Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 9 Arriving at North Superstar!

After hearing what the other party said, Jia Yan looked happy. This guy has indeed been to Beiyushu in person, the rumors are credible!

"Oh? Does it have a better training environment and the possibility of promotion there, as the legend says?"

He asked as calmly as possible.

"That's true. However, a good environment and promotion opportunities are not so easy to obtain. If you die, you will have nothing. So, Your Excellency, if you want to get some information from me, you must think clearly first. , do you really want these... Otherwise, I don’t want to harm you."

This powerful man at the top of the middle level of Galaxy is still trying to persuade Jia Yan.

However, he knows very well that it is difficult for others to persuade a mid-level peak powerhouse in the galaxy who has made a decision. Powerful people are often the ones who know their true intentions. They have decided what to do, and it is difficult for outside forces to do so. Change, otherwise he will not be able to become a strong person if he is persuaded by the outside world every now and then.

So he persuaded, just verbally. Anyway, no matter how he persuaded, the existence coming before him must still go to Beiyustar, and he could still make the money.

So everything is just about saying something nice.

"Your Excellency, just tell me about North Star, and then teach me the way to get there. I will not trouble you again."

Of course, Jia Yan knew very well that the other party was not worried about him at all, it was just a diplomatic rhetoric.

"Okay, but before that, shouldn't we talk about the price? After all, I'm just a small business here, and it's not that easy to get some information. It's all something my subordinates and I exchanged for risk after risk. "

This being at the top of the middle level of the galaxy finally showed his fox tail and finally asked for money.

"The price is easy to say, as long as the information you give is correct and good enough, I can tell you in advance that I will go to other strong people to verify your information. If it is not that accurate... I will I judge that you are planning to harm my life, I believe you will not ask for trouble, right?"

Jia Yan sneered, with a ruthless look on his face.

"That's natural. I'm just selling information. I don't have any grudge against you. Haha, you think too much." The other party paused slightly, but then he restrained his messy thoughts.

Anyway, if the price is negotiated well, it's okay for him to just sell information, and he won't offend a peer, and it's a peer who seems to be pretty good.

The conversation between the two parties lasted for three days.

Three days later, the giant mosquito figure rose up and flew into the sky.

And at the garbage house in the starry sky, the garbage king creature that had been delivered to the door watched Jia Yan leave with a faint smile, as if he had really become friends with Jia Yan in his eyes.

Of course, if the business is going smoothly, it’s not wrong to say that the two parties are good friends. Who would dislike the fact that there are few buyers who send money?

"Maybe in the future...he will come to me again to ask for other business. Hahaha, there are not many such honest buyers."

The Tattered King, who was at the top of the middle level of the Galaxy, turned around with a smile.

As for Jia Yan who left, he didn't lie at all. He said he would go to other places to verify the news, and he would go, and he would do it openly.

He found the Rag King of another family, which was also the location of the peak mid-level star of the galaxy from other forces. The same drama was played out again.

This time, Jia Yan encountered an intermediary peak of the Galaxy who was not so willing to do business, and even a person who lived in his own one-third of an acre and was completely unwilling to communicate with the strong people from the outside world.

There are actually many such strong people in the interstellar world. They are also commonly known as otaku strong people. They have good strength, but because they have been hit or are afraid of danger from the outside world, they have closed themselves up and found such a no-no-no zone. , run a power that others will not covet, barely support themselves, but don't care about others.

"Your Excellency, I came here with full sincerity, but you actually avoided seeing me, so can I understand that you look down on me? It's not too much to take action like this!"

"Me, me, me, okay, what do you want to know? I'm telling you, no money, no money, head office."

The strong man at the top of the middle level of the Galaxy had no fighting ability, but he would become submissive after staying home for a long time. Seeing that Jia Yan was relatively strong, he gave up.

Three more days passed, and the satisfied giant mosquito flew out of this force again.

He was still unsatisfied, because he got more information from the timid strong man, and he felt more worthy of his trust than the previous one. After all, this strong man didn't care whether he had money or not, he just wanted to Get rid of Jia Yan quickly and tell everything.

"Haha, such a strong man is also a wonder in the universe. It shows that there are really all kinds of people in the universe, not just anyone, who all act according to the theory of the strong man. But I used to be a little bit It’s a bit of a cognitive error.”

Jia Yan always thought that the strong men in the universe were all the same. Everyone would ignore everything and feel domineering. However, the appearance of this submissive strong man made him slightly change his view.

Of course, Jia Yan also knows very well that the life of a strong person is very long. For example, each of the strong people at the middle level of the Galaxy can survive for thousands of years. During these thousands of years, the possibility of personality changes is also high. It's very big. For example, this obedient and strong man is like this now. Maybe in a few hundred years, he will return to the true strong man.

Who can tell clearly what happened hundreds of years ago?

"Yes, even for such a strong man, I can feel from his body the heart of a strong man who pursues power. Otherwise, it would be impossible to cultivate to the peak of the middle level of the galaxy."

"In short, with the information about the two of them, plus all the information I learned along the way, it is enough for me to take a step forward..."

Thinking of this, the faint light in Jia Yan's eyes became even more intense.

North Superstar!

This is Jia Yan’s next target place.

through a series of understandings.

Jia Yan has long known that within the entire black hole starry sky area, it is not bad to say that there are places nearby, but overall, the entire black hole starry sky area almost orbits the 'four giant stars'!

Yes, the big four.

The North Giant is just one of them. The entire system of the four giant stars includes the east, west, south, north, and four giant stars. Each of them is no more or less, exactly one light-year in size, and each one is vast and boundless. The strong ones are like clouds.

Let’s put it this way, the entire galaxy is amazing, right? There are many strong people, right?

But in such a large galaxy, with so many strong men, if they really fight against the strong men on the four giant stars, let alone the four giant stars, there is probably a high-level power in the galaxy, even if it is just for the domain lords to join forces. It can sweep across the Milky Way, and it can sweep across the Milky Way in a very short time.

This is the terror of the four giant stars. It is even possible that one is enough to deal with the power of the entire galaxy except the four giant stars.

"So I have to go in, and I won't come out until the domain master comes."

Jia Yan returned to the location of Edisha Star.

There was no one following around, no strong person was peeping, and the Edisha star was intact.

"Edisha, let's get started. We are finally going to the Northern Superstar. We will definitely not leave the Northern Superstar until we reach the Territory Lord level!"

"Yeah, start it! You won't come out until the domain master!"

Inside the subspace, the huge Edisha star, carrying Jia Yan, who had just left the pulsar-riddled area, slowly began to accelerate.

Without any strong person blocking it, Edisha successfully entered within ten degrees of subspace. Not long after, it began to set sail and penetrated the scope of the pulse energy beam of the pulsar.

You know, the pulse wave of a pulsar is so powerful that it will be affected even on the eighth or ninth level of subspace, but Jia Yan made Edisha fall into the tenth level.

Here, not to mention pulsars, even terrifying celestial bodies such as black holes are difficult to affect. Of course, Jia Yan must avoid the black hole as much as possible, otherwise the subspace overlaps with the center of the black hole, and he may still be sucked into it.

In short, he was not afraid of the pulse wave category of pulsars, so he just followed the path of the existence theory of the two middle-level peaks of the galaxy, plunged into it, and then traveled for another period of time.

During this journey, there were no forces left, because the energy of the pulsar was always stabbing not far from the northern giant star. No force could be established within the range of this energy beam, so there was no need to worry about it. There is the thrill of running into other people's forces and being hunted down again.

It's just that Jia Yan also needs to make good use of the knowledge points mentioned by the two mid-level peak powerhouses in the galaxy. He always travels in a circular manner within the range of the pulsar energy beam, so as to avoid attracting the four powerhouses as much as possible. Notice that it can be said to be extremely hidden.

What Jia Yan didn't know was that it wasn't long after he left the close range of the pulsar where the Rag Kings were.


"You said that that guy did come, but he asked about the way to North Star and then left again?"

"Hmph, you actually went to the North Star. Do you think that by entering the North Star, you can escape our pursuit? Even though our power does not have much influence in the North Star, we still have a station. I hope he can He will not crash into our station. Tomorrow, we will order people to enter the station of North Star. If he is found, we will immediately invite the assassins in North Star to dispatch. Presumably those local assassins will be very willing to kill such a person. Outsiders who don’t even understand.”

A Territory Lord with astonishing strength was parked around the pulse stream of the pulsar, watching everything around him with a frosty look.

As for the middle-level peak existence of the Galaxy who stayed at home and didn't want to see the powerful, he was completely confused and trembling at this time.

Fortunately, the domain lord had no interest in scavenging creatures. He just asked for information and then left in a hurry.

"Damn, I knew that the powerful people outside were too scary, including that Jia Yan from before. He actually offended a domain lord. I knew that the people outside were scary, I knew it! I will spend my whole life Don’t even leave this pulsar area!”

The strong man at home was so frightened that he swore again and even retreated into his dilapidated house, not wanting to see anyone at all.

Jia Yan didn't know that his actions actually caused the Territory Lord creature who was chasing him to come to the pulsar land where the Territory Lord's existence was unlikely to come, and also forced the mid-level Galaxy peak who was afraid of seeing strangers. Those who were there were all frightened.

If I knew it, I would probably feel sad for this strong man for a second.

But in fact he didn't know, so this sorrow was impossible.

Moreover, if he knew about this, he would most likely consider his own safety first!

Because, the Territory Lord whose status and strength were completely different from his was still pursuing him tirelessly! ?

This is a big event. In this starry sky, even within the North Star, no one will despise the pursuit of a Territory Lord. Even if it is the powerful North Star, the words of a Territory Lord still matter. It will be like an imperial edict.

Of course, there is still a difference between Territory Lord and Territory Lord. It may not be clear to the outside world, but in the black hole area, this difference is as big as the sky!

With ten degrees of space to travel, the distance of one or two light-years from the North Giant is not a problem. Even if the Edisa star starts a little slower and stops, it will take a lot of time, but at such a close distance, No matter how troublesome it was, it took less than a month to reach the tenth dimension.

During this whole process, Jia Yan did not continue to practice, but worked overtime, reading the information about the North Star, and recalling the knowledge points given by the two mid-level peak powerhouses in the galaxy.

You know, both of them have entered the North Superstar.

It was also through them that Jia Yan learned that it was not so rare for the strong men in the black hole starry sky to enter the four giant stars. Just like Jia Yan wanted to enter the northern giant star, the people in the entire black hole starry sky, Everyone regards the superstar as a sacred place, but only those who enter can only come out.

But generally speaking, those at the top of the middle level of the Galaxy who have come out to the outside world account for one-third of the total powerhouses at the top of the middle level of the Galaxy. This is not an exaggeration, because the North Star's ability to beat the powerhouses is quite good. Effective.


Jia Yan, who was chewing on knowledge, looked for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com was slightly startled when he suddenly heard Adisha's words.

The more he looked at Bei Yuxing's information, the more frightened Jia Yan became. He felt that Bei Yuxing was like a beast devouring people, putting pressure on him.

Unexpectedly, North Star, who thought it would take a short time, has already arrived.

In other words, he was ready to enter this planet that shocked him even more!

"Huh... we can't be impatient. As a strong man at the top of the middle level of the galaxy, how can I be in a hurry if I am impatient?"

Jia Yan warned himself to breathe well.

After adjusting his mentality, his eyes became firm.

The North Superstar is an extremely necessary place for Jia Yan. Anyway, he has come to the inside of the black hole starry sky. This is the necessary process for Jia Yan to prepare to train himself.

"Do you want to be a Territory Lord? Let me step into the North Star and use this as an opportunity to be promoted to Territory Lord!"

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