Jia Yan was talking about this, and then he was trying to ask Edisha to find a place to dock on his own planet, or to let Edisha enter the subspace to avoid the eyes of others. But then, once again, his eyes froze...

Because, in the distance of his sight, there was about a few light-years away from the huge 'wall' in front of him...

There was one that made Jia Yan stunned when he saw it. It was impossible to imagine that something existed there!

"What the hell is this? I seem to have never heard of such a thing in the intelligence..."

"Star... Planet? Impossible! Such a big planet?! Oh my God! And it seems to be a geological planet!! A geological planet that is more than one light-year in size!? A geological planet of nine point four trillion kilometers?! "

That's right, just as Jia Yan was shocked, far opposite this 'wall', there was a huge star that could be seen from several light years away!

This star is no longer as simple as an ordinary star. It is even bigger than any star Jia Yan has seen, so big that it has no edges!

Who has ever seen a single geological planet that is one light-year across?

There is one right in front of you.

I really haven't been to the central star field of the Milky Way, so I don't know how powerful this place is. Jia Yan, who just arrived here, seemed to be under a immobilization spell, and like a countryman who had witnessed a truly terrifying place. He was dumbfounded.

A planet that could not possibly exist existed in front of him so contrary to common sense. The strong impact at this moment gave him a dreamy feeling.

After all, although he is a strong man, he also understands certain scientific principles.

It is impossible for a planet to grow to such a level, because its body is too large, no matter what kind of geology it is made of, it will fall into the pull of its own gravity, and then collapse into a black hole.

Not to mention geological planets, even stars do not have such huge individuals. There are only some nebula gases such as quasars that are more than one light-year in size. However, these things cannot be said to be stars.

"No one in the outside world knows about such a planet, and there is no information about it. It appears outside. What is the reason for this?"

For a moment, Jia Yan felt terrified, and then wanted to escape from the area.

At the same moment when he had this thought, he felt a sudden shock in his mind.

Then, it was as if something terrifying and completely irresistible spread out its big hands, trying to forcefully pull something out of his mind!

"No! What is this?!"

His face changed wildly, he stopped in his tracks, and used his brainwave power to fight against the forces coming from the outside world.


The coming power was originally vast and ethereal, and it seemed that it was not known whether it actually existed. But when Jia Yan used the strength of the middle-level peak of the galaxy to resist, the owner of the power was suddenly surprised.

Then, this power seemed to suddenly increase a hundred times, a thousand times!

Yin Yin Yin

After the power became stronger again, Jia Yan intuitively felt that this power could not be blocked by human power at all. In an instant, it was as if the aura that he was proud of and belonged to the top mid-level powerhouse in the galaxy before he came here was completely suppressed.

If he really couldn't stop it, or even if he could, he would have to use some killer secret method.

It's like some powerful positive and negative explosive brainwave powers in the Yin and Yang Tao. This kind of power can kill one thousand enemies and damage oneself eight hundred. For Jia Yan, he has researched this power and it is useless against black sheep. Things that have passed.

Just like the Demon Disintegration Technique, it was an explosive secret technique, but he didn't want to use it.

Because the other party didn't seem to want his life, but just wanted to take something out of Jia Yan's mind.

But just when Jia Yan thought that he could only accept his fate helplessly, or find ways to divert this peeling force away, and then escape quickly.

The owner of this power, after taking control of the situation, calmly spoke through the power of brain waves.

"Junior, if you enter, you will have this astral memory. If you go out, this memory will be erased. Unless you are above the middle level of Domain Lord, this matter cannot be avoided!"

Boom boom boom boom

The opening of this force's existence was like a huge interstellar collapse, and the entire starry sky was rippled with earth-shattering power.

What kind of terrifying power is this, just like Jia Yan when he was a little mosquito when he saw a cultivator with earth-level power, it was like a god-like power.

He suddenly remembered the 'shadow' that existed in the minds of all cultivating creatures when he was guiding others to practice in the peaceful starry sky.

He also struggled with the shadow and helped one person get rid of the shadow's possession.

Obviously, the existence that was stirring up trouble in his mind at this time seemed to belong to the same level or a higher level of life form as the shadow-like existence. As for the specific strength and weakness, Jia Yan didn't know. Because the difference is too big.

But the other party had no intention of killing anyone. Jia Yan knew what he meant from the words he spoke.

That is, if you want to leave when you see this huge planet, the other party must deprive you of something in your mind. According to this statement, something like this is probably related to the memory of seeing this planet...

As for whether the deprivation will bring with it any other things...

Jia Yan didn't dare to confirm, and he didn't even think that this creature would definitely not take a fancy to some of his income and want to take it for himself.

The opponent is stronger, but it is obvious that against a peak mid-level powerhouse like him, it is already difficult to instantly ignore Jia Yan's feelings and deprive him of the things in his mind, and it may even be possible without using some Without skills, it is difficult to kill Jia Yan.

That's why he spoke out. To deal with ordinary creatures, it is estimated that when the other party sees the planet and wants to leave, it will take away the other party's 'memory' in an instant.

No wonder, this way, no outside creatures will reveal that there is such a huge planet in the central starry sky of the Milky Way!

"Senior! Please wait a moment. I entered it and was just startled. This junior wanted to enter the black hole area."

Jia Yan spoke quickly, not wanting to compete with this strong man anymore.

The other party was indeed much stronger than him. Jia Yan already had a rough guess as to the extent of this being's terrifying strength.

That is, there are rumored to be extremely rare "high-level galactic" powers in the entire galaxy!

He originally thought that everyone had heard that high-level powerful men rarely appeared in the world, but what he never expected was that they were not as 'homely' as people imagined. They were just close to the area near this black hole. Being targeted by a powerful person.

But great power is great power. Jia Yan really never thought that high-level powerful men would have such terrifying strength.

To control his life, he probably didn't even need to show his true body. The brainwave power of just a few moves would probably cause Jia Yan serious injury, and one mistake could lead to death.

"Junior, are you willing to enter? Very good, come in. Please remember that if you have not cultivated to the intermediate level of Territory Lord or above and want to go out, I will take away your memory of the North Star. Don't forget it."

That mysterious and mighty terrifying force, after saying the above words, disappeared into space in an instant as if it had never appeared before...

Jia Yan, on the other hand, stood proudly on the Edisha Star. He was silent for a long time, looking around vigilantly. After gaining nothing, he shook his head with a wry smile and returned to the Edisha Star.

"Master, what just happened?"

As an intelligent program, Edisha cannot feel the power of brain waves. It is only through the program detection that she knows that a very amazing power has just come.

"What just now? It was a... terrifying strong man that even I couldn't resist... Haha, it seems that it's not possible if we don't go in. Edisha, let's drive the planet in."


Adisha saw that Jia Yan's face was not very good-looking, so she didn't dare to ask any more questions and simply disappeared.

Soon, the entire Edisha star was like a war fortress that could fly normally in the normal starry sky, gradually approaching the extremely huge 'wall'.

At the same moment when the Edisha star approached the wall, the wall, which seemed as hard as iron, automatically opened a crack in an instant, and then allowed the Edisha star to pass through.

As he entered the space within the wall, Jia Yan thought.

"The terrifying strong man who appeared inexplicably just now is probably a high-level being from the galaxy, but I never expected that the high-level strong man from the galaxy would be so terrifyingly strong. There was also... a shadow-like person before. Existence, staying in the minds of a large number of cultivators in the outside world, sharing and guiding the cultivation, this strong man is probably also a high-level strong man in the galaxy, haha, so, it seems that there is no strong man in the galaxy, but in fact Probably, it has always been in the palms of these terrifying powerful ones?"

It's scary to think about it. When Jia Yan thinks about this, he feels that entering this starry sky is not a very good idea.

But this feeling did not last long. When Jia Yan's Edisha star area entered the wall together, he felt as if he suddenly felt something shocking, and his whole body was shaken!

"Huh?! What!!"

Entering the inside of the wall, Jia Yan actually felt that his whole body was suddenly suppressed by a force. At the same time, the power of heaven and earth that could be felt around him instantly increased by at least double!

You know, this is still cosmic space, even a vacuum. The energy difference between the inside and outside of the wall has doubled, and there is also a huge pressure. This change is not unshakable. Compared with the gap between the Milky Way Central Star Field and the Orion Arm, It's going to be bigger.

"How is that possible! It's too scary. The outside world has very unclear descriptions of the black hole area, but some people still say that the energy inside is much stronger than that of the outside world, but they didn't expect it to be this strong!"

Jia Yan began to become very distrustful of the so-called "intelligence" he had collected. After all, as soon as he arrived at this starry sky, he encountered an invisible 'wall'. Then, there was another powerful person who personally took action against him, scaring Jia Yan so much that he had no choice but to enter even though he didn't want to enter.

A non-professional is a non-professional.


It seems that the energy becoming so powerful is not a bad thing?

Jia Yan suddenly realized that he was right. He came to the black hole area just to practice and improve himself quickly. Now that he has such a huge increase in power, it is not a bad thing.

Maybe even say good things.

Except for the terrifying memory of the powerful man just now, almost all the others were the results Jia Yan wanted.

Of course, this is only in terms of energy and cultivation environment. Will the powerful man just now and the huge star in front of him, which is what the powerful man calls the "Northern Superstar", cause more dangers to Jia Yan? Say, it is unknown.

Anyway, they are all in. Unless he is willing to accept the pain of escaping and having his memory erased by that powerful person, if Jia Yan wants to preserve his intact self, he can only stay here for a while.

"Does it take an intermediate level domain lord or above to avoid having his memory wiped? Or is it that for a powerful person above the intermediate level domain lord, that adult can no longer change his mind with the power of long-range brainwaves alone? Or, Intermediate Domain Lord is really enough to make such a powerful existence give a certain amount of face... Everything is unknown. But in the end, I know one thing..."

"That is, when I get here, I really have no other choice but to become a Territory Lord, or even an Intermediate Territory Lord. I hope this process will not take too long, otherwise I will be stuck in this kind of situation anytime and anywhere. No matter how much I think about the starry sky where powerful beings appear, I feel a little breathless."

When Jia Yan entered the starry sky, he thought too much in an instant. He even felt that there was a powerful person monitoring and watching him anytime and anywhere.

But the facts prove that...

He thinks too much.

Really overthinking.

In the entire galaxy, Galaxy level, especially Galaxy-level peak powerhouses, are extremely rare. However, looking at the level of big data, let alone Galaxy-level peak powerhouses, even if they are Territory Lords, how few can they be? ?

There are tens of thousands of legends about domain lords. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com Even tens of thousands, or perhaps more than one hundred thousand, and a Territory Lord has to deal with dozens, maybe even hundreds of Galaxy Intermediate Peaks... The Galaxy Intermediate Peaks, even the Galaxy Intermediate Peaks with certain combat capabilities How many will there be at the top?

If he wants a powerful person to observe him all the time, Jia Yan is afraid that he has too much self-awareness, is too proud, and thinks too much.

So just after entering the wall, Jia Yan didn't have time to recover from the sudden increase in energy and various thoughts that came to him. Then suddenly, a large piece of terrifying power that had just been isolated by the wall suddenly appeared. Coming to the star of Edisha.

buzz buzz

Yin Yin Yin

The sound of people suddenly became noisy.

"It's from the peak of the middle level of the Galaxy! It's indeed the peak of the middle level of the Galaxy!"

"I just said that those who can drive the planet in the outside world will not be weak. Hahaha, I guessed it right. How about giving this strong person to my Hua family!"

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