After turning on the laptop, Jia Yan didn't start working directly. He was no longer so anxious, so he could check his information first.

Since he returned to China, he has not read any news on the Internet.

After all, Jia Yan doesn't know the current war situation between the metal monsters and the Huaxia Kingdom. If the Qinghai-Tibet side has been completely invaded by the metal monsters, then he was also very dangerous in the past, so he must consider whether it is in the past. Got it!

Jia Yan skillfully opened the web page and searched for information about metal monsters.

As expected, the Internet is full of news about metal monsters, and these news are all good news. What metal monsters can bring a century-old technological leap to mankind? What metal monsters are not a threat? Humans only need to study for a while. In time, they can be completely eliminated.

As for the war, there is not much to hide. After all, there are so many refugees in various places, and it is impossible to hide it even if you want to.

But the news about the fall of these cities one after another became less shocking when the government said they were not afraid of metal monsters. It was as if this war meant that humans would definitely win and gain something from the metal monsters.

But people at this time do need some good things as a booster. Jia Yan doesn’t think there is anything wrong with the Chinese government doing this. After all, he knows that during the war with the Japanese country, the people at that time Battle reports are always exaggerated. If one thousand enemies are killed, the frontline commander will become three thousand, and the rear command will become five thousand. By the time it is reported to the national level, this number will have already killed ten thousand enemies. A major national event!

War is like this, and it is not a wrong method. After all, the people and the officers and soldiers at the bottom need morale.

In fact, at this time, there are many sober people on the Internet, and these netizens post one after another. It’s all a battle of analysis. The conclusion then reached was very depressing.

The metal monsters only relied on one type to defeat the entire country of China. It is said that the metal monsters appearing in other countries are basically the same model. However, the metal monsters in China and the American continent are already very different.

Does this mean that there are actually many types of metal monsters? And are there other metal monsters that haven’t appeared yet?

If a more powerful metal monster appears. So what should we do?

Such speculations and topics are all over the Internet. After all, this is a matter related to the entire war. Even experts and scholars have intervened in this topic, for these people. It's not that these topics attract me, but it's just a way to make myself famous, so at this time. There are not only many videos of various experts and professors on the Internet, but also many analysis posts of related personnel.

It is impossible to read them all. Jia Yan could only look for some popular articles and posts at random.

As expected, metal monsters caused huge panic in the world. This was the first news that Jia Yan learned, and these metal monsters. It actually spread to every corner of the earth!

He had a pensive expression. This matter was actually a bit beyond Jia Yan's own expectations. Although he had a vague guess about something similar when he saw the metal monster for the first time in Huaxia Kingdom, he really couldn't believe that this guess was correct. of. Now that the facts are before our eyes, it is as if the entire world has been plunged into a crisis of metal monsters. The development of this matter has simply made Jia Yan extremely surprised!

"Could it be that I lured the metal monster out of Mount Fuji because of this? With such a huge number of metal monsters, they will definitely appear in the future!" Jia Yan always expressed doubts about the fact that he lured the metal monster out of the surface world. I feel a little self-blame, but after seeing the posts on the Internet, this feeling has faded a little. After all, if the metal monsters were just accidentally released by him, then the number should not be so huge. This shows that these metal monsters There should have been plans to attack the surface world a long time ago, otherwise how could such a huge army appear!

But what exactly are metal monsters? Where did they come from? Is there a space beneath the ground similar to or even larger than the underground world in northern China?

Jia Yan was thinking about such things, and he didn't know where his mind was going.

"Hey, there's someone talking about me here!"

Jia Yan scrolled and saw that some posts were actually discussing his big mosquito monster!

He was a little interested to see what humans said about him.

"The giant mosquito monster has great fighting power. Witnesses said that in Fujian Province, a giant mosquito monster that had never been seen before actually started a fierce battle with an army of thousands of metal monsters, and was destroying the metal. After killing more than three hundred monsters, they walked away."

"This is nonsense. Others on the Internet say it's impossible. It's not like giant mosquito monsters haven't appeared before. Their battles are all about close combat. If it's just close combat, it's possible that they won't be able to compete with those metal monsters. It’s impossible to fight monsters!”

"The above are all SB, the one fighting is me, I am God!"

"Worship the third floor, the master of the third floor gently accepts my little brother's knees!"

"SB on the third and fourth floors, but as for the poster's point of view, I also want to say that this thing is true. I contacted a friend who escaped from that place this morning. He said that he saw a giant mosquito fighting a metal monster with his own eyes. In this situation, I don’t know if that giant mosquito is different from other giant mosquito monsters, but it actually has the ability to attack from a distance, and it’s those attacks that killed the metal monster like that!”

"I actually know people from the war zone on the fifth floor. What's going on there now? Some people say that the war zone has been completely wiped out. A lot of people have died!"

"I tell you from the sixth floor, metal monsters are monsters that kill everyone on sight. I escaped from a war zone. My hometown has been destroyed by metal monsters. More than hundreds of people died in front of me. It was killed by the metal monster."

Pieces of news slipped through Jia Yan's eyes. Among these news, Jia Yan got a lot of news.

After all, although he had previously guessed that the metal monsters were likely to launch military operations on a large scale, he did not expect that in just a short period of time, China and other countries in the world would become so terrifying.

In one week, a rough estimate of the death toll reached more than three million people worldwide!

And this rate is increasing at a rate of at least half a million people every day! The number of casualties in the Japanese country alone was more than one million. Although the casualties in other countries were also severe, because the metal monsters appeared later, the situation was much better than that in the Japanese country!

But it can still be seen that the situation is not optimistic. Precisely because Jia Yan knows the true combat power of the metal monster, he reads a little nervousness in the articles published by the government, and even a little bit of fear in this nervousness.

Jia Yan doesn't know what the top human beings are nervous about. Although humans are still at a disadvantage, the metal monster actually has many shortcomings. As long as these shortcomings are grasped, it shouldn't be difficult to defeat!

Is there something else in this that has not been made public?

When this idea came up, Jia Yan seemed to have caught some inspiration, but the inspiration came and went quickly. By the time he wanted to analyze it carefully, he couldn't think of anything else!

At this time, Jia Yan had almost obtained the information, and he took another look at the area where the so-called secret research institution was located. Coincidentally, the vast ground over there is a place where there are no worries about metal monsters for the time being.

Big Mosquito turned off the computer. He found that he, who was a little bit addicted to computers before, now had no idea of ​​playing any games. After all, he was already a giant mosquito monster, and his life itself, It is full of suspense and is a hundred times more fun than those online games!

So he simply stopped looking at the computer. This thing was just a simple tool for the current mosquito.

After Jia Yan turned off the computer, he found that it would take a long time for the power supply to be fully charged.

So with a flash of his compound eyes, regardless of whether the family would protest in the future, with such a huge body, he walked to their sofa and then sat on it!


Jia Yan discovered that human beings are indeed creatures that can enjoy themselves. He has not enjoyed this comfortable feeling since his rebirth. Moreover, this family seems to be a family with a good income. Even the sofa is made of genuine leather, which is very satisfying. Jia Yan enjoyed it a little!

The big mosquito crawled down, its body hanging slightly on the soft sofa.

He hadn't felt like this for a long time, and he was enjoying his rest.

In the past, every time he took a rest, Big Mosquito had no choice but to get tired, so he would only do that if he found the bookstore Moreover, he basically didn’t need to sleep after being reborn. Now, he really hasn’t experienced this feeling for a long time.

The big mosquito is going to sleep.

The light in his compound eyes faded away, and Jia Yan finally controlled his spirit and slowly entered a dormant state.

After days of fighting, I am tired.

Mentally tired, physically tired.

So take a good rest.

So the big mosquito fell asleep lightly on the sofa of this well-decorated family.

The sofa is not too small, but it can still only accommodate more than half of Jia Yan's body. But even so, Big Mosquito is also very satisfied. Compared with those floors full of strange rocks and extremely chrome, this sofa is already heaven. Same place.

The computer was placed on the ground for charging, and the breeze blew slowly, blowing the curtains. The sleeping posture of the big mosquito looked very harmonious.

A sweet dream! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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