Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 39: Powerful in Sleep!

(Some book friends have misunderstood that this book is about eunuchs. Bu Yue is here to explain. When I talk about opening a new book, I naturally mean that the book Giant Mosquito will be updated at the same time! Bu Yue will insist on not letting Giant Mosquito TJ. Please rest assured. .)

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Because after the two young people became familiar with each other, the adults on both sides also started talking.

The Wu family and his son were rewarded. The two elders of the Jia family told them the geographical knowledge of the area and the roads they could take in the future.

Just when these five people were helping each other.

Hoo ho ho! ! ——

The crowd discovered that above their heads, the scarred giant mosquito, with its blue body, seemed to have flown an infinite distance from the other side of the sky to the top of the team!

"It's a giant mosquito! He's badly injured!"

"I just wanted to say that this big guy's actions seem to be helping us escape. Don't you think so?"

Someone suddenly suggested that this giant mosquito monster should be helping their group of people!

As soon as this topic was brought up, there was an immediate silence!

But then, this person's topic did not make others agree.

Some were mocking, some were sarcastic, but none of them thought his words were a correct guess!

However, the influence of this sentence stayed deeply, and similar thoughts will always stay in the hearts of these people!

What Jia Yan actually wanted to help was not these humans, but his own family. However, after helping so many humans by the way, he didn't have any special ideas. After all, he just did it casually.

Just as he was flying in the sky and saw the scenery below, the look of surprise in his compound eyes suddenly flashed!

He was surprised that the father and son below who were rescued yesterday were actually acting together with his family.

But since the two of them were also helping his family, he didn't have to worry about whether the other party wanted to do something bad.

Hoo ho ho! ! -

Giant mosquitoes fly in the sky. After a round-trip inspection. Directly over everyone's heads, along the road ahead, they first arrived at a mountainous forest area ten kilometers away.

Hoo ho ho! !

The body of the giant mosquito flew down in the mountain forest!

His body was extremely violent and huge, and he had a ferocious aura that remained after a great battle.

So this giant mosquito flew down. Suddenly the whole forest seemed to be quiet!

It seemed that because of his arrival, the mountain forest could not bear his huge oppression and died!

All living creatures ceased their clamor. Those noisy little bugs have no sound, the chirping birds have stopped singing, and the whole forest has become silent. Deadly silent!

The big mosquito didn't consciously notice this small detail after his body lowered. He just crawled directly to the ground. After all, the battle just now was too fierce, and his body suffered many blows and injuries. It was very serious now, so he stopped for a while. I just want to rest directly.

He was lying on the ground. At this time, his body became even more blue. Not only was it the azure color during the battle, but the azure color kept emerging at this time, so he felt that he was weak and desperately wanted to take a rest!

"It seems that this battle is my limit, so I need to be careful not to exceed this limit in the future!" Jia Yan looked at his scarred body, and his tired body found a more comfortable way to lie down.

He planned to rest for a while in this place closest to his family, and then get up again later to conduct an inspection!

Not long after, he seemed to have fallen asleep.

The big mosquito is really tired.

The quietness of the forest at this time made his rest efficiency much greater!

After disappearing for more than an hour, on the road outside the mountain forest, the fleeing team finally arrived nearby. One by one, they looked at the place where the big mosquito seemed to have landed. After seeing nothing, each of them said nothing and walked forward silently!

At this time, the team seems to have some tacit understanding!

After all, they walked together and experienced dangers along the way, so at this time, they will also treat the orphans, the elderly, the sick and the disabled well!

So at this time, there are one or two more helpers around the Jia family. One of them is responsible for supporting Jia's father, Jia Sheng, and the other is helping to carry some luggage!

But people's voices became quieter. At this time, everyone in the team was extremely exhausted, especially the parents who were holding their children. Not only did they have to expend effort to hold their children, but they also had to constantly comfort them.

One by one, they walked forward silently.

There is still a long road ahead for them. Some people want to go to the nearest international big city, Shanghai, where Jia Yan once stayed.

Others are even more diverse. Some people go to other cities where they can get on the train and try their best to escape to places where metal monsters do not exist, such as new provinces where metal monsters have not been found yet. Or other nearby countries. Anyway, these people are fed up with the intrusion of metal monsters. They choose various methods one by one to get to a safe place without metal monsters.

In fact, it's not bad. This Fujian province has become so corrupt because there is a cave where metal monsters appear. But in fact, in most places in China, metal monsters are still the kind of thing on TV media, even if many people know it. The human army is fighting some monsters from the underground, but this sense of unreality still prevents many humans from recognizing reality clearly, and instead treats this matter as an unreal situation!

After all, reality is not a movie. It is very difficult for people to accept the whole thing of human beings being attacked by an army of mysterious creatures at once!

It is under this situation that most Chinese people do not know the true situation in the war zone!

But those in the military are the ones who know the urgency of the situation, and only those who have left the war zone know how terrifying the metal monster is!

But this situation will not continue like this. The existence of metal monsters will soon make the entire human race realize its horror!

Jia Yan didn't know how long he slept during this inadvertent sleep. Anyway, he seemed to have slept for a long time inadvertently.

That is, when Jia Yan was sleeping, the blue color on his body gradually faded, and the scars became faint and lost little by little.

The recovery ability of the giant mosquito is definitely not limited. But obviously this recovery has reached a level that Jia Yan has never reached before!

The azure color is fading away.

The big mosquito's body is slowly returning to its original appearance. A deep and steady pitch-black color was revealed on the surface of his body, and this display was not an ordinary display, but a manifestation that seemed to have strengthened his body after a series of battles!

Originally, the big mosquito shouldn't be able to repair its body so easily. Although his body's recovery ability is indeed relatively strong, at this time. However, his recovery ability is still better than before. The reason for this situation is precisely after his last mutation. The effect of the azure liquid and azure crystals is still left in his body!

If it weren't for them, Jia Yan wouldn't have recovered so quickly. However, it was also because of this consumption that his body's physique was improved again, and there was some remaining azure substance. He was released because of this, and Jia Yan only had to wait for his body to continue to recover. You can continue to get the complete mutation effect on your body, and you can put the next mutation on the agenda!

Of course things can't be all good. This injury is a permanent injury to Jia Yan, and this injury will stay with him for a long time. Even after another mutation, it is not certain whether the injury will be completely healed!

Therefore, in this battle against the metal monster, Jia Yan lost five blue-gray pebbles, plus hidden dangers to his body in the future. The reward is the salvation of parents and family, the continued development of the blue substance remaining in the body, and the advancement of the next mutation time. Whether this is a cost-effective thing or not depends on the beholder!

But for Jia Yan, even if there are no other gains, this move is meaningful. The lives of his family cannot be compared with other things.

So now, he doesn't think about things like rewards at all. If he thought so much, he wouldn't make a move to save his family!

A huge dark creature faintly regained its consciousness in this mountain forest!

There was a faint sparkle in his eyes, and it was faintly visible that his body seemed to be bigger again.

However, compared to the less obvious growth of his body, the changes in his exoskeleton are what is more surprising!

The mosquito's exoskeleton has become somewhat smoother at this time. His own dark color and the condensation on the surface of the exoskeleton have changed in a more reasonable way! That is the surface of the exoskeleton. At this place, the condensation slowly retracts into the interior of the exoskeleton without understanding the principle, leaving only the complete exoskeleton body!

Of course, the exoskeleton is not a pure exoskeleton, but mixed with some blue in the deep layers. The appearance of this blue color means that his exoskeleton finally has a permanent blue substance. The appearance of this substance, It will give the big mosquitoes a more powerful defense!

Of course, the changes this time are not that big. After all, they are just digesting the residual effects of the last mutation. Although his strength has improved, it has not allowed Jia Yan to make huge progress like mutation!

Soon, the big mosquito woke up from his sleep. But he was still in Na's groggy state.

After half an hour passed, he finally came to his senses.

"How long has it been? I just took a short rest, why did I sleep until dark!"

Jia Yan tried to get up, but his heavy body made him shake!

His body seemed to be a little uncomfortable. Although he wanted to stand up and rush to his parents, his body could no longer move at all, so he had to crawl down unsteadily. !

He felt weak!

The next chapter is available immediately!

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