"Master, you have finally received the call. Master, thirteen major galaxy-level forces have formed a coalition to hunt down Senior Sister and me in the Chaotic Star Territory. If they had not been watching our sect's reaction, it is estimated that Senior Sister and I would have He has been dead for a long time, Master, what do you think we should do now, should we return to the sect?"

"Hmm? The thirteen major galaxy-level forces? Haha, these clowns have finally joined forces. But it's normal. A group of weak people can only stick together."

Jia Yan snorted coldly, and then on the other end of the communication, Nao Pin, who was frightened, continued calmly: "Don't worry, you and your senior sister will be fine. I will rush over as a teacher. But What appears this time will not be the normal identity of the teacher, but the true form of the teacher. When you see it, just don’t be shocked."

Jia Yan is no longer ready to pretend.

With his strength fully restored, he has made further progress. It can be said that he has almost no opponents in this peaceful star field, so he no longer has to force himself to pretend to be Yin and Yang.

But, in the future, he will be Yin Yang, and Yin Yang will be him. Jia Yan originally wanted to give himself another name, but now it seems that the name Yin Yang really suits him.

"Ah? Real, real body? This, this... Okay, Master, they are calling again, and my disciple is looking forward to your arrival."

While talking, Aopin hung up the communication, which showed the tension of the war.

Without even understanding the real person Jia Yan was talking about, Jia Yan felt that this apprentice was really a bit boring.

"But it's boring anyway. I'm my disciple and you can bully me whenever you want? Humph."

Jia Yan snorted coldly and flew up from the twisted subspace, away from the planet that had just contributed the star core.

This planet has been used once. If he wants to restore it so that it can be used next time, it will not be too fast. Even if Jia Yan tries it again, it will only be a waste of his own energy and the gain will not be worth the loss, so he is ready to wait for the planet to recover. Besides, if it can be given to the disciples of the Yin Yang Sect for cultivation purposes, it can be regarded as waste.

"Of course, now is not the time to think about the planet. I want to see how arrogant the so-called Thirteenth Alliance Army is. It just so happens that I have broken through to the peak of the Intermediate Galaxy. You can use it as a chess piece for my training. , I hope you have enough strength to make me happy."

Jia Yan sneered and flew. The Edisa behind him was like a shadow, following Jia Yan. After Jia Yan signaled, the entire Edisa clicked and latched onto his back. , became Jia Yan’s backpack.

This is the mission of the Edisa now. After all, Jia Yan has already reached a height of thirty kilometers, and the Edisa has long been no longer his spaceship.


After the backpack was buckled, the Edisha spewed out a ball of flames, and then there was some kind of propulsion force in the subspace, which suddenly spread out, regardless of wasting its own energy, and rushed out like a fly.

This is something that the Editha can only do after a lot of repairs. If it had been in this star field when it first came to this star field, it would probably fall apart after such a short sprint.

"Hahaha, the Yin Yang Sect is like an extremely weak sect!"

"What about your fighting power? Didn't you agree that each one of you is very powerful? Why is there no fighting power now?"

On a planet, a group of Yin Yang Sect members resisted with great difficulty the coalition soldiers coming from the outside world.

It's not that the people of the Yin Yang Sect are too weak. In fact, the fighting power they have shown has shocked the soldiers and strong men of the entire coalition.

An earth-level Yin-Yang Sect strongman is likely to be able to fight against a heaven-level person by himself. This is because the combat power gap between the earth-level and heaven-level is not that huge in nature. Everyone in the earth-level Yin-Yang Sect uses a certain weapon. After some special positive and negative combat power, or the primary combat 'magic weapons' leaked from the Yin Yang Sect's training star, the situation will be reversed, and the Yin Yang Sect will become an earth-level one, even more powerful than the heaven-level ones.

Even the Heaven-level Yin-Yang sects and the Starry Sky-level members of the allied forces often have Heaven-level single-person kills of the Starry Sky-level, but this situation is much rarer.

But the Yin-Yang Sect has another huge weapon, which is the joint move. Once everyone in the Yin-Yang Sect sets up a formation and comes up with a joint fighting technique, their fighting power will become extremely powerful because of their cooperation. .

Everyone in the Yin Yang Sect will think that their strength is not strong enough, but in the battle, the greater their self-confidence, because each of them has seen that they are really different from the strong people in the outside world. General differences in strength.

He is very strong, and if it were a single person of the same level, he would definitely be able to win.

The problem is that the opponents faced by the Yin Yang Sect are a group of more powerful people from galaxy-level forces.

You must know that there are thirteen galaxy-level beings who have been operating in this starry sky for more than a hundred years. One of them has even been operating for more than three hundred years. Their territory is stable and they have many fans who have followed them for hundreds of years. Among the people, many strong men were born. Regardless of the population or the number of strong men, how could the Yin Yang Sect, a newly developed force, be able to compare with the other party.

Therefore, although the strong men of the Yin Yang Sect are far stronger than each other at the same level individually, compared with the total number of strong men and the number of stronger beings, let alone the thirteen major forces, Compared with a weaker force, the Yin Yang Sect does not have an advantage, and may even become a weak one.

But these thirteen forces actually formed an alliance to fight against the Yin Yang Sect, which to them should be a small force.

Now, in this chaotic starry sky, the two sides disagree and the fight has really begun.

It’s just that the casualties will not be very serious, because both the Yin Yang Sect and the opponent’s thirteen major alliance armies are testing the opponent’s limits and observing the opponent’s reaction, because everyone knows that this will definitely not be the opponent. If the battle continues, it is likely to be a protracted battle. In the end, the performance of this battle will be that the Galaxy class will go into battle shirtless and become a battle between strong men. Therefore, everyone wants to observe who How would the Yin Yang Sect's sect leader react to this?

If he is extremely strong, he will appear very domineering, but if he is not strong, or has little confidence, then he will retreat, seize every moment, and seize the resources within the Yin Yang Sect day by day, until the coalition forces After hitting him, he ran away directly.

What surprised outsiders was that Yin Yang, the leader of the Yin Yang Sect, actually did not take any action. Whether it was getting angry or grabbing resources, it seemed that there was no beginning. On the contrary, within the Yin Yang Sect, there began to be some A lot of comments are being circulated, whether they are angry or fearful, and information is coming one after another, but there is no information about Yin and Yang.

In this regard, all outsiders, including those Galaxy-level experts, are wondering whether Yin Yang is really practicing, and it has reached a critical moment.

This makes many people feel a little restless.

Because in their eyes, Yin Yang should be a good beginner of the Galaxy. If such a strong man goes into retreat, then the one waiting for him to break through is probably the Intermediate Galaxy. He will be able to break through to the Intermediate Galaxy. ?

In this starry sky, no one can compete with the Galaxy Intermediate. Only a Galaxy Intermediate further away can be confident of dealing with another Galaxy Intermediate, and that Galaxy Intermediate is strong. He is still a strong man who grew up in this starry sky. His strength is probably not an opponent of the mid-level galaxy in the outside world, so everyone is thinking that if Yin Yang reaches the mid-level galaxy, then everyone will judge his origin. Likewise, he is a mid-level strong man from the galaxy who came from the outside world. His strength...

It’s scary to think about it.

So above this chaotic starry sky, the primary creatures of the 11th Galaxy continued to put pressure on the Yin-Yang Sect, and at the same time quietly sent people to the Yin-Yang Sect to inquire about the news, to see if the Yin-Yang had come out of seclusion or whether he was strong. Big advance news.

In fact, within the Yin-Yang Sect, everyone has seen the distortion of the sub-space near the Yin-Yang star, and many people have guessed that Yin-Yang is practicing in that starry sky. Judging from the increasing distortion and fluctuation of the sub-space , Yin and Yang may have been cultivated to an extremely deep level.

These views make a group of galaxy-level beings feel very anxious. If there is a way, they will find ways to interrupt the practice of yin and yang, because once a strong person is interrupted from practicing, he is likely to have a flash of inspiration. The progress will be interrupted, and there will even be no similar desire for promotion in a lifetime, so they believe that this plan is very worth a try.

But the problem comes again, that is, Yin and Yang are practicing in the sub-space. In this starry sky, having the ability to enter the sub-space and interrupt the cultivation of a galaxy-level being is simply not something that ordinary strong people can do. Rather, it requires subspace talent that has reached at least the stellar level. So how many such existences are there? At least in this starry sky, there is no one.

Therefore, this idea is impossible to succeed. The only other ideas left are to force Jia Yan to go out while practicing.

The best way is to continue attacking the chaotic starry sky.

In this starry sky, not only is it bordering the Yin-Yang Sect, if it is defeated, Yin-Yang will definitely be restless, and then when he hears this news during practice, it will definitely become difficult to practice. There is another point that is more important, and that is the Yin-Yang Sect. The eldest disciple, together with his fifth junior brother Aopin, were trapped in a starry sky at this moment.

That is the outer area of ​​the Yin Yang Sect. It is difficult to get there, and the technique used by the coalition forces is very simple, which is to deliberately let the two disciples behave and let them use the name of the Tutu Sect to think that they are smart. Wandering in the starry sky, the coalition forces gradually cut off their escape route and drove them to an area with only three habitable planets.

At this time, they must have discovered that they were trapped in the trap, but knowing and being able to avoid it are different things. It seems that one of the two disciples has good talent and dares to claim to be a Rabbit Sect, and the other They are star-level existences who think they are very powerful, but in fact they are just two idiots.

At this time, the coalition forces have not only pushed to the border of Yin Yang Sect, but also trapped the two disciples to death in the starry sky. If Yin Yang knew this news, he would definitely think a lot. After all, the cultivation of a strong man is not just a matter of time. In a matter of minutes, many galaxy-level bosses have to break through a level. It takes several years to prepare and cultivate the strength to break through. When was the last time Yin and Yang were active? How could he break through like this now? Quickly, after hearing the news, he had to consider that if his Yin Yang Sect was broken through, then he would definitely be interrupted while practicing, and it was even possible that he would encounter something like a Galaxy-level attack directly into his subspace. , he will definitely be in a dilemma.

Should he stop practicing and come forward to deal with the matter, or should he just run away?

No matter what Yin and Yang chooses, his practice will be interrupted, so it's hard to say whether he will have similar practice insights next time.

The alliance's thoughts were extremely vicious, but they didn't know that they and others were encountering extremely talented evolved beasts. What's more, Jia Yan was really prepared for this breakthrough. It's been several years, and it seemed like he was always out, using a clone.

In fact, he did break through, but what is different from what these Galaxy-level thinkers think is that he has broken through to the Intermediate Galaxy. What he has broken through is not the Intermediate Galaxy, but the 'Intermediate Galaxy' that they have to look up to. peak'!

It may seem like there is not much difference, but if you understand the creatures of this level, you will know that the middle level of Galaxy and the peak of Intermediate Galaxy are basically two different realms.

Just like the middle-level peak of the galaxy and the domain master creature are two different levels, the difference between them is like the comparison between a small river and a big river.

Therefore, Jia Yan, who has reached the peak of the middle level of Galaxy, has finally come out of the mountain. It is foreseeable that everyone in the Yin Yang Sect and the people from the outside alliance army will be shocked and horrified when they see him.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jia Yan currently has no rivals in this peaceful star field. Of course, the existence of the two peak mid-level stars in the galaxy may be able to draw a tie with Jia Yan, but that is all. That's it. Before he was promoted to the peak of the middle-level galaxy, he could escape from the existence of the domain lord and the peak of the middle-level galaxy several times. Now that he has reached the peak of the middle-level galaxy, where is the powerful galaxy? Can the top mid-level person completely suppress him? Even if he is a genius, Jia Yan believes that they will never crush him. At least he still has the ability to escape.

"As for Yin and Yang, tell me quickly whether it's coming or not!"

"Hurry up and call your family master! If you don't call us, we may kill you all."

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