Facing the question from a peak mid-level powerhouse from inside the palace, the Zerg Queen smiled slightly.

"Jia Paopao, right? Haha, you don't have to believe these jokes. Even if it were me, with his previous strength, he would still choose to run away when encountering existences such as the Territory Lord. Even if I can't run away, it won't matter. It’s not certain. I just hope that he won’t disappoint me and won’t run away as soon as he encounters danger this time.”

The voice was silent for a while, then sighed and gradually fell silent.

You know, when Jia Yan was here before, he was not aware of the existence of the owner of this voice, which shows how terrifying this creature's hiding ability is.

Of course, this is also because the other party has no intention of attacking. Otherwise, Jia Yan, under the awareness of crisis, would definitely be able to detect it immediately. After that, it is hard to say who will win and who will lose.

Of course, what surprised Jia Yan the most was that he was gradually searching for his new nickname on the Internet in the entire small circle at this time...

"Jia Paopao?"

Together with Edisa, he searched the Internet on the huge planet and saw that some weak people actually promoted his new 'nickname', and his expression suddenly became weird.

"Haha, I didn't expect that there are many humorists in the Zerg Queen's force... Humph, don't let me know who was the first to give this name, otherwise... Humph."

Jia Yan gritted his teeth.

"Master, this is actually quite good. It means that you can escape when you encounter danger, doesn't it? Not only can we not be angry, but we must also carry forward our running style. It is best to succeed when we encounter high-level existences in the galaxy in the future. Escape, that's when we become famous all over the world."

Editha flew next to Jia Yan, her little mosquito body of light and shadow kept talking, and she didn't seem to notice that the giant mosquito next to her rolled her eyes.

This little guy seems to be getting less and less cute.

Jia Yan became unhappy with Edisa's talkativeness.

Of course, it was just a nickname, and for him, it caused a period of discomfort. This did not prevent Jia Yan from accepting his new appointment.

So many creatures knew that 'Jia Paopao' had actually been appointed as the latest commander-in-chief by the Queen of Zerg. Everyone was wailing in their hearts, fearing that the war would get the most intense. This commander-in-chief , will give up the struggle and war and escape alone.

Moreover, there is indeed a force on the Internet that is conducting a propaganda war against Jia Yan, saying that he likes to escape and that he likes to make sneak attacks. In short, he is not suitable for this kind of command work.

As a result, before Jia Yan even took up his post, a large number of soldiers and senior leaders of the front began to dislike him.

"Hey, these guys, I didn't even show off my commanding skills, so they started saying that I wasn't suitable. This actually made me a little more motivated to fight. I didn't feel much about this commanding position at first, but now I still feel a little bit. Want to do well.”

On the day Jia Yan left, not many Xinghe-level people came out to see him off.

This is a very rare thing, you know, he is the 'commander-in-chief'.

On the one hand, the reason is that the war has begun, and all the personnel of the Zerg Queen's force are engaged in diplomatic warfare and carrying out their own work. On the other hand, it also shows how unpopular Jia Yan is today.

"Your Excellency Jia Yan, you go to take charge of the overall situation first. I will be here soon. I will ask you to take care of me when the time comes."

The two Xinghe novices seemed to be alone in sending Jia Yan off.

"Okay, then I'll wait and wait for you two to kill the enemy with me."

Jia Yan smiled and then got into the sub-space.

Inside the subspace, the Edisa has been waiting here.

Jia Yan's 2,000-kilometer-diameter planet has not yet been renovated, so he can only use the Edisa for the time being.

"Adisha, speed up and get to the command post as soon as possible. I want to show them that I, Jia Paopao, can escape and become the fastest person on the line of fire as soon as possible!"

Jia Yan looked very unhappy with the title of "Jia Paopao".

Although he joined the battle group one day earlier and one day later, it actually didn't have much impact, but for him, it was a link to let others see his true speed.

What's more, he is now a figure at the top of the middle level of the galaxy. If he doesn't show something extraordinary, many people may not be convinced by him.


The Edisha sprayed out a ball of flame and latched onto Jia Yan's back. Then, Jia Yan also released his sub-dimensional talent. With the cooperation of the two, he gradually flew into the sub-space.

Deep subspace flight is extremely fast.

At this moment, the entire surrounding battlefield was indeed in full swing.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Zerg Queen's forces are preparing to leave.

After all, as such a force, everyone knows that they cannot stay here for a long time. After all, this kind of force does not have any elements to stay in one place for a long time. With their strength, they can combine two domain lord level forces. If you step on the ground and crush it for a while, it won't last long, so grabbing a handful and leaving is the inevitable result.

Ever since, as soon as the slightest thought of leaving was shown, the manpower of the two forces immediately turned tit-for-tat, preparing to prevent the final stage of the Zerg Queen's force from proceeding smoothly.

It's not that the Zerg Queen's forces are completely left behind, because they also understand that they can't do it. They are really desperate. If the Zerg Queen goes to war with the two domain lords, it is possible that one or even two of them will die together with the Zerg Queen. .

The same is true for the masters. Although the masters of the Zerg Queen's force are far less than those of the two major domain lord forces, the Zerg Queen suppresses them with her absolute personal strength, so that every time the two major forces fight, they can only use more powerful weapons than the Zerg. In terms of the Queen's power, she only has twice as many masters.

In the early stages of the war, the masters of the Zerg Queen's forces, because they had more actual combat experience, even though the masters here should have better talents, they still cleverly suppressed the enemy.

But things are different now.

After several years of fighting, the creatures of the two domain lord-level forces have gained combat experience, and their actual combat abilities have increased rapidly in a manner consistent with their talents. Therefore, on the side of the Zerg Queen's force, It became impossible to fight one against two, and the balance of the battle became increasingly tilted towards the enemy.

This is also the reason why the Zerg Queen is preparing to leave.

But they want to leave, but the two major domain lord forces will make the Zerg Queen force suffer for a while, at least they can't get it so comfortably.

How could it be allowed to just leave after robbing, even taking away many local strong men who were aspiring to 'become robbers'?


In the sky, two primary-level creatures from the galaxy joined forces to fight against a powerful primary-level galactic man.

The strong man of the first level of the galaxy was clumsy, and it could be said that he was using all his energy to stop the siege of the two strong men.

"Hahaha, it turns out you are so weak! Do you still remember how proud you were two years ago when you dealt with the two of us by yourself and beat us so hard that we could hardly fight back? Now only two years have passed, and you have become like this. Such a look, haha!"

"This is called reincarnation, retribution is not good, last time you beat us two, now we two are sending you to the west!"

The strong man at the beginning of the galaxy supports the strength of the entire battle line by himself. Behind him is a large fleet and battle line of the Zerg Queen's forces. If this battle is lost, then the Zerg Queen's forces on this front will be defeated. The entire area was cut off, and a large area of ​​supplies could not be sent back to the Zerg Queen's forces. It could be said that this was the top priority of a war.

Of course, this strong man is not thinking about the battle line at this time, he just wants to live.

If you can't survive, there will be no battle front.

"Damn it! You... these people who rely on talent, you actually need two to beat one of me. If you are capable of one-on-one... poof!"

Before the Zerg Queen's force had finished speaking, a strong person of the first level of the Galaxy was hit in the abdomen by a blow from a strong person of the first level of the Galaxy, and his whole body spurted out a mouthful of blood that contained the original power of a strong person of the Galaxy level. Come.

If an outsider obtains this kind of power, it is likely that he will advance by leaps and bounds, at least reaching the level of a venerable, and then he will be able to rely on his own talent to impact his strength.

But this kind of thing, which is almost a treasure for weak creatures, is now everywhere in the starry sky.

They all belong to the powerful one from the Zerg Queen.

"Hahaha, you want to challenge yourself? You can!"

When this strong man suffered a blow and his strength was greatly reduced, one of the two besieging strong men suddenly flew out and started a one-on-one battle with this strong man from the Zerg Queen's force.

The other one stopped stepping forward because he knew that the powerful Zerg Queen who was seriously injured could defeat her without him joining the battle anymore.

"You kid, please give me some time to play. I want to challenge him one-on-one, haha."

The two powerful men had already regarded the primary being of the Zerg Queen's force as a chess piece that they must win. When they started fighting, it was as if they were fighting for the huge battleship group behind them.

The morale of our own side rose instantly, while the enemy's morale dropped to an unprecedented low, because they knew that after the death of this galaxy-level powerhouse, it would be their turn.

Two large galaxies joined the battlefield, blocking the enemy's Zerg Queen front, and there was absolutely no possibility of a comeback.

"Ah! Damn it!"

The strong man from the Zerg Queen's force suddenly spat out a mouthful of obscene words.

He was angry because the way the troops were arranged on the front line at this time was customized by the 'Black Sheep', but there were rumors from behind that after Black Sheep arranged these defensive fronts, they would no longer care about the current situation. There was no change in the front line, so I went off to do some 'breakthrough training'.

Doesn't he have any sense of responsibility?

In addition, does the Zerg Queen herself have no ability to coordinate the front?

If he had known that he would have violated the regulations, long before the arrival of these two powerful men, he would have formed a horn-like formation with the frontline of the primary powerhouses from another part of the galaxy.

The only problem is that I follow the rules too much.

"If I had known there was such a commander-in-chief, I would have fought on my own. It would be better than an unreliable black sheep!"

This powerful man at the beginning of the galaxy has begun to blame Black Sheep because he thinks that he is in trouble.

"Hahaha, this guy is already talking nonsense, let's kill him."

"Kill? I'll kill too!"

The two powerful men of the first level of the galaxy took action together and aimed at the first level of the galaxy on the defensive line.

It is foreseeable that after the death of this primary powerhouse of the galaxy, the Zerg Queen's army on this front will be in trouble, and even the other two nearby fronts will change due to the loss of this place. In danger.

The failure of the other two fronts will lead to the failure of the entire Zerg Queen force, which will lead to the collapse of the entire army!

Perhaps by then, the Zerg Queen's remaining forces will be defeated, and they will have no choice but to flee in a hurry, leaving most of their resources behind, which would be the worst result.

Therefore, this battle can be said to be the top priority.

It is a pity that before this battle, no one thought that the enemy would actually start a battle and choose this aspect, and no strong man was free to come to support.

"Death...? Very good. Two of my men have been defeated. Even if I'm going to die, I won't make it easy for you. Just give me..."

"Be careful, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. This guy actually wants to blow himself up!"

The junior galactic powerhouse from the Zerg Queen's force showed signs of self-destruction in the starry sky, frightening the two primary galactic powerhouses and running away.

"Hahaha, are you scared? Bah, you still have too little practical experience!"

The first-level powerhouse of the galaxy actually restrained the self-destruction power that had just risen in an instant, which was obviously scary.

He bought a certain amount of time to escape and approached the front of the battleship.

Although battleships cannot participate in the battles of the Galaxy-level warriors, the fleet group is different. A large number of ordinary warships form a fleet, and under the collective firepower coverage, even the Galaxy-class warriors have to temporarily avoid the edge. This can also provide him with Gain some time to escape.

As long as he lives, the front here will not die for the time being. This is the interdependence between the two.

"Tricking us again!?"

"What the hell! This is another trick we have never encountered before. Thank you, you taught us another lesson!"

"To repay you, we will send you to the West early!"

The two galaxy-level powerhouses could be said to be furious at this moment, and they directly used their trump card with sinister expressions on their faces.

One of them used his body's ability to expand, that is, his own power expanded in his body, causing his body to expand to dozens of times its original size, and then sprayed out energy. The speed caused by this moment was the same. When converted into attack power, it would be extremely shocking.

The other one had a very magical brainwave power, and the color of the entire world changed. This is the ability of brainwave power to transform into illusions, which can also be said to be a form of trickery.

"It's coming...I...surely can't stop it, can this be the end of it?"

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