Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 31: Closer to the center of the Milky Way!

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Jia Yan used the power of brain waves to give orders to Edisha.

"Good master."

Adisha responded quickly.

The two masters and servants have long wanted to leave this star field. If Jia Yan had not mutated without delay, he would never stay in this area where danger may appear anytime and anywhere.

Now that the war was over, he naturally left the area quickly.

The courage of ordinary people is not what Jia Yan has been doing.

Revenge is something Jia Yan has always thought about, but that depends on his personal strength.

The actual situation today is that his personal strength is still unable to do such a thing.

So he was escaping quickly, and it would not be too late to come back for revenge when he was able to fight in the future.

Boom boom boom boom...

Outside of subspace, there is actually a group of strong people who move quickly between subspace and gravitational wave systems.

They are following Jia Yan's traces.

"Damn it, he's moving too fast. We can't catch up at all. If this continues, as long as he moves far away, the traces will be eliminated. It would be more difficult to observe the ten-dimensional space with instruments."

"What should we do? If we can't catch up, this loss will be in vain."

"Even if you can't catch up, you have to catch up. There is always a chance."

The group of creatures flying within the starry sky are naturally the six galaxy-level beings that had besieged Jia Yan before.

You know, the six galaxy-level beings, even in this star field with many powerful people, are not considered small tricks. They fly with great momentum.

But even so, they were still extremely unwilling to achieve their goal of successfully tracking Jia Yan.

The loss of a strong man made them extremely upset.

Moreover, that creature is obviously in the process of some kind of change, and they are afraid that if the change succeeds and the creature becomes stronger, he will come back to retaliate against them.

In this way, they don't want to give up, and they don't dare to give up.

If they are retaliated by this creature in the future, they will be fine hiding next to the Territory Lord, but who has the opportunity to hide near the Territory Lord all the time? If they were farther away, it would be too late for the Territory Lord to come back for help, and they would still have to die.

That would be too dangerous.

These creatures refused to give up.

But the fugitive who flew away was too fast.

In the tenth dimension, even in this starry sky where there are many strong and talented people, and even in the star field at the center of the Milky Way, not many people can fly.

The escapee had this kind of flying method, which made them very annoyed. After all, he had a faster flying method than them, and it was extremely troublesome to track him.

The battle and the pursuit in the starry sky seemed to be overwhelming and extremely shocking.

But in fact, their battle only took place in a starry sky and did not spread.

There is no domain master creature that can change the environment of a starry sky when fighting. Therefore, no one can observe this battle from a distance. Even if they can observe it, because the speed of light is the speed of light, the battle in a remote place , was observed by distant creatures, at least a long time later.

It's just that Jia Yan didn't sigh at the place where the battle passed. If he had the leisure, he would definitely sigh at this time.

He will sigh that he has reached a level that he could not imagine before.

For the sake of the star core, several planets were turned into Death Stars, and large areas of starry sky material were destroyed during the battle, which was earth-shattering.

With his current strength, even if he is asked to think of a way to crack or explode the earth, he can find a way.

And this is still under the condition that his mutation has not been completely completed. When it is completed, what his strength will become depends on the situation.

"Hurry up, the feeling of mutation seems to have come to an end. It won't take long for my body to be completely regenerated."

Jia Yan has been working wholeheartedly to increase his mutation speed in the sub-space.

If this last moment of mutation can be completed, even if he knows that he is still being tracked, he will have nothing to fear. Even if he is bolder, he will not be afraid to return to fight the pursuer.

Click, click, click...

The surface of Jia Yan's cocoon body was covered with injuries from the battle, with pits and pits, and something seemed to be slowly squirming inside, as if there was some terrifying behemoth preparing to be reborn inside.

"Master, come on, if you succeed in mutating, you won't have to worry about anyone."

Adisa was inside the Adisa, constantly cheering and encouraging Jia Yan.

In the previous battle, it performed well, especially at the last moment. It used the Edisa's rays to solve a big problem for Jia Yan, which was to prevent the two injured from joining the battle group. After all, at that time, he When dealing with the four powerful men, if there are two injured people joining him, even if they are only wounded with weakened combat power, it will make it more difficult for him to escape. If he is not careful, he will become irreversible.

Of course, Edisha did not take credit for herself, but continued to encourage Jia Yan.

As an intelligence, it is already extremely intelligent, but it has not yet fully reached the level of self-awareness.

In short, Edisa played a big role, and Jia Yan kept it in his heart. If there is a chance in the future, he will definitely help Edisa realize its long-cherished wish and turn it into a truly living existence.

In fact, there are many such beings in the Milky Way. They were born from intelligence and brain, but eventually they became life, and even created a race of life.

But now I don't seem to have heard of it. Jia Yan feels that even if that kind of creature is born, it will soon be wiped out by a group of powerful creatures.

After all, normal creatures still prefer the existence of things that are as similar to themselves as possible, rather than beings born in the same way as them, which will naturally be disgusted by many people.

But at this time, these thoughts only ran through Jia Yan's mind. His primary purpose was still to save his life and improve his strength.

"Oh, no, I can't mutate successfully in the sub-space. I have to wait until I find a place with relatively rich resources and carry out the final step of devouring resources before I can complete all my mutations."

Jia Yan tried hard, but still sighed helplessly.

He had tried extremely hard, but there was nothing he could do.

The battle during the previous mutation had actually interrupted the process of mutation. He didn't know if there would be any problems with the complete mutation this time. He didn't even know if his mutation would make him... satisfy.

But the previous mutation was also the same, with the intervention of external forces.

Therefore, he felt that his mutation should not fail or have any dissatisfaction.

Even because there are external forces attacking him, the effect of mutation should be better.

In short, the mutation cannot be successful yet. If you want to succeed, you have to wait until a place with resources.

"Master, we are rapidly approaching the center of the Milky Way. However, I have obtained some information about this starry sky before and believe that it would be unwise for us to enter the center of the Milky Way while your body has not recovered."

Adisha suddenly said this to Jia Yan.

"Huh? Isn't it unwise? Okay, if that's the case, don't rush in. You choose a safer and more suitable place. Please, Adisha."

"Okay, I'll choose the good one."

Adisha responded to Jia Yan.

Jia Yan didn't ask for details about why Edisha couldn't directly enter the center of the galaxy. He needed to devote himself wholeheartedly to controlling his mutation process. After all, his mutation was actually a huge matter, not to mention that he was still dragging his feet. , this is actually not a good thing for mutation, so Jia Yan needs to use his own energy to see if he can delay the time and prevent the mutation from having any bad effects.

Of course, Edisha didn't have any ill intentions towards Jia Yan, so Jia Yan chose to believe in the judgment of this intelligent being.

He, on the other hand, controls his mutation wholeheartedly.

There are many places near the central star field of the Milky Way.

In fact, in the star field near the center of the Milky Way, there are already many strong people in some areas. In some places, the density of strong people is even comparable to that in the center of the Milky Way.

There are even rumors that there are extremely powerful domain lords in many star regions, and there are even more exaggerated rumors that there are high-level beings from the galaxy.

Of course, it is generally difficult to see the powerful beings of high-level beings in the galaxy. It is said that high-level creatures in the galaxy, even within the central star field of the galaxy, do not like to show up very much.

As for the existence of the peak of the galaxy, or the peak of the galaxy, which is more terrifying than the high-level ones, even in the central region of the galaxy, it seems that there have been no rumors for a long time, and no one has seen it.

In the entire galaxy, not many people know whether there are still strong people at the pinnacle of the galaxy.

However, today's topic is not a topic for the strong.

Instead, Edisha is choosing which star field near the center of the galaxy has the least powerful people.

Yes, it is picking the place with the least powerful people. After all, what Jia Yan needs is extreme silence.

If you go to a place where there are many strong people, this kind of thing is definitely not a good thing for Jia Yan. Is there anything in the process of Jia Yan's mutation? Come and take a look out of curiosity, knowing that he is a star in a special state. If the level exists, then the chance of taking action is too high.

Normally, those below the middle level of Galaxy would be fine, but if a more powerful Intermediate Galaxy, or even a Territory Lord, came, it would be a big trouble.

"Here, the master said that he also wants to go to a place where no one cares. This place is quite suitable, but the surrounding area is a bit barren and even a bit environmentally dangerous."

Inside the Edisha, he called up a map. These maps were the public versions of the maps he had downloaded after connecting to the Internet in the previous star fields.

Even though it was something from the street, it was still of great help to him. After all, no matter what, it was much better than the centuries-old version in the hands of the Zerg Queen.

The Edisa moved quickly, pushing Jia Yan towards the place chosen by Edisa.

Jia Yan returned to his previous feeling, neither speaking nor moving. If they didn't know that he had fought in a battle before, some people might have thought that he died in this sub-space.

I don't know how much time has passed, but it has been so long that Jia Yan thinks that this should be the longest mutation he has experienced.

In fact, it was also the longest one. In short, Jia Yan had been holding back, trying not to let anything happen to his mutated body.

Because there were no outside resources coming in, his body had several riots, and even once, it slightly affected Jia Yan's plan.

Fortunately, his control power is quite amazing. At least he can adjust his body to the best condition before the problem occurs.

"We're here, Master, please bear with us."

Seeing how uncomfortable Jia Yan was, Edisha finally aimed the Edisha at the place she recognized and rushed out of the subspace.

In the process, the Edisha slightly damaged its engine, but the Edisha was not heartbroken at all, because for the sake of Jia Yan's body, it didn't think that a little damage to the Edisha would do anything. It's a problem, not to mention it's not something that can't be fixed.

"Are we there? Very good, Edisha, don't worry, check the surroundings carefully to see if there is any danger before leaving the sub-space."


Edisha knows Jia Yan's worries. After all, the closer you get to the central star region of the galaxy, the more danger there will be. This does not only refer to the danger of strong people, but even the danger of living things. Find Shuyuan www.

On a larger level, this refers to environmental dangers, because galaxies are like this. The closer you get to the central area, the greater the energy gathered. For example, in the central area of ​​the Milky Way, the density of stars in it is extremely amazing, and There are so many black holes, meteorite materials, etc. here that outside creatures cannot even imagine them.

Of course, that being said, in fact there is still some distance between stars, at least not so dense that they are crowded together.

Although the Edisa was relatively nervous, it was really not that easy to meet people just by randomly finding a space with no planets in the universe.

So a moment later, in the dark space of space, a spaceship squeezed out of subspace and appeared here carrying a creature that was far larger than it, so no one noticed it.

Of course, the ones who need to worry most are the powerful ones above the Galaxy level.

If there is that kind of strong person living nearby, even if they are hundreds of millions of kilometers apart, they may be able to detect the changes in the starry sky. Of course, the most likely possibility is to detect the appearance of a strong person here.

If this is bad luck, the Edisha will have no choice but to help Jia Yan enter the subspace, and then they will change direction again until they find a more convenient place.

So speaking of it, it is relatively safe, unless they run into the arms of a big force or strong man, then there is nothing they can do.

Of course this is unlikely.

"Come out, Master. There are no strong people or civilization outside. We can come and go freely here!"

Edisha was extremely happy and shouted to Jia Yan, who was definitely still conscious.

"Very well, Edisa, release your exploration machine and see if there are any substances around that are worthy of my absorption. I want to get my body back to normal as soon as possible."

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