Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 22 Restore to normal Galaxy level!

"With such a mental outlook, I can definitely accomplish something, so I'll speed up!"

The mid-level creature from the galaxy smiled silently.

Then, the speed of this team suddenly increased.

The arrival of the outside team was beyond Edisha's expectation.

It is still doing its best to help Jia Yan delay time.

All in all, this delay is also beneficial, because the outside world, so far, is not sure whether the person here is the person they are looking for. If Edisha does not help delay the delay, and the outside world knows, it is the person here who is here. That's a big problem for the criminal they want.

There might not be one Galaxy-level team coming, but two or even three teams.

That is most likely a terrifying threat that even a mid-level peak creature in the galaxy cannot withstand.

Fortunately, what is coming is just a team.

Therefore, Editha's Lost Tracking Step is still very effective. At least it confuses the enemies, so there are not so many enemies.

"Alright, I will tell you the information you want to know when that galaxy-level being arrives, but please don't tamper with the signal. I think the trust between us needs to be built on integrity. Is not it?"

Editha smiled slightly.

"Okay, let's send the signal right now. I wonder what kind of signal you want us to send."

The star-level creatures on the opposite side, as well as the senior executives of the surrounding investigation team, all smiled bitterly.

Because they know that even if they agree to Edisa's request, when it comes time to send the signal, Edisa will definitely give some other reason to stop sending, and wait a few days before doing this again. Incidents happen repeatedly.

This is already their habit.

The creature of light and shadow has unknowingly become a being that cannot be offended in their eyes, and they do not want to try to kill this creature of light and shadow.

Because this light and shadow creature, not to mention whether it has any fighting methods, only that they are sure that there is definitely a galaxy-level creature behind the light and shadow creature, so they dare not take action.

It was satisfying to kill this light and shadow creature for a while, but if the galaxy-level creatures attacked with anger, they would be doomed.

No one thinks that a group of the strongest people is the team of a star-level creature and can escape the pursuit of a galaxy-level creature.

"That's right, let's put it that way."

Edisha seemed to be very satisfied with the intelligence information they had drawn up.

What was a little surprising this time was that these creatures sent the signal.

According to the signal that Edisha said, the content is that there is a little problem here. It is a light and shadow creature from the outer star field. It is retreating with its owner here, but there is a little movement, which leads to There was a misunderstanding, so the other party wanted to reconcile with the owner of this star field.

This content is not that innovative, but the stellar-level creatures did not expect that they were actually allowed to send it out this time after being unable to send it out several times in the past.

"Haha, okay, now you have sent it. In the content, the issue of requiring a galaxy-level creature to come here to negotiate has been explained clearly. You can leave if you want, but my suggestion is that you stay. After all, you You are the one who communicates with me. When your so-called superior comes and I communicate with him, you can also be a middleman to avoid misunderstandings."

The words spoken by Edisa are becoming more and more humane, and the feeling of grasping people's hearts is getting stronger and stronger.

"Okay, we're not leaving."

A group of creatures led by stellar creatures did not dare to refute anything.

Because they know that this is just an excuse for the light and shadow creatures in front of them to give orders to them, and every time such an excuse is so beautiful, they all think it is true.

If there weren't similar excuses every time, once or twice, they would really believe it.

As for now, every time Edisa has an excuse to prevent them from leaving or sending signals to the outside world, these creatures will believe it and there is something wrong.

"Hey, Master, I have done enough. Now it depends on whether you can get out of seclusion."

Editha looked at the group of creatures in front of her, who were terrified of her, and knew that she had reached her limit.

Why is it willing to let the other party send signals? It was because it detected that some of these creatures had already contacted her privately and said they wanted to take action against Edisha.

If Edisha still doesn't agree this time, they will take action, and even if Edisha doesn't die, she will definitely make this group of creatures stop cooperating with it.

The result is the same, they will still send out signals, but those signals will not be as peaceful as Edisha said, they will definitely be the enemy's invading level.

The galaxy-level creatures that come like that may be one or two or three powerful people.

But if the signal sent out seems to have some room for maneuver, then the coming Galaxy class will probably not be too strong, or in other words, the coming Galaxy class will not be so hostile.

It was thinking, even if the galaxy-level powerhouses came, would it use the deception ability it had honed to deceive them?

Of course, it's too early to think about this now, and Edisha doesn't know whether her deception can deceive even a galaxy-level powerhouse.

After all, when they deceived the group of creatures in front of them, they were not really deceived, but the situation was stronger than the people. They knew that Edisha had force in her hands or had a back-up.

As for the arrival of a new Xihe-level powerhouse, he probably won't worry about Edisa having the means to kill him, so the opponent will certainly not be easily suppressed.

Returned to subspace.

The place in the fifth dimension is about to be investigated by the outside investigation team.

The depth of the fifth dimension, even if it is not too difficult to investigate for the creatures in this star field, is definitely not easy to investigate.

They have already investigated about the first and second floors from the outside, and are halfway through the third and fourth floors.

It will be difficult to investigate the fifth floor, but it is not impossible to investigate. Edisha believes that it will not be long before they turn the machine to high power to investigate the fifth-dimensional subspace.

In this way, Jia Yan's cocoon may be exposed, and the body of the Edisa may also be exposed.

This group of creatures should have information about Jia Yan and the others when they come here. When they see the Edisha or feel Jia Yan's brainwave power, they will definitely know that this is what they are looking for. Target.

There was no way to hide it anymore, so Adisha had no choice but to take action against them.

However, it cannot guarantee whether the situation will change in the future.

"Master, if I can't hold on anymore, you have to wake up. I can kill a star-level being, but I can't kill a galaxy-level being."

Editha sighed.

It knows that its combat capabilities are completely incompetent. Even the explosive materials Jia Yan gave it have become much weaker than before due to the passage of time. Therefore, it feels that even if the group outside has only one It may no longer be able to kill the team of stellar-level creatures.

Otherwise, why would I keep using deception, just because I have no confidence in my own strength?

And in front of this little light and shadow mosquito.

An incomparably huge cocoon seemed to have the shadow of a gigantic creature forming within it.

The shadow had turned into the phantom of a monster.

It's just that a large part of the area has not yet been completely formed, which means that this monster has not reached the stage where it can be hatched.

However, even if it hadn't hatched, the monster's momentum had already spread throughout the entire subspace.

It was an unimaginably terrifying momentum.

Even the light and shadow monsters became a little frightened, and were rushed far away by the invisible momentum several times.

It's still an incorporeal light and shadow monster, that's all. If it were a creature with a concrete body, it would definitely be even worse.

In fact, the monster inside can hear what the light and shadow creature says outside.

The creature in this cocoon is naturally the giant mosquito Jia Yan.

At this moment, Jia Yan was completely awake.

"The ears are already there, and so are the eyes, but most of the body is still in a vague state. It's a little difficult to move. If you give me another half month or so, I might be able to control the movements of this cocoon. "

Jia Yan kept thinking in the cocoon.

He knew that Edisa probably couldn't fool the outside investigation team for much longer.

If they break up, then he will have to rely on him to fight in the future, because Edisha probably doesn't have that kind of fighting ability.

Or should be said, there is none. Even with the explosives he gave, Cute Disha is not a combat light and shadow intelligence, and she has no experience. If it were an ordinary star-level creature, using the explosions he gave Even if its power is much weakened, it can still cause damage to opponents who are one or two levels above itself.

The same cannot be said for Editha. The battles or projections analyzed by it using intelligent equations are all based on calculations. If the enemy is prepared, it will definitely be useless.

This is the real reason why intelligent programmed creatures cannot pose a threat to powerful creatures.

Just like in the Milky Way, many robot races were quite powerful before, and even technological weapons caused certain star areas to be ruled by them.

But in the later stage, none of these races could be promoted. Either they provoked the real galaxy-level powerhouses and were wiped out by them, or they could not raise their own civilization level and were driven to destruction.

This is the limit of intelligence.

"My body has almost the combat power of an ordinary Galaxy level."

Jia Yan felt his body silently.

He knew that once his body and brain wave power was restored, he would have almost the fighting power of the weakest Galaxy level powerhouse. After all, his current strength was that of a being who had reached the middle level of Galaxy level. If he only recovered to the level of In terms of Xinghe's initial strength, it is still very simple.

But the next step is more troublesome than handing over.

"I think my mutation has branched a bit, or I'm choosing a path."

He was thinking about his physical problems.

This problem is actually not a big problem, it just depends on which aspect he chooses to fix first.

For example, one area is the foot. If the foot is restored, then he will regain a lot of combat effectiveness.

"But the problem is, if you restore the foot, some aspects of the body will be difficult to repair in the near future."

"If you go to repair your body, your feet will take a long time to repair."

Jia Yan has been thinking about where he should repair first.

After thinking about it carefully, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, I can repair my feet first. As for the body... I'm not in a hurry, because when the time comes, I can completely use this cocoon as my body temporarily."

Jia Yan thought of the characteristics of silkworm cocoons.

To be honest, even if this cocoon is not as useful as the real body, its actual defensive power cannot be underestimated.

After all, it was the defensive cocoon that automatically condensed during his mutation process. To Jia Yan, it was almost as good as his own body.

This means that if his body has not been fully repaired, then there is nothing wrong with him using the cocoon as a temporary body.

It's just ugly.

Just go ahead and do it, Jia Yan put his choice to his feet.

With the feet, he will have a choice of weapons in combat, and his strength will increase by leaps and bounds, and he will have the power to fight back. Otherwise, if there is really a strong person, he will come to kill him while he is not fully recovered. If so, then he has no offensive weapons and has simply lost his greatest weapon.

Now this plan is actually a pretty good one.

Jia Yan worked hard to focus his mutation on his feet.

You know, he even lost his foot before, so at this moment, in order to prevent losing his foot again, he used a lot of condensation to make the foot as strong as possible.

"This way, even if I want to use my feet as the raw material for explosion again, it will definitely be more powerful, haha."

Jia Yan smiled silently. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Of course, the reason for the thickness of the foot is not to make it self-destruct again. Jia Yan would not do this unless it was absolutely necessary. After all, every time the foot is blown up, it will cause a certain amount of damage, even if it is repaired with mutation. Maybe there was something wrong with the genes. Of course, the mutation progressed very quickly this time. The foot mutated just after losing it, so the repair was relatively normal.

But if after an explosion, you wait a few years for mutation and repair, the genetic memory effect will be gone. The repaired foot will probably have half the original combat effectiveness, or even lower. Jia Yan will not even cry. No place to cry.

So this time he made his feet thicker, not so much to have more explosive power when he self-destructs next time, but because he wanted to make his feet stronger and able to face more enemies. enemy.


Within the subspace, countless voices continued to sound.

This is the sound of condensation rapidly transforming itself. ()

.. m.

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