
"Detonate two bombs at the same time?! How much fine operation and control is required? No wonder the explosion is so powerful. And he said, it can also detonate three or even four bombs at the same time?"

The strong creature with strong arms looked surprised for a while, then laughed bitterly, shook its head and backed away.

He didn't know if Jia Yan was bragging. Regardless of whether he was bragging or not, he also understood that he could never continue this battle. Otherwise, if he participated in the battle between the middle-level peaks of the galaxy, he would have a slight chance of being killed. Kill.

The agreement between the two parties is an agreement, but since you, a strong man whose strength has declined greatly, still come out to show off your power, do you want to play with the rules and think that no one dares to kill you? Sorry, in this case, it’s hard to say anything even if I kill your Domain Lord.

Otherwise, every mid-level peak powerhouse in the galaxy who has been beaten half to death still trembles on the battlefield, and no one dares to touch him? Please, that's just playing house, not war.


The roundworm creature was the last strong man left in the scene, but he was solemn but had no idea of ​​retreating.

He is a kind of last show of face, rather than retreating, because he also chooses to withdraw from the battle, then these three people will lose all their face. The result of this battle is not a draw, but a huge defeat on their side.

Everyone among them knows the actual situation. It's just that they don't want to use their trump card and they don't want to get hurt again. If they really want to continue the fight, they can guarantee that Jia Yan will still escape in all likelihood.

The strong is strong. After fighting for a while, you will have a mysterious feeling. Even if both sides do not fully use their trump cards, most of the feelings are still accurate.

Of course, variables always exist, and even certain joint issues or emotional changes can lead to big surprises. But now they are indeed not fighting for life and death, so the two powerhouses at the top of the middle-level galaxy , to evacuate first, he must earn respect for the three of them.


In the sub-space at this end, Jia Yan sighed slightly.

He knew what he should say.

The opponent does not really want to fight, nor does he really want to compete with him. Up to now, both sides feel that they are almost the same. Jia Yan has won the biggest victory. Even if it is a draw, he has won, and the opponent needs , just a sentence from Jia Yan.

If Jia Yan doesn't say anything, this roundworm creature might really start a life-or-death battle with Jia Yan.

"Your Mightiness."

Jia Yan spoke calmly in the sub-space.

"We have collided for a few rounds. I am very grateful to the two of you for thinking highly of me, Jia Yan, and taking the initiative to withdraw from the battlefield. I think, how about it just be a draw? I admire your fighting ability and your fighting level. If I have the opportunity in the future, I’ll ask for advice.”

In fact, Jia Yan also knew that it was difficult to take down the roundworm creature. His fighting method of spitting out liquid, and even the two meteorite explosives he fired at the same time, it seemed that it was difficult to hurt him. However, when he said that three meteorites were fired at the same time, it was possible. So a hint of possibility, but four, five? Sorry, Jia Yan's ability to control meteorites is not yet at that level.

Besides, it is enough for them, the top mid-level warriors in the galaxy, to fight to this extent. This is not a life-or-death battle for them.

Hearing Jia Yan's words, it was as if Jia Yan was the first to ask for peace. In this way, the embarrassment of the two middle-level peak powerhouses of the two major galaxies being forced out by Jia Yan would be resolved. The roundworm creature suddenly Smile slightly.

Very good. Although this Jia Yan was just promoted to the top of the Galaxy Intermediate Level, he was still very good.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Excellency Jia Yan, we also admire your fighting power very much. You can compete with my three strong men with one person's strength and still stand firm, which is enough to compare with the black sheep of your power. Since you are willing to end with a draw, Then let’s let it be a draw and let’s discuss it again next time we have the opportunity.”



After the roundworm creature and Jia Yan said the above words, they both retreated violently. Jia Yan also flew out of the normal space of the universe from the sub-space, and entered his own black mist position in an instant.

The roundworm creature also retreated into the position, but before returning, it looked back and took a deep look at Jia Yan's body entering the black mist.

He felt that this new powerful person in the Zerg Queen's force would be a big trouble in the future. After all, he had just been promoted not long ago. In this battle, the roundworm commander creature saw too many possibilities in Jia Yan. sex.

Whether it is the unique sub-space combat method, the astonishing forward and reverse explosion capabilities of meteorites, or the assassination ability of the creature with strong arms that suddenly attacked from sub-space, they are all full of fear.

No matter which one of these, as long as Jia Yan continues to study, his achievements will be limitless.

But if everyone wants to catch them, there are two possibilities. One of them is that the one who chases the two rabbits will not be able to catch either one, and they will all become mediocre and become a useless strong man. Another possibility is that everything becomes extremely strong, and in the future it will really...become a terrifying and powerful person.

"Hopefully, it won't be the latter possibility. Of course, as long as we don't continue to become enemies in the future, then the latter possibility is also good. Wouldn't it be nice to make the central star field of the Milky Way a little more lively?"

This roundworm expert faintly retreated into the black mist.

When the strong men on both sides agreed and no longer talked about who would win, but acquiesced in a draw, there was silence around the entire battlefield.

Then, on the Zerg Queen's side, a large number of biological soldiers burst into earth-shattering cheers in an instant!

"Hahaha! Win!"

"Long live Lord Jia Yan!"

"We won! Hahahaha, if we call it a draw, we're not worried about saving face."

"It's amazing. Master Jia Yan actually defeated three powerful opponents by himself. Isn't this stronger than Master Black Sheep... Well, I said the wrong thing."

"It's amazing. I feel that Lord Jia Yan is really no weaker than other adults. And don't forget that Lord Jia Yan is just a peak mid-level star in the galaxy who has just been promoted."

"It's so terrifying. I feel that in the future our Zerg Queen force will have one more powerful middle-level peak powerhouse in the galaxy!"

"Hahaha, hurry up and send back the information. Several other troops are still waiting for feedback from this battle."

Compared with the ecstatic sound on the Zerg Queen's force position, the two major domain lord-level forces' coalition forces were in a state of mourning, and everyone's expressions were extremely ugly.

Especially those strong men who have always been looked down upon by the power of the Zerg Queen feel ashamed.

At the very beginning of this war, they were beaten like dogs by the strong men of the same level as the Zerg Queen, because every strong man of the Zerg Queen's force came from the countryside. Although the fighting system was They were in chaos and fought purely by instinct. The victory was due to their extremely rich fighting experience. The strong men of the two major forces almost doubted their lives.

Now that the war has finally progressed to the later stage, each of the powerful Domain Lord-level forces has gradually aligned their combat effectiveness with their original strength. This time, everyone has held back their strength, preparing to let the Zerg Queen's powerful forces People, let’s see their true strength.

Unexpectedly, before the real battle had begun, the battle between the top-level experts was like a basin of cold water, pouring them all over their bodies and faces.

It's uncomfortable. These strong men only feel that their enthusiasm has cooled down a bit. They even wonder whether the improvement in combat power they think they have is still not so useful in front of so many strong men of the same level with the power of the Zerg Queen?

Throughout the war, the morale of both sides turned into the Zerg Queen's side, and their enthusiasm was high because of this battle between the most powerful ones.

"Yes, I am Jia Yan, haha, it's just good luck. I got a small draw by chance. You also know that these powerful enemies are not willing to give up their energy, their trump cards, and their reputation. This kind of Under such circumstances, if my fighting power cannot be used at 50%, it is natural that I will win. If it is a life and death battle, it is hard to say."

As soon as Jia Yan returned to the black mist, he had a conversation with the strong men from the side armies at the top of the two middle-level galaxies.

They were using special military-grade lines that had been laid long ago, and the distance between the two armies was less than a light-year, so although there was a certain delay, it was not that serious.

"No, no, Your Excellency Jia Yan, I actually heard the signal carrier say just now that you had a fierce battle with them, and I thought you were going to lose. I didn't expect you actually won. It's really amazing. I feel ashamed of myself."

"Haha, I think so too. I had already prepared the partial army I led to retreat to the next front. After all, if we lose, we have to retreat."

The two experts at the top of the middle level of the Galaxy were a little shocked that Jia Yan won this battle.

Because they had been in contact with Jia Yan for a few days and secretly discussed the current battle plan with the horns of the triangle below each other, they still had a certain understanding of Jia Yan.

At least they thought before that even if they were weaker than Jia Yan, they couldn't be much weaker. If they were to fight, it would depend on the abilities of both parties.

Unexpectedly, they could not fight one against three, but Jia Yan actually did it. What's more, two of the three were the enemy's commander-in-chief. In a sense, these two strong men were stronger than the average enemy in the galaxy. Those who are at the top of the level must be much stronger.

In other words, Jia Yan's strength was far stronger than they imagined.

In the universe, especially in the circle of strong men, strength is always the main theme. Although Jia Yan had some recognition from them before, it was impossible. There was a more effective way to prove himself with strength now.

Therefore, when the two powerful men spoke to Jia Yan, they both showed a hint of respect.

After all, this Jia Yan has already defeated the three top mid-level players in the galaxy. He has just been promoted to the top of the mid-level galaxy. Will he increase his strength in the foreseeable future?

"You two, we are old friends, so there is no need to brag now. Haha, come on, let's continue to discuss the war. We have not withdrawn, so it will be more difficult for the enemy to break through this tighter line of defense. Now, as long as we wait until the rear area is searched more cleanly, then retreating is the best option. It is probably impossible for them to reorganize the attack immediately, and besides, they also promised me that they will wait."

Jia Yan took out the interstellar drawings. The map marked several important planets behind this front, including the commercial star that Jia Yan himself had a share in.

He smiled and classified the business star as the next priority protection target. He calmly explained the defense strategy to the two of them. The two of them also pretended to be confused and focused on the business star that Jia Yanyou paid dividends. , focus on defense, the purpose is to let Jia Yan get more benefits.

Even if the Zerg Queen knew about these situations, she would probably turn a blind eye, because Jia Yan is the commander-in-chief and has made contributions. He is a heroic figure. How could she have any unpopular reaction?

Without Jia Yan's battle, Commercial Star and a large number of other planets might have been recaptured by the enemy.

"Very good, let's hold on for half a month and search as hard as we can! Then we'll take the initiative to retreat!"

A large retreat is the core purpose of the Zerg Queen's force. Jia Yan would not say that he would just stand in front of the enemy and occupy the rear forever.

This is not possible and does not need to be done.

The impossible reason is that the two major domain lord-level forces understand that the people of the Zerg Queen will not permanently occupy their territory, so they do not use all their strength to take action. They really show that they want to seize their territory forever. If they gain a foothold here, , it is estimated that not to mention that the peak of the middle-level galaxy has an agreement to fight to the death, even the two major domain lords themselves will jump out and fight to the death for this benefit. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com

As for the Zerg Queen's forces, which do not have much overall strength, I am afraid that the Zerg Queen herself will be in danger when there are more enemies than ourselves. In the end, the entire army will be annihilated, or the remaining army will retreat in defeat.

So they don't really want to come here to stay apart forever.

Besides, the best thing you can do is to search for something that can be completed quickly and then leave. After the other party takes it back, it will take dozens or hundreds of years to develop slowly. The power of the Zerg Queen should be given more time. , it also wants to develop slowly, so it is better to leave. This is why there is no need to stay for a while.

Not a good deal.

Therefore, retreating after half a month is a very perfect time. It can not only loot everything, but also not anger the opponent by staying too long.

within half a month after that.

Sure enough, just as Jia Yan had guessed, the two enemy armies acquiesced to the actions of Jia Yan's frontline troops, and there was no movement at all for at least half a month.

Only in the partial divisions, wars were taking place every day. Even the two largest partial divisions led by the two top mid-level galaxies had a big battle, resulting in countless casualties.

As for Jia Yan, although he wanted to use the triangle law as originally envisaged, things often backfired.


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