Jia Yan finished dealing with the forces of this family, and then, together with the star, headed to the last large chamber of commerce near the commercial star.

A large chamber of commerce force, which means there are three galaxy-level caravans in charge.

As long as Jia Yan helps solve these three forces, the other caravans, not to mention the General Chamber of Commerce behind them, will be weak, but at least the caravans here are relatively weak. Knowing that even the caravans with Galaxy level commanders will give in, They will definitely accept today's prices.

"Master Jia Yan, they are the last family. As long as this family is solved, we can solve the others, so there is no need to trouble you to take action again."

The stellar subordinate introduced Jia Yan along the way and kept talking to Jia Yan, as if he was afraid that he would feel bored.

After all, there are many Galaxy-level beings who are not easy to take care of. Even though the business star matters are originally under the control of Jia Yan, many eccentric people in the Galaxy-level will feel that this matter has reduced their training time, and then become furious.

Fortunately, Jia Yan is not as weird as he imagined. At least compared to those old stubborns, Jia Yan is young and understands weaker creatures. Because he has not grown up for long, he will naturally understand the hearts of weaker creatures. idea.

"Well, I will go with you now, and other caravans and other caravans are here. You can let me take action once or twice. I will sit here for a while. You can do the most difficult things in the past few days. Just leave it to me to handle it, but the current matter is with the family in front of you."

Jia Yan turned his attention to a place where there was also an extremely large merchant shipping force.

"Oh, the main spaceship of this chamber of commerce is actually only three hundred kilometers long. It is a little weaker than the two just now. Also, the galaxy-level beings in the merchant ship have just reached the strength of the entry-level galaxy. Is there anything special about this?"

"Master Jia Yan, according to the information we know, in the central star field of the Milky Way, the general chamber of commerce caravans will have a Galaxy-level person in charge, otherwise they can do business. This is like a combination of safety and face. It’s a matter of definition, but among them there are extremely strong chambers of commerce and weaker chambers of commerce. Like the two previous chambers of commerce, those who travel are relatively powerful elementary beings of the galaxy, and the chamber of commerce in front of them, although it is also Strong, but the one they accompanied the caravan was only a strong man who had just reached the primary level of the Galaxy. This shows two possibilities. The first point is that this chamber of commerce does not value this trade route and just put a Galaxy-level person on it. Sitting in charge, another point is that the strength of this chamber of commerce is not enough."

The star-level ruler seemed to have almost a thorough understanding of all the big and small things in the central star field of the Milky Way, and he explained to Jia Yan succinctly.

"I see."

Jia Yan nodded.

He analyzed a wave.

Of the two possibilities, the first one is probably wrong, because this area is close to the edge of the Milky Way. Seeing that many chambers of commerce are competing for the star road here, you know that no matter how you calculate this place, it should not be an unnoticed star road. area.

Then it should be the second type, indicating that the strength of this chamber of commerce is insufficient.

Even the chamber of commerce that developed such a powerful energy substance is lacking in strength...

Jia Yan had to sigh at the depth of water in the central star field of the Milky Way.

But a chamber of commerce that lacks strength is probably a behemoth compared to the power of the Zerg Queen. And the more such a chamber of commerce is, whether it is weak or not strong, the harder it is to provoke those who are stuck in the middle, because they will do many things for their own benefit and take desperate risks. , and they also have the natural sensitivity of weak people. A little friction with them will make them bite like mad dogs.

"Your Excellency, but the power of the Zerg Queen is in charge of the powerful?"

When Jia Yan sensed the virtual reality of the merchant ship, the primary being in the galaxy inside the caravan also knew of Jia Yan's arrival and faintly released the power of his brainwaves.

"That's right, I am a galaxy-level powerhouse from the Commercial Star where the Queen of the Zerg resides. My name is Jia Yan."

Jia Yan nodded.

After the other party finished speaking, the huge spaceship flew out of the huge main flagship of three hundred kilometers.

This is a primary creature from the galaxy, yes, but the whole thing looks like a puddle of mud, which is very unsightly.

"Your Excellency Jia Yan, I have admired your name for a long time. Your Excellency Jia Yan, if you don't tell secrets today, it is absolutely impossible for our Chamber of Commerce's money to be sold at the price set by the powerful forces."

"Why? The other two families agreed."

"No reason. Previously, you were hostile to that force and owed us money. We have exclusive trade routes to repay it for a hundred years. Now that you have taken over their planet, the debt will naturally fall on you."

The other party was so busy that he didn't think it was unreasonable to say this at all.

"Haha, Your Excellency, what you said is a bit too much. You have a financial relationship with that force. If you go to them, what does it have to do with my Zerg Queen force? Besides, they are not dead unless they are. , we replaced it and asked us to take over the problem of arrears. In this situation, how can we take over the problem of arrears?"

Jia Yan shook his head, feeling that the other party was a bit arrogant.

"Your Excellency Jia Yan, what you said is a bit wrong. You haven't heard me finish yet. You have to know that the other party used this planet as a mortgage to us. If you think we said something wrong, you can ask Ask that force, now that the Zerg Queen force has taken down this planet, we have nothing to say, but the deadline on the debt must be fulfilled."


Any mortgage questions?

Jia Yan's head hurt a little.

Speaking of which, the possibility of the truth is very high, but as far as the Zerg Queen is concerned, it is absolutely impossible to help the enemy force repay the debt. After all, it took a long time to destroy the planet that was beaten to death, and there are He is a creditor. Only a fool would help his enemy repay his debt.

This kind of thing is a headache and makes it difficult to make a decision.

In fact, similar situations are often encountered in the relationship between debts and claims, and many of them are difficult for judges to resolve.

Fortunately, in the interstellar space, it is still a matter of looking at the fists. Sometimes when it is difficult to decide, let the fists speak for themselves.

"Your Excellency, do you want to stop paying? That's very good. We won't provide you with interstellar routes. The force that has a debt relationship with you is that force. You can look for their route map. Presumably they still have the route map from not long ago, and you will probably be able to survive the rest of the route safely."

Jia Yan's eyes sparkled.

At this moment, he almost gave up doing business with the other party and went to buy that super energy thing.

This kind of bad customer is probably not a good businessman. To talk to him, it is better to go to the caravans from other aspects of this force, maybe you can find someone good to talk to.

"No? Haha, Your Excellency Jia Yan, don't you think that the Zerg Queen's force is already very powerful after a small victory over the two border forces? You must know that in the central star field of the Milky Way, these two forces are only small. Just shrimps.”

The mud-like strong man's eyes glowed with brilliance, and his words were already a bit threatening.

For their starry sky route map this time, they can naturally go to the enemy of the Zerg Queen to get the star map. They just lost this commercial star, so the previous star map must be safe.

But the problem is that their caravan is for the future. If the Zerg Queen forces continue to occupy this commercial star, then they will have to pay every time in the future, which will be a big problem.

You have to go back and forth once in half a month, which is twenty-four times a year. Don’t look at it again and again. The money is not much, and it won’t be very much in a year, but what about ten years or a hundred years?

So he started threatening.

"Of course I know that the central star field of the Milky Way is a place with many strong people and powerful forces. But knowing that being powerful does not mean that our forces are here to find humble people. We are here with our own ideals and ambitions. Therefore, we will not give up our own interests, nor will we bow to power."

Jia Yan sneered slightly.

Yes, the words he spoke represented both himself and the Zerg Queen.

Even if Black Sheep were standing here, he would not refute his words.

Their Zerg Queen force came to the central star field of the galaxy so that everyone can move towards a stronger path in the future. They did not come to the central star field of the galaxy to feel uncomfortable and find people to bully. It would be better to return to their own power. Here, be king and dominate.

"Hahaha, very good. A good man who will not bow to power. Your Excellency, Jia Yan, can what you say represent the views of your force?"

"It must be possible."

"Okay! We have paid the money this time, but please don't think that if we bow our heads this time, it means we have always bowed our heads. Your Excellency Jia Yan, it won't take long for a formal diplomatic envoy to come over. Just wait." "

What a caravan fears most is wasting time. Since Jia Yan, a relatively high-level person, has rejected the caravan's request, they have no other choice but to listen to Jia Yan's request and hand over the caravan's request. Make enough money.

But the follow-up matters are definitely not over. It seems that the attitude of this Galaxy Junior also means that their Chamber of Commerce is not the kind to be willing to settle the matter.

"As expected, the less powerful the forces are, the more they will compete for a certain amount of petty profits. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to live a good life. The original capital must be accumulated in this way."

Jia Yan shook his head and stopped mentioning his transaction with this powerful caravan.

In fact, if the negotiation is successful, they will earn back a lot of the money they spent on the route, and there may be more.

But Jia Yan was unwilling to discuss business with such a face.

Besides, we actually talked about it. If the other party knows that there is something about him that he can exploit and something that he wants to claim from them, then he will open his mouth and even let him use his power for personal gain and do something that violates morality.

Jia Yan wouldn't do such a thing, so he simply didn't mention it.


Jia Yan nodded coldly and followed the stellar being away.

"Uh,...Your Excellency Jia Yan, didn't you just come to them to discuss business?"

"Forget it, there's nothing to talk about with a caravan like this. But you go back and look for their information and see where the other nearest caravans are. I'll go over and see if there's any way."

Jia Yan asked this stellar question.

"Okay, I'll go look for it."

A star-level creature would naturally not refuse a small request like Jia Yan's.

Next, Jia Yan sat directly on the commercial star.

This is the intimidating power of a mid-level galaxy being.

Generally speaking, the Galactic Central Star Region will run around in the outside world, and the strong people doing business are all Galaxy beginners. Except for the extremely terrifying and powerful forces who will use the Galaxy Intermediate to become ordinary sitters, there is nothing else. exception.

As for the Intermediate Galaxy, they are all like Jia Yan, who have become the leaders of an important planet, base, or energy place.

As for the domain lords, they are generally the heads of powerful forces, or at least prominent figures.

Galaxy high-level?

Well, high-level galaxies do exist, but those existences don't seem to care much about things. Each of them is almost invisible. Even if there are forces that belong to them, almost no one knows.

Therefore, if Jia Yan goes out to look for another caravan from the chamber of commerce, he will usually encounter another primary-level existence of the galaxy, looking for Shuyuan wwwww.zhaoshuyuan.com In this case, he will still have a suppressive effect on the general trend. .

In the next few days, Jia Yan visited Commercial Star again.

Floating in the sea of ​​commercial stars, he was a big man who was too big to enter the city and inspect corners.

From a distance, some cruise ships and the like no longer dare to approach.

These oil tankers, etc., already know the majesty of a strong man. They were circling around Jia Yan's feet last time. Then Jia Yan's brain wave power, or even just moving, will cause these oil tankers to capsize, causing all It's like a drowned man.

After looking back, someone gave everyone a clue. A super strong man is not a great being that ordinary creatures can offend.

Ever since, this time was different from last time.

Even though he was still pointing from afar, at least his eyes were full of fear rather than monkey-likeness.

Jia Yan has no time to worry about the opinions of these weaklings.

From time to time, there would be some venerable-level beings around him, who would come to deliver messages with utmost respect.

For example, there are some forces on this planet that want to cause trouble and ask adults for a little help.

Another example is that the star-level being handled a certain matter in this way, and whether the adults have any different opinions.

Jia Yan listened. In fact, many things did not require his intervention, but everyone else was here. Wouldn't it be disrespectful not to say something to him, the person in charge?

Ever since, he listened and actually did something small.

For example, if there is something wrong with some forces, Jia Yan has inquired about the other party's address and identified the other party's image. No one needs to move. A brain wave power passes by, and only a subtle explosion sound is heard in the other half of the planet. , the main leader of that force is dead.

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