Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 29 The starry sky hits the stars!

The young man felt very inferior because this mantis-like child was the miner's child who was personally saved by Billie when the Yin Yang Sect was liberated.

Now this miner's kid has become a prefecture-level being. If you want to get entangled, he is actually doing well among a large number of miner's kids, because other kids without talent are still in the city. They live a life at the lowest level. Although they have a job in the Yin Yang Sect, they are not rich and powerful. If they don't even have skills, they can only do manual labor.

But to compare with Billie, the existence above the starry sky that can be said to be the one that attracts everyone's attention, is a joke. It is basically a comparison between a pheasant and a phoenix.

"Hey, am I overestimating my abilities in my dealings with her?"

This mantis-like young miner had a look of despair on his face.

But when it comes to worrying about Billie's safety, it seems like he's just as unworried as everyone else on this fleet.

Because everyone knows that the Yin Yang Sect has sent this unprecedentedly huge fleet here, so it is impossible for them to come to die. There is no reason and no need.

Would the Yin-Yang Sect, which was at its peak, send its eldest disciple and the fleet that now accounts for nearly 30% of the total fleet strength of the Yin-Yang Sect to die without any warning or the slightest reason?

Just kidding.

"Here comes the second move."

Billie screamed, and with a wave of her finger, the large meteorite explosive flew towards the opponent.

"Haha, for a star level, the power of your explosive thing is really not enough. Senior Sister, please don't put any more effort into it."

Seeing that Billie was like a child who refused to admit defeat, the other party suddenly smiled silently.

It’s not that he thought that he would be hurt by Billie. The problem was that this kid’s family liked to work in vain. Later, he would use too much force and cause her to hurt her internal organs. Then the power on their side would be It's a bit hard to argue with. Now that the Yin Yang Sect has an excuse, it may also attack again.

Of course, he still had to resist this move. Even if Billie dared to attack again, he would have to resist because he had no way out.


In the sky, the self-destructive light of a huge energy explosive erupted again.

It's like there is an extra little sun.

"Still okay? Hufufu...Billie is tired."

Billie looked at the other party's body and saw that he was not shaken at all by the explosion, and immediately exhaled slightly.

She knew that the stellar level was powerful, but she didn't expect it to be this powerful.

After all, this is the first time Billie has fought half-truths with others in a formal mission, so she can also learn a lot.

"I still have!"

Billie tremblingly beckoned a large amount of meteorite explosives from inside the rear battleship again.

This time there were more explosives than before, at least fifty or sixty, but the size was about the same as the twenty or thirty the first time, so the power of a single one was not actually much enhanced.

Against stellar powerhouses, quantity is really useless, either to increase the power of the explosion, or to use so many explosives at one point.

It was obvious that Billie was not strong enough to condense explosives into one point.

Boom boom boom——

The shotgun-style explosions seemed to be connected in one piece, but there was a disconnection process in the middle, so the opponent could still easily bear it head-on.

It's just that the sound and shadow effect this time was much more terrifying than the previous two times. The entire star-level creature's several-kilometer-long body was completely enveloped by the power of the explosion.

"The attack power of Yin and Yang Dao is indeed jaw-dropping. If I weren't much stronger than you, I might not be able to withstand it."

After the flames passed, the other party's body appeared loomingly behind the fire.

It's just that he said some flattering words to Onmyodo, and then changed the subject.

"It's a pity that Yin Yang Dao, who has such terrifying combat power, is doing perverse things. Your Excellency, Senior Sister, don't you think that your sect has gone too far?"

"It's not excessive at all. What you did is even worse. What others told me, hey, you want to lie to me. Big liar, watch my fourth move."

Billie waved again angrily, panting and waving a battleship over.

"Don't say I used foreign objects. We didn't say we couldn't use foreign objects just now. Besides, this is my gun. Grandpa, look, the energy in it is the explosive body created by me personally. Don't get me wrong, I don't bully the elderly."

As Billie explained, all the warships stopped moving after the opponent's stellar class.

The star-level creature was wary for a moment, then carefully looked at the battleship-like thing, and then laughed.

He saw clearly that there was indeed only the kind of thing that looked a bit like an amazing explosive.

If it were just these, he wouldn't be afraid at all.

"Little girl, since you called me grandpa, I won't ask too much of you. Besides, the gap in strength between you and me is too big. It's normal to allow you to use certain foreign objects. Let's get started."

The other party looks pretty lively.

It's a pity that the atmosphere is just an act. After all, the Yin Yang Sect wants to use it, can he still refuse? Maybe he made this "senior sister" who looked a little childish cry, and the entire Yin Yang Sect would be angry, and then a big war would break out, and he wouldn't be in a good mood either.

Although, there is a backhand here, but if the backhand cannot be taken out, it will not be taken out. Some people have thought about it before. If this war can be turned into friendship, then their forces will still have time to wait, let alone On the front lines of the battlefield, the future will be just waiting to get through this crisis quietly.

So he didn't want to make a big fuss, even if he knew that if there was a big fuss today, his side would win but not lose, but he still didn't want to. After all, it seems now that the Yin Yang Sect has great energy.

"Okay, grandpa, this is what you said, I'll start."

Billie was very angry, as if she had failed several times before and was very embarrassed.

She began to continue to activate the brain wave power, and with this activation, a piece of positive and negative force response gradually surged inside the battleship behind her.

"Hey... the power of the meteorite this time is not more than before, but why does it give me a sense of threat that is getting stronger and stronger than before?"

The star-level powerhouse had a look of solemnity in his eyes.

Because of that warship-like thing, after positive and negative forces surged, one end of the long hull, with a shape similar to a 'gun barrel', was pointed at itself.

Then he remembered.

This is a gun. In the previous wars of the Yin Yang Sect, things similar to guns appeared, and they also exerted overwhelming combat effects on many battlefields.

And this... is like an enlarged version of that gun-like weapon!

This star-level powerhouse moved in his heart, and then smiled slightly.

Because he is not afraid. Although this power is definitely too strong. For a star-level powerhouse, it is definitely a killer. But for a star-level person who has the ability to crush the situation, is this still useful? ?

It's useless, it's really useless.


Sure enough, when the battleship exploded with earth-shattering power, the star's face showed a trace of surprise and a hint of composure at the same time.

Surprisingly, the energy fluctuations of this shot were stronger than he imagined.

But what is calm and composed is that this power is still that of a star-level person, or it can slightly threaten the weaker Venerable-level, but for a star-level like him, it is simply child's play.


Then, the explosives, as if transformed into photons, hit the stellar powerhouse, allowing him to experience firsthand the strength of what might be the most terrifying weapon in the Yin Yang Sect today.

"Okay, it is indeed a powerful weapon of the Yin Yang Sect. Just this thing can sweep away many surrounding forces."

This star's eyes instantly showed approval.

He knew that this power was definitely transformed by the starry sky-level 'Senior Sister'. With such terrifying strength, it is no wonder that the Yin-Yang Sect was called 'a sect that can kill enemies across ranks' by a large number of forces around it. .

But, that’s it.

After a burst of earth-shattering explosions, this star-level powerhouse still stayed in place. It was just the power of his brain waves that opened up a trace of energy, completely blocking the bullet-like meteorites that were shot.

"Hmph! Grandpa, you are very evil. You use your power to resist me. If you have the ability, you don't need stellar power!"

Little Billie was on the other side, jumping up and down in anger.

"Haha, little girl, you are wrong. Now we are two armies facing each other. Do you think I will agree with such a petty talk? If you want me to use starry sky level power, then you must allow me to dodge freely. Do you think it’s okay?”

This stellar powerhouse was a little funny for a moment.

However, when he said these words, no one on either side felt that the Yin Yang Sect was embarrassed or anything, because the person from the Yin Yang Sect was just a child that everyone thought he was talking about, and if everyone really started to laugh at him if he said some childish words, then That's a joke.

Of course, since Billie has become the 'general' on behalf of the Yin Yang Sect, if she loses, then what the Yin Yang Sect promised must still be done, otherwise they should stop it now.

This is a war, and children can say childlike things, but a battle that both sides agree on, even if it is a battle with such a wide disparity in strength, must be recognized.

"I...I, of course can't do it. Grandpa, just wait. I'll hit you harder. There are still half of the ten moves."

Billie seemed a little less confident, and then she waved again, and saw more energy emerging inside the battleship.

"Oh, you actually have so many explosives. It is said that the explosives in your Yin Yang Sect are all made by individuals. You are wasting your time making these. Why not practice well? It seems that your talent is good. It is not good to waste time in vain. .”

The star-level powerhouse, after having some contact with Billie for a while, actually started to show off his senior skills.

"You're just wasting your time!"

Billie suddenly became furious and detonated the detonated explosive again.


The gun-shaped battleship sprayed out a ball of explosives similar to the previous ones from the "gun barrel" that was more than one kilometer long, and this time the explosives seemed to be extremely powerful, compared to the one just now, Obviously much stronger.


This stellar powerhouse suddenly released more of his power, and then, outside the brainwave power 'wall' he released, the cannonball hit the brainwave power wall he had arranged.

He felt his whole body was shaken so much that he almost stepped back.

"What's going on? This power is at least ten times stronger than before!?"

After the expression of the stellar powerhouse changed, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked coldly at the battleship group behind Billie.

"I wonder which one of you made the move secretly just now? Isn't this a bad approach? Please come forward and talk about it. This force needs a reason."

His words received no response. He only received a burst of cynicism from the Yin Yang Sect insiders.

"What? This star-level force actually wants to go back on its word after being sensationalized?"

"It didn't move, but it almost moved just now. Now it's worried and wants to discredit us."

"Bah, we don't have any strong people taking action here. No one takes action at all."

"Haha, is the Astral Level like this? Fortunately, I used to regard the Astral Level as a god, but now I see it, it's bullshit."

"But Senior Sister is really powerful. She can almost shock the opponent's body."

Inside the Yin Yang Sect's more than two thousand battleships, a large number of Yin Yang Sect warriors were surprised by Billie's attack.

The starry sky class almost touched a star class. Are you surprised or surprised? !

Billie was also a little happy because of the power of her attack.

"Wow hahaha, I added a little bit of the treasure fragments that Master gave me, and it's so much stronger. It's really useful."

"Huh? Did you use what your master gave you, what Yin Yang taught you?"

Billie's honesty made the other party quickly see something was wrong and asked directly with cold eyes.

Billie was still so honest and nodded vigorously, as if she was very powerful.

"Yes, the thing that Master gave me to protect myself can kill stars. The fragments often fall off, so I pick them up and fuse them into my explosives. Hey, grandpa, am I so good! "


The opponent's star level was instantly speechless.

No wonder, the shot just now was so powerful.

Why did you use something from Master’s so-called ‘protective thing’? Is this your own strength?

The 'master' that Billie mentioned must be Yin Yang, the master of the Yin Yang Sect, and that's right. This strong man originally didn't agree with Yin and Yang a little bit, but now it seems that even this strong man's 'protection' The explosives added to the objects' fragments were almost unstoppable. Of course, he did not dare to question Yin Yang's strength anymore.



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