Therefore, the leader of the faction didn't even mention it. He was even thinking about whether he was looking back to see if there were any extremely difficult tasks to ask the powerful man's clone to do. Every time they completed one, they earned money.

A clone of a galaxy-level existence, running to do a semi-star-level mission, is almost easy to get.

"That's right, even if he doesn't want to use his real body to trade with our Lin'an sect, he won't lose anything. Besides, he said he was expensive, maybe it is really expensive. It's normal for our Lin'an sect to be small and unable to afford it. "

The leader of the faction was thinking about Jia Yan's strength all the way back. He might have reached the middle level of Galaxy.

If it is really a mid-level galaxy, or even a mid-level galaxy from the outside world, then its strength is really impressive.

But the problem is that in the Milky Way galaxy, it is normal for strong people to have clones, and even use the clones to do various things. This clone is probably here just to experience it.

Many clones of strong men actually have little contact with the strong man himself, at least not too quickly. The clones need to return to the strong man before they can pass on their experiences to the strong man himself, so they are regarded as an individual. Nothing wrong with that either.

"Oh, it's a pity that his true form cannot join. If he joins, our Lin An faction will definitely make a lot of progress."

The leader of the faction started to feel a little regretful without competition. Of course, if Jia Yan was really willing to let his real body join, he would probably have another headache. So, human nature is like this.

In this way, Jia Yan stayed in Lin'an Sect.

"That Jia Yan's strength is really earth-shattering. When I fought with him last time, I felt that he didn't use his full strength."

Far away in another starry sky, another being who had been 'challenged' by Jia Yan's clone was talking about Jia Yan's strength to other friends.

Many of the living beings present were strong men who had been defeated by Jia Yan in the name of 'mission' or challenge in recent days.

They are all half-stars. Each of these half-stars is a relatively powerful half-star in their respective sects. If they were placed in other sects, it would be extremely big news.

But today, they were defeated one after another by Jia Yan alone, so these creatures from various sects gathered together and held a rare small meeting.

"That Jia Yan, there are rumors that he is the clone of a strong man. This is too funny. A strong man, at least a star or above, is fighting with a group of half-stars like us."

"That's right, if I knew what his true identity was, I would definitely laugh at him. It would be even funnier if he was a star. Big news."

"That's right, if he were a star, he would be on the interstellar funny ranking list. A star comes to pretend to be a half-star, and fights with other half-stars. There is no strength at all. The person’s self-esteem is gone.”

A group of half-stars were chatting about Jia Yan's problems.

Each one of them felt certain about Jia Yan's true identity, like a strong man.

Of course, a large part of the reason for this is that they are excusing themselves. After all, they always lose to the same person. If the opponent does not have the slightest background, then their loss will be too ugly.

It's just that these half-stars have guessed correctly that Jia Yan is a galaxy-level incarnation.

But so what?

Jia Yan's name is not yet famous in this starry sky, and no one knows who the Xinghe class with such a name is.

The starry sky with the Zerg Queen is hundreds of thousands of light years away. In the central star field of the Milky Way, hundreds of thousands of light years separate us from countless forces, large and small, so I want to know what Jia Yan is. Reputation, at least recently, is difficult. No one would think that a Galaxy-level person named Jia Yan over there is the Jia Yan here.

"The way I see it, in the future we won't fight with him on the grounds that the opponent is the clone of a strong man. Otherwise, it would be one thing for us to lose, and the other thing would be that the forces behind us would have to give in step by step. The territory is determined by a small number of half-star powerhouses.”

"Okay, our power lost to him twice recently, and we gave up two businesses each time."

"This Lin An faction is really comfortable. I don't know where I found a strong clone who is not afraid of embarrassment."

"They are naturally happy. Even if someone points out that Jia Yan is the clone of a strong man, even if he admits it, these things swallowed by Lin An's faction will definitely not be spit out again. They can only win back by challenging again in the future."

"These are not problems. The problem is that we can no longer accept Jia Yan's challenge, otherwise the losses will definitely continue."

"Yes, I won't accept it. If one person refuses to accept it, it will damage the reputation of our force. If everyone refuses to accept it, and then use the reason that he is the clone of a strong man, reputation must not be a big deal. So If many forces refuse to accept it, it shows that he really has a problem."

The semi-star level beings discussed together and came up with the result.

Not long after, these nearby forces actually made a joint statement one by one.

Regarding Jia Yan's missions and territorial challenges, they did not accept them at all, because this half-star existence should be the clone of a strong man.

There was an uproar in the entire starry sky.

Jia Yan was a little hot before. After all, he was a victorious general, but now that he saw that he was actually the clone of a strong man, he became even more hot instantly.

There are too many topics. For example, someone discussed that if he were the clone of a powerful man, what level would it be, star level or galaxy level?

For another example, some people are arguing that since Jia Yan is the clone of a strong man, how should we judge the things he challenged for victory now? Is it to judge that he lost, or is it invalid, or is it simply judged that Jia Yan cheated and lost?

There are also some people who think of deeper issues.

This joint declaration was issued by several major forces at the same time, which means that they must have discussed this matter. Does it mean that, at least at the semi-star level, they are scared of the Lin An faction?

"Haha, Jia Yan, you did a great job. You actually made no one at the half-star level dare to challenge you again. When they heard your name, all those at the half-star level were frightened. A strong person can do it. If you are at this level, it is a worthwhile trip. I envy you to have such a feeling in this life."

The leader of the Lin'an sect found Jia Yan's training place that day and brought some food. He and Jia Yan were eating snacks like good friends.

"Leader of the faction, you are at the Galaxy level. Isn't it wrong to envy me for being at the Star and a Half level? Besides, I am only relatively powerful in this star field. If I were in the outside world, I would probably get beaten as well."

"This is too modest. I also know your strength. If you go to the outside world, I guess you are not among the top geniuses. There are definitely some in the middle and above."

"Oh, you do think highly of me."

Jia Yan ate and drank with the faction leader. Judging from the other party's attitude, Jia Yan actually understood that he already regarded himself as a strong man with similar strength to him.

As for why he is still saying silly things up to this point, Jia Yan must be trying to make some superficial statement.

After all, he made it clear directly, so it would be difficult for the Lin An Sect to respond to the doubts from the outside world. Now, he could also say that the entire Lin An Sect did not know that Jia Yan was a super terrifying strong man.

"Your Excellency Jia Yan, they are no longer willing to fight with you, but I think you still need money and materials. Let's do this. I will ask the sect to give you a certain amount of money every month. The basic salary before was too small. Now, because of your presence, we can be a little bit of a deterrent at the half-star level, so even if you don't fight, you will still have an effect, what do you think?"

"Oh, can you get money without working? Then I would be disrespectful."

Jia Yan was startled for a moment, then realized that the other party was showing his kindness, so he nodded and accepted.

He still lacks a lot of energy, and he has to get a lot of money recently to buy high-grade energy, otherwise it will be a bit troublesome to repair his body.

Of course, the super energy in the game space that he replaced before is still in use, so generally speaking, he is not too anxious.

If you have money, you won’t refuse it.

"You deserve it. Okay, that's it for today. I'll come see you when I'm free in two days."

After the faction leader smiled slightly, he took off and left the training area where Jia Yan was located.

He was so big that there was a strong wind when he flew away.

"This sect leader is quite a good person. If he doesn't know how to be a good person, he can't be the leader of a sect. But I underestimate him."

Jia Yan looked at the sect leader's leaving figure, and he actually wanted to leave in his heart.

Because this Lin An faction had nothing more to give him.

Jia Yan established himself in this small sect just because he wanted to understand the starry sky and make some money along the way.

There have been no challenges recently, and my income has dropped sharply.

Even though some faction leaders mentioned increasing the 'basic salary', because the basic salary was not divided into battles after all, the quantity was extremely limited, so Jia Yan was a little disappointed with the income of Lin An's faction.

"Shall we change to another sect, or the Chamber of Commerce, or some other sect? I can at least make money for a while, but of course it won't be in this starry sky."

"It's just that this sect leader is also a powerful person. Not long after I had the idea of ​​changing my sect, the other party Ju Fang actually came to talk to me directly, brought snacks to eat, and talked about increasing my basic salary, which made me confused. I'm too embarrassed to leave, is this just a ploy for the top brass?"

Jia Yan even admired the faction leader.

It's a pity that he won't decide whether to stay or go just because of such a small favor.

If he wants to leave, he still has to leave.

This time he will go to a slightly larger local force, and he will not shy away from the fact that he has a real identity behind him. After all, many forces know his name even if he goes to a farther one, but he is so close. , it’s not hundreds or even thousands of light years away.

"Ah? Jia Yan, Master Jia Yan, are you kidding me? Do you want to leave our power?"

"Yes, I want to leave, but I won't leave too far. Maybe it won't be long before you hear about my fame."

On this day, Jia Yan ate and waited for death for another day, and then flew to the main hall of the Lin An sect under a lot of attention.

In this hall, there are already sect leaders and others talking about things.

Jia Yan didn't go to other places to go through the formalities and directly expressed his intention to leave.

The entire hall was filled with shock.

There is also reluctance. Jia Yan has helped them a lot within Lin An's influence and won some invincible battles. For Lin An's faction, although he is a mysterious and strong man, no one wants it. He left.

After all, in addition to being able to fight, Jia Yan usually stays at his garrison and makes no sound at all.

Even though there were many rumors saying that he was the clone of a strong man, and some people even called him despicable, Jia Yan still ignored it. As long as there is a task, he will do it.

Such a talented person actually wants to leave?

What a big loss.

"Jia Yan, if you want to leave, our Lin An faction will lose a certain amount of face because you are very famous."

"Yes, Jia Yan, if you want to leave, people who know this news will come to challenge our semi-star territory. Then you will have helped us conquer those places in vain. Are you willing?"

"Besides, it's only been a year since you joined our force. It's less than a year and you're leaving. Are you dissatisfied with our Lin An faction?"

Several stars were very unhappy with Jia Yan's departure.

"I don't have any dissatisfaction with you Lin An faction. It's just that I make less money here. I want to change to another place to make more money."

Jia Yan shook his head. He would not give up due to the implicit threat in those words.

In other words, the threat to him by a group of stars seemed like a joke to Jia Yan, and it was impossible for him to have the slightest impact on him. Find Shuyuan

The clown.

Even the leader of the Lin An faction is nothing compared to Jia Yan's current strength. He really wants to leave, and he can leave anytime, anywhere, and no one can stop him.

I'll let you know, it's just a courtesy.

Fortunately, the leader of the faction knew Jia Yan's strength, and he also knew that Jia Yan did not think that leaving without telling him would lead to life safety problems, but that he was moral and came to inform him.

No force can retain a mid-level galaxy being who is stronger than him.

Yes, the leader of the Lin An Sect, after a lot of analysis, came to the conclusion that Jia Yan was a mid-level galaxy powerhouse.

A mid-level warrior from the galaxy is like a great god to a small Lin An sect like him.

When he analyzed this point before, he felt a little restless. He wanted to gain such power, but also felt that Jia Yan was going to challenge his authority.

Maybe even kill him.

So he wanted Jia Yan's fighting power and felt it was dangerous.

Very contradictory.

Now at this moment, Jia Yan came by himself and said that he was leaving. He immediately felt that it was Jia Yan who helped him make the decision, and he felt relieved in his heart. ...

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