"Yes, you two, I'm still alive. In that case, there's no need to say anything more. Why don't we settle the accounts from two years ago?"

Jia Yan originally wanted to find trouble for his existence during this war, but now they came to his door. He didn't have anything to say, so he just went straight to the door.

Of course, with the existence of the two middle-level peaks of the galaxy, let alone taking two, they have no way to escape. In fact, this is impossible. Even if he only leaves one forever, if the other party insists on escaping, Jia Yan felt a little difficult under the circumstances.

After all, the peak of the middle-level Galaxy is the peak of the middle-level Galaxy. This can be seen from the fact that since the war started, less than five fingers of the middle-level peak powerhouses of the Galaxy have died, and this is still among the top mid-level powerhouses of the Galaxy. , the casualties that occur when the battle strength is not small at all. If the strong men at the top of the mid-level galaxy fight less often, the casualties will be greatly reduced.

"Hmph, you want to settle accounts with us? Very good, then come and give it a try."

The two powerful men at the top of the middle-level galaxy were originally here to support him, and they were already ready for a battle with Jia Yan.

"Then there's no need to say anything else. I'll show you the truth."

Jia Yan smiled, not afraid of the two middle-level peaks of the galaxy, but charged towards them.

"You really dare to come here? You're looking for death!"

There were two middle-level peaks of the galaxy, their expressions changed slightly, and then they all became ferocious, waiting for Jia Yan's arrival.

It is said that this battle was earth-shattering.

The entire starry sky was distorted, and the approaching battleships and powerful men were directly torn to pieces.

The earth-shattering battle probably lasted for more than half an hour. After more than half an hour, it was as if everything had never happened, and the sky returned to tranquility.

As for the outcome of the battle, both sides were very secretive about it, and no one was willing to say anything.

At least the strong men on both sides outside the war zone only knew that after the battle on both sides, there were no casualties on either side.

Jia Yan didn't seem to be a bad person. He confessed a few words that he would be the commander-in-chief, and then continued to rush to the central theater.

It's just that his face looks ugly.

The faces of the two mid-level galaxies on the other side were even more ugly. After contacting the galactic-levels on this front, they said that there would be a temporary truce. Even if the strong ones from the Zerg Queen's force came to attack, they could retreat. They were also very Leave soon.

In fact, both sides have reasons to be shameful.

But the reason for this dark face is actually caused by being a little overconfident.

Of course, in essence, Jia Yan won this battle, really won, because one of the two seemingly uninjured peak mid-level elites in the galaxy was seriously injured, and the other was also slightly injured. He himself just used a little too much power.

The reason for Jia Yan's dark face was that he did not kill the two powerful men, and even overused his own power. In the end, he had to separate from the opponent and chose a default draw.

The reason for the other party's shame is even simpler. It must be because the two top mid-level stars of the galaxy cannot defeat Jia Yan, who must have just been promoted. It must be extremely embarrassing to say this.

In fact, they didn't know that Jia Yan had defeated Black Sheep. When word spread about it, they should be happy, because against Black Sheep, a combat sect from the Zerg Queen's force, they might be better than each other. It's even worse now. Of course, if Black Sheep confronts the two of them, it will be difficult to kill them unless a heavy price is paid.

Jia Yan's face was very ugly. After this battle, his self-confidence suffered a certain blow, because he saw that his current promotion strength was actually compared to the black sheep, and it seemed that he was really fighting a life and death battle. It will be a little bit worse.

Facing the two powerful men at the top of the middle level of the galaxy, he couldn't kill them, and he couldn't beat them to escape. This made Jia Yan unable to bear the limit of his heart.

Buzz buzz——

In the sub-space, Jia Yan looked very ugly. While rushing towards the central area of ​​​​the war, he kept thinking about where he fell short.

"Master, you don't have to be unhappy. In fact, you just have too high demands on yourself. Don't forget that you have just been promoted to the top of the Intermediate Galaxy. When your strength stabilizes, you will definitely become more powerful." For the powerful.”

Editha flew beside him, feeling unsatisfied and reminded Jia Yan aloud.

"Uh... That's right. I have just been promoted to the top of the Intermediate Galaxy. Black Sheep has been promoted for at least several decades."

Jia Yan was startled, and then felt that Edisha was right.

I was a little too hasty, especially before I was promoted. I was overconfident and expected my strength after promotion. I thought that after I broke through, I would be able to defeat the black sheep and kick all the mid-level peaks of the galaxy. Killing the domain lord is such a big deal.

But if you think about it calmly and carefully, you will know that it is impossible.

Galaxy-level beings have long understood that there is not much difference in talent, even if there are really only a few who are so talented that they would be the kind of fighting geniuses that would make heaven jealous, but Jia Yan is not.

Or should be said, he actually is, because he has already done it, and at the same level, he has almost no opponents.

But within the same level, those with advanced cultivation can only be equal to each other, and even if they encounter powerful ones, they may not be able to beat them.

Therefore, there is no need to brag about his fighting ability, nor to be arrogant, because no matter how you imagine it, Jia Yan is still Jia Yan, and it is not good to think too much.

"That's right, I just broke through, and I was able to defeat the Black Sheep who was almost attacking the Territory Lord in a duel, and I also drew or narrowly defeated the two top mid-level veterans of the galaxy. Isn't this enough bragging rights?"

Jia Yan came to understand clearly. He knew that even if his combat power was slightly inferior to that of Black Sheep in actual combat, it was not much different. At least Black Sheep needed to be driven away by the strong men at the top of the middle level of the three galaxies before he would be driven out. On a battlefield, he also needs three people. The only difference is that Black Sheep could seriously injure both the top mid-level players of the two galaxies when he fought against them, while he was just a hair away.

This also depends on the problem of conflicting attributes and what kind of strong person they encounter. Maybe Black Sheep may not be able to defeat the two just now.

There are too many variables, so this small gap cannot actually be counted.

"Well, overall, this battle has made me calm down my slightly wandering mind and understand myself more clearly."

At least Jia Yan will no longer have the crazy dream of killing enemies across levels and trying to fight with the domain lord's creatures. If there is no today's battle, maybe next time he meets the domain lord, he will rush forward with a rush. Then you really have only yourself to blame for being stupid.

So looking back, I realized that such a battle was indeed quite valuable. I think I was lucky.

Not long after, Jia Yan, who recognized himself again, finally arrived at his destination.

The center of the battle between the two armies is also the bloodiest battlefield - the central battlefield.

This central battlefield was the place where the Zerg Queen's force first arrived when it first arrived. It was also the border line between the two forces. From here, the Zerg Queen's force began to encroach on the territory of the two major forces, and then gradually moved His own 'capital', so the junction of these three forces has become the most important battlefield today.

"Haha, people from the Zerg Queen's forces, you can't escape today!"

"What kind of queen force? Look, how can you find a queen in your force now? The last time we saw your queen was in a battle more than a year ago. If she really wants to join the war, she can definitely fight anytime and anywhere. Why not Come? Aren’t you looking down on the lives of you weaklings?”

"That's right, why not surrender to our forces? If you surrender, maybe you will become good partners in the future."

"Surrender, your power is much weaker than ours."

"What's the benefit of being a gangster? Surrender to our arms, and that's how you become a regular army."

A large group of powerful men from the two major forces were fighting outside the battle line, and they were saying many heart-warming words.

But the Zerg Queen's force is as solid as a rock. No strong person will go out to surrender. Of course, even if you want to surrender, you have to do it secretly. At least in front of so many strong people from the Zerg Queen's force, you can show off your brains. Only then will he walk out in front of everyone.

In that case, it is estimated that before reaching the camps of the two major forces, they will be attacked by the crowd of the Zerg Queen and beaten to a pulp.

In fact, it is very difficult to win over those who surrender based on the enemy's words. After all, everyone is strong. Once a decision has been made, it is generally not so easy to be shaken. What's more, the current Zerg Queen's power is not what they say. It was so unbearable, otherwise they wouldn't have spent such a high price to attack.

The only use is to attack the mind. After all, the current situation on the central battlefield is indeed a bit worrying.

There are two strong men at the top of the mid-level galaxy in this battlefield. They are also the three top mid-level giants in the entire Zerg Queen's force, except for the other two from Black Sheep.

The two of them were very lonely, because the enemy was stationed in this central battlefield alone, and there were six top mid-level powerhouses in the galaxy!

This is not all the peak mid-level galactic powerhouses of the two major domain lord forces. The total number of mid-level peak mid-level galactic powerhouses they have is at least twenty. But after all, the two major forces are too big and are enemies in every aspect, so Excluding those who defend and those who go to other battlefields for support, within this central war zone, they can only sit at the top of the six mid-level galaxies. Moreover, these six majors often have to change their personnel. For example, if there are battles in other battlefields, they We have to rush over to support.

In addition, although the two mid-level peaks of the Zerg Queen's power are still a little behind the Black Sheep, they still require two mid-level peaks of the galaxies to confront them, and require three mid-level peaks of the galaxies to defeat them. , so it seems that there is a huge gap between the two top level experts, but the actual gap is not as big as imagined.

Of course, this is big enough. In addition, the number of ordinary junior and middle-level powerhouses in the galaxy is almost as big, so the Zerg Queen's power is almost suppressed miserably.

"Hmph, the day before yesterday, they actually used three soldiers to fight against me. If the situation on this battlefield hadn't been complicated, I would have had to peel off my skin to escape."

"It's that Black Sheep. Why should he practice training? If he doesn't come to fight against the enemy with us, with him, we will probably not be under such great pressure."

The strong men at the top of the two middle-level galaxies are currently within the enemy's formation, but they have been holding back. After all, similar formations and fights happen every day. To them, it is just like a daily routine.

The war has been going on until now, and everyone knows the situation. Those are the people from the Zerg Queen's force, who are ready to run for their lives. Of course, it is not correct to say that they are running for their lives. They are the forces of this kind of phalanx. They grab a handful and run away. If they really want to fight, it is not without the strength to resist, and it is even easy. As a result, the two major domain lord forces were ruined.

The enemy also knows the current situation of the Zerg Queen's forces, so they desperately want to put pressure on them. Even if they don't recover all the losses, they have to try their best to peel off the Zerg Queen's forces, right?

The mid-level strong men in the galaxy are currently the most dangerous. Originally, at their level, the danger was not that great, because in every force, the mid-level strong men in the galaxy are very precious existences. In the previous battles, no matter how hard they were, If he doesn't want to provoke extremely ferocious revenge, he won't touch the life of a mid-level powerhouse in the galaxy.

But things are different now. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. The enemy wants to kill as much as possible the powerful people below the middle level of the galaxy who are under the influence of the Zerg Queen.

In the past few days, two of the mid-level warriors from the galaxy who were not guaranteed to die in half a year have died at once. This is a huge blow to the warriors of the Zerg Queen's force, and their morale has been reduced a lot. .

As for the strong men below the middle level of Galaxy, they are killed more casually. Even those at the beginning level of Galaxy have been killed recently. About a dozen people from the Zerg Queen's force have died. The enemy's army is even worse, about More than thirty people died, which was almost worth the losses in the days when the war just started.

But in this chaos, there is only one level that is not afraid of death and injury.

It's definitely not the Territory Lord level. The Territory Lord is the overlord in this war. No matter how hard we fight, it's hard to kill or injure them. What's more, a Territory Lord war has already broken out before. The Zerg Queen used the wounds of two Territory Lords to inflict They taught a lesson, and the Zerg Queen herself also knew that if the other party joined forces, she would be the one killed or injured, so no matter how they fought now, the Territory Lord would not move lightly.

Excluding the Territory Lord, the only ones who are not afraid of death and injury are the 'Galaxy Intermediate Peak' powerhouses below the Territory Lord.

Although there were casualties in the past for such powerful beings, over the past few years, the number of casualties was only five fingers, and they were all from the enemy, because the Queen of the Zerg treated three subordinates at the top of the mid-level galaxy as her own. The most important resources of the country, every one of them could be promoted to Territory Lord, and the death of any one of them would be enough for her to go crazy once.

The enemy is similar. The five mid-level peaks of the galaxy that were killed or injured were also the trigger of the previous domain lord war. After those two domain lord battles, they did not lose a single mid-level peak of the galaxy, because the Zerg The queen also knows that this is also the other party's limit.

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