Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 7: Tired of hard work

Soon, the two parties successfully connected.

"Your Excellency, who are you?"

The other party didn't talk too much nonsense. After all, he also had to take care of the current war. Connecting with a powerful partner like Jia Yan who suddenly appeared was to give Jia Yan face.

"Me? You will know later. In short, I am a member of the same force, so don't be wary of me."

Jia Yan smiled, feeling that he had not forgotten how the people on earth behaved.

"Is that so? Well, I believe you, but I hope you don't get close to our important facilities, otherwise I will treat you as an enemy."


This is a typical communication style of strong people. In just a few words, the connection is closed.

The other party chose to believe Jia Yan. Of course, this was not because he really felt how trustworthy Jia Yan was, but because Jia Yan had already killed the enemy's mid-level star. Even if it was just a show, he didn't feel that the enemy would have the courage to take one. A middle-level star is acting as a joke, so what Jia Yan is talking about is one of his own, and there is a high probability that it is true.

Moreover, Jia Yan also promised not to approach important military facilities or even more important warships. So even if he is an enemy, what can he destroy?

Such a powerful combat power would really be used later, so this galaxy-level expert followed Jia Yan's wishes.

After all, no matter how strong this tiny creature is, it is only an intermediate star. He can also see that Jia Yan's clone's strongest strength is even stronger than that of a high-level star. Compared to him, a star-level person, It's still under control.

After talking to this galaxy-level commander, Jia Yan was able to get rid of the suspicion of being an enemy in an instant. He did not disturb him for a while and allowed him to rest quietly.

"Hey, this guy probably doesn't know who I am yet. But if a stronger being takes action later, I will have to expose my brainwave power, unique frequency sense and fighting method. He will definitely be able to Understand who I am.”

Jia Yan smiled slightly, but then he didn't have too many thoughts about not wanting to be exposed.

As a commander-in-chief, he should be considerate of his subordinates. It would be fine if he did not participate in the war. If the clones did not participate in the war, it would inevitably give others some excuse in the future. If these subordinates did not know that he had sent clones, then that would be fine. , but if they discovered it, it would be a good idea to let people know that he, the commander-in-chief, was still very concerned about the war. Even in his busy schedule, he even found the energy to send his clones to help in the war.

Jia Yan would definitely not say that his bigger motive for sending this clone was to go out and have some fun.

By now, he roughly understood the tone of this war.

That is the reinforcement of the Zerg Queen's forces this time, and the enemy has a high probability of calculating it.

The current surprise attack by the enemy seems to be to sneak attack on the Zerg Queen's fleet, and judging from the way the opponent attacks, there is a high probability that the opponent is really ready to annihilate the Zerg Queen's fleet.

This is amazing. You must know that the fleet supported by the Zerg Queen's force includes not only the most advanced warships, but also a strong man who has reached the Galaxy level. If the other party wants to completely annihilate the Zerg Queen's fleet, it will be a difficult problem not to mention whether they want to keep this Galaxy class, but only how to defeat him and drive him away.

Generally speaking, the strong ones in the Zerg Queen's force are more powerful than the strong ones in the enemy's force. In most cases, it takes two of the same level to defeat them.

But from Jia Yan's point of view, he realized that there didn't seem to be two Galaxy-class ships in the enemy fleet, only one at most.

"Hey... interesting, one? I haven't come here in person, so I don't know what the strength of this one is, but if there is only one, and the enemy is planning to leave this entire powerful fleet, then this Galaxy-class , the strength should be..."

Jia Yan smiled. He had already guessed how strong the enemy was.

If it is really that kind of strength, the best thing for the Galaxy-level forces on our side is to run away now. The problem is that although this guy has seen through the enemy's thoughts, he has no idea of ​​​​escape. He is obviously very confident about his own strength. For confidence.

"I hope it's not what I thought. Otherwise, my clone has worked so hard to stay here just to be the one who misses the earth, but it might be lost here."

Jia Yan closed his eyes and prepared for the possible battle later.

Of course, this does not mean that the clone must also practice, but that we are taking advantage of the time to transfer more energy from the real body to the clone.

At the same time, Jia Yan didn't expect that the intelligence department on the real body's side would get the information first. Then, a middle-level being from the galaxy hesitated for a while and came to Jia Yan. Here, it disturbed his practice.

"What's the matter?"

Jia Yan's true form, that giant mosquito, suddenly opened the door to the black mist he used for practice.

"Your Majesty, Commander-in-Chief, it's like this. We just received intelligence today. For some unknown reason, the hairtail existence secretly sent a mid-level galaxy existence from his force to the interstellar channel behind us. I'm sorry. , we didn’t get the information until today, because the enemy kept it too secretive.”

The face of that mid-level being from the galaxy was very ugly.

As an intelligence department, we should be optimistic about all star-level actions within the enemy's army. You must know that their intelligence sources can be in many ways, such as spies, spies, surrenders, etc. In short, there are a large number or Either they bribed or coerced enemy personnel to give them information. Generally speaking, there are many similar existences on the Zerg Queen's side, so generally speaking, the enemy will have information about the direction of the galaxy on both sides. risk.

But today, this mid-level being from the galaxy knew that under the strict control of his intelligence department, a mid-level being from the enemy army actually left the enemy's position, and this was many days ago. This made him extremely uncomfortable.

After all, he thought that he had done a good job, but he didn't expect that a Galaxy Intermediate had slipped away from under his nose.

There are so many things that a disappeared Galaxy Intermediate can do. It is precisely because he is also a Galaxy Intermediate that he understands this.

"Oh? Has a Galaxy Intermediate disappeared? Hahaha, that's it."

When Jia Yan heard the head of the mid-level intelligence department of Galaxy say such words to him, he immediately made the other party smile creepily.

The head of the Galaxy Intermediate Intelligence Department thought that Jia Yan was out of breath and wanted to criticize himself harshly.

Unexpectedly, Jia Yan shook his head and continued: "Okay, I also understand this matter. You can go back. I know where the mid-level Galaxy existence is. If nothing happens, he will be there soon." There is information coming in confirming his location."

Jia Yan was about to return to Wuqi's training room, but the intelligence leader was anxious.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, do you know where he is? So what should we do now? The destructive power of a mid-level Galaxy being is too great. If we let him cause massacres in our rear areas, it may affect the entire battle situation. What I'm most afraid of now is that he will come to deal with our galaxy-level warriors wandering outside. If he kills one of us, our morale will really be greatly reduced."

This guy is not stupid at all. After knowing that the enemy had a mid-level galaxy existence and left their position, he guessed what the opponent wanted to do.

Plunder a baggage fleet?

This is something both sides are doing every day. Merely plundering such a small baggage fleet is of no use at all. Now, when transporting supplies, they are not divided into several small teams. If you rob one of them, they will run away. For others, even if they kill some people, both sides have already included them in the battle damage estimate. You can kill them for you, but you will be exposed. You will be exposed behind the enemy's rear. What you are waiting for is a big blockade. Can you come back alive? Your own power depends only on luck.

But this time it was different. The enemy had lost a Galaxy Intermediate who was under strict control, so he could really kill a Galaxy Junior strongman who was outside. If he really killed a Galaxy junior, that would be a huge problem, and it could even be said to be a huge breakthrough.

Don't underestimate a Galaxy junior. In fact, in the eyes of ordinary soldiers, they are not much different from the commander-in-chief, a god-like figure who is at the top of the Galaxy's intermediate ranks.

Such a great god was killed on his own territory. This would shock the hearts of ordinary soldiers. It is conceivable that the entire soldier class would become unstable.

The enemy was also very smart and did not send more reliable mid-level Galaxy peak powerhouses to attack, because such a strong man would be sure to sneak attack on a Galaxy primary-level enemy. But the problem is that their target is also too big. It is estimated that If the Zerg Queen does not get information about their presence for a day or two, she will soon realize what the other party is doing. Moreover, if such a strong person dares to come to the Zerg Queen's rear to cause damage, it is really breaking the rules. Jia Yan and the others all had an excuse, saying that they were using the domain masters to formulate rules not to kill the middle-level peaks of the galaxy. They wanted to rely on this death-free gold medal to act, but they couldn't do it without killing. So, killing them would probably be in vain.

As for a Galaxy Intermediate, it would be just right to kill a Galaxy Beginner. However, the strong man himself was not at the peak of the Galaxy Intermediate. If he disappeared for a few days, he would not attract attention at once.

In short, this middle-level information leader of the Galaxy is really a little anxious at the moment. If that middle-level strong man of the Galaxy appears behind his house and kills a primary-level existence of the Galaxy, he will really be in a hurry. Blame.

So when he heard that Jia Yan knew the other party's information at home, he immediately wanted to ask why.

The point is whether Jia Yan has a solution to the current problem. If so, he will be grateful.

Jia Yan just looked at him indifferently, and then sighed: "Let's do this, I will try my best to ensure that there are no problems, otherwise you will have difficulty escaping the crime."

"Then thank you,, you promise? What do you mean?"

This mid-level expert in the galaxy had just thanked Jia Yan smoothly, but he felt that something was wrong. Before he could ask any more questions, Jia Yan had already closed the black mist training room, causing him to eat. A closed door.

Helpless, he could only give up talking to this godly nagging commander-in-chief of his own forces, and instead go to his own intelligence department to issue some urgent intelligence tips to the outside world's primary powerhouses in the galaxy. However, Because of the distance, the day lilies will probably be cold by the time others receive them.

He just said, do your best to know destiny.

Jia Yan didn't care about the leader of the Galaxy Intermediate Intelligence Department. He only knew that since he had promised to help, he would help. Besides, the Galaxy Elementary Battleship Commander was also his subordinate. If he died, His face is not very good-looking either.

"Oh, I have worked so hard. These subordinates are still hiding behind my back and biting my ears every day, saying that I don't care. In fact, they don't understand how tired I am."

Jia Yan felt that he was too great, and then the giant mosquito body crawled down, and focused a small part of his mind on the clone, while the other half... was naturally still cultivating.

That's right, even if you feel that your subordinate is in need of help, go to Shuyuan www. But how could he give up on himself because of others? It's impossible. There is no one in the Zerg Queen's force that Jia Yan values ​​​​extremely, so he won't waste too much of his energy on helping others.


At the same time, on the other side, hundreds of billions of kilometers away, Jia Yan's clone silently opened his eyes.

"Very good. The origin of the other party can be regarded as revealed by the intelligence chief. Is he actually a Galaxy Intermediate? That's interesting."

Jia Yan's clone is a human being. When he smiles, he feels a bit refreshed by the spring breeze. After all, he is a strong man at the top of the middle level of the galaxy, and his magnanimity is not lacking at all, even if he returns to The human face is almost exactly the same as the previous Jia Yan in human form, but even people who were familiar with him in the past would probably not dare to think that he is the same person as the previous Jia Yan when they see the current Jia Yan. He has a different temperament and a different temperament. His overall appearance has changed.

"Oh? When Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrived, the opponent's large army finally lost their composure and prepared to start a general attack? That's right, they are behind the enemy to avoid long nights and dreams. How could they continue to engage in small groups of war with us? Now let's test It’s over, it’s time for the official battle.”

Jia Yan felt that in the enemy's rear, their fleet, which had been hidden for some time, was finally dispatched as a whole. Now, the evil intentions were revealed, and they were attacking the fleet of the Zerg Queen's forces with brutal force.

At the same time that Jia Yan felt this, the only Galaxy-level powerhouse among the Zerg Queen's forces, who was also the commander of this fleet and a Galaxy junior, also noticed the other party's movements indifferently.

He is quite calm and thinks that he is strong enough to deal with the current situation.

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