"Here at the Zerg Queen, there are several ways to earn energy. One is to conduct conquests all around. To put it bluntly, it is to grab resources and compete for territory, and this kind of competition is very dangerous. As for the second point, It is to sit in the territory that has been fought over, but the benefits are very low."

"Actually, there is a third point, which is that tasks such as trading, management, and protection can all yield good returns, but it requires a lot of professional abilities."

"Now that the Zerg Queen has just settled in this starry sky, she doesn't dare to expand and occupy territory. It will definitely be extremely dangerous to conquer these areas, but if I don't do this, there seems to be no other gains."

Jia Yan made plans to take on those seemingly dangerous battle missions.

Because he has nothing to gain, even if he can do some things, because of the little harvest, for a mid-level galaxy existence, it is simply impossible to make ends meet. Therefore, at this stage, the only way to do it is to take on those battle missions. You can get your own good harvest.

As for existences like black sheep, because they are already a bit like the queen of the Zerg, they can't move easily, and the whole body can be affected by a single move. They are the trigger of the war, so they don't dare to move, so they can only let Jia Yan do this The sub-level existence takes action to sit on the front line.

However, beings like Jia Yan are already among the top shooting beings, and if they are higher up, they are at the level of Black Sheep.

"Let me see where the Zerg Queen and the others have been recently."

Jia Yan is watching the Zerg Queen and their war front lines and the results of the battle.

In fact, he had already read this information as soon as he returned to the energy circle. After all, he would not be able to settle down and practice well without reading it.

"Regarding the recent war, our side should not truly occupy the territory of the two domain lords, because the follow-up danger is very high."

Jia Yan took a look. In this starry sky, the area that really belongs to the Zerg Queen and her gang is this energy circle covering an area of ​​tens of millions of kilometers. Even this energy circle is, in a sense, other people's territory, just the Zerg. The queen just came and took possession of it arrogantly.

As for the so-called conquest of territory, it is to conquer the territory of the more seriously injured domain lord creature among the two domain lord creatures, and it is only the business rights of that territory, rather than taking away all administrative rights.

For the Zerg Queen and her group, the purpose of reaching the central star field of the Milky Way is to find future opportunities, rather than to expand territory in the edge areas. This is not their primary purpose, and it is definitely not what the Zerg Queen wants. result.

If she had only such a small ambition, there wouldn't be so many strong people following her, not even Jia Yan.

"If you look at the business rights that have been seized, this territory is huge. Now we have seized the business rights of more than fifty planets in two star systems, although there are also many galaxy-level and star-level ones. But first of all, we only want their business rights. To put it bluntly, we just want to get away with a small amount of money. Secondly, we don’t want too many lives, so these resistances are not that fierce.”

Jia Yan saw that in these two star systems, there were only a few key points of the battle. One of them was advancing very slowly, while the other directions were extremely fast.

"Different from ordinary wars in the outside world, wars in the center of the Milky Way are truly precious. Every inch of land is precious. There are Galaxy-class people participating in the war in the outside world, not just the Star-class ones. Even in a large starry sky, there will be no Galaxy-class intervention. , because the strength of the Galaxy class is too strong, the war between the stars, to the Galaxy class beings, is like children playing house, they simply don’t remember such small gains and losses.”

"But it's different in the central star field of the Milky Way. Even in the starry sky on the edge of this star field, every star system is a key place for competition. Even if a galaxy-level being fights to death here, it is normal. For example, for the two star-level warriors, on one side, the domain lords went into battle and were seriously injured, while on the other side, the enemy lost two star-level stars, and on our side, one star-level star died."

Jia Yan was extremely solemn, looking at the two star systems, with more than fifty planets on them, each with a war taking place, especially the one that was difficult to push forward. Even after going to three galaxy levels, he still couldn't push through.

After thinking about it, he felt that his strength should still be a bit advantageous compared to the fighters on the front line. He should go to this most difficult area to solve.

"As for whether the enemy will send out extremely powerful Galaxy level, it is not impossible, but as long as the enemy is not strong enough to be a domain lord, I should not be in much danger. I even looked at the star domain here and that domain Lord, it is the one who was seriously injured by the Zerg Queen. He needs to recuperate from his injuries and cannot attack with all his strength for at least a year or two. Presumably he will not take the risk of getting more injured and come to kill me. A first-time Galaxy-level fighter, right?"

Jia Yan thought for a while and felt that he was not in much danger, so he clicked on a huge screen on the planet.

This screen is connected to the external network, and the Zerg Queen has a huge network with an exclusive energy circle. Thousands of exclusive members in it can take on tasks and chat online. Of course, thousands of people can chat. It's not interesting. Most of the members still steal the Internet and go to large-scale external networks to chat. Jia Yan even saw that in the energy circle of the Zerg Queen, there was a Galaxy-level who was addicted to games, but he didn't know this one. Is the Galaxy Class playing as a Galaxy Class on the Internet? Probably not.

"It just happened that my strength has improved, and I don't know what the actual combat situation will be like. In addition, I have to test the long-distance 'different space assassination method' that I learned before, so this battle is absolutely necessary. of."

Jia Yan thought a lot, and then naturally clicked the accept button for the frontline mission.

Naturally, the person who has overlooked this kind of task is the Zerg Queen herself.

"Oh...does Jia Yan want to complete that mission? Well, he has been back for a while, and I can just see to what extent his actual combat ability has reached. He must dare to challenge Black Sheep, or even The existence that escaped the pursuit of the domain master creature should give me a surprise."

When the Zerg Queen saw Jia Yan's application in her palace, she smiled slightly and clicked to accept Jia Yan's application.

At this moment, it is already a month or two after Jia Yan's return. The team sent to investigate far away has already obtained the correct answer, that is, Jia Yan was indeed killed by a man outside the central star field of the Milky Way. He was hunted down by a Territory Lord creature, and he really managed to escape from the chase of that Territory Lord creature.

There is even more news that proves that the strength of the domain lord creature is actually about the same as that of the Zerg Queen. Even if it is weak, it is not much weaker. This shows that Jia Yan has a chance to escape from the Zerg Queen's attack. .

Of course, that is only possible under certain circumstances. In short, the Zerg Queen was stunned by Jia Yan's amazing record, so now she is waiting to see whether Jia Yan's strength is legendary. The hit was so powerful.

"Have you accepted... the Queen's personal approval? I don't know if Black Sheep knows that I have accepted this task now. I hope he will find out after some time."

Jia Yan saw that his mission was quickly approved, and he must have known that it was the Zerg Queen who approved it in person, so he was ready to set off.

But just as he feared, Jia Yan's enemy Black Sheep was seeing his application task.

"Has Jia Yan applied to go on a mission? Hmm, that's true. He has been traveling all the way and has little energy. I guess if he doesn't go on a mission now, he will have to live a miserable life in the central star field of the Milky Way. .”

The black sheep's eyes flashed with strange color.

However, the Queen of the Zerg is right next to her, and she has piercing eyes. If she goes too far, she will not be happy, and may even cause her to dislike the Black Sheep herself.

"That being the case, I won't do any more conspiracy. The last time I asked a Territory Lord to take action, the Zerg Queen was secretly suspicious of me and came to investigate me. If I do it again this time, even if she wants to rely on me again, Even with my own strength and means, I have to be punished, so I can’t go that far this time.”

After Black Sheep thought for a while, he started to connect to a certain communication network back to the headquarters.

Jia Yan flew out of his decoration planet.

"I didn't expect that after only living here for such a short period of time, I would have to part with it. This planet is really good. You can get twice the result with half the effort when cultivating. It is simply the best place for cultivators to practice."

Jia Yan felt a little regretful that he had to say goodbye to his own planet.

In fact, this planet cannot be said to be of much energy help for cultivation. Even though it has been modified to absorb some energy, it is more of a psychological comfort. Don’t underestimate this kind of psychological comfort. The excellent environment on this planet makes any cultivator feel at ease and practice well. Jia Yan at least increased his cultivation speed by 10% because of this planet with such a good environment. This 10% can be said to be a huge gain. , all comparable to his breakthrough.

No wonder many strong people have such high requirements for the environment. Let alone those with environmental energy bonuses, those without much bonus will have great psychological comfort and adjust their cultivation mood.

"But if I do a good job, I can come back anytime."

Jia Yan stopped looking and flew away from the planet.

Then, after some hesitation, he ran to the planet next door, said hello to the old neighbor, and said that he was going on a mission to take care of his planet Yunyun.

In fact, the planet is not a house, so there is no need for people to take care of it. Besides, no thief would dare to break into the home of an intermediate being in the galaxy.

So Jia Yan's greeting was just to maintain relations with the other party.

After saying these greetings, Jia Yan finally turned his head and left the energy circle.

"Phew, it's out again..."

Flying in the vast starry sky, Jia Yan was carrying a backpack. He looked back at the huge energy circle behind him and sighed.

This one or two months of returning to the energy circle was like a unique safe experience for him.

In the central star field of the Milky Way, where there are many powerful people, Jia Yan believes that if he survives alone, he will probably live under pressure and tension all the time.

But with such a "comrade" who came from a distant place, so to speak, to the central star field of the Milky Way, his sense of security was greatly enhanced.

Although he is different from other strong men, he is a countryman from a star realm that is a little further away from the Zerg Territory. However, such a small distance is still within the scope of influence of the Zerg Tribe Territory itself. This is extremely far away. In the central star field of the Milky Way, it can almost be said that they are people from the same place. In addition, they have been getting along for a long time, so Jia Yan still has at least a little trust in these fellow villagers.

"This is where I realize the benefits of having a force. Even if this force itself has just established a foothold in the central star field of the galaxy, because I know them well, I don't have to worry too much about whether they will do it because of me. If you are an outsider, let me die or plot against me, etc. It seems that my decision to join the Zerg Queen is not wrong."

Jia Yan shook his head and flew out.

Not long after flying, he rushed into a twisted subspace under the jet of the Editha.

Although the battle area is not far away, if you fly in normal space, you won't be able to reach it in several years.

So we still have to use subspace flight, but we don’t have to go to ten degrees anymore. Four or three degrees are enough.

After Jia Yan left for a while, a black shadow emerged from the starry sky in the direction of the energy circle, from subspace or some other dimension.

This black animal has a face like a sheep, but it is many times larger than the sheep on earth, and even much larger than Jia Yan.

He is the black sheep.

"Hmph, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com This Jia Yan dares to take the mission... and yet he leaves like this. I didn't attack him just now, so he is lucky."

It's not that Black Sheep doesn't want to make a sneak attack, but outside the energy circle, even if he makes a sneak attack, it's impossible for him to succeed. After all, an extremely powerful domain master like the Queen of the Zerg doesn't just have a nice name. He knows very well that if he leaks If the Zerg Queen showed the idea of ​​attacking, she would be there in an instant, and then control him. Jia Yan did not succeed in the sneak attack, but made himself the sinner of attacking his own people, which cost his wife and soldiers.

"But even if there is no sneak attack, you will not feel better..."

Black Sheep looked at the subspace that still had a shadow from a distance, then turned around and flew back to the energy circle.

Jia Yan didn't seem to notice that such a terrifying black creature appeared behind him.

But Jia Yan absolutely understands that every move he makes is watched by interested people.

"Very good, I didn't feel any attack coming."

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