. .

It can only be said that the enemy's think tank is really powerful.

"Okay, I will send a force of 1,000 people with three top mid-level warriors from the Galaxy over there, but you are definitely faster in terms of time. No matter what the enemy's plot is, Jia Yan, I need you to hold on for at least half an hour. , if you can do it, I will order the troops to go out immediately."

"I can do it. Half an hour... it should be fine."

Jia Yan nodded, and then a hint of solemn thought appeared in his expression.

In fact, he has a new backup plan. If the battle reaches an irreversible point, his own safety will definitely not be a problem.

Of course, the premise of everything is that there is no Domain Lord level in this attacking team.

Presumably, in such an operation, every domain owner would not come if they were seen dead. Jia Yan believed this.

What's more, even if the Territory Lord comes, Jia Yan also thinks that as long as he is given a certain opportunity, he will have a chance to escape.

It was not the first time that he had escaped from the hands of the Territory Lord, it had even been done several times, so even in that situation, Jia Yan felt that there would not be a big problem.

"Well, I'm looking forward to your good news."

After saying this, the giant tree creature closed the communication.

Jia Yan's eyes flashed with brilliance.

Then, without thinking, he sat up from the chariot, and then the orders from him began to be conveyed around the chariot array.

More than half of the five hundred soldiers are recruits, but they can be considered to have combat experience. However, they have not practiced according to Jia Yan's joint combat method. They have witnessed the veterans' previous battles to deceive the enemy, so this time it can be said that It was their first battle, but they had to face such a terrifying first battle at the beginning. Even Jia Yan felt a little sad for these new recruits.

It's just that the battle is imminent, and for Jia Yan, this is already something he must do.

No matter how you think about it, this is just a battle that seems to have a certain chance. Moreover, if you don't fight, then the battle at the main battle barracks will be in great danger. If the main force is defeated, then their glorious army will You know what kind of blow you will suffer next, it will definitely be more painful.

In this case, Jia Yan would have no choice but to go.

Besides, he is certain.

"Okay, you have all read the information, now let's get started."

Jia Yan, an increasingly prestigious officer, has become the de facto absolute leader of this so-called 'Jia Yan Force'. Even several Galaxy-level beings who were nominally able to suppress Jia Yan, They have all become Jia Yan's crazy fans. He will do whatever he says, even if he wants them to die, they may not look back.

Because under Jia Yan's hands, they enjoyed a reputation that they had probably never enjoyed before in their lives. The soldiers around them admired their unit and regarded them as legends, which made everyone up and down, including These galaxy-level powerhouses all felt something different.

So, if Jia Yan wants to do something, they will definitely do it.


Not long after, these five hundred soldiers opened about a hundred chariots and began to move like flying. Find the bookstore

This battle formation of chariots mixed with chariots was Jia Yan's final battle method based on his Yin and Yang Dao advantages.

In fact, it is a bit difficult for Jia Yan to build such a force, because he doesn't know much about military affairs in the first place, and he also has to use his Yin and Yang Dao to study the combat weapons in this North Star. As well as the exercises practiced by the soldiers, this is a huge project.

But this process was also a huge improvement for Jia Yan.

After understanding the soldiers' training methods and studying a lot of military intelligence, he was able to fill up his sponge with information about the training in the entire North Star, at least in the area where the master controlled it. .

As a result, in this process, he became clearer about his own Yin and Yang path, and at the same time he also learned a lot more about Bei Yuxing.

If you go out and tell others that he is a semi-northern giant native creature, you can fool them.

Of course, Jia Yan did not want to regard himself as a native creature of the semi-northern superstar, nor did he bother to do so.

"Sir, the next battle may be a tough one for us, but it is also the time for us to show the combat effectiveness of Mangyuan Jiayan's troops. I invite the first one to fight."

"That's right."

Jia Yan received communications from the galaxy-level powerhouses one by one. They were in the military vehicles in front, but when executing the order, no one could get out of the military vehicles, so they all called communications and started a meeting with Jia Yan. Please fight.

And Jia Yan also agreed to their fight one by one.

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