Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 12 The first day of North Star!

"Damn it, I know the hidden dangers of the powerful power here. That is, everyone is surrounded by the power around them. Their strength cannot be seen at all, and their sizes are not much different. No one knows except for the real fight. Your strength is just like gambling on how strong your enemy is."

Later, Jia Yan faced a creature that reached the stellar level, but he couldn't see how strong this creature was, and he killed it brazenly. This is what Jia Yan suddenly thought of.

He was really frightened by his own judgment.

Because this was completely different from his previous experiences.

Except for the weak Mosquito Era, Jia Yan in other eras has mastered the ability to judge whether a strong person is scary or not based on the enemy's aura, but now it is said that this ability is almost gone?

This is a bit cheating.

"Tell me, who is the strongest person in this area? What forces need to be concerned about?"

Jia Yan once again suppressed a star-level being with his strength, then faced the creature and asked fiercely.

In fact, within the North Superstar, the movement speed of living things is greatly slowed down. Jia Yan, with his three-meter-large body, cannot fly as fast as lightning, let alone fly at the speed of light, so he knows very well, The same is true for other creatures, so you don't have to worry about other places in the northern giant star a light-year away, you only need to worry about the strong ones in the nearby area.

This vast green jungle seemed like a vast area that he had to fall into. The object of the inquiry was a star-level person, which was actually the right person for Jia Yan, because even the star-level creatures should not go too far in their lifetime, so the strong locals in the area would not be able to travel too far. , should have a clear understanding.

As for these local beings, can they speak the universal language?

Don't be ridiculous. Previous investigations have shown that the lingua franca of the entire galaxy is spread from a few major stars. Maybe what they say is the authentic "universal", while Jia Yan speaks it with an accent.

"This strong man, I say, can you let me go?"

Sure enough, star-level beings can speak common language, and the tones of both sides are only slightly different.

"Just say it and I'll let you go."

Jia Yan nodded.

"In our green forest, there are three forces. One is the people from the Great God's Family in the north. This group of people are talking about each other every day. They are all strong, but they don't care much. The other is The people of the Anxi family call the southern part of the jungle their country, and do not allow ordinary strong men to come and go at will. However, in this Ludi forest, no matter how large the population is, it cannot become a country. That is because The third force is the master force. They are actually a branch of external forces that manage this forest. It is said that the Greendy Forest is the master of the master force, which is the private back garden of a princess from a big family. Who Dare you build a country here?”

In one breath, the other party told a lot of information that Jia Yan was fascinated by.

"The Greendy Forest, there are three powers, and this forest is privately owned by a princess of a certain big power..."

Jia Yan took a slight breath of air when he heard this, and suddenly felt that where he came from was not that simple.

Fortunately, no matter what, at least now I heard that these three major forces can coexist, and if there is no construction in the forest, it will not be dangerous no matter what.

Because if it was really dangerous, the forest would probably not be like this.

"Then there are still strong people? Are there any strong people in the forest itself?" Jia Yan continued to ask indifferently.

"Sir, there are no strong people in the Green Di Forest. The strongest local strong people will be driven away by the Anxi family when they reach the Galaxy level, or they will be taken away by them and used for their own purposes. You must know , the Anxi family has several strongest men in the middle ranks of the galaxy, and no one can resist them."

The most powerful person in the middle level of the galaxy?

Jia Yan immediately understood the stakes in the forest, and then nodded slightly.


The next moment, Jia Yan did not follow his promise, but assassinated the stellar powerhouse in front of him to death with one blow.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a person who keeps my promises. The main thing is that I feel that you already have murderous intentions."

Jia Yan said calmly to this stellar powerhouse. Then, under his unwilling gaze, he took this butterfly-like flying creature to the sky above a vast lake and threw it into the lake.

A star-level strong man must have a lot of status, so he couldn't just dump this strong man's body at will.

Of course, during this process, countless animals in the entire mountain forest saw his behavior. He didn't know whether there might be sane beings among them, or even strong ones, but in any case, he took some precautionary measures. That's right.

After Jia Yan finished all this, he turned back again and flew into the jungle.

Now that he knew about this Ludi Forest, he had to be as cautious as possible and integrate into the local environment as much as possible.

As a strong man at the top of the middle level of the galaxy, he goes to a new environment, is cautious, and then understands everything around him, then slowly integrates into it, and then rises. This process is the safest and most suitable. .

Therefore, Jia Yan didn't mind breaking his promise and getting fat when the stellar powerhouse showed a hint of hostility towards him.

After all, the problem of breaking a promise is just a breach of trust. The person is dead, so it doesn’t matter what he does. If he didn't kill the other party, he would probably go to some force and file a complaint.

"What I'm worried about now is that when I appeared in this mountain forest and glided in the sky for a while, someone would notice me and come to investigate."

What Jia Yan is most worried about is the issue of identity.

It is unknown whether a foreign strongman dislikes the local forces and whether they want to eradicate such a being.

Fortunately, Jia Yan tried his best to leave the local forest and walked along tall trees of several hundred meters. After flying for about five or six hundred kilometers, he didn't feel any strong people appearing, so he felt relieved.

"On this planet, unless I am willing to rise to a very high altitude and fly with the strength of the middle-level peak of the Galaxy, I will not be able to travel too fast. Flying five or six hundred kilometers in half a day is not bad. After all, there are still many things on the way. There are trees to dodge and dangers to avoid.”

Jia Yan really couldn't imagine that he could only fly five or six hundred kilometers in half a day when his real body was thirty kilometers away. This was like walking dozens of steps and taking a few breaths with his real body, but It actually took him half a day to get to this planet.

"It's scary to think about it. The environment of this planet is like this. If I want to orbit the northern giant star that is one light-year in size, at this speed... how long will it take? Hundreds of thousands of years or millions of years? It's scary. .”

After thinking about it, Jia Yan felt that it was better not to think about such a thing. Such a terrifying place as Beiyuxing existed was not for a strong person to conquer.

I have never seen so many Territory Lords here. It is said that there are still high-level strong men from the galaxy. Even if there is any powerful strong man, if he wants to fly around the North Star, the chance of being defeated by the Territory Lord is estimated to be higher than that after flying all the way. The probability of a circle is probably greater.

"In the future, when I become a Territory Lord or even an Intermediate Territory Lord or above, I will think about flying around the Northern Superstar. Now I don't think about that much. I think about how to settle down here first."

The energy was so powerful that when Jia Yan was flying through the mountains and forests, he couldn't help but want to stop and practice.

After reaching a distance of five to six hundred kilometers, he felt that no strong man would chase him again, so he found some broken trees and built a small nest.

All of this made him quite familiar, and also gave him a sense of aftertaste.

When I was a little mosquito, I had made nests like this before. Of course, that was in various places and when I used natural shelters to make nests.

"Very good, the construction was successful. I didn't expect that it would take me so long to have this skill."

It didn't take Jia Yan too long to build a decent little nest. After all, he is still a strong man at the top of the middle level of the galaxy. When he really wants to do something, his brainwave power and feet are almost at the same level, and he can succeed quickly.

It's just that there are too many creatures nearby, some of which are not very intelligent, and they have been harassing me during the process.


Another random thrust killed a flying insect creature. Jia Yan looked at it and saw that the opponent looked like a scarab beetle, but the size was close to the current Jia Yan, about three meters in length.

"There is actually a trace of blood in its body that makes me feel thirsty? Try drinking it!"

Jia Yan felt that this three-meter scarab beetle with no IQ actually had a trace of energy and blood that made him happy.

The previous star-level being did not feel this way, but this scarab creature with no IQ, which seemed to have only star-level strength, had this feeling, so it was not a matter of strength.

Jia Yan didn't know what the problem was, but he didn't need to worry about it so much. He just needed to absorb the energy and take a look.


Holding the scarab creature in front of him and taking a sip of its blood, Jia Yan's eyes lit up.

"Amazing, it is indeed a creature on the Northern Superstar. The feeling of sucking its blood is better than sucking my best energy stone. It is probably close to the level of star core liquid. This is just a local creature. That’s all…”

The mere appearance of such a scarab creature made Jia Yan understand that he was not wrong in his decision to enter the North Star to find opportunities.

"The blood of such a starry sky-level being is enough for me to absorb for one night, so what if it is the blood of a star-level or even a galaxy-level being? But the blood of the previous star-level being is not enough for me to absorb. If I feel that it can be absorbed, then there are individual differences. Next, I want to see what this individual difference is. If I can grasp which creatures I can absorb and which creatures have no effect, it will be beneficial to my cultivation. If you say it, it will be a great thing!"

Jia Yan already had a rough idea of ​​the opportunities he could find on the North Star.

That is the blood of various living things. Of course, if there is a substance with higher energy, it is also a good thing.

In other words, compared to ordinary creatures, he has more training options on the North Star, which is good news.

However, this matter must be carefully considered, otherwise if he makes a mistake, or if there are any bad consequences, he will risk his own life.

The first day of our trip to the North Star ended like this.

The Northern Giant actually also has day and night, but these day and night are not caused by one star, but by the star that is close to it. Because it bypasses the Northern Giant when it rotates, it cannot shine. , the area turned into darkness.

Yes, you read that right, orbiting the Northern Superstar.

Other living planets all revolve around stars, but the Northern Giant is better, with dozens of stars orbiting around it. There is no way, who makes Bei Yuxing bigger?

If we insist on saying who the North Giant revolves around, we can only say that it revolves around the central black hole.

After all, the mass of the central black hole may exceed that of the northern giant star.

Of course, for all the planets in the outside world, there is a high probability that they are rotating around the four major planets including the North Giant, plus the central Sagittarius A black hole. This is the case for the entire Milky Way.

It's just that the creatures in the outside world don't know the existence of the North Giant and other planets, so they think they are just rotating around the central black hole.

"North Star is truly a magical place."

Early the next morning, Jia Yan woke up from a practice session and walked out of his den feeling refreshed.

The tall trees in the forest and the extremely terrifying energy made Jia Yan feel comfortable.

He was thinking that this life of seclusion and improving his strength was really the most perfect life in his imagination. If possible, he would like to have a permanent home in the North Star, and he would be tired of running out of outer space. I will go back to this home to recuperate. This is equal to supreme enjoyment.

"No, no, look for Shuyuan Don't think too much. The water in Beiyuyu is very deep. I've only been here for the second day. I don't know how dangerous it actually is."

Jia Yan restrained his envious mood and continued today's practice.

He first ran to the outside world and found a few creatures that didn't look that strong. After killing them, he felt which ones he could absorb.

Yes, he is looking for himself which native creatures can make him improve by drinking.

What makes Jia Yan discouraged is that among the creatures with low IQs he has found for more than ten days, none of them can let him suck blood.

In other words, even if there is blood for him to suck, there is no energy worth digesting, which means it is not to his liking.

This is very interesting. Jia Yan felt that the strategy he had thought of was hit the next day.

"That's right. If there are creatures everywhere for me to absorb, then I can grow infinitely."

Jia Yan smiled self-deprecatingly.

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