Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 16 Return to the energy circle!

"came back!"

Jia Yan unloaded the supplies he had brought while he was about hundreds of millions of miles away from the energy circle.

Moreover, these materials are unloaded at the depth of three layers of subspace. Generally speaking, unless there is a person with subspace talents passing by, it is difficult for a strong person who does not know the specific location to search for these materials even if he deliberately comes to search.

After everything was safe, Jia Long adjusted his strength again, returned to his peak state, and then resolutely flew towards the energy circle spread out by the Zerg Queen.

Buzz buzz——

Huh Huh Hu——

Inside the subspace, Jia Yan's traveling distance is getting slower and slower. This is out of respect for the energy circle, because arriving here is equivalent to entering the core area of ​​the Zerg Queen's power. If nothing unexpected, he is close to the Zerg Queen's power. Within 500,000 kilometers, the Zerg Queen, a super domain lord with astonishing strength, had already discovered his traces.

Of course, this is because Jia Yan let go of his whereabouts. If he really entered the deep levels of subspace and moved quietly, it would be difficult for ordinary domain owners to detect him.

"Jia Yan, you are back."

When Jia Yan finally flew out to the first level of sub-space step by step, making many strong people feel him, a female voice rang in his mind.

This is the message from the Zerg Queen.

"Yes, I'm back. Is Her Majesty the Queen okay?"

"I'm fine... Sigh, Jia Yan, you came back at the wrong time."

There was a deep sense of helplessness in the words of the Zerg Queen.

In fact, as a superior, it is very, very tiring for her to deal with such conflicting issues among capable subordinates, especially since he was slightly on the side of Black Sheep at first, but now Jia Yan is still helping the frontline regardless of past grudges. She fights, which to a strong man is like taking advantage of others, and she feels bad about it.

Now, she had vaguely guessed the purpose of Jia Yan's return, but the problem was...

Inside the entire energy circle, earth-shattering power surged.

It was an aura that only belonged to the 'intermediate level and above'.

That's right, Black Sheep happened to have improved its strength two days ago. Now it can't contain its strength, so the entire energy circle is no longer the energy circle of the Zerg Queen. It has become completely full of Black Sheep's power. With.

"Your Majesty the Queen, I also know that my coming back may make it difficult for you, but I am just here to pick up my own things and leave after taking them. Your Majesty the Queen will still be my friend from now on."

Jia Yan didn't even bother to say anything more specifically to the Zerg Queen, because if he said more, he would hurt his feelings, because it would inevitably involve how the Zerg Queen was partial, so he could only stop talking and let the other party know. Even if you make mistakes, you won't hurt the other person's face.

At least for Jia Yan, he has no intention of blaming the Zerg Queen. Jia Yan has a good idea of ​​what he should do when he is in a high position, not to mention that the Zerg Queen has helped him a lot.

The Zerg Queen seemed to be silent for a while, and then continued to transmit the message to Jia Yan.

"I made some mistakes in the past, Jia Yan. At least this time, I will let you go. Black Sheep can't hurt your life."

When he said these words, Jia Yan already felt a feeling of power that was completely overriding the energy circle.

This is the self-confidence of the Zerg Queen. Even though Black Sheep's so-called 'promotion' is an earth-shattering change in strength, it is not enough for her.

She is a powerful Territory Lord. In the Zerg Territory, she fought against all the invincible opponents in the world. In this starry sky, she is also one of the masters among Territory Lords. She is a newly promoted Half Territory Lord. Not enough for her.

The Black Sheep cannot kill the people the Zerg Queen wants to protect. Besides, it is impossible for the Zerg Queen to let Black Sheep kill Jia Yan. If Black Sheep did it, her status would plummet. This force should not be called the Zerg Queen force, but should be called the Black Sheep force. .

"Thank you very much, Queen. I will take the planet and leave."

Jia Yan replied, and then, his figure was directly outside the energy circle, stepping out of the sub-space in one step!

"Huh?! Who!"

"Is there someone so close to the energy circle that I didn't notice?"

"Who will be the existence coming from the sub-space!"

"Ah...he, he is not that..."

"Hehe, it's him. No wonder he's so talented in subspace, but... there's something good to see."

Inside and outside the energy circle, there are far more powerful people than before.

Among these strong men, a small half are adventurers who followed the Zerg Queen and came to this starry sky from the distant Zerg territory. The other large part has various origins. Some of them are local strong men, and some are local strong men. They came from hearing that this force was recruiting strong men, and some were enemy traitors who stayed in the Zerg Queen's territory after surrendering.

In short, these beings have made the Zerg Queen's energy circle, which was originally small in number, very crowded.

If nothing else goes wrong, the Zerg Queen's force will continue to absorb blood from the outside world in the future. Because of the presence of two domain masters, this force will even take off for a period of time in the future.

But Jia Yan can't see that time, at least he won't be able to enjoy the dividends of taking off with them.

Because another future ‘territory lord’ in the Zerg Queen’s force, that is, Black Sheep, is Jia Yan’s biggest enemy.


Just as Jia Yan stood outside the energy circle, the energy circle with the ability to identify technology automatically opened a huge opening for Jia Yan to enter.

Just entering the energy circle, the familiar smell and energy in the energy circle caused the bristles on his mosquitoes, which are similar to human pores, to stretch out.

The energy circle created by the Zerg Queen not only improves the purity of energy and makes the environment elegant, but also has the advantage of maintaining the sense of energy environment in the distant Zerg territory. Although the Orion Arm from Jia Yan is also very similar to the Zerg territory. It's far away, but it's still much closer than the central region of the Milky Way, so the entire energy circle feels like returning to half of my hometown.

In fact, one of the reasons why Jia Yan misses the energy circle is the familiarity it gives him.

It's a pity that after today, he will no longer be able to enjoy this taste of hometown.

"Jia Yan? Aren't you on the front line? What are you doing back here?"

When Jia Yan entered the energy circle, no one came to greet him, not even the Zerg Queen's men came over. Instead, a middle-level galactic powerhouse who was friends with the Black Sheep flew in front of Jia Yan with a joking look on his face. Looking at him.

"Long time no see. I have something to do when I come back." Jia Yan was neither humble nor overbearing, and he didn't think the other person was someone close to Black Sheep, so he frowned and glared at him.

"Haha, I have something to do. It's good to have something to do. Mr. Black Sheep will also ask you for something later. Don't go so fast."

The other party sneered, and then stepped away without even speaking to Jia Yanduo.

Jia Yan just watched the strong man leave, but did not express whether he should leave or not. And the other person was not prepared to listen to his answer. Now that everyone is back, the black sheep Jia Yan can be seen or not seen.

"As soon as I come back, will all these familiar strong men refuse to show up? It's quite interesting."

Jia Yan looked around, and then one by one the strong men, even those who were relatively familiar with Jia Yan, quietly shrank their heads, not daring to talk to him.

He couldn't help but laugh at himself, thinking that at the beginning, he had figured out some things and thought he wanted to socialize. But look, the result of socializing was this.

Jia Yan didn't mean that social interaction was bad, but he quickly figured out that this world is real, social interaction is social interaction, multiple friends do have multiple paths, but people still pay attention to the relationship of interests, Jia Yan and They were casual acquaintances, and no one would stand up to fight against the enemy with him at this time.

"So, it is most difficult for people's hearts."

Jia Yan didn't feel unhappy or sad. Too many similar things had happened. Moreover, he really didn't treat others sincerely, and he wouldn't expect false kindness from others at this time.

It just so happened that no one came to disturb his behavior. Jia Yan thought that this would save him some trouble and he could just do what he wanted to do.

Jia Yan thought through all this, smiled slightly, and flew to his 'superstar' in the energy circle.

He has been asking people to help decorate this planet for a long time, and because of the urgency and his status, the entire construction process can be said to be extremely fast.

The huge planet does not require too elaborate decoration style. It just gives Jia Yan more ability to propel in subspace, as well as a large number of thrusters that imitate the Edisa building, plus a certain rough surface decoration. It looks like It was so different from the surrounding strong planets.

However, this planet is too big, with a diameter of thousands of kilometers, and the surrounding planets have become dwarf-like, so it still has a certain sense of domineering.

"Hehe, I just haven't done some finishing decorations and the like. Not bad, it's enough for me."

Jia Yan smiled and looked at the planet in front of him. At the same time, he turned on his brain and contacted the construction unit that knew Jia Yan was coming and had evacuated the workers early.

"The places where you didn't do a good job in construction are just a few places for decoration, right? Doesn't it affect its movement and opening of the defense cover? Very good, I understand. Thank you for your help. I will call you the balance right away. .”

Jia Yan said that he is a very contractual person. If he agrees to pay the other party, he will pay the money, not to mention that he is not short of the hard-earned money of the working people.

Now he opened Zhinao's payment system, which Jia Yan was not familiar with. He used the payment function within the Zerg Queen's force and quickly made the payment.

He won't be able to use the money within the Zerg Queen's force in the future, so it doesn't hurt at all to pay. Even if it wasn't a payment option and he couldn't pay more, he would still want to give more. After all, he did a good job for himself.

After doing all this, Jia Yan immersed himself in his heart.

More than 10,000 kilometers away from the huge planet Jia Yan, several planets away, there is a planet on which huge energy is constantly stirring.

This is the training star where Black Sheep is located.

At this moment, energy is constantly being swallowed up on the planet, but generally speaking, the power of this swallowing is already converging. In other words, Black Sheep has probably heard the intelligence coming from the outside world, is preparing to stop the work, and then meet with Jia in person. rock.

"The half-domain master-level energy is truly earth-shattering. The amount of energy it spilled out made me feel like I was facing the world directly. I didn't know what kind of attack would be carried out on me later... Hey. "

Jia Yan smiled, and then went about his business in an orderly manner without fear.

It is not surprising that Black Sheep has such a terrifying power. He had made plans to face such a terrifying power before coming.

So he didn't need to be nervous at the moment. He had done everything and got the guarantee from the Zerg Queen. What did he have to be afraid of?

Jia Yan opened the planet's instruction manual, especially the methods of operating into subspace, etc. As a strong person at the top of the middle level of the galaxy, his brainwave power is powerful, which also shows that his learning ability is compared to ordinary creatures. It was much faster, so immediately, after watching it for a while, he understood how the entire planet operated.

"Edisha, this operation is very simple, but after you enter this planet, you will have to shoulder greater responsibilities. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Jia Yan called out to Adisha.

The small light and shadow mosquito quickly appeared in front of Jia Yan.

"Adisha is sure. Adisha has been waiting for this day for too long. I want to help the master."

The light and shadow mosquitoes transformed by Editha were circling around Jia Yan at the speed of light, making everyone happy.

"Okay then, you enter it, and then take the Edisha directly to the place where we store the things, and then transport the things to the planet and wait for me to get there."


Adisha was waiting for Jia Yan's words.

It instantly turned into a flash of light, looking for Shuyuan www. rushed into the huge planet.


The planet lit up everywhere at the same time. I don't know if Edisha did this intentionally or what, but it was all colorful and dazzling.

Boom boom boom boom——

Not long after, this huge planet felt like it was suddenly shaken. Flames were spraying out from its extremely huge body, and even the inside of this huge energy circle began to vibrate everywhere.

Because of this unusual movement, many powerful people in the energy circle quietly emitted brainwave power and conducted observations.

I saw the huge planet, the 'Edisha Star' named by Jia Yan, slowly gaining unimaginable thrust under the spray of flames, and moving forward like those battle planets used in wars. .

It's just that the feeling of him moving is not that he is flying towards the starry sky, but that after moving a certain distance and gaining a bit of inertia, several giant devices at the front of the entire planet are flashing with energy.


A huge sub-space rift took shape in front of my eyes...

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