Jia Yan shook his head and felt that the maintenance level in the army should be raised a little higher in the future. Otherwise, there will definitely be safety accidents if there are maintenance workers like this again when the warships are about to set sail.

After taking over a small device, he opened the exploration screen in the device and started exploring along the passage that was just big enough for him to enter.

"Huh? Is the equipment not well maintained? No, there must be other problems."

Jia Yan walked in the narrow passage, originally treating this incident as a simple accident in the battleship, but after walking a few steps, he saw an extraordinary situation.

It turns out that in front of this equipment passage, on the road that is impossible for ordinary powerful creatures in the universe to reach, there are several pieces of equipment, hidden in small corners, constantly shining with very inconspicuous brilliance. If it weren't for Jia Yan's clone, the brain. Those with strong wave power will probably miss it.

"This is……"

He silently opened one of the devices, but was a little surprised, because there was actually a small explosive device inside. Although it is not difficult to defend against such an ultra-small explosive device, a battleship in the starry sky would not be difficult to defend once it exploded. The function must be lost by at least 20%.


Jia Yan used his brainwave power to wrap the explosive device with brainwave power, eliminating all connections with the outside world. He then opened a passage in the subspace and threw it into the subspace in one breath.


In the subspace, an earth-shattering explosion sounded, causing the entire battleship to shake slightly.

There were sirens, but no one immediately noticed that there was a problem in the subspace. Everyone thought that the enemy had actually attacked the port.

But this chaos soon turned into silence when a galaxy-level powerhouse rushed to the scene.

The Galaxy-level person knew immediately that the problem was in the sub-space, but when he came to the passage where the sub-space exploded, Jia Yan was already empty.

"Check. The people who helped this battleship just now, as well as the people who planted the bomb, must be found out. Otherwise, there will definitely be big problems in this operation."

The order from the Galaxy-level powerhouse was passed on quickly, but no one noticed that there was a small Earthman-looking soldier present. He actually hid from everyone, including the Galaxy-level powerhouse, and hid behind him. within your own residential area.

"The guy who called me just now may not be an insider, otherwise he wouldn't ask me to go in and do something. So who is the person who wants to cause sabotage? In other words, is there something like this in every frontline battleship? Device? If so, who made it?"

After Jia Yan thought about it carefully, the real person living in the camp inexplicably launched a "big inventory" activity during this peaceful period, and clearly pointed out that every corner of the interior of each battleship was to be inspected. , although it did not point out what dangers there would be in the battleship, it still gave many clever subordinates a hint, which made each of them slightly surprised and quickly assigned inspection tasks.

You must know that the battleship is the second life of the warriors, especially for the strong men below the stellar level. When the battleship is there, they are there, but when the battleship is gone, their lives are probably gone.

It's just that in this inventory mission, I didn't expect that many battleships would be found to have been tampered with, but that was a story for another time.

At the moment, at least the battleship that the clone was on set off together with a group of ships that protected the baggage.

After learning that there were similar explosive devices in many battleships, Jia Yan basically no longer doubted that the perpetrator was in this battleship. After all, with the existence of such energy, how could he be in such a battleship? .

"He must be a person with high authority in the Zerg Queen's power. And his status is very unusual."

Jia Yan was thinking about the above things playfully, but he had no intention of delving into it immediately, because the other party's device was hidden very deep, and it seemed that it had been hidden for a long time. He had not seen him use it for so long. He did not influence what this device did, even warships participated in the battle and sacrificed for the power. This made Jia Yan understand that the other party was either just burying a chess piece, or he might have forgotten about it.

"It's impossible to forget. Either this person is dead, or it's not time for him to use these things. Then I would make a bold guess. This person has a high position in the Zerg Queen's power, so he dares to Doing this in the battleship means that he is not so afraid of the Zerg Queen, which also shows that he does not even take the Zerg Queen seriously, or he is confident that he will not be afraid of the Zerg Queen in the future... If you think about it this way... the answer is ready to come out. !”

There was a cold feeling in the human eyes of Jia Yan's clone, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Black sheep? This guy, I thought he was just arrogant. I didn't expect that he would even dare to do such a thing. And if it was him, maybe the entire battleship in the Zerg Queen's force might have his hands and feet. This The problem is too big, if I have evidence, it will not be difficult to pull him down in one fell swoop."

But Jia Yan didn't really do it because he had no evidence. He suspected Heyang, or Heyang was the biggest suspect, but he couldn't completely prove that it was him who did it. Even though Heyyang was the one Jia Yan suspected the most, but It is also possible for others, such as some galaxy-level powerhouses, those who were bribed by the enemy, or those who pretended to surrender.

If you are bolder, it is not impossible to even think about the Zerg Queen herself. Her own fleet is afraid that one day her subordinates will escape in a battleship and then plant these explosive devices. Is there anything wrong?

This is the reason why Jia Yan will not report Black Sheep without evidence.

Moreover, he has already ordered his real body to start an investigation. If everything goes well, some of the people behind it will be caught. If not, there will definitely be news from the Zerg Queen. Then whether she will investigate some big fish on her own, that's all. Want to see her.

"Anyway, I was the one responsible for this matter. If there is any credit, I will be indispensable. As for catching the suspect, I will not be involved."

Jia Yan smiled slightly, thinking that he had done the right thing.

The whole incident slowly faded away, and the devices on many battleships were found one by one and then removed.

Jia Yan was not the only one who was smart. Other high-level experts also thought of what Jia Yan was thinking of. If these devices are found on most warships in the entire army, then there must be very high-level people involved in them. In this case, It's up to the Zerg Queen to decide.

The thing was extremely strange. The thunder was loud and the rain was small. All the frontline battleships were roughly cleared. At the same time, after the information was passed to the top, the whole incident seemed to disappear in an instant, without even a splash appearing.

And Jia Yan followed the partial division fleet and moved quickly on the baggage route.

"Our baggage team is ahead. Be careful, there is a possibility of enemy troops appearing nearby."

As the battleship arrived on a quiet route, the entire fleet group began to become nervous. Everyone was preparing for the possibility of enemy forces appearing around them.

The battleships that ordinary fleet groups encounter with the enemy are different from the way strong men like Jia Yan and others encounter the enemy. They usually use technological weapons as the main means, and the clone of Jia Yan's pseudonym is also assigned. A fighter jet that can fly in space is the main combat weapon.

It is still possible for a starry sky level powerhouse to fly a fighter plane and kill a venerable level power, because this kind of fighter plane is used for large-scale battles, so it is quite easy to use.

However, when you reach the Venerable level and above, the effectiveness of technological weapons will be greatly reduced. Therefore, unless you have a unique matching weapon, a strong person above this level will usually only have some attack or auxiliary equipment. Fight as a strong man.

Of course, a large part of what happens to the powerful men above the Venerable level is also due to their size. Even to the Galaxy level powerhouses, the average existence is often ten kilometers in size. With such a huge body, even if it helps They make some equipment and weapons, but they don’t know what materials they should use, so it is difficult to be effective.

"It's been a long time since I've flown a fighter plane. I didn't expect that I would still have such a day."

Jia Yan sat on the fighter plane, waiting for the order to attack.

During the time in the battleship, he actually didn't do much, and his main focus was still on the real body in cultivation. In order to prevent someone from asking him to do odd jobs like last time, the real body Another front-line promotion came, and this clone's identity was forcibly promoted to a level that ordinary small team leaders would not dare to command.

Of course, he is not very tall. There are many high-ranking military officers in the battleship who are taller than him. But the problem is that Jia Yan has not joined the circle of high-ranking officials. He is hiding in the soldier's room by himself, and no one will take care of him.

As a result, Jia Yan, a strange figure who was not out for training, entered the fighter cabin, and his body was so small that he needed a small battleship auxiliary device to enter the appearance of a normal starry sky-class fighter, which made several pilots feel the same. To surprise.

"Brother, are you also a pilot? Why haven't I seen you in the past few days? Can you not even train?"

Jia Yan was still getting familiar with the performance of the fighter jet to see if it was similar to the Orion Arm he had flown and the fighter jets in several other places. The communicator was connected to the channel of the friendly forces, and someone asked.

"I am not the permanent pilot of this warship. I was transferred here temporarily, so it is normal for you not to recognize me. As for why I don't need to train, it is because I have just been injured, so I have the right to not need to train."

Jia Yan spun a lie lightly. As a galaxy-level powerhouse, he had already been so thick-skinned that he could lie without blushing or heartbeat.

"I see, I understand. You are welcome to join our fighter squadron. There are two hundred fighter planes in total. If any war breaks out, we are comrades who will risk each other's lives."


Probably because he felt the slight rejection in Jia Yan's words, the other party directly closed the connection without saying much.

Since Jia Yan didn't want to talk to them and didn't even give his name, they wouldn't be hot-tempered. After all, he was just a fighter pilot like them.

On a battlefield where the strong are respected, this kind of fighter plane is said to be a threat to the respected, but in fact, it is just a possibility. They will more often be caught and beaten by the strong, and they will be beaten when they encounter the enemy. The other side's fighter planes may also be destroyed with one shot.

Jia Yan didn't care what others thought. He used his clone to come to this possible battlefield. He was just fulfilling his duty as the 'commander-in-chief' to care for his subordinates. He didn't need to run away with his real body, but used a clone to wait until When others criticized him for not being hard-working, his alter ego was revealed all of a sudden, and others had nothing to say.

This is like killing two birds with one stone.

He just hopes that there won't be any problems with the supply line here. If there is a problem, he will be in trouble.

But what I didn't expect was that whatever I was afraid of would come.


When Jia Yan thought that there should be no problems, a brilliant and bright brilliance illuminated the entire world, looking for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com On another Zerg Queen battleship not far from their battleship, a burst of fire exploded, and the battleship instantly fell into a sea of ​​​​fire. Fortunately, the battleship was originally built for war, so it only caught fire for a while. Destroy a small area and the flames will disappear in an instant.

"Enemy attack!"

"Here he comes! He is indeed an enemy!"

"Where's the baggage team? Damn it, hurry up and protect the baggage team!"

"No, this enemy's unit waited until we appeared before launching an attack. Is it just waiting to use the baggage team to fish? Be careful."

The senior officers in the fleet, as well as the soldiers, all panicked.

Fortunately, they were all frontline soldiers with battleship experience. They were panicked but not confused. Each of them returned to their posts in an orderly manner and then prepared for war.

"The enemy in front is at a straight angle of ninety-seven point three-three degrees. Fighters are ready to attack in the three-three formation."

On Jia Yan's end, the communication order was also issued.

Soon, the fighter plane he was on was pushed out of the normal space by a jet of flames from behind.

"Oh, I said, don't let the enemies come, but you insist on coming. This is really troublesome."

Jia Yan was riding in the fighter plane, holding the operating stick with his earthly body and wearing a brain wave sensing device on his head. He himself smiled helplessly.

He doesn't want to fight, but the enemy doesn't give him face.

In this case, then... we can only do it!

"Unit 76, you follow me and be my wingman... Hey, why did you leave on your own? Did you not follow the rules?"

When Jia Yan controlled the fighter plane and flew away from the two fighter planes beside him, a rapid roar of exclamation came from the fighter plane that was set as the main engine of the two fighters.

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