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Suddenly, every half-star creature that settled in the Yin-Yang Sect heard the above-mentioned old voices.

"Huh? Apprentice?"

"What? Whose voice is this?"

"This is Lord Yin Yang, this is definitely Lord Yin Yang. Only this Lord here can talk to us in such a way that even half-stars like us can't feel the slightest bit of power."

"Yes, this is Master Yin Yang. I have met Master Yin Yang before. Master Yin Yang actually sent a message to us, saying that he wanted to be a disciple?"

"Haha, Master Yin Yang will indeed accept his disciples, and our half-star class has a chance."

"The old man said he wants us to prepare? Then I have to prepare well. Although my strength is not very powerful at the half-star level, I am still a little confident in my talent. I guess the disciples of Yin Yang Sect will not only choose Just look at your strength, otherwise you won’t be able to say that you are choosing a disciple.”

"Yes, I have to work hard too!"

The half-stars on the entire planet were already in sight when they were on this planet.

In fact, Yin Yang Star was completely different from what they had imagined before. Not to mention disappointing them, it was definitely not as good as they imagined being managed by the Yin Yang Sect.

They were even certain that apart from the Yin-Yang Sect master himself, the Yin-Yang Sect was only a third-rate force and could not rely on so many semi-star-level forces.

But the more this happens, the more it proves how terrifying the Yin Yang Sect Master is.

Even if they arrived in front of the Yin-Yang Sect Master, no one could see the slightest bit of Yin-Yang Sect Master's strength.

In short, they understood that the master of the Yin-Yang Sect, who looked like an old turtle, was truly earth-shattering in strength. Some people even privately wondered whether this being had reached galaxy-level strength.

Of course, saying it is a Galaxy class is just a joke, because the Galaxy class is not a cabbage on the roadside, and it is impossible for them to see it casually, or it should be said that the Galaxy class powerhouse wants to create some kind of influence. , there is no need to go to such a backward starry sky to recruit ordinary creatures like the Yin-Yang Sect Master. Instead, you can go to some forces that already have a star level and subdue that force by means. Wouldn't that be faster? Much.

But these are just weak creatures, and they don’t know the world of strong creatures. If the strong could do everything so easily, the entire universe would probably have changed long ago, and it would become a world where the strong roam freely and kill the weak as they please.

Although it is not much different now, there are still many checks and balances for the strong, especially when it comes to things like bullying the weak. For the strong, it is not just that they will succeed if they want to do it.

But one thing they guessed correctly was that if Jia Yan wanted to, he could freely run to a force established by a star-level being, and through his own strength, coercion and inducement, that star-level person would definitely transfer his power directly. In his hands, instead of spending a lot of energy to create the Yin Yang Sect.

But Jia Yan has his own considerations, which are mainly reflected in two points.

First, he was injured before, and it would not take so much energy to heal the injury. Moreover, he would not be able to perform any major movements until the injury was healed, so he could take his time and not rush.

Secondly, what he wanted was the Yin-Yang Sect, created from scratch, rather than finding some force to put the name of the Yin-Yang Sect on it. There was no sense in doing so.

Moreover, not much time is wasted. In just two months, the Yin Yang Sect has gained the influence of several stellar powerhouses, and has even built the Yin Yang Sect into a sect with the purest love for Yin Yang Dao. , compared with finding other forces to take over, there are definitely fewer hidden dangers.

Anyway, now he's successful.

At least it was initially successful.

The Yin Yang Sect is gradually getting on the right track. Hundreds of asteroids have become the talent reserve resources of this force, and the future development momentum will not be too bad.

What's more, with the population here, it is possible for him to gradually develop further away. However, whether this development is just development or an offensive development depends on the surrounding areas. How to deal with their Yin Yang Sect's power.


Jia Yan said that he would give the half-star powerhouses a few days, but in fact this time was not that much. After only three days of waiting, Jia Yan summoned all the half-star powerhouses who were willing to be his disciples. , arrived at the highest mountain peak of Yin Yang Star, the "Yin Yang Peak" created by Jia Yan himself.

On this day, the creatures on the entire Yin Yang Planet felt extremely stressed. Everyone could vaguely know that on this planet, the semi-stellar powerhouses were like volcanoes ready to erupt, gathering momentum. Ready to go.

But everyone has nothing to be afraid of, because on this planet, there is a master of Yin Yang who can directly suppress all the powerful people on the planet.

Until now, no one knows the specific strength of this adult, but there are rumors in the outside world that the strength of this being has reached the peak of a star, and there is even a certain possibility of reaching the galaxy level.

In this way, with such a terrifying existence sitting in charge, who would worry that a mere half-star could turn the world upside down?

But everyone is a little confused, that is, what do those half-stars who gathered under the Yin-Yang Peak want to do? In other words, did Master Yin Yang ask them to come? Why?

Soon, people who were confused got accurate answers from the Internet or from the mouths of Yin Yang Sect disciples.

That is Master Yin Yang, the leader of Yin Yang Sect, who is actually planning to find a fourth disciple among these semi-star level experts!

Fourth disciple! ?

What an amazing title.

Although the Yin Yang Sect already has three disciples, and those three disciples are each weaker than the other, the weakest Senior Sister Billi has just become a starry sky level.

But it is undeniable that the status of these three disciples has increased since they obtained the status of direct disciples of the master of Yin Yang Sect.

It is precisely because they are weak that their status is extremely high. Even the half-star strong men can only bow their heads obediently when they see them. Especially the third disciple Ryan, you must know that he However, the powerful beings who indirectly killed two stellar-level beings and half-star-level beings treated him as if they were their seniors when they saw him, which made Ryan feel a little ashamed.

Now, there will be one more person with such a status.

Fourth disciple!

It is a pity that these four disciples only let half-star powerhouses fight for them, otherwise half of the people on the entire planet would have to fight for them.

But that's right, if the current Yin Yang Sect accepts some disciples who are not strong enough, it will be a bit too shabby. At least a few half-star level ones are needed to simply support the facade.

A group of half-stars arrived in an endless stream, and then they saw that in the most mysterious holy place of the Yin-Yang Sect, under the Yin-Yang Peak where the master of the Yin-Yang Sect sat, there were already three figures, large and small, We are waiting for them.

The strength of these three figures was not too strong for the semi-star powerhouses, but when they saw that these three people were actually waiting here for a long time, they were frightened, and each of them confessed.

Because these three are the three disciples of the Yin-Yang Sect who have the highest status except for the sect leader Yin-Yang. They are also the three disciples of the Yin-Yang Sect who now hold a lot of real power within the Yin-Yang Sect.

These three disciples, with the exception of Bi Li, who has less actual power, the other two can be said to have taken over most of the current power of the Yin Yang Sect. Of course, they do not dare to do any tricks. On the interstellar level, the strong ones Wanting to understand the little moves of one's subordinates is just a matter of brain wave power, so subordinates or disciples in the power will never dare to do these tricks.

This is even more true for the three major disciples of the Yin Yang Sect. They were brought from the status of weak creatures to their current status by the master of the Yin Yang Sect, Yin Yang. They can only feel grateful in their hearts. Not to mention their strength, they dare not play any tricks. For one, he wouldn't dare to betray the Yin Yang Sect.

"I have seen several disciples, and I troubled these disciples to come and wait here in person. We really deserve death."

A star-and-a-half-star existence could speak, and spoke directly and respectfully to several disciples.

"Exactly, how can we dare to take the trouble to wait for you? We have so many things to do. We are really guilty."

Several half-star level beings on the other side were also flattering him respectfully.

In fact, everyone knows that if they were transferred to other forces or planets, if a half-star like them did not have a half-star of the same level to come forward to greet them, they would be unhappy, because it means that their master looks down on them.

But if it was the Yin Yang Sect that had a starry sky level and two venerable levels, they could only act like this, being flattered.

Regardless of their strength, these three are indeed of high status. Besides, apart from them, the core figures of the Yin Yang Sect seem to have no strong people on the surface, unless they want the sect leader to personally come forward to greet them.

But asking the Yin Yang Sect Master to greet him personally?

They don't have the guts.

"A few of you have won the prize. In the future, one of the few will become our junior brother. We will naturally come out to greet you. What's more, even if we don't become senior brothers, we are destined to be close partners in the future. Everyone can enter our Yin Yang Sect. of."

As the more impartial one among the three disciples, Biha was the first to speak.

"Ah? Even if we don't become the fourth disciples in the future, will we still be able to enter the Yin Yang Sect?"

"It's okay to enter...ordinary disciples. Could it be that we also have the opportunity to learn Yin and Yang Dao?"

The half-star level experts were all extremely surprised. They originally thought that if they could not become the fourth disciple, they would not be able to enter the Yin Yang Sect, nor would they be able to practice Yin Yang Dao.

This is extremely disappointing.

In recent days, they have carefully observed each of them. Even if the Yin-Yang Sect has not given them the Yin-Yang Dao** that half-star level experts can practice, they cannot practice it directly, but they can see that on the entire Yin-Yang Star, All the members were practicing Yin Yang Dao, and they immediately understood that Yin Yang Dao was definitely the best and most powerful technique they had ever seen in their lives.

Even if this technique can be quickly converted with the existing strength, even if they are half-star strength, it will definitely take a certain amount of time, but the conversion time will definitely be much faster than that of other techniques, because it is about half The energy can remain unchanged, and what needs to be converted is the part of the anti-energy.

Therefore, each of them is full of expectations and imaginations about practicing Yin and Yang Dao.

But what surprised them was that the Yin Yang Sect actually made all of them members of the Yin Yang Sect?

In fact, this is also because the Yin Yang Sect has recently shown contempt for these semi-star powerhouses, giving them the illusion that the Yin Yang Sect looks down on them. But if you think about it carefully, it becomes clear that the current personnel of the Yin Yang Sect How could he refuse the addition of a half-star star?

Even asking a half-star powerhouse to become the fourth disciple would give the other half-stars some reassurance, indicating that the Yin Yang Sect does not look down upon their half-stars.

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"So, disciples, what should we do to become the fourth disciple?"

At this time, a huge whale-like creature asked.

The other half-stars also looked at the three disciples expectantly.

They are not stupid. Although they have been guaranteed that every half-star level can join the Yin-Yang Sect, there is no comparison between joining and becoming a disciple of the sect master. Just look at the three major disciples in front of them and you will know that they His status is completely different from that of ordinary Yin Yang Sect disciples of the same level.

Therefore, if you can become a disciple, it is naturally best to become a disciple.

"Haha, don't worry, everyone, aren't we just doing the relevant work now? First of all, what you need to know is that it is not that simple to become the disciple of Master."

Ryan spoke, and when he said the words 'It's not that simple', he, a very shameless disciple, couldn't help but blush.

Billie and Biha, who were both thin-skinned, turned their heads away, fearing that their secret would be exposed.

After all, although they experienced some hardships before becoming disciples of the Yin Yang Sect, it was still far behind the real difficult journey.

So they are very unsure of what they are saying.

"We certainly know that it is not that simple to become a disciple of the sect leader, so what exactly do we need to do?"

"Test of entry into the sect!"

Ryan's next words made several half-stars slightly startled.

"What is the test for joining the sect? Does it also need to test our half-star strength? What's more, on such a small planet, how can we measure the strength of our half-star strong ones, although our strength is compared to that of the sect master? It’s nothing, but it’s half-star level after all!”

Several semi-star level experts are still somewhat conceited about their own strength.

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