Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 44: Totally uninteresting.

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In addition, Jia Yan, a galaxy-level creature, personally leads the troops into battle. Although there are only sixteen battleships in total, it will definitely make the enemy frightened.


Not long after Editha's call for battle was issued, a human-looking man opened the door to the training room where Jia Yan was.


"What's going on? Master Jia Yan's game player strength has not improved?"

"Are you kidding me? It's still level 0 without improving."

"This is funny. Your master's strength has not improved. His combat effectiveness... seems to be very strong."

"Yes, Your Excellency is probably too busy. Now he still finds time to play war games with us in his busy schedule. We are lucky enough. We dare not say anything wrong about Your Excellency."

"Haha, I just said it. It won't have much effect if you increase your strength a little bit. Besides, in this low level, is there any difference between level 0 and level 2? The difference must be at least five levels before we can say that we have won. Mr. Jia Yan, level zero."

"Yes, and they are driving battleships and do not fight with game characters. The difference in physical strength will be limited to a smaller level, so level 0 and level 2 are nothing at all."

When the earthling character controlled by Jia Yan walked out of the training room, a group of earthly civilization players were stunned.

Jia Yan did not improve his strength.

Thinking that Jia Yan might be too busy, they began to understand one by one.

But if his strength has not improved, he has not improved. Jia Yan maintains the level 0 of the player character, which shows that his combat effectiveness has not improved much. Everyone feels very worried about this war.

"Don't worry, I have designed a good warship for Captain Jia Yan. You can just follow his footsteps."

The master character controlled by Editha looked at the worried players calmly.

Jia Yan doesn't like the war in this game. It doesn't matter if he loses. Anyway, even if he loses, he can just open a new civilization. Of course, it's good not to lose, so as not to have to fight against higher-level game civilizations. It also requires new civilizations to reach advanced civilizations in order to deal with them.

But Edisha is different. This is the first time that it has its own body and can experience the feeling of being a living creature. Therefore, he is quite satisfied with this trip to the development of earth civilization, at least in terms of the true identity of this first person. , he is more attentive and wants to do his best.

Otherwise, why should it appease the emotions of the players?

"Okay, no need to say so much, let's start the war."

Jia Yan was very indifferent and waved his hand in the shape of an earthling's body.


Edisha motioned to a group of game player characters to enter the battleship developed for them.

And Jia Yan's battleship is indeed different from the other fifteen.

This battleship looks like a streamlined aircraft, and it is in the style of an Earth fighter, but its wings are not that big. After all, there is no need for wings in space as a flying tool. In addition to imitating the Earth's aircraft, these wings More importantly, it is because there are propellers underneath it, which can make the warship fly faster and turn more flexibly.

"Oh, this battleship is pretty good. It looks like an airplane. Do you know that I like this look? Fortunately, I love Disha."

Jia Yan smiled slightly and stepped into the cockpit inside the battleship.

The interior of this cockpit is like the cockpit of an Earth aircraft, allowing people to sit in it completely comfortably.

It definitely feels good to drive.

Jia Yan nodded, and then his battleship entered the advancement space channel first.

Behind Jia Yan, warships entered the advancement channel one after another.

Compared with the last time when Jia Yan fought alone, there were at least fifteen more battleships this time, and he was no longer fighting alone.

But for Jia Yan, there is nothing to be emotional about, because for him, the current matter is really not even a small matter. If he is willing, his true body in the sub-space can blow a breath , the other party's civilization will be destroyed.

Of course, this is because he is worried about what kind of background the operator has, or that this starry sky is also managed by galaxy-level or even domain lord creatures. Jia Yan has already suffered a loss from provoking domain lord creatures once. At this time, he can Just try to be as low-key as possible. After all, he is not a local creature, so a little embarrassment is nothing.


The battleship controlled by Jia Yan jumped out of the passage in the starry sky.

The Earth civilization spacecraft behind him was instantly pulled into the distance.

"The speed of this battleship is good, and its turning ability is pretty good. It meets the control limits of my gaming body. Edita has designed a good battleship for me."

Jia Yan chuckled.

The warships behind him followed one after another.

When Jia Yan's side, sixteen warships appeared together.

The civilization far away in the starry sky, still debating whether to leave or attack first, felt huge astonishment.

"They moved first!"

"You bastard, you actually moved before us, and what is this? They only sent sixteen warships?"

"What role can a mere sixteen battleships play? Without us, there are three hundred battleships alone?"

"They want to use 16 warships to fight against the 300 warships on our side. My God, these people are crazy."

"Impossible. This civilization should be a force that has defeated other civilizations. We must not underestimate it. After all, if they can win, they may have some trump cards. We must be careful of what little tricks they play."

"Even if you have to be careful about their little moves, you can't ignore these sixteen battleships. According to my opinion, send a hundred battleships over and crush them. If they want to do any tricks, at least this Sixteen ships, let’s eat them first and then talk about it.”

"Yes, let's do it like this. Send out a hundred warships, so they will be in pain for at least a while."

At the Nian Civilization Office on the other side of the starry sky, a group of senior executives were woken up by the players and ran to the high-level conference room, where they quickly discussed this reaction.

After all, the opponent's warships were rushing towards them, looking menacing, as if they wanted to attack their civilization with just sixteen ships.

It would be too cowardly for them to pretend not to see it.

Since the earth's civilization wants to send warships to die, then they are smiling. At least through this small-scale war, they can see clearly how the other side's nascent civilization defeated the other civilization. .

That way they can also judge whether to run away or fight.

As for the option of being completely defeated by Earth's civilization in an instant, they have never thought about it. After all, they are a one-year civilization, which is much stronger than the other's nascent civilization. .

They even sneered at the idea of ​​being instantly defeated by the opponent's civilization. So they didn't know whether the sixteen warships flying in were their opponents, and they didn't even think about the possibility of defeating them with just sixteen warships. .

Sixteen battleships? It seems that they are just low-level warships made by the nascent civilization. Compared with their warships, they are not outstanding at all. Even among the 300 warships on their side, several are still made of high-level energy and hardness unlocked in the game. In terms of fighting power, both are a small level stronger than the opponent. Is it possible to lose like this?

Using a hundred warships to deal with these mere sixteen warships, in the eyes of many civilized creatures here, is completely looking down upon them.

"Lord Jia Yan, they have sent a warship!"

"A hundred ships, my God, did you send so many warships in one breath? We don't even have any cooperation at all."

"Asshole, our fifteen ships must fight hard, we can't be embarrassed."

"Yes, I just felt it. Each of our warships has been accurately calculated and optimized to be the best warship for us. Although it may not have any advantages over the opponent's warships in terms of level, one can cooperate with us. How good our warships are, you should know that our combat effectiveness will definitely not be weak, everyone must have some confidence."

"Okay, we are confident."

On the other side of the fifteen warships, several captains led their team members, all shouting, preparing to fight against the hundred warships attacking in front of them.

As for Jia Yan, he didn't have many mood swings.

Watching the hundreds of approaching warships from a distance, he was bored.

When the flying insect-like warships approached, his eyes suddenly exploded with light.

It's normal to look down on the other person.

Because Jia Yan at this moment is not just the ordinary player who was fighting another civilization a few days ago.

At this time, because his true body is inside the sub-space and he has the resources from last time, he can use the power of brain waves to effectively collect intelligence in the surrounding space.

As for intelligence gathering, don't underestimate this little help.

Even if Jia Yan doesn't use any brain wave power to influence the enemy's actions, the effect of such a small amount of intelligence collection will make his body as a player almost as if he understands what every creature around him is doing, and even You can even understand the other person's emotions a little bit.

In this case, Jia Yan seems to be completely under control of every move of the enemy.

I wonder how he could lose in such a fight.

Speaking of which, this plug-in is so powerful that Jia Yan himself feels a little embarrassed.

But his brainwave power is just activated normally, without even a little bit of reluctance. Isn't this considered a cheat? At best, it can only be said that he is a humanoid plug-in, which is completely involuntary.

Jia Yan didn't think he had done anything wrong, he was just a little speechless.

"Is it coming? Is this the first one to attack? Okay, I'll try to strike first."

Jia Yan casually pressed the ray cannon fire.


In the starry sky of the universe, the first one to launch an attack was actually not the opponent's hundred battleships, but the mere sixteen battleships here.

The enemy on the other end may still be planning to ask this civilization before the war begins, or at least talk a little bit about the situation.

But who could have expected that the warship who was entrusted to be the first shooter did not have time to wait for the other party's answer, but actually took the lead and tasted the power of the enemy's gunfire.

Big mess.

It was too late for him to escape.

Because it happened suddenly.


The first warship flying in front of hundreds of warships instantly exploded into a ball of flames.

"This, this, this, this, this, how do you..."

"How dare they? We have so many warships here, and they dare to attack us first."

"It's crazy. What kind of battleship team is this? Aren't you afraid of death?"

"The game doesn't play like this, right? Sixteen ships dare to attack hundreds of us. It's a fool."

Now, there is no need to ask questions.

Anyway, in this game, the first thing everyone meets is for war. Although there are also alliances or intrigues, in the end, it is usually war.

However, there are very few people who don't even say such words, but directly attack the majority with a small number of people.

It was simply audacious.

One hundred battleships, no, there are only ninety-nine battleships now, and they all started to move in an instant.

"Die to me."

"Open fire, open fire. Although this is our first actual combat, there is no need for everyone to be afraid. Find Shuyuan"

"Death, death."

In an instant, a battleship was in chaos.

There are also good players in the opponent's battleship group. Unfortunately, most of them are just like the civilization they encountered earlier. They are all ordinary players with no actual combat experience.

They were driving battleships and were able to aim thanks to their experience and exercises over the past year. Now that they encountered actual combat, they were instantly sparse and started fighting without any organization from all directions.

"as expected."

Jia Yan sneered, feeling that his fighting was like playing house.

How long has it been since you encountered such an idiot enemy?

It's been a long time.

Jia Yan recalled that he seemed to have encountered such a stupid enemy during the time when the earth was a mosquito.

In the universe, it seems that only folk games like this can encounter such unprofessional combatants, which is also a good memory.

"Be careful, I'm on it."

Jia Yan didn't say anything, he just drove his battleship and suddenly jumped into the layers of rays.

Those rays seemed to have been negotiated with him, allowing him to drive the battleship and intersperse among the large rays with his small battleship body.

"Holy shit!"

Every driver of the Earth civilization battleship behind them felt shocked.

I had previously felt that Jia Yan's fighting skills were as pure as fire, and could even be said to be invincible.

But this time, through Jia Yan's avoidance ability, he felt that the captain seemed to be a little stronger than last time.

Could it be that Master Jia Yan simply did not use his full driving ability?

Everyone was extremely shocked.

Looking at Jia Yan, he was just shuttled in a large number of ray shooting lights, and gradually approached the battleship group on the opposite side.

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