"Who gave him the courage!?"

"This kind of ace? There must be something wrong, right? The real ace shouldn't be the one who escapes first, temporarily avoids the edge, and engages in a pursuit battle with us?"

"No matter what, he is looking for death anyway, so kill him!"

The fighter plane piloted by Jia Yan arouses endless suspicion, because it looks like a super ace, but his actions of mindlessly rushing towards the enemy are like a fool who is just peeping into the enemy.

But no matter what, he was right to kill three powerful elite fighters just now. The enemy's army would naturally regard him as a formidable enemy and kill them in one go.

For one person to fight against one hundred and fifty fighter planes, in an ordinary war, this would be a sure death outcome.

Of course, in the world of strong men, there will always be accidents, but if accidents happen rarely, then they are called accidents. Under normal circumstances, there is no possibility of a fighter plane counterattacking a large group of fighter planes.

It's just that today, the 'audiences' on both sides have to appreciate such an unexpected situation.

"A hundred and fifty fighter planes? I'm getting familiar with this fighter plane, so let me play with you as a fighter plane pilot."

Jia Yan smiled slightly, as if he were an adult teasing a child, and drove his fighter plane quickly towards the direction of the enemy's large group of troops.

"Really not hiding? What the hell is this."

"What the hell, fire."

A large number of enemy fighter planes opened fire instantly, and the rays of a hundred fighter planes seemed to suddenly make a sun appear in the sky, illuminating a large area of ​​space.

In another combat area, among the fighters that were also shining with the glory of the battle between the two sides, two of them were the main engine and wingman that were paired with Jia Yan just now. When they saw this situation, the people in these two fighters , I felt that not acting together with the pilot of this fighter just now was simply their most correct decision.

"He, if I really asked him to be my wingman just now, I must be one of the fighters being attacked now. I will definitely die. The next time I meet a wingman I don't know, I will never persuade others to follow me like that again. If you want to follow me, just follow me. If you don’t want to follow me, I won’t force you!”

The driver of this main unit had sweat on his face.

Unfortunately, his exclamation and fear were not transmitted to the single fighter pilot on the Zerg Queen's side during the battle, that is, Jia Yan himself.

At this moment, Jia Yan is like a child playing happily with a big toy. After all, while he is a strong man, he is also a man, and he also has the romance of a man.

There are not many opportunities to play with toys like this in normal times. If you don’t play with them now, you may not have such opportunities and mood in the future.


Jia Yan operated his fighter plane, flying up and down in space very quickly. Anyway, there was no difference in all directions. He didn't have to worry about where he would hit, so he must be able to fly anywhere as long as he avoided it. Just attack.

The fighter plane he piloted was like a bolt of lightning in flight. He had not yet occupied the 'right of speed' just now. After fighting for a while, he reached it with an overload force that far exceeded what ordinary starry sky-level experts could withstand. All the fighter pilots present could not reach a speed.

As a result, most of the rays that chased him were avoided by the fighter planes. Except for a small part, they really couldn't dodge. The speed of the fighter planes also made it impossible for them to dodge, so they couldn't even hit the fighter planes. above the shell.

It's just that the outer shell of this fighter plane has a unique treatment. The rays that Jia Yan specifically chooses to hit the enemy are either hit sideways and the damage is minimized, or they are located where the fighter plane is strongest and has the strongest defense. .

Therefore, his fighter plane, which seemed to be an ordinary fighter plane, actually withstood the attack of one hundred and fifty fighter planes and flew into the fighter group in an instant.

"How is that possible? He hit all of this inside our fleet!"

"Disperse! Be careful of accidental injuries!"

When the fighter group driven by Jia Yan arrived at the entire enemy aircraft group, in an instant, the enemy planes were like a drop of water thrown into a frying pan, boiling in an instant.

All the enemy planes looked like a big bad wolf coming next to them. Everyone was so frightened that they quickly drove their fighter planes away.

It's a pity that the fighter plane piloted by Jia Yan was braving the arrival of a large amount of ammunition. How could he just take a stroll and then leave? As soon as he rushed into the group of enemy planes, he turned on his fire control system in an instant, and turned on the fire control system. The scope was aimed at the large number of enemy troops surrounding him.

No need to aim very hard, after all, there are people everywhere.

Puff puff.

Boom boom boom boom——

A large number of rays were ejected from his fighter plane, and this time Jia Yanyi used the fighter's extreme launch method, making all the surrounding fighter planes frightened and seemed to run away. Yes, I hate my parents for missing a leg.

Oh no, even if they have more legs, it doesn't help the fighter's speed.

In short, these huge fleets of aircraft suddenly became chaotic at this moment. Because Jia Yan arrived too quickly and decisively, they were caught off guard.

However, some fighters started spraying firepower towards the approaching Zerg Queen fighter plane.

Jia Yan felt that the entire fuselage was shaking. After all, he was too close. There were so many enemies. As long as one-third of them attacked him, there were fifty fighter planes firing at him, and one-tenth of them would hit. With such speed, he was hit by all the firepower of five fighter planes in an instant. That was firepower that would cause this ordinary fighter plane to explode and be damaged at any time.

But he is not afraid, because in fact, the pilot riding inside the fighter plane, that is, he is the real killer.

After the explosion, the enemy troops outside will realize that the beasts inside have been released by them.

Fortunately, Jia Yan would not let his big toy be destroyed casually.

This fighter plane looks like a fighter plane, but in fact it is far from comparable to the fighters of the Earth or the Orion Arm, because this is a fighter plane for starry sky level powerhouses. The average starry sky level powerhouse is dozens of meters tall. The most powerful ones are over a hundred meters tall. The fighter plane they are riding in is actually several hundred meters long. On Earth, it is almost the size of an aircraft carrier. To destroy one of them is not a big deal to the Zerg Queen. Injury is also a kind of loss. As the commander-in-chief of the war, Jia Yan cannot let precious resources go to waste just for his own entertainment.


He used a little bit of his cheating ability, which was his brainwave power, to slightly block some very critical enemy firepower.

Jia Yan swore that he really only resisted with the power of a starry sky level, but the key points of each resistance were too important. Unless he was a star-level powerhouse, he would not be able to resist with such precision.

Of course, no one from the outside world can see this.

"How is it possible that this guy hasn't exploded yet? This fighter plane doesn't look that strong."

"It must be an ordinary fighter plane belonging to the Zerg Queen. The only difference is the pilot on it..."

"What kind of pilot is this? Surrounded by one hundred and fifty of our fighter planes, he actually dares to charge forward. What's even more exaggerated is that he can really fight to a draw with so many of our fighter planes... No, he has the upper hand?”

The enemy planes were going crazy.

One fighter plane like Jia Yan actually tied with one hundred and fifty of their fighters. And it was not a kite-flying tactic of fighting and escaping, but a real and authentic fight with them head-on, suppressing a hundred and fifty fighters. Fifty fighter planes can barely lift their heads.

Now there are no more 150 fighter planes, only 130 fighter planes left. As we speak, the number of fighters lost has reached 20.

If a careful person looks at it, the twenty lost fighter planes are the most powerful among their one hundred and fifty fighter planes.

Because Jia Yan fired according to the fighters that were most accurate at hitting his own fighters.

He doesn't think that any of these fighter pilots are strong or weak. After all, for a Galaxy class, these pilots are all of the same level. There are too many differences. They are just playing. That’s all.

Of course, this time really satisfied the feeling of happiness he had when he was a human being, wanting to play with big toys but not getting what he wanted.

A bunch of young guys on Earth would probably be jealous to death if they knew he was playing with space fighter jets.

"Here...how come we have such a powerful ace pilot here?"

On the Zerg Queen's side, they not only have to deal with fighter planes, but they also have to deal with the enemy's small space ships, as well as the enemy warships that have shown some traces further away.

But even though the fighter plane was a small bright spot in the battle, it was still noticed by people in the Zerg Queen's force, and many observers exclaimed.

After all, the war has just started. Group battles in the general universe will be relatively difficult battles. Except for the strong ones who can quickly determine the winner, more time is actually spent on fighter planes, battleships, and ships. Using various weapons such as light to blast them from a distance, the fight may take more than several hours to determine the winner.

But this fighter plane actually rushed into the enemy fighter planes as soon as the battle started. It was not directly bombarded by a large number of fighter planes as others imagined, but stayed in the enemy group. The situation opened up.

This is too exaggerated. Aces don't seem to be that strong.

"Could it be that the pilot is a Venerable-level warrior? After all, some of the Venerables have a body type that can fit into a Starry Sky-class battleship."

Among the forces of the Zerg Queen, the Galaxy-level being who led the team looked at the battlefield here calmly, smiled with satisfaction, but didn't pay much attention.

In the world of the strong, what does a fighter or a venerable mean? Generally speaking, he would not take action in this battle. If the enemy did not want to destroy their fleet, he would not start a strong battle with the enemy. This was probably a small tacit understanding between the two parties.

The strong are valuable and have status. If in every war, there are strong men on both sides, and strong men are required to come forward to fight, then why do we need an army? It would be better if the stronger ones decided the winner in every war.

The existence of strong men is only a deterrent in most cases.

Unless it is an important battle, they will not take action, and the enemy will not let them take action. This is the rule, and it is also the guarantee for whether a force can reach the end.

Just like the earth's nuclear weapons back then, if they were dropped indiscriminately at the beginning of a war, there would be no need to fight, and the world would be waiting to perish. In the universe, the status of the strong feels somewhat similar to this.

"The fighter group fought well, but in other places, it seems to be a bit worse. There are not as many small ships as the opponent? Are they just waiting for us?"

This galaxy-level powerhouse silently observed the outside world, wondering whether this battle was a deliberate strategy by the enemy to lure them out of the cave.

He is a fleet commander and a strong man, so it is impossible to only look at the fighter group, so what needs to be looked at is the overall situation.

At the moment, he was doubting that the enemy's arrival was strange. It was possible that he had known the information that they were coming. Looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com Does that mean that this enemy army was deliberately intercepting them?

"Hey...if it was a deliberate interception, it's hard to say whether I will be required to personally attack later. If I am required to attack..."

This galaxy-level powerhouse just abides by the rules, but he is not afraid of fighting.

If the enemy wanted to annihilate them, they would definitely have considered killing him, the Galaxy-level one, as he would not be able to escape a battle.

That would require a good fight. I just don’t know if the enemy has information about the Zerg Queen’s fleet, will they lay a trap and wait for him to take the bait?

Boom boom!

In the entire battle, except for the fighter team and Jia Yan's unique appearance, everything else was at a disadvantage.

This patrol fleet, which was originally to support the baggage team, actually retreated steadily under the sudden attack of the enemy, and was completely unable to withstand the enemy's attack.

If there are no accidents, when the battle reaches a certain critical point, it is really possible that the enemy will appear a strong Galaxy class, and then find a way to kill the Galaxy class of this fleet, turning a small victory into killing the Zerg. A great victory for the queen's power at the galactic level.

"Eh... interesting. There are quite a few enemies. Are you prepared?"

Jia Yan piloted a fighter plane and gradually became familiar with the fighting method of using less to hit more. Even though the fighter plane he piloted was riddled with holes, no one could knock him down with one blow.

No one in other places may pay much attention to him, but the enemy's and our fighter plane crews, as well as the logistics personnel, are already looking at his strange fighter plane, dumbfounded.

In one battle, one hundred and ten enemy planes were shot down!

This number is still increasing.

Super ace? Is this it? ! Otherwise, how could it be so exaggerated...

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